4. (StI-HUGE) HUMAN GENETICS STUDY PROGRAMME Integrated studies of dentistry DEPARTMENT For general knowledge subjects NAME OF SUBJECT HUMANA GENETIKA Compulsory STATUS OF THE SUBJECT Condition: Year of studies first none Winter term (No.of the lessons per week Summer term (No.of the lessons per week) Lectures Exercises Lectures. Exercises 3 2 - - No.of tests No.of seminars No.of POINT S 3 - 5,5 Methods of conducting teaching Lectures and exercises GOA L Purpose of this subject is to teach students everything about human genome as well as genetical machanisms of hereditary diseases. Students will be able to use different sources of information and learn about technological achievements in exploration of human genome. They will also learn about transferring genetical information. Students will be able to use basic genetic notions, learn about structure of chromatine, organisation of chromosome. They will apply Mendel's laws and understand gene interactions.they will be able to predict Knowledg machanisms of inheriting and be able to precisely construct family trees based on the given data. They will e understand mechanisms of mutation and DNA reparation. They will understand basic techniques of molecular genetics and principles of gentic therapy. PURPOSE Skills After pre-exam and exam obligations student will be able to: See difference in structural levels and functional organisation of human genome Identify mechanisms of regulating gene expression Understand genetic experiments which lead to determining causes for genetic diseases. Explain methodology of basic techniques of molecular genetics To use the internet and other learning sources with great understanding CONTENT OF THE SUBJECT: Theoretical teaching – methodical units 1. Introduction to human genetics 2. nuclear acids 3. molecular organization of a cell 4. molecular organization of chromosome 5. laws of inheriting 6. deviation from Mendel rules of inheritance 7. functional organization of human genome 8. mutations, reparations and recombinations 9. molecular markers 10. prenatal diagnosis of genetic diseases 11. the ways of inheriting diseases 12. analysis of tests and signatures Practical teaching – methodical units 1. NUCLEIC ACIDS- structure and function of DNA and RNA 2. CELL ORGANELLES-built and function and microphotographies 3. CHROMOSOMES OF A MAN, KARIOTYPE AND KARIOGRAM 4. CELL DIVISIONS AND GEMATOGENESIS 5. BASIC LAWS OF INHERITING 6. ANALYSIS OF FAMILY TREE 7. DEVIATION OF MENDEL RULES 8.CHARACTERISTICS RELATED TO SEX CHROMOZOMES X AND Y 9. MULTIPLE ALELS – ABO system of blood groups and Rh system 10. CHANGES IN NUMBER AND STRUCTURE OF CHROMOSOMES 11. POPULATION GENETICS 12. ISOLATION OF DNA AND ELECTROFORESIS 13. MOLECULAR MARKERS 14 . FORENSICS Compulsory RECOMMANDED READING Additional 1. Vapa Lj. Ćeliska i molekularna osnova nasledjivanja, , skripta, PMF Novi Sad , 2007. 2. Vapa Lj. Humana genetika, skripta, PMF Novi Sad , 2007. 3. Popić-Paljić F. Humana genetika-Medicinski fakultet, u štampi 1. Strachan T, Read AP. Human Molecular Genetics 3 Garland Publishing, UK, 2004. 2. Diklić V., Kosanović M., Nikoliš J., Dukić S., Biologija sa humanom genetikom, Grafopan, Beograd, 2001. Evaluation of students' work – No.of points per individual activity Pre-exam obligations Lectures Exercises Lectures 3 30 Seminar paper The rest Final exam Written Oral 67 - Total 100 List of teachers and assistents Associate Assistent 3 1 1. Lecturer Prof.dr Feodora Popić-Paljić Professor PhD 2. 3. 4. 5. Associate prof. Professor Scientist 1 Asst. Ivana Kavečan Dr Miljen Maletin, Associate u nastavi Nataša Jovanović, Associate u nastavi Dr Iva Salatić, student na dokt.studijama Chief of the department Prof. dr Aleksndra Doronjski, ensuring