USING PRINCIPAL COMPONENTS ANALYSIS AS A DATA REDUCTION AND TRANSFORMATION TECHNIQUE Below are 2 project descriptions involving the use of principal components analysis to explore morphological variation in lizards and big cats. The main goals are to gain experience interpreting the results of PCA and to generate output data sets that can be used in subsequent univariate and bivariate statistical tests. Project 1 Brown anoles (Anoles sagrei) are lizards native to Cuba and the Bahamas that have been introduced into the United States over the past several decades. They are highly invasive and their populations have exploded in density in recent years. Some students at a university in Ohio were interested to know if brown anoles introduced into the Florida Everglades have changed over time. So, they measured the body dimensions of female specimens collected from the mid1900s (when the species was first noticed in the wild in large numbers) until the 1980s when the populations declined (reason unknown) and compared them with individuals collected during the current population explosion (1990s – present). Your task is to explore morphological variation across the collected individuals using a variancecovariance matrix-based PCA. You need to perform a natural-log + 1 transformation on the raw data prior to performing the PCA. The transformation is needed for 2 reasons: 1) using the var.cov. matrix and the natural-log transformation allows you to interpret allometric patterns that may show up on the first PC axis and 2) it is necessary to add 1 to the raw data prior to the natural-log transformation because some of the raw data values equal 1.0 (nat.-log of 1 is zero). Adding 1 won't change the relative variation across the specimens (i.e. it won't mess up your PCA interpretation). Provide an interpretation of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors for one or more PC axes (as appropriate). Use the output PCA scores from one or more PC axes (as appropriate) in a comparison of means (be sure to test assumptions). Your null hypothesis is (roughly): there is no significant morphological difference in female brown anoles collected before 1990 and those collected after 1990. Be sure to provide appropriate graphical output to help illustrate your results. All measurements are reported in mm. SVL refers to snout-vent length and is the ventral-side distance measured from the tip of the nose to the cloaca under the tail. The identity of the other characters should be obvious. The raw data can be found in an Excel file on my webpage: Go to Other, Go to XDesign, Select FemaleBrownAnole.xls Project 2 Some researchers at an Illinois university wanted to understand better the way saber-toothed cats may have utilized their over-sized canines when killing their prey. They realized they needed a baseline for comparison, so they measured some skull and canine dimensions of modern large felids in which the prey-taking behavior was fairly well known. Additionally, they included data on a well-known extinct saber-tooth for comparison. Again, your task is to explore the morphological variation across the measured specimens using a variance-covariance matrix-based PCA on natural-log transformed skull data (you don't need to add 1 this time). Provide a meaningful interpretation of the first two axes, then use the output scores from the first axis as an independent variable in a regression with an indicator of canine dimension as the dependent variable. The canine variable is named UPPER and is an indicator of canine dimension. Hint: check the distribution of UPPER, you may need to perform a transformation to bring the values closer to a normal distribution. Make a graph with PC1 on the x-axis and UPPER on the y-axis. Use the average value of each variable for each species and label them on the graph. That way, you can compare the relative position of each species in the morphospace you have created. Species: A) Pantera tigris – tiger, largest living felid, generalist predator on large-bodied prey. B) Neofelis nebulosa – clouded leopard, medium-sized, highly arboreal ambush specialist. C) Acinonyx jubatis – cheetah, medium-sized, pursuit specialist on small-medium ungulates. D) Felis concolor – mountain lion, medium-sized, generalist predator on small-medium prey. E) Felis rufus – bobcat, small-sized, generalist predator on small-bodied prey. F) Smilodon californicus – extinct saber-toothed tiger, lion/tiger-sized predator. Morphological characters (in mm) for use in the PCA: 1) Greatest Length of Skull: Distance from the most anterior part of the rostrum (excluding teeth) to the most posterior point of the skull. 2) Greatest Zygomatic Breadth: Greatest distance between the outer margins of the zygomatic arches. 3) Mastoid Breadth: Greatest width of skull including the mastoid. 4) Maximum Width of Maxilla: Distance between the anterior edges of the upper canine alveoli. 5) Maximum Depth of Skull: Distance from dorsal "peak" of frontal to whatever position on the roof of the mouth that is directly ventral to that point. Upper canine variable to be used in the regression: UPPER – Measure the anterior-posterior length of the upper canine at the alveolus and divide by the medial-lateral length of the upper canine at the alveolus. Large values indicate canines that are narrow (shearing, slicing prey), whereas small values indicate canines that are wide (puncturing, holding prey). The raw data can be found in an Excel file on my webpage: Go to Other, Go to XDesign, Select K9data.xls