Region A Partnership for Children 116 Jackson Street / Sylva, NC 28786 (828) 586-0661 / 2015-2016 Activity: Program Contact: Activity Supervisor: I. Title: Quarterly Reporting 012 Cherokee County Parents As Teachers Lisa Johnson Linda Neyman Region A Partnership for Children DSP: Fiscal Contact: Evaluator: PSC: 5509 PBISID: FS10 Kelly Vreeland Murat Yazan Contract Activity Descriptions A Parents as Teachers (PAT) Home Visitor will adhere to all standards of the National PAT Curriculum, serving children ages prenatal to five and their families in Cherokee County. The Home Visitor will conduct weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly home visits depending on the risk factors and preferences of families. The Home Visitor will engage with families in completing family-centered assessments and child development and child health screenings according to the model requirements. The Home Visitor will encourage parent child interaction and share information to increase parent knowledge of early childhood development and improve parenting practices. The program will focus on early detection of developmental delays, establishment of a medical home, early literacy and increasing school readiness and school success. The Home Visitor will facilitate group meetings (Connections) with participant families. Additional participants may be included in the Group Connections for recruitment and to serve families on the waiting list. The Home Visitor will assist families in developing comprehensive resource networks to build parenting capacity. The Home Visitor will submit necessary information for the Affiliate to submit annual reports to the National PAT office and will complete the PAT Self-Assessment with the Regional Affiliate according to National PAT recommendations. Is the LP-DSP CAD consistent with NCPC-LP CAD? Yes: X No: If No, explain: 2014-2015 Activity: Program Contact: Activity Supervisor: II. Title: Monitoring Report CAD Requirements 012 Cherokee County Parents As Teachers Lisa Johnson Linda Neyman DSP: Fiscal Contact: Evaluator: Region A Partnership for Children PSC: 5509 PBISID: FS10 Kelly Vreeland Murat Yazan Narrative: Please use brief, specific stories shared by families with whom you partner about positive changes they have made as a result of participation in this Smart Start activity. Please change names and details as necessary to protect confidentiality. Stories may be reported to the North Carolina Partnership for Children, legislators and/or published on our website or in reports released to the media. (attach supportive documents, images, etc. as needed. Quarter 1: Quarter 2: Quarter 3: Quarter 4: End of year highlights: III. Activity Outcomes: Outcome / Status: Please provide specific information Outcome 1: Increase in parent knowledge Tool: Parent Survey Status: NCPC Outcome 1: Increase in positive parenting practices: Life Skills Progression Tool: Life Skills Progression: Item #10 Use of Information and #11 Use of Resources pre & post scores Status: NCPC Outcome 2: Increase in parent use of services: Life Skills Progression Tool: Life Skills Progression: pre & post scores Status: Comments: Page 2 of 4 2014-2015 Activity: Program Contact: Activity Supervisor: Title: Monitoring Report CAD Requirements 012 Cherokee County Parents As Teachers Lisa Johnson Linda Neyman DSP: Fiscal Contact: Evaluator: Region A Partnership for Children PSC: 5509 PBISID: FS10 Kelly Vreeland Murat Yazan IV. Activity Outputs: List Output Tools Used: Output (Identify duplicated or unduplicated –D/U) Output 1: Number of parents/guardians participating in PAT group education Output 2: Number of parents/guardians participating in home visits Output 3: Number of families served. Pull from VT report Family List (Active Families) Report Highest # Output 4: Number of children with monthly scheduled home visits during this quarter. Family Lists (High Needs/Pref. Visit) Output 5: Number of children with bi-monthly scheduled home visits during this quarter. Family Lists (High Needs/Pref. Visit) Output 6: Number of children with weekly scheduled home visits during this quarter. Family Lists (High Needs/Pref. Visit) Output 7: Number of parents/guardians who participate in an ongoing Smart Start funded activity designed TO INCREASE FAMILIES IN ENGAGING LITERACY TYPE ACTIVITIES WITH THEIR CHILD. V. D/U Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Totals U Activity Year End Outcomes Outcome 1: Of the families who participate in 75% of the monthly visits, 85% will experience an increase in their confidence and competence in parenting skills, as measured by responses in the Parents as Teachers Parent Survey. Survey will be conducted biannually. Year-end outcome Outcome 2: Of the families who participate in 75% of the monthly personal visits, 85% will experience an increase in their knowledge of child development, as measured by responses in the Parents as Teachers Parent Survey. Year-end outcome Outcome 3: Of the children identified in need of follow-up services, 90% will receive needed services, as measured by the Online Visit Tracker. Page 3 of 4 2014-2015 Activity: Program Contact: Activity Supervisor: Year-end outcome Title: Monitoring Report CAD Requirements 012 Cherokee County Parents As Teachers Lisa Johnson Linda Neyman DSP: Fiscal Contact: Evaluator: Region A Partnership for Children PSC: 5509 PBISID: FS10 Kelly Vreeland Murat Yazan N/A No children were referred for follow-up services at this time. VI. Changes/Comments/Recommendations Quarter 1: Quarter 2: Quarter 3: Quarter 4: Page 4 of 4