SUBSPECIALITY TRAINING PAEDIATRIC RESPIRATORY MEDICINE LOG BOOK (MINISTRY OF HEALTH MALAYSIA) Candidate’s Name:-____________________________________________ MMC number:________________________________________________ Paediatric Respiratory Sub-Speciality number:_______________________ Period of training: from________________ to_______________________ Supervisor’s name______________________________________________ Institution:____________________________________________________ CASE RECORDING OF MANAGEMENT OF DIFFICULT RESPIRATORY CASES 1. CONGENITAL LUNG MALFORMATION A minimum of 10 cases. (Pulmonary sequestration, Cystic lung malformation, Pulmonary agenesis, Pulmonary hypoplasia, diaphragmatic paralysis, diaphragmatic eventration etc) No. Date Name IC Age Diagnosis Outcome 2. DIFFICULT UPPER AIRWAY PROBLEMS A minimum of 20 cases. (Cranio-facial abnormalities, choanal atresia, cyst, cleft, malacic airway, stenosis etc) No. Date Name IC Age Diagnosis Outcome 3. CHRONIC LUNG DISEASE WITH OR WITHOUT PULMONARY HYPERTENSION A minimum of 30 cases. (Broncho-pulmonary dysplasia, CLD of infancy, Reflux associated respiratory diseases, bronchiolitis obliterans, BOOP, alveolitis and interstitial lung disease etc) No. Date Name IC Age Diagnosis Outcome Diagnosis Outcome 4. SUPPURATIVE LUNG DISEASE AND COMPLICATED PNEUMONIA A minimum of 20 cases. (Bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, empyema, lung abscess etc) No. Date Name IC Age 5. DIFFICULT ASTHMA AND OTHER WHEEZING DISORDERS A minimum of 30 cases. (Difficult to treat asthma, status asthmaticus, brittle asthma, recurrent wheezing or persistent wheezing disorder etc) No. Date Name IC Age Diagnosis Outcome 6. CARDIOVASCULAR RELATED RESPIRATORY DISEASES A minimum of 10 cases. (Hear failure with recurrent pneumonia, bronchial compression from enlarged heart, vascular ring, tracheobronchial malacic airway pre or post corrective surgery, acquired VCP(vocal cord palsy) or diaphragmatic paralysis and etc) No. Date Name IC Age Diagnosis Outcome 7. NEUROMUSCULOSKELETAL AND CNS RELATED RESPIRATORY DISEASES A minimum of 10 cases. (Scoliosis, Kyphosis, Myasthenia gravis, Duchene Muscular Dystrophy, Spinal Muscular Atrophy etc) No. Date Name IC Age Diagnosis Outcome 8. PAEDIATRIC SLEEP DISORDERS A minimum of 20 cases. (Sleep disordered breathing, obstructive sleep apnoea, hypersomnolence, narcolepsy, Periodic leg movement syndrome, poor sleep hygiene etc) No. Date Name IC Age Diagnosis 9. ACUTE AND CHRONIC CHEST INFECTION (INCLUDING TUBERCULOSIS) A minimum of 30 cases. Outcome No. Date Name IC Age Diagnosis Outcome Diagnosis Outcome 10. IMMUNODEFICIENCY RELATED RESPIRATORY DISEASES A minimum of 10 cases. (Underlying primary or secondary immunodeficiency states) No. Date Name IC Age 11. RARE DISEASES A minimum of 5 cases (Idiophatic Pulmonary Haemosiderosis, Sarcoidosis, Primary Pulmonary Hypertension, Histiocytosis,) No. Date Name IC Age Diagnosis Outcome CASE RECORDING OF RESPIRATORY RELATED INVESTIGATIONS AND PROCEDURES O = Observe A = Assist For each procedure the trainees need to start with observation, assist followed by perform and report. The number required observing and assisting before performing and report will be decided by the trainer. P = Perform R= Report 1. PEAK EXPIRATORY FLOW RATE (perform 10) No. Date Name IC Age Diagnosis Level of competency (O/A/P) Diagnosis Level of competency (O/A/P/R) 2. PULMONARY FUNCTION TESTS (Minimum to report 20) No. Date Name IC Age 3. pH OESOPHAGEAL MONITORING + IMPEDENCE (Minimum to report 10 /optional) No. Date Name IC Age Diagnosis Level of competency (O/A/P/R) Diagnosis Level of competency (O/A/P/R) 4. TRENDING PULSE OXYMETRY (Minimum to report 20) No. Date Name IC Age 5. OVERNIGHT POLYSOMNOGRAPHY (Minimum to report 20) No. Date Name IC Age Diagnosis Level of competency (O/A/P/R) Age Diagnosis Level of competency (O/A/P) 6. FLEXIBLE BRONCHOSCOPY (Minimum to perform 20) No. Date Name IC 7. NON-INVASIVE POSITIVE PRESSURE VENTILATION (Manage minimum 10 cases - inpatient) No. Date Name IC Age Diagnosis Level of competency (O/A/P) 8. HOME NON-INVASIVE AND INVASIVE VENTILATION PROGRAMME (Manage minimum 10 cases) No. Date Name 9. HOME OXYGEN THERAPY PROGRAMME (Manage minimum 10 cases) No. Date 10. TRACHEOSTOMY CARE (Manage minimum 10 cases) No. Date Name Name IC IC IC Age Age Age Diagnosis Level of competency (A/P) Diagnosis Level of competency (A/P) Diagnosis Level of competency (A/P) 11. HOME VISIT (Minimum 3 visits) No. Date 12. ALLERGY TESTING (Minimum 5 cases) Name IC Age Diagnosis Level of competency (P) (Observe how to do skin prick test and interpret IgE and RAST test) No. Date Name 12. OTHER PROCEDURES IC Age Diagnosis Level of competency (A/P) (Observe how to do sweat test and perform 6 minute walk test, chest tube drainage, methacholine/exercise challenge test) No. Date Name Prepared on 190513 IC Age Diagnosis Level of competency (O/A/P/R)