Rodríguez, J. P., D. A. Keith, K. M. Rodríguez


Rodríguez, J. P., D. A. Keith, K. M. Rodríguez-Clark, N. J. Murray, E. Nicholson, T. J. Regan, R. M. Miller, E. G. Barrow,

K. Boe, T. M. Brooks, M. A. Oliveira-Miranda, M. Spalding, L. M. Bland and P. Wit. Assessing the risk posed to ecosystems by multiple threats. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2014.0003

Appendix 2. Examples of variables potentially suitable for assessing the severity of environmental degradation under

Criterion C. From (1).

Degradation process

Desertification of rangelands

Eutrophication of soils, freshwater streams or lakes

De-humidification of cloud forests

Deforestation by acid rain

Example variables

Proportional cover of bare ground, soil density, soil compaction

indices, remote sensing landcover indices (2, 3).

Levels of dissolved or soil nitrogen, phosphorus, cations, oxygen,

turbidity, bioassay (4).

Homogenization of microhabitats

Changed water regime or hydroperiod

Salinization of soils or wetlands

Sedimentation of streams, coral reefs

Cloud cover, cloud altitude (5).

Rain water chemistry (6).

Diversity of micro-terrain features, spatial variance in inundation depth

and duration (7).

Field-based monitoring of stream flow volume, or piezometric water table depth; remote sensing of spatial extent of surface water,

frequency and depth of inundation (8).

Field monitoring of salinity of soils or groundwater, remote sensing of

ground surface albedo (9).

Sediment accumulation rates, sediment load of streams, discharge, turbidity of water column, frequency and intensity of sediment plume

spectral signatures (10).

Microrelief, abundance of benthic debris, trawling frequency and spatial pattern


Structural simplification of benthic marine ecosystems (e.g. by bottom trawling)

Sea level rise

Retreat of ice masses

Acoustic monitoring of sea level, extent of tidal inundation (12).

Remote sensing of sea ice extent (13).


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2. Zhao HL, Zhao XY, Zhou RL, Zhang TH, Drake S. Desertification processes due to heavy grazing in sandy rangeland, Inner Mongolia. Journal of Arid Environments. 2005;62(2):309-19.

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4. Carpenter SR. Regime Shifts in Lake Systems: Patterns and Variation. Olderdorf/Luhe, Germany: Excellence in ecology series. International Ecology Institute; 2003. 199 p.

5. Pounds JA, Fogden MPL, Campbell JH. Biological response to climate change on a tropical mountain. Nature.


6. Likens GE. The Ecosystem Approach: Its Use and Abuse. Olderdorf/Luhe, Germany: Excellence in ecology series. International Ecology Institute; 1992. 166 p.

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8. Mac Nally R, Cunningham SC, Baker PJ, Horner GJ, Thomson JR. Dynamics of Murray-Darling floodplain forests under multiple stressors: The past, present, and future of an Australian icon. Water Resources

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9. Metternicht GI, Zinck JA. Remote sensing of soil salinity: potentials and constraints. Remote Sensing of

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10. Rogers CS. Responses of coral reef s and reef organisms to sedimentation. Marine Ecology Progress Series.


11. Watling L, Norse EA. Disturbance of the seabed by mobile fishing gear: a comparison to forest clearcutting.

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12. Hannah J, Bell RG. Regional sea level trends in New Zealand. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans.


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