Whitehorse Cross Country Ski Club

Whitehorse Cross Country Ski Club - Cold Weather Policy and Guidelines - DRAFT Sept 2014
The board of the Whitehorse Cross Country Ski Club approved a policy for closing the Ski Chalet (Wax
Room) during extremely cold weather. The policy for 2014/2015 will be:
When the actual air temperature as posted by Environment Canada at the Whitehorse Airport is -35C
or colder the Ski Chalet will be closed.
The ski club needs a cold weather policy so that there is an understanding of expectations of users and
staff during extremely cold weather. The policy recognizes the practicalities of opening at extreme
temperatures, and that consideration is given to management and staff who are scheduled to open or
The reasons are as follows:
There is a cost associated with opening and closing the Ski Chalet. At extreme temperatures
only a few people choose to ski or snowshoe and providing a heated, staffed building for the
chance that a few people will use it, is an unnecessary expense.
Skier Safety - being open when -35C or colder sends a message that it is safe to ski/snowshoe.
Although it can be safe to be outdoors in extreme cold, it should be up to each person to take
responsibility for their own safety. Novice skiers and snowshoers should be encouraged to
venture out only with a qualified instructor or a partner who is experienced and should know
that help may not be available at The Ski Base.
Rescuer Safety – When the ski chalet is open there is an implication that help is available by
phoning The Ski Base. If somebody is lost, overdue or injured, it will put ski club
volunteers/staff/EMS at risk if a rescue is required.
Staff safety – requiring staff to start vehicles on extremely cold mornings in order to open at
8:30 is not safe for the vehicle or the driver. Driving home after a shift is unsafe for the same
Operational Guidelines
Ski Club Members and Visitors:
1. Be aware that the cut-off temperature is -35C. The only temperature that will be used for this
purpose is the Environment Canada current temperature, observed at the Whitehorse Airport.
2. When planning to visit the Ski Chalet during very cold weather, members and visitors should
check the temperature first.
3. The ski club website is not updated continuously and there may be delays in providing
information. Skiers, snowshoers and other users are responsible for checking the temperature
before going to the Chalet. The Environment Canada weather information is available through
the ski club website or by calling 668-6061.
How management will inform members and visitors about the policy and procedures:
1. Website – increase awareness of the Temperature link, Environment Canada link
2. Facebook – use social media for last minute announcements and direct to links
3. Twitter – as with Facebook
4. Signs at Chalet – post policy throughout season – standard signage on doors when cold
5. Enews – already started giving a heads up. Reminders when cold spell forecast.
6. Personal contact – Ski Base staff will inform users during cold weather periods
7. Press release in October and when first cold snap hits.
8. CBC interview – Mike or board member
9. Ski Reports – standard line plus higher profile during cold snaps
10. Live ski reports on CKRW and CBC at scheduled times.
How management/staff will inform facility users about cold weather closures/openings at the time:
1. Sign on Wax Room main entrance door.
2. Note on website Trail Report page.
3. Facebook and/or Twitter post.
Ski Base staff will consult with the Club Manager or Retail Manager if the opening or closing routines are
affected by extreme cold weather.
When scheduled to open, staff will check Environment Canada weather at 8am, either by phone or by
using the Env Canada website.
If the temperature, not including wind chill is minus 35C or colder and the pattern indicates that
it will remain cold, staff will not open the Chalet at 9am. Management will make decisions as
required. Management will update website, and use social media to confirm that chalet will not
open until further notice.
If the temperature is near -35C and expected to rise, scheduled staff will phone Club Manager or
other designated manager to determine plan for the day. Staff will remain at home, on standby
until 9am or until management has given direction regarding when to start shift. Management
will decide whether staff should come in for shift or not. Two hours of standby time will be paid
to staff, if the shift is cancelled or postponed to a later time. Management will make decisions
regarding opening as scheduled or wait until temperature rises to -34C. Chalet will be open only
if the temperature is -34C or warmer. Management will update website and social media as
required until a final decision is made.
If the temperature is -30C to -34C and dropping, scheduled staff will phone management and a
decision can be made regarding who will open that day. Chalet will be open at 9am, but if
temperature continues to fall, a decision may be made to close for the day.
 On weekdays, if temperature is -35 or colder and falling at 6pm, staff will plan to close at
8pm. Staff must make personal contact with every skier and inform them of early closing and
will place signs on exit doors to warn of early closing. Staff will begin cashing out at 7pm and
will lock up and leave at 8pm. Staff will update website and social media regarding the earlier
On weekends, if the temperature is -35C or colder in the afternoon, staff will close the chalet at
5pm. If anybody is using the facility, staff will speak directly to them and inform them of early
closing time and the cold weather policy.
Management may direct staff to close earlier if there is a prolonged cold spell with
temperatures between -30 and -35 and there is nobody using the Chalet.
Regardless of the closing time, whether it is 6pm on weekends, 10pm weeknights, or another
posted/shortened closing time, staff will have the following responsibility before closing.
If a skier is known to be out skiing and has told the Ski Base staff person, or left a message at the Ski
Base specifically saying that he/she will be back by closing time, the Ski Base staff will initiate a missing
person response.
 The minimum response will be to phone the emergency contact for the missing person, if the
name of the missing skier is known.
 Phone the management call out list if the staff person is not able to remain on site.
Other considerations during extreme cold weather:
Cross Country Yukon staff, may at their discretion, open the Chalet for team practices and
meetings. CCY staff would be responsible for building security and would not be authorized to
let other skiers in. CCY staff will consult with WCCSC management.
Skiers with lockers who anticipate a need to access their locker during a cold spell would have to
plan to remove their skis beforehand. A phone number will be posted so that members can
contact somebody during an unexpected closure to arrange access, at the convenience of the
assigned manager.
The Club Manager or other delegated manager is always responsible for opening/closing the
building. If there is a staff person or other delegated person assigned to opening/closing, then
they should contact the Manager on cold mornings/evenings to get direction. The Manager will
then determine the course of action.
Only a staff or manager who is able to walk or use transit to get to the Chalet would be expected
to open during extreme cold weather. If that is not possible, and it is essential for the staff or
manager to open, the ski club will cover taxi expenses for the manager/staff to get to work.
Staff or managers who choose to use their own vehicle regardless of the previous note, will be
responsible for problems arising from that decision