Unit 2 Key Terms

Unit 2 Key Terms
1. French and Indian War
2. Albany Plan of Union
3. Proclamation of 1763
4. Stamp Act
5. Sons of Liberty
6. Nonimportation agreements
7. Declaratory Act
8. Townshend Acts
9. Writs of Assistance
10. Boston Massacre
11. Committee of Correspondence
12. Boston Tea Party
13. Intolerable (Coercive) Acts
14. First Continental Congress
15. King George III
16. Lexington and Concord
17. Olive Branch Petition
18. Second Continental Congress
19. Thomas Paine
20. Thomas Jefferson
21. Declaration of Independence
22. Loyalists
23. Patriots
24. Valley Forge
25. Battle of Saratoga
26. Charles Cornwallis
27. George Washington
28. Battle of Yorktown
29. Treaty of Paris of 1783
30. Republic
31. Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom
32. Articles of Confederation
33. Northwest Ordinance
34. Shays’ Rebellion
1. Location where the Continental Army, under Washington, endured a harsh winter but famously
emerged stronger and more disciplined
2. This describes general warrants to search colonists’ property for smuggled goods
3. In this event, British soldiers killed five colonists in Massachusetts as a result of tension created
by the Townshend Acts
4. Though it failed, this represented the first time the colonies considered joining together for
common defense
5. Major leader of the British forces during the American Revolution who famously surrendered at
the Battle of Yorktown
6. This direct tax on the colonists taxed most printed materials and led to numerous protests in the
7. This group formed to protest the Stamp Act, organizing protests and harassing tax collectors
8. Leader of England during the American Revolution
9. The first armed conflict between colonial and British forces, considered the “shot heard around
the world”
10. First written plan of government for the United States which was weak and replaced
11. Meeting in which delegates from the colonies met and asked King George III to restore colonial
rights and spoke against the Intolerable Acts
12. Wrote “Common Sense,” a pamphlet that argued for independence from Britain
13. Last major battle of the American Revolution and victory for America
14. A type of group formed in the colonies to communicate with other colonies about British
15. Plan for settling territory in the United States that included a prohibition of slavery
16. This colonial protest to the Tea Act led to Britain passing the Intolerable Acts
17. This series of laws from Britain responded to the Boston Tea Party, including laws that shut down
the Boston port, expanding the Quartering Act, and further limiting the colonists’ rights
18. This conflict resulted in France losing its territory in America and led England to consider new
ways to pay for their colonies in America
19. Ended the American Revolution with England recognizing the United States as a new nation
20. Last effort of the Second Continental Congress to reconcile with King George III, which he
21. Author of the Declaration of Independence
22. Major turning point in the American Revolution that convinced France to help America
23. This series of acts taxed items like tea, paper, and glass
24. This document asserted that Britain had violated the natural rights of the colonists and concluded
that the British government no longer had authority over the colonists
25. Colonists who sided with the British during the American Revolution
26. Signed by colonists, this led to a boycott of British goods in protest of the Stamp Act
27. To save face after repealing the Stamp Act, this law asserted England’s authority to make laws
for the colonies
28. Action by Massachusetts farmers in response to what they saw as unfair taxes, exposed weakness
in Articles of Confederation
29. This order from King George III told the colonists not to settle past the Appalachian Mountains
30. First law that separated church and government institutions
31. Colonists who were opposed to the British during the American Revolution
32. Major leader of American forces during the American revolution who famously won at the Battle
of Yorktown
33. Meeting which delegates from the colonies created the Continental Army and declared
independence from Britain
34. Form of government in which power resides with a body of citizens entitled to vote for elected
officials who represent the voters and who must government according to laws and a constitution