Sample Memo for Volunteers

[Insert Your College & University Logo]
Dear Recycling Volunteers:
Many thanks for stepping up to volunteer at our tailgating recycling event on [insert date]. Your
participation is fundamental to the success of our event! This is to confirm your participation and give
you more details about what to expect on Game Day.
Reporting for Your Shift
Please report on time for your confirmed shift. See the attached Volunteer Schedule for your shift
assignment. All volunteers should report to [insert location]. When you sign-in we will review accepted
items for recycling and safety procedures. From there, you and/or your team will receive recycling bags
and a zone assignment. At the end of your shift, please return any leftover bags to the check-in point.
Your Game Day Job Description
Tailgating recycling volunteers work in teams of [insert number] to distribute recycling bags or (and/or
collecting recyclables from) tailgaters. Hand out bags to tailgating groups located in your zone and
remind fans that the bags are for collecting [insert the list of accepted materials]. Make sure tailgaters
understand how the recyclables will be collected. As you interact with tailgaters, feel free to share
recycling facts to reinforce why their recycling matters. For a list of national and local statistics see the
attached recycling factsheet. [If you are offering any volunteer incentive(s), please describe here (i.e. As
a special thank you to our volunteers we are….].
Thank you again for your interest and support. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact:
On behalf of [insert the name of all the campus organizations involved],
[Insert your name, title (if relevant) and contact information]