CoZEE Zoonoses Network Autumn Conference The role of high-throughput sequencing in surveillance, diagnostics and tracking zoonotic bacteria Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th November 2014 The James Hutton Institute, Dundee An interactive, engaging, and proactive event for all those involved in zoonoses research prevention and control. Perspectives from stakeholders and scientists on the use of ‘next generation’ sequencing approaches relevant to public and animal health CoZEE is a cooperative network that aims to be inclusive of all those interested in zoonoses Are you a PhD student or early career researcher? Please come along and present your research either on a poster or an oral presentation. Confirmed speakers: David Ussery, Tim Dallman, Ken Forbes, John Coia, Ulrich Dobrindt [Supported by RESAS, FSA and SfAM] Day One 12.30 13.30 15.00 15.20 17.10 19.00 Arrival and lunch Introduction and Session 1: invited presentations Coffee Session 2: invited presentations Posters and wine reception Close Day Two 09.00 09.15 10.30 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 Introduction to breakout sessions Breakout sessions Coffee Feedback from breakouts Lunch Offered papers Collation & summary of the meeting Close & depart Places are strictly limited: £50 registration fee, free for PhD students. To register please refer to the webpage For more information go to or email