By Usman Zuberi

The Ancient Egyptian Times Newspaper
Year of 135 BC
Anippe’s Daily Life
By: Thalia Anastasia Ramsey
Anippe is a village scribe in
ancient Egypt. She had a very
good life because she scribe
who never suffered, never
lacked reward for her work,
and never had to pay taxes.
During her job, she would
record everything such as
history and important events.
While other scribes worked
for pharaohs and priests,
Anippe worked in the villages
getting paid to write
letters, prayers, marriage
contracts, property
agreements, and legal
petitions. When somebody in
the village would receive a
letter and they weren’t
educated, he or she would
hire Anippe to read it for
them. “ I think I have a very
good life and job,” says
Anippe. Anippe had 3 boys and
they followed in their
Mother’s footsteps.
Artisan:Daily Life
By: Abby Cromie
Today is just another day of
making jewelry, pottery, and
sculptures. Then I make my
artwork, sell it, and then
more supplies with the money.
My family makes all kinds of
artwork. Artisans could be
carpenters, metal-workers,
jewelers, painters, potters,
sculptors, stone carvers, and
weavers. I work around the
painters early in the
morning, (8:30 am-11:30am)
then go to lunch at 12:00.
After lunch, I start
making jewelry from 12:301:30. Then I take a short
break. From 2:00-3:00, I go
to pottery. Today at pottery,
things were strange. Nobody
was at the pottery place.
Usually, there are 10-15
people at pottery with me. I
went to check the other
sections, but no one was
there. I went to get my mom
and dad, but they weren’t at
the house. I went to the
town, but nobody was there.
This was strange. I finally
went to the palace and found
everyone, eating lunch. I
looked around, but I didn't
find any kids. There was a
sign that said “ADULTS ONLY”.
I started to walk out of the
palace. All the children of
the village were at the paint
section of the artisan part
of the village.
The kids that weren’t
artisan but farmers, slaves
and others wanted me and some
other artisans to teach them
how to paint. Once the other
children were painting, I got
back to pottery. I made a
bowl, vase, and a piggy bank.
After I left them to dry, I
fired my pottery then painted
them. The vase I painted blue
and green. The bowl I painted
red and orange. Last but not
least, I painted the piggy
bank pink and a little bit of
black. Instead of an hour of
pottery, I spent four hours
at pottery.
The Ancient Egyptian Times Newspaper
Year of 135 BC
From 6:30-7:30 I ate
dinner. By the time I
finished dinner, I took a
shower and went to bed. The
next day, I ate breakfast,
forgetting about yesterday.
After breakfast, I started to
weave. Once you start
weaving, it is hard not to
look up from time to time. If
you look away, you might lose
your place. When I weave, I
tend to do small projects. I
usually just weave a small
basket for fruit. If I ever
have to take a break from
weaving, I put a small piece
of clay on the material to
keep my spot. When I am done
weaving, I ask the farmers if
I could pick some of their
berries. I use the brand new
basket I weaved to hold the
When I got home, I wash
the berries I picked and eat
some of them. I save the
extra berries for my mom and
dad to eat. After my snack, I
started to do metal work in
the back yard. The metalwork
I do is usually simple and
doesn’t require heavy
lifting. I often make
horseshoes and wall
decoration. After the
metalwork, I went to lunch. I
made jelly out of the berries
I picked at the farm.
This is pretty
much my daily life. Two days
of doing all the artisan work
pays off. When my house is
filled with artwork, I
usually make a little booth
to sell my artwork. When I
run out of artwork to sell, I
take down my booth and go
home. I save my money when
time comes to buy food. When
I sell the artwork, I get
enough money to buy a weeks
worth of food. This is my
daily life as an artisan.
Thank you to whoever is
reading this.
Femi’s everyday life
Kadie Pine
Some of you might think
I have been a fighter my
whole life, but I used to be
a farmer. They didn’t seem to
need an organized army. They
boundaries of the desert that
During the old kingdom,
if the pharaoh needs people
or men to fight he would call
upon the farmers. That’s how
I was picked to fight in a
war for Egypt. Sometimes the
soldiers became the king take
Horemheb he became king in
the 18th dynasty. Some of my
The Ancient Egyptian Times Newspaper
Year of 135 BC
friends were forced against
their own will to the fight
but others followed in their
Later in my life I had two
kids. Their names are Ahset
(my daughter)Menkhaf (my
son)and Aanekhtou (my
husband) My and husband are
both trained very hard like:
sand bag lifting,
By Usman Zuberi
I am Aau, a merchant,
and I live in Egypt. I will
be explaining my job to you.
My job as a merchant could be
just as hard as a pharaoh’s
or a priest’s job. This job
could be as dangerous as
other jobs to.
Every other day I
traverse through the
desert to barter for my
material. I usually deliver
papyrus, linen cloth,
jewelry, ebony wood, and
panther skins. After going to
other countries to get the
goods, I barter with priests,
nobles, and pharaohs.
Sometimes, when there are
too many goods, such as
grains, us merchants trade
with normal people from other
countries to make a bigger
I live in a mud brick
home, and I have to wear a
human hair wig because of
what I do. Richer merchants
have better privileges too.
Egyptian merchants who served
nobles and pharaohs, could
serve to temples and keep
making money.
My job has its bad
moments, but it still is
better than some other jobs
around here. - Aau The
Life as a Farmer
Life as a Farmer
by Mikko
was very different back
then because we cows or bulls
to make area for the seeds to
rest on, then the cows didn’t
The Ancient Egyptian Times Newspaper
Year of 135 BC
have electronics to cut the
field of crops. Back then
they used were used to make
milk and cheese. Then they
sacrificed the bulls to eat
them throughout the day.In
this article will be telling
you the life as a farmer.
The first thing about
the farmers lifetime, was
that they were in the lower
class level. That means that
they were beyond being a
Pharaoh or scribe. In the
lower class level they with
the slaves and peasants. Also
in the lower class level
everybody was poor and very
working hard people unlike
the people in upper class
level because they barely
work as often as the farmer.
The second thing about
the farmers life is that they
were poor. A farmer’s house
was mostly and always private
because the windows were high
like close to the ceiling.
they kept the windows high
they because farmers and
their family didn’t want
anybody looking through the
window and they wanted
privacy in their house. Their
floors were packed with dirt
and all the farmers houses’
were made by mudded bricks.
During the day the woman
stayed at the house and baked
bread throughout the day
because they made bread for
breakfast, lunch, and for
dinner. Then the woman made
items for stuff like pottery
and weaved clothes. While the
woman did their stuff the men
(men = farmers) irrigated
many crops, they used canals
to store lots of water to use
for the crops, and got many
seeds for the crops. Then
when farmers didn’t want to
do their work they can buy
themselves out of work for
per day.The ones who didn’t
work and not pay they were
sailed away to work on a
temple or other pyramids.
The worst months was
June between September
because those were flood
months. It was the worst
month that a farmer could
ever imagine. Usually the
farms were mostly destroyed
some were bareilly wiped off.
But during the flood months
most farmer families had to
go to the government and stay
there for shelter during the
flood months. While the flood
months were flooding the
farm, soldiers chose boys and
men to work on something
while they had nothing to do.
Then during the flood months
the woman grouped together
and did their usually stuff
like weaving, baking bread,
and brewed beer.
After the flood months
(June to September) the went
back to their farm’s, samoe
shocked or some happy that
their farm not destroyed like
The Ancient Egyptian Times Newspaper
Year of 135 BC
the others. A lot of farmers
had to level the soil because
most of the soil was packed
like a little hill we can all
walk on. After they leveled
the soil they used their
bulls to make a hole for
seeds to put in. If some
farmers had no seeds they had
to go to other farms to get
more seeds for free. But the
other farmer had to give
amount of seeds he can use so
can the other farmer use for
his farm. Then thats how the
farmer gets back together
when the flood months ruin
the farmer’s farm.
This was an article about the
farmers life and how they did
they work their lives at the
lower class level. Now onto
the last article.
The Punishment
by Aaron Gold (the slave)
Today was just an ordinary
day, until the pharaoh
accused me of laziness, but I
didn’t do everything. Anyway,
he sent me to be thrown in a
pool of lamprey. Those wormlike piranhas that eat you
alive in minutes, but ten of
them can demolish you in
seconds and at least a
hundred teeth. Those
underwater devils.
Then the guards took me away
to those demolishing
creatures. As soon as I saw
them I thought to myself that
they were scarier in real
life than peoples
description. The guards were
about to throw me into the
pool of lampreys, I closed my
eyes I took my final breath.
Then the pharaoh who was
looking over my shoulder
said, ” Wait! I think i
accused the wrong person.” I
took a long deep breath of
But then someone
came behind me and said, “ I
heard that he did tomb
stealing!” And of course, I
knew nothing about it. I
thought in my my head that
this is the worst day of my
life… and possibly the last.
Then the pharaoh ordered me
to be sent to be burnt alive.
Why is this any better than
the lampreys. You die and you
feel almost the same amount
of pain. You may ask how I
know this, well, I’m just
guessing. Any way, I felt
like I was going to faint or
vomit or both. I could
already feel the heat from a
mile away. Sweat on my face.
Preparing to die. The worst
feeling ever!
But as my eyes met the
flames. Something said,” You
don’t need to go. You didn’t
do anything bad .” At first I
thought it was somebody like
a guard or something, but I
realized that it was Osiris,
the god of of the
underworld!! Then I thought
to myself did any else here
this? then people had strange
The Ancient Egyptian Times Newspaper
Year of 135 BC
faces… surprised faces! ,
“so, the command of Osiris
told me to let you go.” the
pharaoh said “So, I guess I
So that is how it all ended.
Do I really know if that was
Osiris? Well I'm not sure,
but I lived happily ever
after… Well, not really. I’m
still a slave though, doing
hard work, but atleast I
didnt die. did I ever find
Osiris you may ask if Osiris
ever talked to me. Well, he
didn’t but maybe when I die
he will speak to me again!