Hwk Questions: Wednesday, Sept. 14 – Life on Medieval Manor

Hwk Questions: Wednesday, Sept. 14 – Life on Medieval Manor
2. Life on the Medieval Manor: The Feudal Arrangement
Questions for Review:
1. What services did a feudal nobleman perform for the lord who was ranked
above him?
He provided: money, goods, services to this lord. He provided an army (made of
serfs from his lands) should the lord go into battle. When he died, his lands, title
and serfs who worked the land were passed on to his eldest son.
2. What were the obligations of the serfs?
 Farm the land owned by the lord
 2/3 of what they produced (crops) from the land went to the lord in return
for the land to farm
 Ransom the lord when captured in battle
 Help pay for the lord’s son’s armor and weapons when he became a knight
3. What was the system of manorialism?
 Serfs planted the lord’s land, and gave him 2/3 of the crops in return for use
of his land, rent, taxes, services and use of his bake oven and wine press.
 When the lord went to war, serfs were expected to serve in his regiment.
 Raise his ransom when he was captured in battle and
 Help pay for the lord’s son’s armor and weapons when he became a knight.
 Serfs could not leave the manor without the Lord’s permission.
4. Why did Lord Pierre grant permission for the marriage of Helene and Louis’
He would keep two people who already lived on his land staying on his land to
work and they would have children who would be tied to his land. He would not
lose a person marrying into another manor. He was charging a tax for the marriage
which brings in extra income.
5. Why did Helene think that the feudal system was unfair?
They are taxed for the marriage, he has the final word on whether the marriage can
even take place. He is gaining the children of the marriage as serfs on his manor.
Understanding the Story:
A. Helene had strong feeling about many things. Tell which of the statements
below describe her thinking.
2. Tax is too high on marriage
3. Lord had nothing to lose when he granted approval for the marriage
6. Taxes leave us little for our selves
8. Pray for a happy life and more freedom for the newlyweds