COURSE OUTLINE DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGIOUS SCIENCES HISTORY OF RELIGIONS Course Title Code Semester L+P Hour Credits ECTS HISTORY OF RELIGION II 201803 8 2+0 2 3 Requirements None. Language of Instruction Turkish Course Level Undergraduate Course Type Compulsory Course Coordinator Enes Veli (lecturer) Instructors Enes Veli (lecturer) Assistants Abdullah Dilek (researcher) To obtain academic, detailed, comparative and phenomenological Goals information about Judaism, Christianity as well as the major and contemporary religious movements. 1) Identifying the fundemental features and phenomenon of Judaism and Christianity, with Abrahamic tradition and sharing the common geography and history with Islam in a detailed and comparative way. 2) Recognizing the situation of Judaism and Christianity in the ancient and modern times. Learning Outcomes 3) Comprehending the Jewish and Christian view of other religions. 4) Getting familiar with the contemporary religious movements such as Jehovah Witnesses and Moonism. 5) Being informed of the relationship between Abrahamic Religions and their common features. The historical periods, belief systems, sects (ancient and modern), sacred Content texts, current situations of Judaism and Christianity; the major religious movements, occuring in the contemporary term as well as the common issues and relationship of Abrahamic Religions. COURSE SCHEDULE Week Topics 1 Introduction to Judaism: Who is Jewish; the rise of Judaism and the key terms of Jewish people. 2 The history of Jewish people/Judaism, Jewish sects (ancient and modern) Study Materials 3 The Jewish sacred texts 4 Belief system and worship ways in Judaism 5 Introduction to Christianity: the word of ‘Christian’, the rise of Christianity and Jesus’ life 6 The history of Christianity, the Councils and the Christian sects 7 The Christian sacred texts and the Apocrypha 8 The Christian belief system and worship ways (the sacraments) 9 The Jewish and Christian views of the other religions 10 The comparation of the Torah, Gospels and Quran in terms of the common stories 11 The comparation of Abrahamic Religions in terms of worship ways and places of worship 12 Contemporary religious movements: Jahovah Witnesses and Moonism 13 Contemporary religious movements: Babism, Bahaism and Qadianism 14 General review RESOURCES Main Resources [1] Günay Tümer-Abdurrahman Küçük, Dinler Tarihi, Ocak Yayınları, Ankara, 2002. [2] Şinası Gündüz (ed), Yaşayan Dünya Dinleri, Diyanet İşleri Bakanlığı, Ankara, 2007. [3] Salime Leyla Gürkan, Yahudilik, İSAM Yayınları, İstanbul, 2008. [4] Şinasi Gündüz, Hristiyanlık, İSAM Yayınları, İstanbul, 2007. [1] Baki Adam, Yahudi Kaynaklarına Göre Tevrat, Pınar Yayınları, İstanbul, 2002. [2] Baki Adam, Yahudilik ve Hristiyanlık Açısından Diğer Dinler, Pınar Yayınları, İstanbul, 2002. [3] İsmail Taşpınar, Hacı Abdullah Petricî’nin Hristiyanlık Eleştirisi, İnsan Additional Resources Yayınları, İstanbul, 2008. [4] Hakan Olgun, Luther ve Reformu: Katolisizm’i Protesto, Fecr Yayınları, Ankara, 2001. [5] Mehmet Aydın, Müslümanların Hristiyanlara Karşı Yazdığı Reddiyeler ve Tartışma Konuları, TDV Yayınları, Ankara, 2012. [6] Ekrem Sarıkçıoğlu, Diğer İnciller, Fakülte Kitabevi, Isparta, 2005. MATERIAL SHARING Documents Assignments Exams ASSESSMENT IN-TERM STUDIES QUANTITY PERCENTAGE Mid-terms 1 40 Quizzes 0 0 Assignment 1 15 Total 100 CONTRIBUTION OF IN-TERM STUDIES TO OVERALL GRADE 40 CONTRIBUTION OF FINAL EXAMINATION TO OVERALL GRADE 60 Total 100 Course Category (B) For the units in the exemption of the Faculty of Engineering (Tuning) Basic Vocational Courses X CONTRIBUTION OF THE COURSE TO THE PROGRAM OUTCOMES No Program Learning Outcomes Contribution 1 2 3 4 5 1 The students can recite the Holy Qur’ān and translate it according to the rules appropriately. In addition to his own field of classic language, students be enabled to reach a level of 2 contemporary English yielding comprehension of the texts and be able to relate them orally and in writing. The students are to comprehend the words and the actions of the Prophet, recognize his Qurānic 3 attitudes, to know the course stages of the sayings of the Prophet, how the methods of the hadīth did develop, the integrity of Qur’ān and hadith, and to know the position, the problems and various interpretations of hadīth in Islam. 4 5 6 7 The students learn about Islāmic jurisdiction from the classic and contemporary sources, within the history of jurisdiction to be able to compare Islamic jurisdiction system with other systems. The students recognize Islāmic tenets in the lines of logical and narrational values, and be to comprehend the problems and the solutions of philosophy. The students be able to know the various classic and contemporary movements and their characteristics through the history of Islam. The students understand the different mystical thoughts, their orders, their leaders and ideas of ascetism and the history of mysticism in general. The students learn about the religious education within the history of education, to recognize the 8 classic and the modern education and can compare them, and comprehend the medium and the methodology of education with self confidence. 9 The students will develop a solid foundation through benefitting from learning philosophy, sociology and psychology and the data acquired from their field of science and from their methods. X 10 The students will learn about the contemporary religions and the religions existed in the past, their X basic teachings and their characteristics. The students recognize the history and the stages Islamic civilization has being through, the inter- 11 relations of various civilizations, will be able to evaluate and analyze the synthetic methods of Islamic sciences and civilization and within the rules of criticism be able to know the strengths and weaknesses of them. The students will be able to learn about the Islamic literature through studying some well-known 12 examples, be acquainted with music, be able to perform some basic music, to recognize the difference of Islamic architecture and be able to compare it with others and be able to recognize the Islamic decoration art, its past and main works. ECTS ALLOCATED BASED ON STUDENT WORKLOAD BY THE COURSE DESCRIPTION Activities Quantity Duration (Hour) Total Workload (Hour) Course Duration 14 2 28 Hours for off-the-classroom study (Pre-study, practice) 16 2 32 Assignments 1 6 6 Presentation / Preparing Seminar 1 6 6 Mid-terms 1 10 10 Final examination 1 10 10 Total Work Load 92 Total Work Load / 30 (h) 3.06 ECTS Credit of the Course 3