Current CV/Bio

First name: Miroslav
Surname: Georgiev
Family name: Stefanov
Day of birth: November 30, 1960
Place of birth: Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
Address: 45 “Tsar Simeon Veliki” Str., ap. 25
6003 Stara Zagora
tel.: ++359 42/ 699 469 (university)
Family status: married
Place of work: Dep. of Animal morphology, physiology and nutrition
Agricultural Faculty
Trakia University
Student’s town
6000 Stara Zagora
Education: University education
Veterinary faculty, Trakia University, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
Subject: veterinary medicine
Graduate: Dec 1984
Scientific degrees: MSc of veterinary medicine - 1984, PhD of veterinary
medicine (morphology) - 1998; Doctor of Science (DSc) of animal and human
physiology - 2008.
Profesional experiense: Dec 1984 - veterinary surgeon in the Regional Veterinary
Centre, Shumen, BULGARIA;
Jan 1988- veterinary surgeon in the Dep. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Veterinary
faculty, Trakia University, Stara Zagora, BULGARIA;
Mar 1989-Dep. of Morphology, Veterinary faculty, Trakia University, Stara
Zagora - аssistant professor; 1992 –senior assistant professor, Agricultural faculty,
1995-higher assistant professor; Jan 2001 – till now, assoc. professor.
2004 - 2012 - Head of the Section of Morphology, Dep. of Animal morphology,
physiology and nutrition, Agricultural faculty, Trakia university Stara Zagora.
2003 – 2007 - elected chancellor of municipality of Stara Zagora. Vice-chairman
of “Commission of rural, forestry and agricultural development” of municipality of
Stara Zagora (2003-2007). Member of Chairman council of the municipality of
Stara Zagora (2003-2007). Member of the “Commission of science and education”
of the municipality of Stara Zagora (2003-2007).
Number of scientific peer-reviewed papers - 70, manuals – 3, monographs – 3.
Number of popular science papers – 18.
Scientific directions: cardiovascular system, prostate, osteology, imaging
anatomy, Primo Vascular System.
Internal university scientific projects - 7
International scientific and education projects: 1993 -TEMPUS program,
University Santiago de Compostela, Lugo, Spain; University Complutense,
Madrid, Spain, TEMPUS-IMG-93-1027 (education project);
1994 – TEMPUS program, University Complutense, Madrid, Spain, TEMPUSIMG-93-2115 (education project);
1995-1996 – Scientific Project: “Vascularization of different animal organs”; Grant
sponsor Government of Spain; place: Dep. of Anatomy, Veterinary faculty,
University Complutense, Madrid, Spain – 9 months.
Partitipation: Grant: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain, Proyecto
Multidisciplinar #4835.
March 2012 - august 2012 - visiting professor-researcher in the international team
of Nano Primo Research Center, Advanced Institute of Convergence Technology,
Seoul National University, South Korea as a part of project B110076 from
Traditional Korean Medicine R&D Project, Ministry of Health and Welfare, South
Academic achievements:
1. Teaching experience of Morphology (Anatomy, Histology, Cell biology,
Embryology): A. Since 1989 has lead seminars; since 2001 has lead lectures to
students at Trakia University, Stara Zagora.
B. Seminars with students maturing in veterinary medicine in Veterinary faculty,
Complutense University, Madrid, Spain (1995-96).
C. Lecture for applying new method read in Nano Primo Research Center,
Advanced Institute of Convergence Technology, Seoul National University, South
2. Participation in international and national professional associations:
-member of the World Association of Veterinary Anatomists, since 2003;
-member of the European Association of Veterinary Anatomists, since 2004;
-member of Bulgarian anatomical society;
-member of Bulgarian Union of the Scientists;
-member of the Board of managers of the Stara Zagora Union of Scientists (20012005);
-Chairman of the section “Veterinary medicine and agricultural sciences” of the
Stara Zagora Union of Scientists (2001-2005);
-member of International Society for the Primo Vascular System (since 2012).
3. Participations in editorial boards of scientific journals:
- Vice editor-in-chief of Trakia Journal of Sciences – the scientific journal of
Trakia University Stara Zagora (2003-2004).
- Senior Editor of Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies – since 2012.
4. Leadership of scientific conferences:
- Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 10Th Scientific conference of the
Union of Scientists with international participation, June 1999, Stara Zagora,
-Scientific Secretary, Congress of Bulgarian anatomical society with international
participation, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, 2007.
1. Spanish – Sertificado de Facultad de Filologia, Universidad Complutense,
Madrid, Spain.
2. English – Diploma from Trakia University, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria.
3. Russian – Diploma from primary school, secondary school and Trakia
4. Latin –Diploma from secondary school and Trakia university.
List of the more important publications:
1. Stefanov, M., R. Martin-Orti, R. Martin, I. Gaspar (1996). Distribution of the
arterial vessels of the dog prostate. A. Prostatica or a. urogenitalis. Anat Histol
Embryol, 26(3): 264.
2. Stefanov, M., R. Martin-Orti (1997). Histostructure of the canine prostatic
artery. J Anim Sci (BG), 7-8: 130-132.
3. Stefanov, M., S. Ribarski, R. Martin-Orti (1997). A striated muscle in pars
prostatica of canine urethra. Bulg J Agricult Sci, 3: 789-794.
4. Stefanov, M. (1998). Histostructure of canine prostatic vein. Bulg J Agricult
Sci, 4: 357-361.
5. Stefanov, M. (1998). Vascularization of the prostate and prostatic part of the
canine urethra. PhD Thesis, Trakia University, Stara Zagora.
6. Martin-Orti, M. Stefanov, I. Gaspar, R. Martin, N. Martin-Alguacil (1999).
Effect of anticoagulation and lavage prior to casting of postmortem material with
Mercox and Batson N 17. J of Microscopy (Oxford), 195 (2): 150-160.
7. Stefanov, M. (1999). Structure and organization of the capillaries of the dog
prostate. J Anim Sci (BG), 5-6: 88-93.
8. Stefanov, M. (1999). Vascularization of the dog’s prostate parenchyma. J Anim
Sci (BG), 5-6: 94-100.
9. Stefanov, M. (1999). Particularities of the structure of urethral pars prostatica in
the dog. J Anim Sci (BG), 5-6: 101-103.
10. Stefanov, M. and R. Martin-Orti (1999). Particularities of the vascularization
of urethral pars prostatica in the dog. J Anim Sci (BG), 5-6: 104-109.
11. Stefanov, M. (1999). Spermatozoa in outgoing system of dog’s prostate gland.
J Anim Sci (BG), 5-6: 110-112.
12. Stefanov, M. (1999). Clinical morphology of the vessels in the dog prostate. J
Anim Sci (BG), 5-6: 116-117.
13. Stefanov, M. (1999). Morphological investigations of the prostate in the
domestic animals. J Anim Sci (BG), 2: 109-111.
14. Stefanov, M. (1999). Vascularization of the dog’s prostate. J Anim Sci (BG),
15. Stefanov, M. R. Martin-Orti, R. Martin, I. Gaspar (1999). Main blood vessels
of canine prostate gland. Bulg J Agricult Sci, 5: 781-787.
16. Stefanov, M. (1999). Morphological base of the mechanisms involved in the
physiological and patophysiological processes. J Anim Sci (BG), 3-4: 133-137.
17. Stefanov, M. (1999). “Morphology and biology of the prostate”, Con-Car
Universe, Stara Zagora, monography (Mariana Stefanova, ed.).
18. Stefanov, M, N. Martin-Alguacil, R. Martin-Ort (2000). Distinct vascular
zones in the canine prostate. Micr Res Tech, 50: 169-175.
19. Stefanov, M. Extraglandular and intraglandular vascularization of canine
prostate (2004). Micr Res Tech, 63 (4): 188-197.
20. Stoev, S. D., M. Stefanov, St. Denev, B. Radic, A-M. and Peraica (2004).
Experimental mycotoxicosis in chickens induced by Ochratoxin A and Penicillic
Acid and intervention with natural plant extracts. Vet Res Commun 28: 727-746.
21. Djuvinov, D., M. Stefanov, S. Boicheva and T. Vlaikova (2005). Effect of diet
formulation on basis of digestible amino acids and supplementation of probiotic on
performance of broiler chicks. Trakia J of Sciences 3: 61-69.
22. Vladova, D., Y. Toneva, M. Stefanov (2005). Computed tomography (CT) of
the cranial mediastinum in the cat (Felis silvestris F. Domestica). Trakia J of
Sciences 3: 53-57.
23. Vladova, D., M. Stefanov, Y. Toneva (2005). Computed tomography study of
thoracic aorta in the cat. Bulg J of Vet Med 8, (3): 151-156.
24. Stefanov, M. (2008). Morphological-functional analysis upon the metapodium
of the small ruminants and equids. DSc Thesis, Trakia University, Stara Zagora.
25. D. Vladova, D. Dimitrov, D. Kostov, S. Savov, M. Stefanov (2009). Structural
and histochemical studies on heart ventricle wall in the cat. Trakia Journal of
Science,7(1), 54 – 57.
26. M. Stefanov, D. Vladova, R. Dimitrov, N. Lazarov (2010). Ultrastructural
localization of gene product 9.5 and neuron specific enolase in the normal dog
prostate. Medicine, Veterinaire medicine, Morphologie, Comptes rendus de
l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, 63(3), 455 – 460.
27. Dimitrov R., P. Yonkova, D. Vladova, D. Kostov, М. Stefanov (2010).
Comparative gender-related analysis of the localization of tissue alkaline and acid
phosphatase expression in the urethra in domestic cats (Felis silvestris catus).
Trakia Journal of Science, 8(1), 58 – 63.
28. P. Yonkova, D. Vladova, R. Dimitrov, А. Rusenov, D. Zaprjanova, P.
Аtanassova, M. Stefanov (2010). Morphology and ultrasonography of the
pericardial and epicardial adipose tissue in healthy rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus).
Trakia Journal of Sciences, 8(2), 73 - 77.
29. R. Dimitrov, D. Vladova, D. Кostov, М. Stefanov (2010). Localization and
shape of basal cells in feline prostate gland. Trakia Journal of Sciences, 8(4), 67 –
30. D. Vladova, M. Stefanov (2010). Ultrasonography-aided anatomical
investigation of the heart and some pelvic organs. Bulgarian Journal of
Agricultural Science, 16 (1), 99 – 104.
31. R. Dimitrov, Y. Toneva, D. Vladova, K. Stamatova, М. Stefanov (2011).
Computed tomographic imaging of vesicular glands in rabbits. Journal of Animal
and Veterinary Advances, 10(1), 55 – 59.
32. R. Dimitrov, D. Vladova, K. Stamatova, D. Kostov, M. Stefanov (2011).
Transthoracal two-dimensional ultrasonographic anatomical study of the heart in
the rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Trakia Journal of Sciences, 9(3), 45 – 50.
33. R. Dimitrov, Y. Toneva, D. Vladova, K. Stamatova, M. Stefanov (2011).
Computed Tomographic Imaging of Vesicular Glands in rabbits. Journal of Animal
and Veterinary Advances, 10(1), 55 – 59.
34. R. Dimitrov, K. Stamatova, A. Russenov, D. Kostov, D. Vladova, M. Stefanov
(2012). Ultrasonographic qualitative characters of rabbit spleen (Oryctolagus
cuniculus). Trakia Journal of Sciences, 10(1), 64 – 69.
35. Dimitrov, R., D. Vladova, K. Stamatova, D. Kostov, M. Stefanov (2012).
Anatomical computed tomographic study of the heart and some mediastinal vessels
of the rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science,
18(5), 784-788.
36. Stefanov, M. (2012). Critical Review and Comments on B.H. Kim's Work on
the Primo Vascular System, Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies, 5
37. Stefanov, M., J. Kim (2012). Primo Vascular System as a New
Morphofunctional Integrated System, Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian
Studies, 5 (5): 193-200.
38. Stefanov, M., J. Kim, M. Nam, K. Soh (2013). New approach of corrosion
casting using direct injection of Mercox into the parenchyma of different organs.
The Anatomical Record, 296: 724-725.
39. Stefanov, M., M. Potroz, J. Kim, J. Lim, R. Cha, M. Nam (2013). Primo
Vascular System As New Anatomical System. J. of Acupuncture and Meridian
Studies 6(6): 331-338.
40. Dimitrov, R., D. Vladova, K. Stamatova- Yovcheva, P. Yonkova, D. Kostov,
M. Stefanov (2014). Comparative imaging anatomical study of the heart and
selected mediastinal vessels in the rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). J Fac Vet Med
Istanbul Univer 40 (1): 20-28.
Participations in the most important congresses:
1. XXI Congress of the European Association of Veterinary Anatomists, Lugo,
Spain, 1996.
2. Royal Microscopical Society (MICRO’96), London, UK, 1996.
3. 12th Congress of Bulgarian anatomists, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 1995.
4. 45th Annual Meeting of EAAP, Edinburg, UK, 1994.
5. 11th Congress of Anatomists, histologists and embryologists, Sofia, Bulgaria,
6. 43th Annual Meeting of EAAP, Madrid, Spain, 1992.
7. Sixth international symposium of clinical anatomy, Varna, Bulgaria, 2004.
The fourth major accomplishments of the researcher:
1. Change in Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria (NAV) in cooperation with Spanish
researchers. The main researcher was Dr. M. Stefanov. After giving the report
before the XXIst Congress of the European Association of Veterinary Anatomists,
1999, Lugo, Spain about the variability of a. rectalis media which is the most
frequently is the first branch of a. prostatica, there was a suggestion given by the
Chairman of the Subcommittee of Angiologia of NAV the report data to be
included in the Subcommittee of Angiologia in order to be viewed as a proposition
for the change in footnote #68 in NAV. The proposition has been approved in 1999
at the World Congress of Veterinary Anatomists in Lyon (France) and then it is
passed almost the whole procedure in compliance with NAV requirements. The
publication of the change in the definitive draft of NAV is made in 2005.
2. A. The method of SEM of vascular corrosion casts has been modificated. The
modification has been made with Spanish colleagues. The part including the
prostate and prostatic part of the urethra and use of post mortem material is the
special attribution of the researcher. B. New approach of corrosion casting method
was applied. The modification has been made together with Korean researchers.
3. The zonality of the blood supply of the prostate, the independent blood supply of
the two lobes of the prostate, the venous plexuses in the preprostatic part of the
urethra and around the end of ductus deferens, the beginning and type of m.
urethralis and the existence of independent arterial branch for the prostatic part of
the urethra.
4. Distribution concerning the discovery of new anatomical system as Primo
Vascular System together with international team, especially with Korean