Blooming Prairie Women of Today General Meeting Agenda First Lutheran Church, April 2, 2012 Attendees Deb J Mandy D o o o Joddy T Naomi S Angie W Julie S Phil D Call to Order @ __7:10 p.m. by Deb J. Pledge of Allegiance, and Creed omit by general consent I. Lynn B Sandy B Tammy B Lori P Sarah C Caroline I Elizabeth I Nicki R Melissa Gloria United State Women of Today Creed We, the United States Women of Today are dedicated to serving our community and nation are committed to strengthening our individual talents, and stand united in our friendship and belief in the future. Officer Reports A. Chairman of the Board: Lynn Borchert a. Quorum established? Yes (1/3 of members excluding college students [2] = 4, including 3 Board Directors) b. Elections – summary of officer positions to be reviewed at board meeting. B. Secretary: Lynn Borchert a. March minutes submitted by Sarah C. were approved as printed; b. Correspondence circluated for members to review. C. Treasurer: Caroline Imm; Deb plans to contact Caroline for updates. a. Checking $_______ Savings $_______ b. Amount left in membership fund c. Areas we have donated so far this year d. Budget Review Committee (Annual event) D. President: a. Board Meetings: at BP Community Center 3rd Tuesday of each month, 6:30 pm, potluck b. Reserve location for May board meeting and rest of 2012 (Sarah) c. General Meetings: 1st Monday, First Lutheran Church, 7p.m. d. Meeting Hostess sheet passed around for members to sign up e. Review Calendar of the year/projects for 2012/2013 – calendar shared with members/to review and bring comments/suggestions to next meeting f. – Deb shared information about Doodle – a way for multiple people to figure out best dates for holding events; Deb will send sample Doodle for upcoming project – please participate! E. State Delegate: Lynn Borchert a. District News: . i. DD Party – April 29, 2-5pm, 5219 15th St SE, Rochester ii. Next meeting date - June b. State News: promoted LOTS F. Membership Vice President: Sarah Cooke a. Updated Membership Roster: New members – Nikki Ryks and Gloria Dennis. Via CSC, Bobbi has not been added to our roster (check with Caroline for further information). b. Correct and review current member personal information c. Sarah working on ordering new chapter business cards d. Review Membership Plan – see handouts e. Renewals: Sandy (__/Renew), Lynn, Phil, Angie (Pd/Renew), Caroline, Joddy, and Julie Spinler (__/Renew). 1 G. Programming Vice President: Naomi Smith 1. Donations:Sarah/Tammy M/S/P “To donate $100 to First Lutheran Church.” Sarah/Mandy M/S/P “To donate $50 to BPRA.” Sarah/Mandy M/S/P “To pay Studio Ten Design $15.17 for Domain name.” Sarah/Mandy M/S/P “To reimburse Tammy $32.24 for expenses from the BP Education Fundraiser Basket.” II. Final Reports A. Food Shelf Donation (Chapter Collected and dispersed 3 grocery bags of items donated by members on March 5, 2012) B. Education Fundraiser Basket – Tammy: Chocolate basket donated (Sarah will inquire about how much basket sold for) III. Ongoing Business (updates) A. Community Days – April 27 & 28 – Sarah reminded members of upcoming sale. B. Easter Egg Hunt – Mandy/Angie donations down this year. Created __ baskets; Egg stuffing will be held Wednesday and Thursday. Hunt will be held Saturday. C. Carrie Olivo chapter donated $100 for “Wish Trip” - Naomi D. Mary Ahrens donation - Naomi E. After Prom – Mandy/Tammy M/S/P “to purchase items up to $75 for After Prom event.” F. Other IV. New Business A. Adopt A Highway – review form (Chair?) Will try doodle calendar to set date. B. High School Scholarship Committee (Sarah/Tammy) V. Programming Highlights A. Internal a. NEWSLET: Lynn Borchert – please submit information to Lynn! b. Public Relations: Sarah Cooke i. T-shirt information – Naomi: basic T – cost $5; $18-22 for sweatshirt; need to establish logo: embroidered more costly, looks better; not a bad price if design is simple; suggestion to have “Blooming Prairie Women of Today” in small print on left front; chapter members need to agree on what color we would have as a chapter. Women of Today Creed We, the Women of Today, are service, growth, and fellowship. We believe that through us great lessons can be learned, worthy deeds performed, and a hand of fellowship extended to millions of women everywhere. May we leave the world a better place because we lived and served within it. o Adjournment @ 8:10 p.m. by Deb District 15 2 Area 4 Chapter # MN0023 PO Box 542