Appendix 5 Psychological Advice Guidance Notes

Statutory Educational Psychology advice (appendix 5) Guidance Notes
Appendix 5 – Statutory Educational Psychology advice contributing to an
Education Health and Care Plan Guidance Notes
Section 1- Summary:
This contains a brief summary of the child/young person’s identified strengths and areas of
need. It also can include an indication of the educational psychologist’s professional opinion
and a view of priority needs to be addressed.
Section 2 - Other Professional or Agency Involvement :
This contains details about any other professionals or previous educational psychologist
involvement which is known. This information, including findings from other professionals’
reports, may be used in the main body of the report (Sections 7 and 9).
Section 3 - Basis of assessment :
This section includes details of the current assessment carried out by the educational
psychologist, which informs the appendix 5. It may include, but not be limited to,
observations of the child/young person and discussion with parents and educational staff, for
Section 4 - Background and context:
This section contains a brief description of the background and context for the child/young
person, including any relevant educational, environmental and familial information. This may
also include relevant medical or health needs, and any social care information.
Section 5 – Child/Young person’s views and aspirations:
This section contains information the educational psychologist obtains when talking directly
with the child/young person or observing them. It includes the child/young person’s interests
and aspirations.
Section 6 - Parents’/Carers’ views and aspirations:
This section includes details about the parents/carer’s views and aspirations. The
educational psychologist will obtain this information when having a discussion with the
parents/carers. If the appendix 1 (parental contribution) is available, the educational
psychologist may include information from the appendix 1 in this section of the report.
Section 7 - Current description of Child/Young Person’s functioning and any special
educational needs:
This section includes a brief summary of the child/young persons’ functioning in different
areas of their development. The areas are informed by the current Code of Practice and
include “Sensory, Physical and Health”, “Communication and Interaction”, “Attitude and
Approaches to Learning”, “Cognition and Learning”, “Social, Emotional and Mental Health”
and “Independence, Life Skills and Community Involvement”. Subheadings may be used for
clarity. This will most likely include the educational psychologist’s interpretation of
assessment information and data, looking at the different strengths and needs of the
child/young person. More detailed evidence and information is contained in Section 9 of the
report, which should be read in conjunction with this section.
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Statutory Educational Psychology advice (appendix 5) Guidance Notes
Section 8 - Recommendations for areas of need:
This section contains recommendations for areas of need that the educational psychologist
considers require addressing. They may be set out in priority order of need.
This section is broken down into separate headings:
Long Term Outcome(s) refer to the outcome sought for the child/young person to succeed
and achieve (EHC Plan section E). In identifying an outcome, the educational psychologist
may consider what is important to the child/young person, what they want to achieve, and
what is important for them as judged by the educational psychologist and others with best
interests at heart.
Outcomes are long term and usually set out what needs to be achieved by the end of the
phase or stage of education in order to enable child/young person to progress to the next
stage of education. For child/young person who are Year 9 and onwards that may include
preparation for adulthood.
Outcomes are a description of the benefit or difference made to an individual as a result of
an intervention.
Step(s) Towards Outcome(s) are specific target(s) that can be used to measure progress.
It is likely that a broad Outcome will be supplemented by one or more Step(s) towards
Outcome. Step(s) towards Outcome(s) are shorter term goals likely to be achievable in next
12 months.
Strategies and interventions to achieve outcomes: Recommendations for achieving the
desired outcomes may be “strategies” and/or “interventions”. ‘Strategies’ are likely to be
predominantly class based/teacher led. ‘Interventions’ are likely to be targeted or specialist
programmes and approaches relevant for this child/young person.
Section 9 – Supporting evidence for areas of need:
This section will contain more detail of information gathered that is relevant to each area in
section 7. Subheadings in each area may also be used for clarity. Evidence can also include
quotations and observations from other sources including the child/young person, parent,
members of school staff, other professionals and educational psychologist’s own
observations and assessments.
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