THE ANALYSIS OF CODE-MIXING USED IN THE MOVIE ENTITLED “AKU ATAU DIA?” BY AFFANDI ABDUL RACHMAN Dewi Agnes Vitaloka English Education Study Program Language and Arts Department Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Siliwangi Bandung ABSTRACT The objectives of the research entitled “The Analysis of Code-Mixing Used in the Movie Entitled “Aku atau Dia?” by Affandi Abdul Rachman” are to find out the usage of code-mixing, the types of code-mixing, and to analyze the types of code-mixing are used in dialogue in “Aku atau Dia?” movie. The researcher used qualitative research method. The subjects of this research are all dialogues or conversations among the actors and actresses of “Aku atau Dia?” movie, and the instrument of the research is DVD movie consisting of the collected data relating to code-mixing. The data are collected by reading all the movie script in order to find out the types of code-mixing used, and the data are analyzed by theory of McArthur (1992:228-9) in Kaswan (2010:30) using percentage category by formula of Sudjana (1996:47) in Miftahudin (2011:47). The results of the research showed that there are 1263 Indonesian words, 149 Sundanese words, 34 Javanese words, 144 English words, 66 Tag Mixing, 103 Intra-sentential Mixing, 25 Inter-sentential Mixing and 7 Intra-word mixing. Key Words: Code-mixing, movie (Webster,1979:64). Hence, analysis consists of parts such as: nature, proportion, function, relationship. 2) Code A. BACKGROUND As future teachers, we are expected to learn general subjects and subjects of proficiency. One of the subjects of proficiency is sociolinguistics. Indonesian societies are bilinguals and multilingual. When they communicate or interact with each other, they may use code-mixing or codeswitching. The phenomenon of code-mixing happens not only between vernacular and Bahasa Indonesia, but also between Bahasa Indonesia and English. The phenomenon of code-mixing does not only occur in daily life situations. But it is also used by some programmers, broadcasters of radio, television, or cinema. The writer chooses “Aku atau Dia?” movie by Affandi Abdul Rachman, because four languages are used in this movie, they are Bahasa Indonesia, Sundanese, Javanese, and English. The writer chooses the mentioned movie because the writer found effect from this movie, influencing the audience, especially the teenager to follow their conversation. According to Wardhaugh (1998:86) in Kaswan (2010:24) code is defined as ”any kind of system that two or more people employ for communication”. a) Code Choice Holmes (1998) in Kaswan (2010:24) states that code or language choice is “influenced by certain social factors - who we are talking to, the social context of the talk, the function and the topic of the discussion”. b) Social Factors Affecting Choice Some dimensions may be relevant in accounting for the choice of variety or code in a particular situation. They are: (a) Social distance: How well do the participants know each other, i.e. what is the social distance between them? Are they strangers, friends, and brothers. (b) The status relationship between people may be relevant in selecting the appropriate code. (c) Features of the setting and the dimension of formally. (d) Function or goal of interaction (Kaswan, 2010:26). B. LITERATURE REVIEW 1) Analysis Analysis is “a separating or breaking up of any whole into its parts so as to find out their nature, proportion, function, relationship, etc” 1 c) Bilingualism C. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 1) Research Method In this research, the writer used qualitative research method. According to Fraenkel, Wallen, & Hyun (1990:696) qualitative research refers to “the research in which the investigator attempts to study naturally occurring phenomena in all their complexity”. 2) Instrument of the Research According to Heigham and Croker (2009) “there are several qualitative data collection methods: observation, interviews, questionnaires, introspective techniques, and discourse analysis”. So, instrument of this research is DVD movie consisting of the collected data relating to code-mixing. 3) Research Subjects In this research, the writer took the all dialogues or conversations among the actors and actresses of “Aku atau Dia?” movie as the subject of the research. 4) Data Collection The data was collected through documentary investigation and interpretation. The documentary and interpretation are used to gather the data about code-mixing. The data are collected from the whole script of “Aku atau Dia?” movie. Furthermore, the writer read carefully and identified each sentences for in depth analyzed based on types of code-mixing that is the main of data collection technique of this research. After watching the movie and printing the whole script of “Aku atau Dia?” movie the writer took a notes consisting of the collected data relating to codemixing, these data are presented in the form of table. All tables of the data are presented and discussed in chapter four. The data collected are classified into the following table: Table 1: The Data Collected in “Aku atau Dia?” Movie Kaswan (2010:28) explains that “bilingualism is the use of at least two languages either by an individual or by a group of speakers”. d) Code-Mixing Muysken (1995) in Mesthrie (2011:301) explains that code-mixing means “the use of more than one language during a single communicative event”. Code-mixing is usually used in informal situation; we can mix the code freely, especially if there are terms which cannot be expressed in other language. Codemixing occurs in either bilingual society. According to McArthur (1992:228) code-mixing refers to “terms in sociolinguistics for language and especially speech that draws to differing extents on at least two languages combined in different ways”. Richard, et al. (1995:43) in Kaswan (2010:29) states that code-switching or code-mixing means “a change by a speaker (or writer) from one language or language variety to another one”. According to McArthur (1992:228-9) in Kaswan (2010:30) there are four major types of code-mixing: (a) Tag Mixing, in which tags and certain set phrases in one language are inserted into an utterance otherwise in another. Example: Friends, ayo kita liburan ke pantai! (b) Intra-sentential Mixing, this type of code-mixing occurs within clause or sentence boundary. Example: Untung aja ada moment yang tepat. (c) Inter-sentential Mixing, this type of code-mixing in which a change in one language occurs at a clause or sentence boundary, where each clause is in one language or the other. Example: Adit ngajakin Tita married! (d) Intra-word Mixing, this type of code-mixing in which a change occurs within a word boundary. Example: Jangan lupa upload-in foto kita ya! 3) The Movie Entitled “Aku tau Dia?” Movies are “a type of visual communication which use moving pictures and sound to tell stories or inform (help people to learn about new ideas)” ( “Aku atau Dia?” is an Indonesian comedyromantic movie directed by Affandi Abdul Rachman was released on October 28, 2010 and the movie starred by Fedi Nuril, Julie Estelle, Rizky Hanggono, Ringgo Agus Rahman, Ananda Omesh, Sophie Types of Code Mixing No Text/ Tag mixing Dialogue (TM) Navita, Edo Borne, TJ, Aline Adita, and Shara Aryo. This movie focuses on the relationship between Novi and Dafi. 2 Intrasentential mixing Intersentential mixing Intraword mixing (Intra SM) (Inter SM) (Intra WM) 5) Data Analysis The data of this research are analyzed based on theory of McArthur (1992:228-9) in Kaswan (2010:30) which describe that there are four major types of code-mixing. The types are: tag mixing, intra-sentential mixing, inter-sentential mixing and intra-word mixing. The writer watched the movie, transcribe, and read the whole script of “Aku atau Dia?” movie. Then, the writer identified and classified each sentences to analyzed it based on theory of McArthur (1992:228-9) in Kaswan (2010:30). In accordance with the data collected, the writer used the technique of percentage. It is considered to be the most practical way for presenting and analyzing the data. Percentage is determined by using formula of Sudjana (1996:47) in Miftahudin (2011:47) as follows: f P = n × 100% As note: P = percentage f = total frequency of code-mixing n = total words 6) Research Procedures This research was intended to know further about the using of English, and vernacular (Sundanese and Javanese) in Indonesian movie. Concerning with the aims of the research, the writer took the following steps. The research employed procedures as follow: 1) Choosing the subject of the research. 2) Watching the “Aku atau Dia?” movie repeatedly and thoroughly to find the gist of the movie and to get better understanding. 3) Printing the whole script of “Aku atau Dia?” movie and read thoroughly and carefully. 4) Identifying all the script. 5) Classifying each sentence that used code-mixing. 6) Analyzing and interpreting the data collected based on type of code-mixing. 7) Drawing conclusions and suggestions. D. Findings and Discussion Table 2: The Findings and Analysis of CodeMixing in “Aku atau Dia?” Movie Types of Code Mixing No Text/ TM Dialogue 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 Tapi sekarang masalahnya beda kalau kamu sekarang masih fine bisa ngerti. Nov sini sayang, lagi apa atuh kamu beresberes terus Novi cuma lagi ingin sendiri aja, harus Novi yang bersihin teh. Kamu adakan orang-orang yang kamu percaya yang bisa dimintain tolong, untuk kasus kamu personal approach akan sangat membantu. Nyun sewu bu, maaf anu diluar ada tamu. Dan mungkin nanti kita bisa arrange waktu lagi, Dafi mungkin kapan bisa ada waktu yang kosong untuk ketemu mereka lagi? Intra Inter SM SM Intra WM Types of Code Mixing Types of Code Mixing No 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Text/ TM Intra Dialogue SM Keputusan aku waktu itu pure karena kerjaan bukan karena siapapun termasuk Amara Kurang ya, ini perfect. yang Sorry ganggu ini ada kiriman bunga lagi dari Philipe. Rama saya belum selesai bicara do not leave again Rama! Saya harus kerja dengan orang seperti Asep dan Wawan dalam waktu yang singkat, bagaimana saya bisa antisipasi ini kalau saya kerja dengan orang yang tidak competent. We are just friend dan ini bukan saat yang tepat untuk bahas ini. Right whatever kamu bilang teman, lihat kenyataannya ? Inter SM No Intra WM Text/ TM Dialogue 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Good, malah sesuai dengan rencana awal kita. Sayang tadi aku ke rumah kamu ternyata dia ada calling-an, dia ga bisa ikut. Congratulati on dan ini ada paket untuk kamu. Kamu yakinkan plan ini benarbenar berjalan ya. Bukan itu alasan dari awal kamu hire kita. Bapak punten, maaf lagi ini serius ketinggalan. Partnership itu akhirnya aku tolak setelah aku sadar kalau aku ambil itu aku jadi orang lain, aku mau aku yang dulu. Intra Inter SM Intra WM SM After analyzed and interpreted the data collected based on types of code-mixing, the writer found out there are 201 dialogues usage of code-mixing in “Aku atau Dia?” movie and there are 1263 Indonesian words, 149 Sundanese words, 34 Javanese words and 144 English words. The writer calculated the total percentage of the types of code-mixing are used in dialogue in “Aku atau Dia?” movie using formula of Sudjana (1996:47) in Miftahudin (2011:47) as follow: 4 f 5) The speaker and the writer can use the types of code-mixing in conversation. For example: a) Intra-sentential Mixing: Kamu adakan orang-orang yang kamu percaya yang bisa dimintain tolong untuk kasus kamu personal approach akan sangat membantu. b) Tag Mixing: Sorry ganggu ini ada kiriman bunga lagi dari Philipe. c) Inter-sentential Mixing: Saya harus kerja dengan orang seperti Asep dan Wawan dalam waktu yang singkat, bagaimana saya bisa antisipasi ini kalau saya kerja dengan orang yang tidak competent. d) Intra-word Mixing: Sayang tadi aku ke rumah kamu, ternyata dia ada calling-an dia ga bisa ikut. 6) In “Aku atau Dia?” movie there are 201 dialogues using code-mixing, it possible there is code-mixing in another movie. So, the next researchers can analyze the code-mixing in another movie. P = × 100% n As note: P = percentage f = total frequency of code-mixing n = total words Based on the formula above, the calculation of the percentage of the types of code-mixing are used in dialogue in “Aku atau Dia?” movie is presented in this follow: Table 3: The Percentage of the Types of CodeMixing No 1 2 3 4 The types of Code-mixing Tag Mixing Intrasentential Mixing Intersentential Mixing Intra-word Mixing Total Dialogue Codemixing P (%) 201 66 21,77% 201 103 21,91% F. BIBLIOGRAPHY 201 25 5,33% 201 7 1,11% Anonymous. (2013). Movie. [Online]. Available at: wiki/movie [February 20, 2013] Fraenkel, J.R.; Wallen, N.E. & Hyun, H.H. (1990). How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education (Eighth ed.). New York: McGrawHill Company. Based on the table above, there are 201 dialogues usage of code-mixing in “Aku atau Dia?” movie, that the most used are Intra-Sentential Mixing (21,91%), Tag Mixing (21,77%), Inter-Sentential Mixing (5,33%) and Intra-Word Mixing (1,11%). Heigham, J. & Croker.R.A. (2009). Qualitative Research in Applied Linguistics A Pratical Introduction. New York: St Martin’s Pres LLC. E. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 1) Code-mixing used in dialogue in “Aku atau Dia?” movie is frequent; there are 201 dialogues using code-mixing. 2) There are four types of code-mixing used in “Aku atau Dia?” movie according to the order of frequency: a) 103 Intra-sentential Mixing b) 66 Tag Mixing c) 25 Inter-sentential Mixing d) 7 Intra-word Mixing 3) To analyze the types of code-mixing, the writer watched the movie, printed and read the whole script “Aku atau Dia?” movie. After that she identified and classified the dialogues, and matched with the types of code-mixing. 4) The speaker and the writer can use code-mixing to create a more intimate atmosphere. Kaswan. (2010). A Brief Introduction to Language in Society. Cimahi: STKIP Siliwangi Press. McArthur, Tom. (1992). The Oxford Companion to The English Language. New York: Oxford University Press Mesthrie, Rajend. (2011). The Cambridge Handbook of Sociolinguistics. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. Miftahudin, Hendra. (2011). An Analysis of Code Switching Used by Presenter of “Gaul Bareng Bule” Reality Shown on Trans TV Program. Unpublished Paper. Bandung: STKIP Siliwangi Bandung. 5 Webster, Noah. (1979). Webster’s Deluxe Unabridge Dictionary. United States of America: New World Dictionary. 6