Water, weathering and erosion, work and catastrophic events quiz


Water, weathering and erosion, work and catastrophic events quiz


Which of the following statements about permeability is true? a.

The ability of rock to transmit earthquakes is called permeability b.

Permeable rock has many well connected cracks that groundwater can flow through c.

Groundwater can pass through impermeable rock d.

A river is a layer of permeable rock through which groundwater flows freely.


A watershed carries water "shed" from the land after rain falls and snow melts. Drop by drop, water is channeled into soils, groundwater, creeks, and streams, making its way downhill to larger rivers and eventually the sea. Each watershed is separated topographically from adjacent watersheds by a geographical barrier such as a ridge, hill or mountain. a.

True b.



An aquifer is: a.

In the oceans of the Earth b.

A layer of impermeable rock that groundwater flows through c.

A lake or stream d.

An underground storage area for groundwater


Fresh surface water includes a.

Lakes b.

Oceans c.

Salt water marshes d.



Fresh surface water can be polluted in much the same way oceans can be polluted. Why is surface water pollution more important to humans? a.

Humans do not eat ocean fish b.

Humans cannot drink salt water c.

There is not much life in the ocean d.

Humans only use salt water for irrigation


Aquifers can be depleted (used up) by: a.

Movement of water to the sea b.

Evaporation and condensation c.

Overuse of our limited water resources d.

Letting the water run when brushing your teeth


Why do rivers in Texas eventually empty into the Gulf of Mexico? a.

Because the elevation of Texas goes down toward the Gulf and all water flows downhill. b.

Because the aquifers under Texas provide groundwater c.

Because large lakes like Eagle Mountain Lake provide water to North Texas d.

Because land north of Texas like Oklahoma is lower in elevation


What kind of fresh water pollution is the most difficult to clean up? a.

Surface water in lakes b.

Groundwater in aquifers c.

Ocean pollution d.

Pollution in glaciers


A sanitary landfill is lined with concrete. What advantage does this provide? a.

The impermeable concrete does not allow pollution to enter the groundwater underneath b.

It smells better than other types of dumps c.

It attracts fewer decomposers d.

It allows water to filter through, cleaning it up


Groundwater – a.

Includes all surface water b.

Includes rain, rivers, streams c.

Is contained in the pores of soil and rock d.

Is never used for cooking or drinking


In science experiments, the independent variable – a.

Is always graphed on the X axis b.

Is always graphed on the Y axis


Why is it so important to maintain a clean fresh water supply? a.

Water is not easily available b.

Water allows for decomposers to grow c.

Water contains Hydrogen needed for survival d.

All life as we know it requires the presence of water


A fertilizer plant is built near your home. What might be a concern for your drinking water? a.

The plant will exhaust ground resources b.

Road salt could run off into groundwater c.

The plant will probably do something illegal d.

Fertilizers could flow into groundwater


The State of Texas can be divided into geographically similar areas defined by climate and animal and plant species that stay relatively within the same area. These large geographical sections of land are called biomes or – a.

Counties b.

Substates c.

Ecoregions d.



A man rolls a heavy barrel up a long ramp onto a truck. Another man rolls an identical barrel up a short, steep ramp onto a truck. Which man has to use more force to get the barrel into the truck? a.

The man using the short, steep ramp b.

The man using the long ramp c.

Can’t be determined d.

Both men are using the same amount of force


The Texas coast is frequently hit by hurricanes. Which of the following is true? a.

A hurricane’s high winds can damage property and harm people and wild life b.

A hurricane’s torrential rain can cause flooding c.

The storm surge caused by the hurricane can bring ocean waters onto coastal areas, damaging ecosystems d.

All of the above


When new homes, streets, and parking lots are built in an area, what effect will this have on a small stream that runs through the area? a.

Impermeable concrete can increase rainwater flowing into the stream, causing flooding b.

The groundwater will increase c.

The stream will dry up d.

The stream will be unaffected.


Large underground areas of water trapped between rocks are called a.

Surface water b.

Aquifers c.

Watersheds d.

Swamps and beaches


A force of 6 Newtons moves a box 5 meters. Work equals: a.

30 meters b.

30 Newtons c.

30 joules


Chemical weathering – a.

Occurs when rocks are physically ground into smaller rocks by ocean waves b.

Includes acid rain dissolving limestone c.

Is the same process as mechanical weathering d.

Is the movement of sediment from one location to another


A delta is formed at the mouth of a river through the process of – a.

Chemical weathering b.

Mechanical weathering c.

Erosion d.



Erosion is: a.

The chemical break down of rock b.

The physical break down of rock c.

The movement of sediment d.

The dropping of sediment


Warm water provides the fuel for hurricanes. This means – a.

Hurricanes grow bigger and more dangerous over bodies of warm water b.

Warm water makes hurricanes die out c.

Hurricanes get smaller when they go over areas of warm water d.

Hurricanes get bigger and more dangerous over land


The most accurate tool to measure the volume of a liquid is – a.

A beaker b.

A graduated cylinder c.

A triple beam balance d.

A meter stick


A tanker truck has just spilled fertilizer all over the road. What might be an effect of the spill? a.

Fertilizer run-off into streams could cause an algal bloom and kill fish b.

Fertilizer would evaporate into the clouds and benefit all plants and animals in the area c.

Insects in the area would be destroyed d.

No effect because fertilizer cannot leach into the soil and enter the aquifer beneath
