Peer Coach Job Description - University of South Florida St

Peer Coach Job Description
University of South Florida St. Petersburg
Position Description
Peer Coaches are student leaders who are passionate about helping first year students successfully
transition to the campus life at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg (USFSP). Peer coaches
serve as peer educators, group facilitators, a connection to campus resources, and role models for new
students and their families. Peer coaches assist students in social, personal, and academic areas of their
transition to college.
● Must be a USFSP, undergraduate, degree-seeking student
● Has been a student at USFSP for at least one semester prior to the hiring date with a minimum
of Sophomore status preferred at the time of application
● Must be in good judicial and academic standing with the university (has a minimum of a 2.1
● Demonstrates exceptional organizational and time management skills
● Has experience and familiarity with the campus resources at USFSP
● Demonstrates strong interpersonal skills with the ability to establish and develop productive
● Ability to communicate with various constituencies such as staff, faculty, students, etc.
● Ability to communicate clearly and effectively, both in writing and verbally
● Works successfully with individuals of all backgrounds and abilities as well as possesses a
commitment to working with diverse populations, identities, and experiences
● Has an understanding of and sensitivity to transition concerns and issues faced by new students
● Possesses the following role model qualities: maturity, responsibility, initiative, motivation,
morality, flexibility, enthusiasm, integrity, discernment, positivity, and a strong work ethic.
● Possesses leadership and team building experience
● Willingness to work daytime, evening and weekend hours as scheduled, including holidays,
breaks, and between academic terms when necessary
● Commitment to this position for both Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 semesters preferred
● Attend ALL training dates listed in this application
Duties & Responsibilities
Meets with a caseload of 12-20 incoming first year in college students and provides coaching
(either individually or as a group) on a variety of topics related to success in college, such as:
helping students explore the importance of involvement, making healthy choices, having Bull
Pride and participating in campus traditions
Assists new students in understanding the college environment and the culture at USFSP
Serves as a resource regarding beneficial campus and community services
Determines students’ needs for academic success. This involves being proactive in listening and
asking relevant questions to identify student needs and connect students to relevant support
and services
Works in conjunction with other peer coaches and Peer Coach Coordinator to meet the needs of
Participates in one-one-one meetings and seminar/group meetings with the Peer Coach
Coordinator and/or Peer Coach Leader (PCL). Scheduled meeting times will be agreed
upon between the peer coach and the coordinator/PCL.
Suggests improvements to the peer coaching program and initiatives
Plans, promotes, implements, and evaluates programs and events to meet the social and
academic needs of assigned group of students with assistance from the Peer Coaching
○ This may include but not limited to: creating study group sessions, social outings,
workshops, and informal gathering/meeting with students.
Attends Peer Coach Training dates (see “Peer Coach Training & Meeting Dates” section)
Demonstrates willingness to uphold the mission, vision and values of USFSP Student Affairs
Division and the Institution.
Peer Coach Training (August 18th and 19th) & Meeting Dates
● Tuesday, August 18th: 9 AM-5 PM
● Wednesday, August 19th: 9 AM-5 PM
● Saturday, August 22nd: 12 PM-10 PM (time not yet determined so keep timeframe open)
● Sunday, August 23rd: 8:30 AM-12:30 PM
Hours & Compensation
● For the Fall, Peer coaches will work approximately 7 hours/wk (weeks 1-7) and 5 hours/wk
(weeks 8-15). During the spring semester, Peer Coaches will work approximately 5 hours per
week. Additionally, Peer Coaches will attend approximately 20-25 hours of training and move-in
weekend events with dates indicated under the Peer Coach Training & Meeting Dates section.
● Compensation for Peer Coaches is $9.00/hr.
How to apply
● Please complete the Application Questions below. You may attach answers to the application of
you need additional space.
● Include a resume.
○ Please see the Career Center Resume Writing Guide: or contact Career Services ( for additional
● Turn in your application materials (Application Questions and Resume) to the TRiO SSS office in
COQ 101. Applications may be submitted electronically, but hard copies are preferred.
● Applications will be accepted until all positions are filled.
Contact Rebecca Woskoff by phone or via e-mail at if you have any questions.
Rebecca Woskoff: 727-873-4498,
Application Questions
Name: _________________________________
Major: __________________________
Class Year as of Fall 2015 (circle one): Freshman
Expected Date of Graduation: _______________
Phone #: _________________________
E-mail: __________________________
Sophomore Junior
Are you a transfer student? ____ (Y/N)
Will you be available to participate in the Peer Coach training dates as mentioned in the Peer
Coaching Training & Meeting section above? _____ (Y/N)
What extracurricular activities are you involved with on-campus (including other employment)?
Will you be holding other employment during the academic year? If so, how many hours per week?
Also, include your availability between 9 to 4 PM on Fridays in the Fall.
Please write a short paragraph telling us why you are interested in becoming a Peer Coach.
Describe a past experience when you utilized leadership and/or teamwork skills.
What would you find most challenging in the role of a Peer Coach?
I, _____________________________, attest that all above information is true to my knowledge and
that I meet the minimum qualifications as stated in page 1 & 2 of this application.