2 How does Betty describe her job in Guadalajara?

1 AE F4 T16 Listen to the interview with Carol.
Choose the correct answer.
1 Where does Carol work?
A in an elementary school
B in a dance school
C in a gym
2 What age does Carol think dancers should be?
A only young B only old
C any age
3 Which of the following reasons for the popularity of dancing does Carol mention?
A It’s a good way of meeting new friends.
B It’s easy to learn.
C You can do it almost anywhere.
4 Why do a lot of people like doing individual sports?
A They’re more competitive.
B They provide more exercise.
C You can set personal goals.
5 Which dance class is most popular with adults?
A jazz
B street dancing
C no class more than another
2 AE F4 T17 Listen to five conversations. Choose the correct answer.
1 Sophia’s positive qualities are that she’s ___________.
A considerate and sociable
B patient and loyal
C conscientious and assertive
2 Which of the following are Tim’s symptoms?
A a rash and a sore throat
B a headache and a bad cough
C a high temperature and a stomachache
3 Joe was mugged by a guy ______________.
A with a gun
B with a knife
C with no weapon
4 What kind of weather does Helen expect tomorrow?
A It’s likely to rain.
B It’ll be rather hot.
C It’ll be chillier than usual.
5 Ben used to ______________.
A dress fashionably
B wear shirts that were too small
C have a patterned jacket
3 AE F4 T18 Listen to Sally and Simon talking about a book about Jack the Ripper.
Choose the correct answer.
1 The Ripper murders took place in ________.
A the late 1870s _
B the early 1880s _
C the late 1880s _
2 According to Simon, Jack the Ripper probably murdered ________.
A 10 women or fewer _
B fewer than 10 women _
C 10 women or more _
3 Simon prefers books about ________.
A criminals and their crimes _
B criminals and their times _
C do-gooders _
4 Jack the Ripper is famous today because ________.
A he committed some of the worst murders ever _
B he was extremely frightening _
C newspapers wrote a lot about his crimes _
5 The author of the book that Simon is reading thinks Jack the Ripper might have been ________.
A member of the royal family _
B an Australian doctor _
C a teacher
4 AE F4 T19 Listen to five conversations. Choose the correct answer.
1 How did Chris’s children feel at the airport?
A terrified _
B exhausted _
C fed up _
2 The woman thinks the man might have ________.
A left his keys in the car _
B left his keys in the kitchen _
C left his keys in his coat _
3 What’s wrong with Jamie’s CD player?
A It isn’t turned on. _
B The CD is faulty. _
C He’s pressing the wrong button. _
4 Dave enjoyed visiting Bangkok because ________.
A it wasn’t humid _
B it was old-fashioned _
C it was really vibrant _
5 Claire ________.
A liked David Old in the past _
B never liked David Old _
C wishes she liked David Old
1 AE F4 T2 Listen to Mark and his friend Claire talking about their answers to a
personality quiz.
According to the quiz, which personal qualities does Mark have? Choose the five personal
qualities mentioned or described.
According to the quiz, Mark is ______.
1 imaginative
6 stubborn
2 immature
7 irritable
3 sincere
8 sociable
4 unreliable
9 assertive
5 loyal
10 helpful
2 AE F4 T3 Listen to five conversations. Choose the correct answer.
1 How long has Jenny been waiting at the doctor’s office?
A for about an hour B for about two hours C for about three hours
2 What is Laura’s older sister like?
A hardworking and unkind
B ambitious and kind
C kind and stubborn
3 What does Paul have on his hand?
A a burn B a bruise C a rash
4 What does Sally say about the man she met on a blind date?
A She saw him more than once.
B They got along very well.
C She thought he was attractive.
5 What happened to Jeff?
A He broke something.
B He has a nosebleed.
C He cut himself.
3 AE F4 T4 Listen to Carol talking about her funny experiences while working
at an airport check-in counter. Choose the correct answer.
1 The old woman wanted to sit __________.
A at the back
B by the window
C next to the aisle
2 The young man asked if he could __________.
A get a cheaper flight
B get from California to Hawaii another way
C have two tickets to Hawaii
3 Carol’s favorite story happened __________.
A when she worked in a hotel
B to a friend of hers
C when she was young
4 The woman in Carol’s favorite story __________.
A was traveling alone
B was traveling with children
C was traveling with friends
5 The woman in Carol’s favorite story had left her bags__________.
A in her car
B at the baggage claim
C at the check-in counter
4 AE F4 T5 Listen to five conversations. Choose the correct answer.
1 Emilio is from __________.
A Ireland B America C Spain
2 According to the woman, Mary is wearing __________.
A a green T-shirt and a tight skirt
B a white sleeveless top and a blue skirt
C a green T-shirt and a blue skirt
3 The woman ate at home because __________.
A Jack finished work late
B the restaurant was too far away
C she prefers cooking at home
4 Before he saw the doctor, the man had to wait for about __________.
A 30 minutes
B 45 minutes
C an hour
5 Danny had a vacation romance __________.
A recently
B when he was younger
C in Germany
5 AE F4 T6 Listen to the news program. Match each person with one word
from the box. There are three words that you will not need.
pickpocket mugger drug
shoplifter witness
victim robber bank
1 Jeremy Maguire was a ______.
2 Stephanie Flamstead was a ______.
3 Penny Green was a ______.
4 Sally Green was a ______.
5 David Clarke was a ______.
6 AE F4 T7 Listen to five conversations. Choose the correct answer.
1 According to the police, Robbie Forsyth is likely to be __________.
A in Chicago _ B in New York City C near Miami _
2 Tomorrow’s weather will be __________.
A dry and warm _ B warm but a little wet C dry but cool _
3 Right now, to help stop climate change, Nick__________.
A uses an energy efficient car
B turns off machines when not using them
C uses energy-saving lightbulbs
4 While Amy was on vacation, the temperature was __________.
A just right for her
B too hot
C not warm enough _
5 Peter decides not to take his coat because __________.
A he thinks he will go inside if it’s cold
B he knows it’s going to be warm
C the party is indoors
7 AE F4 T8 Listen to a phone conversation between two friends. Choose the
correct answer.
1 Where is Betty working now?
A in Los Angeles
B in the US
C in Guadalajara
2 How does Betty describe her job in Guadalajara?
A she’s fed up with it
B she’s a little homesick
C it’s exhausting
3 Why does Sophie want to quit school?
A it’s too difficult
B she failed her exams
C she wants to be a teacher
4 What has Sophie been studying in college?
A tourism
B languages
C fashion design
5 What does Betty say about Sophie’s request to stay in her apartment?
A it won’t be a problem at all
B it might be possible
C it’s impossible
8 AE F4 T9 Listen to five conversations. Match the people to what they say they
would do if they found a wallet.
1 Ben
2 Martin
3 Sally
4 Amanda
5 Tim
A … would call the police.
B … would take it and use the money.
C … would leave it at a nearby store.
D … would leave it on the ground without looking at it.
E … would put it back on the ground after looking at it.
F … would leave a note about the wallet near where it
was found.
G … would give it to the police.
9. AE F4 T10: Listen to a woman give advice about how to get a good night’s
sleep. Choose the correct answer.
1 The woman started having difficulty sleeping a few years ago / a few weeks ago / about a year
2 Her sleeping problems started when she changed her working hours / job / bedtime ritual.
3 According to the woman, you should always go to bed at ten o’clock / at the same time every
day / early during the week.
4 It’s not a good idea to include watching TV / listening to music / doing breathing exercises as
part of your bedtime ritual.
5 The woman mentions making sure the room is dark / warm/ clean in order to create a
comfortable sleep environment.
10 AE F4 T11 Listen to five extracts from an interview with Gary Hall, the
editor of a local newspaper.
Choose the correct answer.
1 What does Gary say he enjoys most about his job?
A competing with bigger newspapers
B working with a small staff
C meeting people in the community
2 How does Gary feel about writing for a larger newspaper?
A It isn’t the most important thing for him right now.
B He would prefer it to working for a small paper.
C He doesn’t think he’ll have that opportunity.
3 According to Gary, how will local newspapers change?
A They will include more national news.
B They won’t survive very long.
C They will focus more on local news stories.
4 Does Gary think newspapers influence communities more nowadays than in the past?
A possibly
B definitely
C definitely not
5 How do reporters research stories?
A They use researchers to do most of it.
B They rarely use the Internet because it’s not perfect.
C They do all their own research using the Internet.
11 AE F4 T12 Listen to a radio program in which a celebrity describes his
hometown. Choose the correct answer.
1 Charles was born in __________.
A Miami
B St. Augustine
C Tampa
2 St. Augustine is special because of its __________.
A history
B theme parks
C great weather
3 The city of St. Augustine was settled in ______.
A 1513
B 1565
C 1700
4 Charles recommends visiting __________.
A a fort
B the ocean
C a hotel
5 Mark has not been to the __________.
A Castillo de San Marcos
B Oldest House
C Lightner Museum
12 AE F4 T13 Listen to five extracts from speeches.
Match the speeches to the occasions. There are two occasions that you will not need.
Speech 1 _____ A a wedding
Speech 2 _____ B a birthday party
Speech 3 _____ C a good-bye party (for someone leaving work)
Speech 4 _____ D a university lecture
Speech 5 _____ E a funeral
F a high school class
G a conference
13 AE F4 T14 Listen to a radio interview in which a dictionary researcher talks
about the expression “the real McCoy.” Choose the correct answer.
1 What kind of book has Kathy written?
A a dictionary
B a non-fiction book C a novel
2 What caused Kathy to write the book?
A a conversation with friends
B her research work
C a moment in the bath
3 Who was Elijah McCoy?
A an alcohol smuggler
B an inventor
C a boxer
4 Who referred to himself as “the real McCoy”?
A Elijah McCoy
B Bill McCoy
C Kid McCoy
5 Where does Kathy believe the expression “the real McCoy” probably originated?
A Scotland
B Australia
C the United States
14 AE F4 T15 Listen to a man talking about his regrets.
Choose the correct answer.
1 Chris wishes ________.
A he’d had a brother or sister
B his family had had more money
C he’d been a happier child
2 Chris wishes ________.
A he hadn’t gone to college at all
B he had traveled before going to college
C he had earned some money before going to college
3 When Chris thinks about his first semester of college,he wishes ________.
A he’d had a better room
B he’d had more freedom
C he’d known how to make friends
4 Chris ________.
A wishes he had studied medicine
B doesn’t regret his choice of career
C had always wanted to be a biologist
5 Nowadays, Chris is ________.
A more sociable
B better at making decisions
C less worried about who he is
1 A E F 4 T 2 0 Listen to the interview on a science program. Choose the
correct answer.
1 Professor Jones has most recently published research on the relationship between the brain
A music B noise C language
2 In his research, Professor Jones decided to use
A eighteenth-century music
B nineteenth-century music
C twentieth-century music
3 Professor Jones wanted to use
A music that people could remember
B music that people wouldn’t recognize
C music by famous composers
4 The brain is
during the silence between sections of music.
A more attentive
B less attentive
C not responding
5 Professor Jones thinks we could use music to
A make work more enjoyable
B improve our concentration
C understand the science of silence better
2 A E F 4 T 21 Listen to five extracts from an interview with rock star Mick
Jaspers. Choose the correct answer.
1 Mick’s been in a rock band for
A exactly 20 years
B less than 20 years
C more than 20 years
2 In Mick’s opinion, his best song is
A Love is the Answer
B I’m Always Wrong
C neither of the songs in A or B
3 Mick’s first world tour
A took place many years ago
B took place quite recently
C will take place soon
4 When he was at school, Mick
A was often rude to teachers
B was caught stealing
C passed his exams
5 Mick’s advice to new rock bands is to
A socialize with the right people
B avoid arguments
C be realistic