Lesson F. Outcome and Obj. Indicators/Essential Question #1 IE 7.2 Observe, illustrate, and analyze living organisms within local ecosystems as part of interconnected food webs, populations, and communities. [SI] c) Conduct a field study to observe, record (using sketches, notes, tables, photographs, and/or video recordings), and identify biotic and abiotic components of a local ecosystem. #2 IE 7.2 How diverse is the ecosystem around us? Observe, illustrate, and analyze living organisms within local ecosystems as part of interconnected food webs, populations, and communities. [SI] c) Conduct a field study to observe, record (using sketches, notes, tables, photographs, and/or video recordings), and identify biotic and abiotic components of a local ecosystem. Learning Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. Assessment Introduce the unit of Interactions Within Ecosystems. Have students define ecosystem, biotic, abiotic. Review expectations for Schoolyard Observation activity and take students to playground. Collect worksheets before end of class for assessment. Have students begin working on their cover pages. Schoolyard Observation Rubric Return the Schoolyard Observations worksheet and review the expectations to the students and why marks were what they were. Give the students the class period to complete their cover pages. Students will assess themselves based on how well they think they worked. Assign due date for cover sheets. Self-Assessment for individual work based on classroom rubric. Cover pages must be submitted by the end of the period. Have the students sit in pairs (assigned) and complete the wrap-up activity for Schoolyard Observations. Students are to complete Page 10, questions 8-12. Assign due date for questions. Have students self-assess on their performance today. Self-Assessment for individual work based on classroom rubric. Have students submit their work from Page 10, Questions 8-12. Review any questions the students may have had from the assignment. Ask the students what all things need in order to survive including: water, energy, food, oxygen, suitable living conditions, to interact with other living and non-living things. These will be recorded in their duotangs. Have the students complete Check Your Progress on Page 15. This will be due next class. Students will be assessed based on their responses to Page 10, Questions 8-12. How diverse is the ecosystem around us? #3 IE 7.2 Observe, illustrate, and analyze living organisms within local ecosystems as part of interconnected food webs, populations, and communities. [SI] 1. 2. 3. c) Conduct a field study to observe, record (using sketches, notes, tables, photographs, and/or video recordings), and identify biotic and abiotic components of a local ecosystem. 4. 5. How diverse is the ecosystem around us? #4 IE 7.2 Observe, illustrate, and analyze living organisms within local ecosystems as part of interconnected food webs, populations, and communities. [SI] a) Illustrate the ecological organization of life within the biosphere, using specific examples of species, populations, communities, ecosystems, and biomes. What do you have in common with other living things? 1. 2. 3. #5 IE 7.2 Observe, illustrate, and analyze living organisms within local ecosystems as part of interconnected food webs, populations, and communities. [SI] 1. 2. #6 IE 7.2 b) Provide examples of ecosystems of varying sizes and locations, including their biotic and abiotic components. 3. What makes up an ecosystem? 4. Observe, illustrate, and analyze living organisms within local ecosystems as part of interconnected food webs, populations, and communities. [SI] 1. 2. i) Classify organisms in a variety of ecosystems as producers, consumers, or decomposers and further classify consumers as herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores. #7 IE 7.2 What roles do organisms play in an ecosystem? 5. Observe, illustrate, and analyze living organisms within local ecosystems as part of interconnected food webs, populations, and communities. [SI] 1. j) Interpret interdependence within natural systems by constructing food chains and food webs to illustrate the interactions among producers, consumers, and decomposers in a particular ecosystem. What roles do organisms play in an ecosystem? #8 IE 7.2 3. 4. Observe, illustrate, and analyze living organisms within local ecosystems as part of interconnected food webs, populations, and communities. [SI] i) Classify organisms in a variety of ecosystems as producers, consumers, or decomposers and further classify consumers as herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ask the students to review what the terms biotic and abiotic mean. List examples of each on the board: biotic = tree, grasshopper, dog; abiotic = gasoline, sand, rocks. Ask the students what they believe the biotic and abiotic factors of the following ecosystems would be: puddle, forest, school yard. As a class, discuss the Communicate questions on Page 21. Students will work on the Check Your Progress questions on Page 22 to close out the class. Students will be assessed based on their response to the questions on Page 15. Students will have the first 15 minutes of class time to work on the Check Your Progress questions on Page 22. If they cannot complete them in this time, they will be for homework. Have the students use their glossary to find the definitions for the following terms: consumer, carnivores, herbivores, omnivores. Review the definitions with the class. As a group, read the Explore and Develop sections on Pages 24 and 25. To close the class, discuss the Communicate questions as a group. Students will be assessed based on their responses to the questions on Page 22. Tell the students that today we will be learning about producers. Review what the definition of a producer is. Read the Explore and Develop sections of 3.2. Have the students look up and record the definitions of photosynthesis, chlorophyll, producers and cellular respiration. Have the students write down the word equations for photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Begin reading the Explore in section 3.3. The students should add the definition of food chain to their list. Students will begin working on the Communicate questions on Page 33. If not complete, it will be for homework. Students will be assessed based on their responses to Page 33. Have the students record the definitions of scavengers and decomposers and read the Explore section on Page 34. As a class, read pages 40-45. In their duotangs, have the students illustrate the water and carbon cycles, as illustrated on Pages 43 and 44. Assign the Check Your Progress on Page 38 as homework. Check Your Progress on Page 38 will be homework for assessment. Have students submit their Check Your Progress questions at the beginning of class. Complete the Communicate questions on Page 46 as a review of last class. Read Pages 48-53 together. Assessment will be based on responses to Page 38. How do decomposers and scavengers affect the ecosystem? #9 IE 7.2 Observe, illustrate, and analyze living organisms within local ecosystems as part of interconnected food webs, populations, and communities. [SI] 1. 2. 3. j) Interpret interdependence within natural systems by constructing food chains and food webs to illustrate the interactions among producers, consumers, and decomposers in a particular ecosystem. 4. Have students complete Check Your Progress on Page 53-54. 1. Have students submit Check Your Progress from Page 54. Together read Pages 56-59. Answer the Communication questions on Page 60. Have the students write the definitions to pioneer species and succession in their book. Read Page 64 and answer the questions on Page 66. Assessment will be based on the responses to the Check Your Progress questions from Page 54. Have the students write the definition of biome. Read Page 67 and do the Communicate questions together. Students will have the rest of the period to complete the Check Your Progress questions on Page 68. Assessment will be based on the responses to the Check Your Progress questions from Page 68. Have students submit Check Your Progress from Page 68. As a class, read Pages 69-74. Do the Communicate questions together from Page 72 and 75. Have the students complete the Check Your Progress from Page 75. Assessment will be based on the responses to the Check Your Progress questions from Page 68. Have the students submit the Check Your Progress from Page 75. As a class, read Pages 77-85. Discuss any Communicate questions. Students will have the rest of the period to work on Check Your Progress from Page 86. Assessment will be based on the responses to the Check Your Progress questions from Page 75. How do food chains operate? #10 IE 7.2 Observe, illustrate, and analyze living organisms within local ecosystems as part of interconnected food webs, populations, and communities. [SI] 2. 3. 4. a) Illustrate the ecological organization of life within the biosphere, using specific examples of species, populations, communities, ecosystems, and biomes. 5. What types of changes occur in an ecosystem? #11 IE 7.2 Observe, illustrate, and analyze living organisms within local ecosystems as part of interconnected food webs, populations, and communities. [SI] 1. 2. 3. a) Illustrate the ecological organization of life within the biosphere, using specific examples of species, populations, communities, ecosystems, and biomes. What is a biome? #12 IE 7.3 Evaluate biogeochemical cycles (water, carbon, and nitrogen) as representations of energy flow and the cycling of matter through ecosystems. [CP,SI] 1. 2. 3. 4. j) Provide examples of scientific knowledge that have resulted in the development of technologies designed to assist in managing aspects of ecosystems (e.g., understanding the effect of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium on plant growth led to the production of specific formulations of fertilizers, knowledge of how micro-organisms help break down matter led to the development of composting bins). How do humans affect the ecosystem? #13 IE 7.4 Analyze how ecosystems change in response to natural and human influences, and propose actions to reduce the impact of human behaviour on a specific ecosystem. [DM, CP] g) Be sensitive and responsible in maintaining a balance between human needs and a sustainable 1. 2. 3. 4. environment by considering both immediate and long-term effects of their course of action or stated position. How does technology help us deal with our waste? #14 N/A N/A 1. 2. 3. #15 #16 N/A N/A N/A N/A 1. 1. Have the students submit the Check Your Progress from Page 86. Give the entire class time for the students to work on the Unit Review. The next class will be used as review, as well. Continue review. Exam Students will be assessed based on the results of their exam.