DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOL BOARD SUBMITTED BY: School Representative – School Name SUBJECT: Request to [Consolidate Campuses, Change Grade Levels Served, and/or Convert from a Single Campus to MultiCampus Status] DATE: Month ##, 201# ______________________________________________________________________ REQUEST School Name Public Charter School submits to the District of Columbia Public Charter School Board this request to reconfigure grade levels and/or campuses and/or change the grade levels served from ## to ## for the 201#-201# school year. BACKGROUND Please address all questions and requests for information in narrative form. This information provides helpful background to the PCSB Board as it reviews these notifications. Overview of School Performance 1. Provide the following information about your school: (1) number of years in operation; (2) grade levels served; (3) and the expiration date of the school’s charter agreement. 2. Summarize the school’s academic performance history, including PMF scores and/or accountability plan results for the past three years. 3. List all notices of concerns, charter warnings, or corrective actions issued to the school by PCSB in the past five years, as well as how the school responded to such notices and warnings. 4. Summarize the school’s enrollment history for the previous five years, including (a) the school’s current enrollment; (b) the school’s current enrollment ceiling; (c) the school’s reenrollment rates; and (d) the number of students on the school’s waiting list each year. Proposed change to grade levels and/or campuses 1. Explain the school’s rationale for this proposal. 2. How will the proposed change impact the school’s operations and finances? Provide a proposed budget and budget narrative. 3. Will the new grade levels and/or campuses pursue the same goals and student academic achievement expectations (“expectations”) that are detailed in the school’s charter? If no, please detail proposed new goals and expectations. 4. If this request is for an additional campus, please describe all funds (including public and private) the school has earmarked for this new campus. 5. Has the school informed stakeholders (including staff, parents, and advisory neighborhood commissioners) of the proposed new campus? If so, how were stakeholders notified? Please describe any concerns raised by stakeholders. [Insert School Name] Public Charter School Enrollment Matrix – All Campuses Although PCSB requests that schools detail their proposed enrollment through 2018-19, note that schools may only seek approval for an enrollment increase for the school years remaining before the school’s next scheduled high-stakes review or renewal. If the school is requesting an enrollment increase at more than one campus, it should complete a separate enrollment matrix for each such campus. Grade Pre-School PreKindergarten (Pre-K) Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Ungraded ES Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Ungraded MS/ JHS Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Ungraded SHS Alternative Special Ed Schools Adult LEA Total Projected % Special Needs Projected % ELL # Campuses* Academic Year 2014-15 Academic Year 2015-16 Academic Year 2016-17 Academic Year 201718 Academic Year 201819