Course Program of “Environmental Soil Chemistry” (Lectures 72 hours, 4 credits) Staff Member Responsible for the course: Prof. Minkina Tatiana Mikhailovna, full professor of Soil Science and Agrochemistry Department of the Southern Federal University. Her principal research and teaching interests lie in the area of Soil science, Soil chemistry, Environmental chemistry. E-mail: INTRODUCTION The course is intended for advance undergraduate and graduate students and masters in soil science and for students in environmental chemistry and geochemistry. The course purpose: acquaintance of students of features of soil chemical properties at the decision of soil science and environment problems. The course problems: study the role of elements and their compounds in formation of soil processes and genesis of soils as a whole. The course provides extensive discussions on the chemistry of inorganic and organic soil components, soil solution-solid phase equilibria, sorption phenomena, kinetics of soil chemical processes, redox reactions, soil acidity and salinity, the chemical and physical forms and distribution of contaminants in soils, mechanisms of metal sorption on soil components, and speciation of inorganic contaminants. This course also contains new information on soil quantity, carbon sequestration, organic matter structure, surface nucleation-precipitation and dissolutions, and the use of synchrotron-based spectroscopic and microscopic techniques in study soil chemical reactions and processes at molecular and smaller scales in situ. Requirements to knowledge of course "Environmental Soil Chemistry" - To know the maintenance of discipline "Environmental Soil Chemistry" and to have full information about possibilities of its chapters application at studying the chemical processes in polluted soils; - To investigate the soil chemical properties and soil components, to receptions the calculation of characteristics quantitative and diagnostics of elementary soil processes. TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1. Environmental Soil Chemistry: An Overview Evolution of Soil Chemistry. The Modern Environmental Movement. Contaminants in Soils. Soil Quality. Pesticides. Acid Deposition. Trace Elements. Hazardous Wastes. Case Study of Pollution of Soils and Waters. Soil Decontamination. In Situ Methods. Non-in-Situ Methods. Molecular Environmental Soil Chemistry. Electromagnetic Spectrum of Light. Synchrotron Radiation. X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy. Other Molecular-Scale Spectroscopic and Microscopic Techniques. Chapter 2. Inorganic Soil Components Introduction. Pauling's Rules. Primary Soil Minerals. Secondary Soil Minerals. Phyllosilicates. Oxides, Hydroxides, and Oxyhydroxides. Carbonate and Sulfate Minerals. Specific Surface of Soil Minerals. External Surface Area Measurement. Total Surface Area Measurement. Surface Charge of Soil Minerals. Types of Charge. Cation Exchange Capacities of Secondary Soil Minerals. Identification of Minerals by X-Ray Diffraction Analyses. Clay Separation and XRay Diffraction Analysis. Use of Clay Minerals to Retain Organic Contaminants. Chapter 3. Chemistry of Soil Organic Matter (SOM) Introduction. Effect of Soil Formation Factors on SOM Contents. Carbon Cycling and Sequestration. Composition of SOM. Fractionation of SOM. Molecular and Macromolecular Structure of SOM. Functional Groups and Charge Characteristics. Humic Substance-Metal Interactions. Factors Affecting Metal—Complexant (Ligand) Interactions. Determination of Stability Constants of Metal-HS Complexes. Effect of HS-Metal Complexation on Metal Transport. Effect of HSA13+ Complexes on Plant Growth. Effect of HS on Mineral Dissolution. SOM-Clay Complexes. Mechanisms of Interactions. Retention of Pesticides and Other Organic Substances by Humic Substances. Chapter 4. Soil Solution-Solid Phase Equilibria Introduction. Measurement of the Soil Solution. Speciation of the Soil Solution. Ion Activity and Activity Coefficients. Dissolution and Solubility Processes. Stability Diagrams. Chapter 5. Sorption Phenomena on Soils Introduction and Terminology. Surface Functional Croups. Surface Complexes. Adsorption Isotherms. Equilibrium-based Adsorption Models. Freundlich Equation. Langmuir Equation. Double-Layer Theory and Models. Surface Complexation Models. Deficiencies of Double-Layer and Surface Complexation Models. Sorption of Metal Cations. Sorption of Anions. Surface Precipitation. Speciation of Metal-Contaminated Soils. Points of Zero Charge. Definition of Terms. Chapter 6. Ion Exchange Processes Introduction. Characteristics of Ion Exchange. Cation Exchange Equilibrium Constants and Selectivity Coefficients. Kerr Equation. Vanselow Equation. Other Empirical Exchange Equations. Thermodynamics of Ion Exchange. Theoretical Background. Experimental Interpretations. Relationship Between Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Ion Exchange. Chapter 7. Kinetics of Soil Chemical Processes Rate-Limiting Steps and Time Scales of Soil Chemical Reactions. Rate Laws. Determination of Reaction Order and Rate Constants. Kinetic Models. Elovich Equation. Parabolic Diffusion Equation. Fractional Power or Power Function Equation. Comparison of Kinetic Models. Multiple Site Models. Chemical Nonequilibrium Models. Physical Nonequilibrium Models. Kinetic Methodologies. Batch Methods. Flow Methods. Relaxation Techniques. Choice of Kinetic Method. Effect of Temperature on Reaction Rates. Kinetics of Important Soil Chemical Processes. Sorption-Desorption Reactions. Kinetics of Metal Hydroxide Surface Precipitation/Dissolution. Ion Exchange Kinetics. Kinetics of Mineral Dissolution. Chapter 8. Redox Chemistry of Soils Oxidation-Reduction Reactions and Potentials. Eh vs pH and pe vs pH Diagrams. Measurement and Use of Redox Potentials. Submerged Soils. Redox Reactions Involving Inorganic and Organic Pollutants. Mechanisms for Reductive Dissolution of Metal Oxides/Hydroxides. Oxidation of Inorganic Pollutants. Reductive Dissolution of Mn Oxides by Organic Pollutants. Reduction of Contaminants by Iron and Microbes. Chapter 9. The Chemistry of Soil Acidity Introduction. Environmental Aspects of Acidification. Historical Perspective of Soil Acidity. Solution Chemistry of Aluminum. Monomeric Al Species. Polymeric Al Species. Exchangeable and Nonexchangeable Aluminum. Soil Acidity. Forms of Soil Acidity. Effect of Adsorbed Aluminum on Soil Chemical Properties. Titration Analyses. Liming Soils. Chapter 10. The Chemistry of Saline and Sodic Soils Introduction. Causes of Soil Salinity. Soluble Salts. Evapotranspiration. Drainage. Irrigation Water Quality. Sources of Soluble Salts. Important Salinity and Sodicity Parameters. Total Dissolved Solids (JDS). Electrical Conductivity (EC). Parameters for Measuring the Sodic Hazard. Classification and Reclamation of Saline and Sodic Soil. Saline Soils. Sodic Soils. Saline-Sodic Soils. Effects of Salinity and Sodicity on Soil Structural Properties. Effects of Soil Salinity on Plant Growth. Effects of Sodicity and Salinity on Environmental Quality. ASSESSMENT Means of assessment Assessment one (50 per cent) 2 Hour question, test and task on Soil Solution-Solid Phase Equilibria. Assessment two (50 per cent) 2 Hour question, test and task on The Chemistry of Soil Acidity. GRADING SCHEME A EXCELLENT - outstanding performance with only minor errors B VERY GOOD - above the average standard but with some errors C GOOD - generally sound work with a number of notable errors D SATISFACTORY- fair but with significant shortcomings E SUFFICIENT - performance meets the minimum criteria FX F FAIL - some more work required before the credit can be awarded FAIL - considerable further work is required Method of Assessment: 4 hour examination References 1. Adams, F. (1971). Ionic concentrations and activities in the soil solution. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 35, 420-426. 2. Adriano, D.S. (2001). Trace elements in the terrestrial environment. 2nd. Springer-Verlag. New York. 3. Alexander, M. (1995). How toxic are toxic chemicals in soils? Environ. Sci. Technol. 29, 2713-2717. 4. Bahr, A., Ellström, M., Schnoor, T.K., Påhlsson, L., Olsson, P.A. Long-term changes in vegetation and soil chemistry in a calcareous and sandy semi-natural grassland. 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