2011 - 2012 Final Report 1. School's identified most critical academic need(s) addressed in the plan. Please check only the primary area(s). Improvement in some academic areas may improve all other academic areas, but if the goal is to improve reading (or technology), please check only that area. Academic areas as identified in the plan Mathematics Reading Fine Arts Writing Academic areas as implemented in the plan Mathematics Reading 2. Financial proposal and report - This report is automatically generated from the School Plan entered in the Spring of 2011 and from the District Business Administrator's date entry of the School LAND Trust expenditures from the 2011 - 2012 school year. Available Funds Carry-over from 2010 - 2011 Distribution for 2011 - 2012 Total Available for expenditure in 2011 2012 Salaries and Employee Benefits (100 and 200) Professional Development and Technical Services (300) Repairs and Maintenance (400) Other Purchased Services (Admission / Printing) (500) Travel (580) General Supplies (610) Textbooks (641) Library Books / Periodicals / Audiovisual (644, 650, 660) Software / Technology related Hardware / Actual Expenditures Planned Expenditures (entered by the (entered by the District Business school) Administrator) $15,825 $26,017 $26,883 $32,296 $42,708 $58,313 $33,167 $39,044 $5,000 $5,579 $0 $0 $4,541 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $462 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Other Equipment (670, 730) Total Expenditures Remaining Funds (Carry-over to 2012 2013) $42,708 $45,085 $0 $13,228 2. a Please describe all expenditures in Other Purchased Services (Admission / Printing) and Travel and how they supported the plan. 2. b Please describe each expenditure in General Supplies and how it supported the plan AmeriCorps and AVID required funding for supplies in this category. 2. c Please explain the reason for the carry over to 2012 - 2013. Employee benefits were calculated higher than the actual amount paid to the employees. 3. This is what the School Community Council or Trust Lands Committee planned to do and how they planned for the money to be spent 1. Additional para-professionals or teaching staff will be hired to support small group instruction. 2. Teachers will meet as grade level teams to assess and modify current Walk Away essential concepts as the Common Core is implemented in our school. 3. Students will be monitored on their progress toward attaining Walk Away concepts using teacher created assessments, basal assessments, DIBELS, YPP, and Acuity assessments. 3. Student performance will be discussed in grade level teams with appropriate interventions created and implemented, i.e., small group intervention, before or after school program, etc. 4. Teachers will participate in training relative to the Common Core, including writing, math, language arts, AVID, and technology. 5. Redwood Elementary will participate in the Utah AmeriCorps Literacy Initiative. AmeriCorps will employ a coordinator to implement the Literacy Initiative at our school. The coordinator, in conjunction with AmeriCorps and the LDS church will recruit volunteers to implement the Star Reading program. 3. a What did the school do and how was the money spent to improve student academic performance? (Be specific) The school hired paraprofessionals to support teachers in the areas of reading and math. The focus was on small group instruction and the reteaching in essential concepts. 4. The following are the committee's specific goals for student improvement entered in the plan The CRT summative assessment for Redwood Elementary will show an increase of 5 percent in the number of students in grades three through six scoring at Level 3 or 4 in Language Arts. This will raise our whole school score from 58 percent to 63 percent. This goal reduces the number of non-proficient students by 10 percent. This will be accomplished with continued training and implementation of teacher created Walk Aways that identify essential concepts that are tied to formative assessments in the Language Arts curriculum specific to each grade level. The CRT summative assessment will show an increase of 5 percent in the number of students in grades three through six scoring at Level 3 or 4 in Mathematics. This will raise our whole school score from 52 percent to our goal of 57 percent. This goal reduces the number of non-proficient students by 10 percent. This will be accomplished with continued training and implementation of teacher created Walk Aways that identify concepts tied to formative assessments in the Numeracy curriculum specific to each grade level. 4. a Please explain how the goals described above were achieved or not achieved and why. Para-professionals were hired. Teachers met as grade levels and modified assessments to identify essential skills not met by each student. In Professional Learning Communities, student progress is continually monitored by walk away assessments, ACUITY assessments, DIBELS progress monitoring, teacher created, and basal assessments. Student progress is also monitored and discussed. Interventions are in place such as small group instruction and a designated reteaching session build into the school day. Teachers have received ongoing training in the common core, math, language arts, writing, AVID, and technology. Redwood is participating in the AmeriCorps Literacy Initiative. Students participating in the program made significant gains in reading. 5. The following is how the committee planned to measure/assess academic improvement 1. The CRT summative assessment will show an increase of 5 percent in the number of students in grades 3 through 6 scoring at Level 3 or 4 in Language Arts. This will raise our whole school score from 58 percent to our goal of 63 percent. This goal reduces the number of non-proficient students by 10 percent. 2. The CRT summative assessment will show at increase of 5 percent in the number of students in grades 3 through 6 scoring at Level 3 or 4 in mathematics. This will raise our whole school score from 52 percent to our goal of 57 percent. This goal reduces the number of non-proficient students by 10 percent. 3. DIBELS formative assessment benchmarks will show an increase of at least 10 percent by grade level comparing beginning of year to end of year benchmark. 4. Acuity end of year formative assessments will show an average score of at least 70 percent. 5. a Please show the before and after measurements and how academic performance was improved Language CRT 2010-2011 51% 2011-2012 53% 2011-2012 52% Math CRT 2010-2011 46% Dibels Begin(%) End(%) Grade: K Benchmark 28 57 +29 01 Benchmark 34 30 -4 02 Benchmark 56.1 35 -21 03 Benchmark 25 32 +7 04 Benchmark 23 22 -1 05 Benchmark 22 33 +11 06 Benchmark 45 53 +8 6. In the school plan, there was an opportuinity to explain how additional funds, exceeding the estimated distribution would be spent. The following is what was approved by your school district. Any additional funding will be used to hire para-professionals or hourly staff to support small group instruction or before and after school programs. 6. a The distribution to schools in 2011 - 2012 was approximately 20% more than School Community Councils planned for in the approved School Plans. How were the additional funds spent? The funds were spent on paraprofessionals to support small group instruction. 7. The school plan was advertised to the community in the following way: Letters to State Senators, Representatives, Governor, Attorney General, State Treasuerer and Congressional Delegation School Newsletter School Assembly School Website Other. Please Explain. 8. Please select from the pull down menus the policy makers the council/charter board has communicated with about the School LAND Trust Program. State Leaders State Senators Dist 1 Luz Robles State Representatives Dist 31 Larry B. Wiley State School Board U.S. Senators U.S. Representatives District School Board 9. The State Board Rule requires reporting of the dates when local boards approved the other four plans community councils are responsible for. Please enter the most recent approval date for each plan listed. These approval dates are for plans being implemented in the 2012 - 2013 school year and require a 2012 date. 2012 - 2013 School Plans School Improvement Plan (required for all schools) 12/04/2012 Professional Development Plan (required for all schools) 12/04/2012 Reading Achievement Plan (required for all schools with K-3 grades) 12/04/2012 Child Access Routing Plan (required for all elementary, middle & jr hight schools) 06/21/2012 A summary of this Final Report must be provided to parents and posted on the website by November 15th of the 2012-2013 school year. When was this task completed? 11/19/2012