Full Statement of Qualifications

Full Statement of Qualifications
CapRock was formed to solve complex technological problems, and reduce the operational and
economic impacts of environmental regulations. Our team of professionals thoroughly evaluates
each project, considering issues such as regulatory compliance, implementation feasibility,
economics and long term liability. CapRock has the knowledge and experience to expedite
difficult projects, and to provide solid compliance support strategies. We are committed to
providing the best possible solution to the challenges our clients face.
CapRock provides comprehensive environmental and engineering geology consulting services to
private and public sector clients, and has extensive experience negotiating with regulators. We
have gained the confidence and trust of our clients as a result of our high quality work,
responsiveness to their needs, and flexibility to meet demanding schedules.
The combined backgrounds of the staff coupled with a strong sense of teamwork, continuous
project monitoring and peer review procedures, provide our clients with consistent, reliable
consulting services:
Phase I and Phase II Site Assessment
Phase III Remediation
Regulatory Compliance Support
Risk Assessments (RBCA)
Business Response Plans
Facility Decontamination & Closure
Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasure Plan (SPCC)
Engineering Geology & Seismic Hazard Assessment
Cable Geo-Hazards Assessment
Geophysical Surveys
Dredging Impact Studies
Seafloor Installation Monitoring
Aquifer Testing
Groundwater Modeling & Monitoring
Groundwater Remediation
Industrial Wastewater & Stormwater
CapRock is fully insured and operates in full compliance with all applicable laws and
regulations. CapRock has insurance policies in force that provide coverage for Professional
Liability, General Liability, Pollution Liability, Automobile Liability, and Workers
Compensation. Certificates of Insurance will be provided upon request. CapRock can also be
bonded. Bonding is done on an individual, contract basis, as needed.
Clients: email for client list: caprockgeology@gmail.com
California Council of Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors
California Groundwater Association
Circum-Pacific Council for Energy & Mineral Resources (Gary Greene, Vice President)
Coast Geological Society (Michael Barminski, Vice President)
East-West Center Alumni Assoc. (Gary Greene, Past Fellow, Environment & Policy Institute)
Geological Society of America
Groundwater Resources Association
Monterey Bay Geological Society (Gary Greene, Founder, Robert Barminski, Secretary)
National Association of Marine Laboratories, (Gary Greene, Director)
National Ground Water Association
Salinas Area Chamber of Commerce
Western Association of Marine Laboratories (Gary Greene, President)
Society for Luminescent Microscopy and Spectroscopy
American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Division of Environmental Geosciences
American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Pacific Section
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Geophysical Union
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Public Works Association
American Water Resources Association
Association of Engineering Geologists
Association of Ground Water Scientists and Engineers
Registered Geologist
Certified Engineering Geologist
Registered Hydrogeologist
Registered Environmental Health Specialist
Hazardous Materials Manager
Registered Environmental Assessor
Civil Engineer
Certified Asbestos Consultant
Hazardous Waste Operations Supervisor
Site Investigations and Remedial Design
CapRock registered geologists and field staff have extensive experience conducting subsurface
investigations to characterize soil or groundwater conditions. We are knowledgeable of local
geology and local, state, and federal cleanup requirements. For sites requiring cleanup, we
perform remedial investigations, feasibility studies, and pilot testing. These data are used to
design cost-effective remedial solutions for various contaminants, including hydrocarbons,
solvents, pesticides, and metals.
The CapRock integrated approach to environmental assessments is designed to reduce client
costs. Our capabilities include soil and groundwater sampling and analysis; geologic and
hydrogeologic characterization; soil vapor surveys; groundwater monitoring well installation and
monitoring; remedial investigations; feasibility studies; pilot testing; and agency interaction and
negotiations. We apply the American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) risk based corrective
action (RBCA) framework where appropriate.
CapRock has conducted numerous site assessments for manufacturing facilities and industrial
plants, lending institutions, attorneys, and developers. Recently completed projects completed
include a subsurface investigation at a large industrial complex where soil and groundwater were
impacted by metals; investigations for petroleum hydrocarbon impacts from leaking underground
storage tanks at former service stations and automotive centers, industrial plants, and residential
areas; and investigation and interim remediation for metals/hydrocarbon contamination of soil
for a bridge construction project.
Site Assessments
CapRock performs Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) to evaluate past and current
facility operating practices related to the storage, handling, and disposal of hazardous materials,
to assess the potential for current and future environmental liabilities. Phase I ESAs are
conducted according to ASTM guidelines and draw upon our comprehensive background in
identifying environmental risks.
Groundwater Management
CapRock hydrogeologists evaluate the quantity and quality of groundwater. Our staff has
considerable experience in water resource development including exploration, well field design,
aquifer testing, and computer modeling to evaluate groundwater resources.
Our broad background in soil and groundwater cleanup ensures implementation of effective
remedial solutions to meet site specific needs. We are experienced in applying of a broad range
of technologies including vapor extraction, air sparging, aeration/air stripping, fixation,
bioremediation, and excavation.
Wastewater and Stormwater Management
We develop cost-effective solutions for wastewater disposal. To achieve compliance with
effluent quality criteria, we perform percolation testing, implement monitoring and control
measures, process modification, and treatment system design and installation. We provide all
phases of stormwater management including Pollution Prevention Plans and monitoring
Facility Decontamination and Closure
CapRock Geology maintains a solid track record in implementing all aspects of facility closures.
This includes closure planning and design, health and safety, decontamination of process
equipment and facilities, waste management and disposal, and closure documentation.
Air Quality Services
Our capabilities in air quality include preparation of air emissions inventories; air toxics plans
and reports; modification of process designs to reduce emissions; and analysis, design, and
implementation of control measures. We also perform assessments of indoor air quality
including air sampling and analysis.
Underground Storage Tank Management
CapRock Geology assists owners and operators of underground storage tanks with cost-efficient
compliance with regulations. Whether you are permitting a new tank, replacing an existing tank,
assessing the impacts from a leaking tank, cleaning up contamination of soil/groundwater, or
applying for reimbursement of costs from the State Clean-Up Fund, CapRock professionals will
Regulatory Compliance Support
CapRock Geology provides support in permitting, planning, documentation, monitoring, and
reporting programs to meet federal, state, and local regulations. We prepare Business
Plans/Hazardous Materials Inventories, Contingency Plans, Risk Management Plans, Hazardous
Waste Biennial Reports, Air Emissions/Air Toxics Reports, and Stormwater Management Plans.
CapRock will interface with the local regulatory agencies to assure environmental issues are
addressed accurately and in a timely manner.
Environmental Audits
CapRock professionals review hazardous materials processes and operations, procedures,
permits, documentation, record keeping, and other regulatory requirements to provide practical,
cost-conscious recommendations for meeting federal, state, and local environmental rules and
regulations. We also perform focused audits addressing risk management, OSHA compliance,
waste minimization, or other specific areas of concern to the client.
Comprehensive Hazardous Materials/Waste Management
CapRock Geology's experience encompasses all aspects of hazardous waste management,
ranging from process engineering and waste minimization to pollution mitigation and control
measures. We assist our clients in developing effective compliance strategies based on our
familiarity with the numerous environmental regulations which apply to the management of
hazardous materials and wastes.
Engineering Geology
CapRock has performed numerous geologic hazards analyses, and landslide and groundwater
studies for property owners. Our experience includes analysis of faults, liquefaction hazards,
ground motion and other seismic hazards.
Asbestos Risk Management
Our California Certified Asbestos Consultants conduct asbestos surveys and provide asbestos
risk management services, including abatement project oversight/monitoring but not asbestos
abatement contracting.
Recent projects include asbestos sampling/monitoring and asbestos risk management support to a
private client during an extensive demolition project of a 400,000 square feet agricultural
processing facility.
Lead Risk Management
CapRock provides complete lead risk management services to minimize hazards relating to the
presence of lead-based paint, lead containing dust, and subsurface lead contamination.
Marine Geology
CapRock marine geologists and technicians have considerable experience collecting and
analyzing data for subsea survey. CapRock can provide cable assessments including an initial
desk top study, geo-hazards evaluation, route profiling and selection. CapRock has provided
expert witness services for submarine landslides.
Cable Geo-Hazards Assessment
Monterey Bay, California
CapRock has been under contract to interpret and format data in a GIS (ArcViewÆ) for the
MCIWorldCom Southern Cross fiber optic telecommunication cable proposed for landing in the
Monterey Bay area. This work requires extensive review of the onland and offshore geology of
the Monterey Bay region, correlation of diverse geophysical and geological data sets and the
mapping of geohazards. Our contribution includes the identification of various geologic impacts
that would cause problems for the cable installation, any adverse disturbances to the seafloor that
resulted from the cable installation and the development of mitigation to reduce the impacts to
less than significant. Our reports and maps are produced for input into both an Environmental
Impact Report (EIR) and an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) following the guidelines of
the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Protection
Act (NEPA).
Methyl tertiary Butyl Ether (MtBE) Investigation
Alpine, California
Leaking tanks at a former gasoline station created a large zone of contaminated soil and
groundwater in the vicinity of the site. Of particular concern was the presence of Methyl tertiary
Butyl Ether (MtBE) in the groundwater. Large volume municipal groundwater drinking wells
were located within 1 mile down gradient of the initial impact. CapRock conducted an
investigation to ascertain the limits of groundwater impact and initiated a well head protection
monitoring program.
Site Investigation and Remediation
Underground Storage Tank Farms, Monterey and Imperial Counties
CapRock contracted with an agricultural trucking firm that owned two tank farms where soil
contamination had been detected. Another consultant gave an estimate of one year and a sixfigure cost to obtain closure. The owner needed quick results because ownership was being
transferred, and the unresolved environmental liability threatened business plans. The owner
sought a second opinion from CapRock, and was provided with a more competitive proposal.
CapRock performed a soil investigation at the Monterey County site and obtained regulatory
closure. At the other site in Imperial County, remedial excavation was performed and regulatory
closure was granted. CapRock completed both projects in six weeks at 10% of the competing
Site Investigation and Characterization, Remediation, and Hazardous Materials
Management, Agricultural Processing Plant, Salinas, California
CapRock provided closure support for a 50-acre industrial site where vegetable processing and
trucking activities, chemical storage tanks, and hazardous materials/wastes were located. The
project included all phases of site assessment, characterization, and remediation.
CapRock prepared site health and safety plans and project work plans and coordinated with
oversight agencies for all phases of the extensive site investigation, demolition and remedial
activities. Numerous borings and trenches were sampled to identify the nature of the subsurface
impacts and to determine the lateral and vertical extent of contamination at several suspect areas
on the site. In addition to soil sampling and analysis of the samples at certified laboratories, field
analysis techniques were also employed to expedite demolition.
During the demolition of 400,000 square feet of buildings, CapRock coordinated the disposal of;
a metals contaminated wooden cooling tower, 125,000 gallons of chromium brine, asbestos
containing material, and transformers containing PCBs. CapRock supervised and monitored subcontractor activities to ensure compliance with the work plan. Water supply wells were sampled
and then abandoned according to Department of Water Resources protocol.
Several areas of contamination were recommended for remediation by excavation. Following
excavation a treatment cell was constructed for passive bioremediation of the excavated soil.
Environmental Monitoring of Storm Drain Construction
Pajaro, Monterey County, California
In response to localized flooding, the County of Monterey redesigned storm drains in Pajaro. The
area has mixed residential, commercial and industrial usage with known contaminated sites.
CapRock provided cost effective screening of the work locations to minimize slow down of the
project due to unexpected contaminates.
In response to peculiar flooding patterns related to El Nino storm events, parts of the project
were redesigned necessitating rapid screening response.
Solvent Remediation
Ventura County, California
At a fortune 500 company's former facility long term solvent usage had created a wide spread
zone of solvent impact in soil and groundwater. CapRock provided oversight to the design,
installation, operation and monitoring of the remedial systems. The remedial systems consist of a
liquid phase carbon absorption system for groundwater treatment and a gas phase carbon
absorption system for soil treatment. Treatment at the site is ongoing.
Underground Storage Tank Compliance Database, Monterey County Health Department,
Salinas, Monterey, King City, 1998
Monterey County Environmental Health Department contracted with CapRock to design and
assemble a database on the compliance status of underground tanks. The project was completed
on schedule within a very demanding timeline dictated by the Federal EPA compliance deadline
of December 22, 1998. Within three weeks CapRock reviewed the MCHD files for every
documented UST in the county, determined compliance status, and created a custom software
application that compiled data on each site, detailed tank construction, permit history, and
compliance status.
Subsurface Investigation, Groundwater Monitoring, and Remediation, Agricultural Supply
Facility, Salinas, 1993 to present
CapRock performed a subsurface investigation at a site where USTs were removed and soil,
groundwater, and drinking water well impact from hydrocarbons was detected. Groundwater
monitoring wells, soil vapor extraction wells, and multiple completion wells were subsequently
installed. Mike Barminski performed feasibility testing and prepared a Corrective Action Plan
(CAP) accepted by the RWQCB. The CAP recommended soil vapor extraction to remove
petroleum hydrocarbon mass. CapRock installed a soil vapor and air sparging system that
reduced hydrocarbon mass in the capillary fringe and groundwater through volatilization. Based
on results of the investigations and correspondence with RWQCB, semi-annual groundwater
monitoring is continuing. >From 1993 to the present Robert Barminski has supervised
monitoring of up to 23 wells on a regular basis. This site has been kept in compliance under
RWQCB oversite as the highest priority leaking UST site in the Central Coast Region.
Asbestos, Lead, and Radon Risk Management
Fort Ord, Monterey, California
Robert Barminski, C.E.G. performed an asbestos, lead-based paint, and radon hazards survey for
a gas and utility metering project at the Presidio of Monterey Annex and Non-Annex facilities at
the former Fort Ord in Monterey County, California.
Asbestos: Available asbestos reports were reviewed to determine if asbestos containing materials
(ACMs) would be disturbed or released during the wall mounting of electrical meters and the
penetration of the roofing eves for gas ventilation piping. Attention was focused on the asphalt
pipe wrap on gas lines and the building wall and roofing materials. It was determined that ACMs
were present in the buildings affected by this project primarily in the asphalt pipe wrap, stucco
walls, roofing mastic, roof flashing, roofing composites, the resilient floor tile, floor sheeting,
and floor tile/sheeting mastic, and that precautions were required to minimize the risks associated
with the presence of ACMs.
Lead-Based Paint: A total of 25 paint samples were collected from commercial buildings and
residential housing units. To minimize the number of samples analyzed, CapRock did not
duplicate sampling from buildings of similar estimated dates, types, and methods of construction.
Further distinction was applied to the type of surface that was painted in the commercial
buildings, and the floor plan, painted surface type, and paint color in the residential houses. Lead
was detected above the Office of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) action levels in a
significant number of the paint samples taken from selected commercial buildings and residential
housing units. Lead-based paint appears to be present in most of the residential housing units and
primarily the wooden commercial buildings, thus precautions would be needed in renovation
activities that were planned.
Radon: Though radon exposure to occupants of buildings is of concern, radon exposure is not
governed by occupational regulations and/or guidelines. Thus, it was concluded that a survey
was not necessary to determine worker exposure to radon under the scope of this project.
CapRock recommended that the designs and corresponding details for gas and electrical meter
installation should be configured so that ACMs and lead-based paints impact is minimized. Work
which does disturb or remove building materials containing these substances must be performed
by a licensed contractor.
Groundwater Monitoring
Confidential Clients, California
CapRock is currently providing groundwater monitoring services at numerous sites. Results and
recommendations are reported to the Regional Water Quality Control Board on behalf of these
Project Management for Leaking Underground Storage Fuel Site
Automotive Repair Facility, Salinas
CapRock directed an investigation for an automotive repair facility in Salinas with a site
investigation, remediation, groundwater monitoring and obtaining reimbursement from the
California Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund.
Soil and Groundwater Remediation
Ventura County, California
Leaking tanks at a former gasoline station created a large zone of contaminated soil and
groundwater in the vicinity of the site. CapRock provided oversight to the design, installation,
operation and monitoring of the remedial systems. The remedial systems consists of a catalytic
oxidation unit for treatment of soil vapor and a series of air sparge points for treatment of
Operation of the remedial system is entering the final phase, with soil vapor concentrations less
than 1% of original and groundwater less than 10 % of original. During work conducted at the
site, particular care has been used to avoid disrupting the current high volume automobile
lubrication business.
Methamphetamine Drug Lab Investigation
North Monterey County, California
At the request of the County of Monterey Health Department, CapRock performed a soil and
groundwater investigation at the former location of a clandestine methamphetamine laboratory.
Following the investigation and analysis of chemical and physical properties of the soil and
groundwater. CapRock obtained regulatory closure.
Subsurface Investigation, Groundwater Monitoring, and Remediation
Agricultural Supply Facility, Salinas, California
CapRock performed a subsurface investigation at a site where two 550-gallon capacity gasoline
USTs were removed and soil contamination was detected.
Ten soil borings were converted into groundwater monitoring wells and two borings were
converted into a vadose well. The purpose of this work was to define the lateral and vertical
extent of soil contamination and to determine and monitor groundwater flow direction, gradient,
elevation, quality, and chemical concentrations. Laboratory results indicated that petroleum
products were not present in the native soil at the locations of the five offsite soil borings. Based
on these results, the limits of soil contamination were defined at this site.
Additional groundwater monitoring wells were installed offsite at downgradient and
crossgradient directions from the former USTs. Laboratory results from these and the existing
wells indicated that groundwater was contaminated above action levels with petroleum
hydrocarbons at six of the nine groundwater monitoring wells. This assessment identified the
lateral extent of groundwater contamination downgradient of the former tanks. Groundwater
flow direction has been variable at the site. Contaminant migration may have been affected by
operation of water wells located near the former UST location.
Based on results of the investigations and correspondence with RWQCB, quarterly groundwater
monitoring is continuing. Robert Barminski performed feasibility testing and prepared a
corrective action plan (CAP) for submittal to the RWQCB. The CAP recommended soil vapor
extraction to remove petroleum hydrocarbon mass. CapRock installed a soil vapor and air
sparging system that is currently operating to reduce hydrocarbon mass in the capillary fringe
and groundwater through volatilization.
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Compliance Review
CapRock recently completed a review of a Negative Declaration for a submarine
telecommunication Cable System. The Negative Declaration was reviewed for compliance with
CEQA requirements for seismic, geological, and biological impact analysis. Analysis and
comments were completed prior to the deadline.
Investigation and Remediation
Pajaro River Bridge, Central California
During the construction of bridge over the Pajaro River in Central California, soil impacted with
metals and hydrocarbons was discovered. CapRock was retained by the Public Works Agency to
resolve the problem and minimize construction delays. CapRock directed the excavation and
segregation of impacted soil and metal. On CapRockís recommendation, the Agencyís plan was
modified, and the materials were transported to an alternative disposal facility, resulting in
considerable cost savings. Closure was obtained from the regulator and the bridge was completed
with minimal delays.
Site Investigation/Characterization
Automobile Dealership, Salinas
CapRock managed site assessment work at an automobile dealership in Salinas, California. Two
underground gasoline storage tanks and one underground waste oil storage tank were removed in
1994. The local regulatory agency requested assessment of the horizontal and vertical extent of
soil contamination and possible groundwater impact. In order to achieve the objectives, three
borings were drilled and converted to monitoring wells. Soil and groundwater samples were
collected and analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons and halogenated volatile organics.
CapRock obtained closure from the County Health Department and Regional Board. The
monitoring wells were destroyed in compliance with Department of Water Resource
requirements. CapRock is currently helping the client obtain reimbursement from the
Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund.
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
Former Sand Mine, Sand City
Robert Barminski, C.E.G., conducted a preliminary environmental assessment of a former sand
mine. Tasks included interviews with individuals and agency personnel familiar with the site,
historical photograph interpretation, and review of documents pertaining to removal of
underground storage tanks. The potential impact of nearby leaking underground storage tanks
was also addressed.
Underground Storage Tank Site Assessment
Food Processing Facility, Monterey County
CapRock provided underground storage tank closure and site assessment for a food processing
facility near Watsonville. The project included evaluating potential offsite sources of
contamination and using offsite monitoring wells to determine the extent of groundwater impact.
Negotiations were initiated with the Regional Water Quality Control Board to close some of the
shallow onsite wells concluding site assessment activities.
Site Investigation and Underground Storage Tank Removal
Former Dry Cleaner, Monterey
Robert Barminski, C.E.G., supervised a subsurface investigation to locate and remove
underground storage tanks at a former dry cleaning facility in Monterey, California. Soil
contaminated by stoddard solvent had previously been detected at the site, however, the location
or existence of the tanks was not known. Two underground storage tanks were expeditiously
located using excavating equipment. Soil samples were collected to characterize the subsurface
conditions and analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (modified for stoddard solvents). The
underground storage tanks were removed along with stoddard solvent impacted soil and
groundwater. Regulatory closure was obtained following removal of impacted material.
Remedial Soil Excavation
Private Client, Monterey County
CapRock provided project management for soil excavation and onsite remediation of
hydrocarbon contaminated soil at a residential estate near Monterey, California where three
underground storage tanks were removed. The sale of the estate was dependant on resolution of
the soil contamination problem. CapRock obtained regulatory closure following passive remedial
soil bioremediation. Significant cost savings were realized by the client.
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
School District Maintenance and Transportation Facility, Monterey County
Robert Barminski, C.E.G., directed the preparation of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
(SWPPP) for the maintenance and transportation facility addressing and identifying potential
sources of pollution that may impact industrial storm water discharges. An outline described the
implementation and monitoring practices to help reduce impact from pollutants to industrial
storm water discharges. A SWPPP monitoring program is required for facilities which are
covered under the General Industrial Storm Water Permit, issued by the State Water Resources
Control Board (SWRCB) to insure compliance with EPA - NPDES regulations.
Geologic and Neutron Logging
Johnson Canyon Landfill, Salinas Valley, California, 1997
CapRock provided geologic logging for the installation of soil vapor monitoring wells and
neutron logging of four neutron soil access probes. Work was performed by Robert Barminski.
Underground Storage Tank Investigation and Removal
Private Residence, San Francisco
Robert Barminski, C.E.G., supervised the location and removal of an Underground Storage Tank
(UST) installed in the 1890's. The discovery of a dispensing pump in the garage of the house
prompted the UST Investigation. The UST was located and removed in good condition.
Representative soil samples were taken and analyzed. A request to the San Francisco Department
of Public Health to close the site was approved.
Soil Investigation and Remediation
Private Industrial Client, Fresno County
Robert Barminski, C.E.G., directed an investigation to determine the extent of hydrocarbon
impact to the soil at a former underground storage tank site located in Huron, California. A Work
Plan was prepared and approval was obtained from Fresno County Community Health
Department. Soil was excavated until there was no subjective evidence of hydrocarbon impact to
the soil, and then stockpiled. Overexcavation was performed to ensure complete removal of
potentially impacted soil. Field observations and laboratory results indicated that the backhoe
excavation removed the soil impacted by petroleum hydrocarbons. CapRock obtained site
closure following successful passive bioremediation of the soil stockpile.
Storm Water Pollution Monitoring and Reporting
Salinas Valley Solid Waste Authority Landfills, Salinas Valley
CapRock has provided stormwater sampling and inspection at seven Salinas Valley landfills over
the past two years for Geomatrix and the Salinas Valley Solid Waste Authority.
Phase II Subsurface Environmental Site Assessment
Former Cannery Complex, Monterey
Robert Barminski, C.E.G. performed this investigation to characterize soil and/or groundwater
impact to the site from former activities. The site consisted of twelve parcels (4.3 total acres)
located in a commercial area. A licensed well drilling contractor drilled soil borings to collect
soil and qualitative water samples. The soil and groundwater laboratory results indicated the
presence of previously undiscovered underground storage tanks (UST). Further investigation of
the property was conducted to determine the source or sources of the hydrocarbon impact to this
property. Due to the close proximity to the Monterey Bay and the history of activities on the
property, it was recommended that samples be collected and analyzed for pesticides and lead.
The investigation is ongoing.
Asbestos Containing Material Abatement Monitoring
Salinas, California
CapRock provided monitoring and sampling services during the abatement of 280,000 square
feet of a fifty year old industrial building in Salinas. Prior to abatement work, CapRock
developed specifications and prepared bid documents. Air sampling and clearance testing was
Underground Storage Tank Site Assessment and Groundwater Monitoring
Pacific Grove Fire Station, California, 1995 to present
CapRock provided site assessment and remedial plans for a UST facility in Pacific Grove.
Monterey County granted closure of soil impact following remedial excavation and confirmatory
soil borings. Groundwater monitoring has been performed by Robert Barminski, William
McGovern or Paul Krueger under direction of the RWQCB on a quarterly or semiannual basis
for up to nine monitoring wells.
Environmental Investigation and Remediation, Pajaro River Bridge, Monterey County
Public Works Department, 1997
CapRock was called in when a critical bridge construction project was threatened with
construction delays due to the discovery of metals and hydrocarbon contamination found during
excavation. CapRock identified the extent of the problem and was able to minimize project
delays. CapRock supervised the removal and disposal of impacted materials. The entire cost of
CapRock's services was offset by our recommendation of an alternative, less-expensive disposal
site for the transported material.
Principal Hydrogeologist/Project Manager
Expertise: Mr. Barminski has over 15 years of technical and management experience and has
performed numerous environmental and geological investigations throughout the United States
and particularly in California. As Principal Hydrogeologist, he provides technical guidance and
oversight for complex environmental projects.
Experience: Project experience includes soil and groundwater contamination investigation and
remediation; underground storage tank closure; aquifer testing and characterization; monitoring
well design and construction; management of remedial activities including implementation of
soil vapor extraction and bioremediation technologies; Phase I and Phase II environmental site
assessments; geophysical investigations; and evaluation and mitigation of liquefaction and
earthquake hazards. Mr. Barminski is experienced in managing all aspects of environmental
projects including client and regulatory agency liaison and negotiation, coordination of field
investigations and remedial activities, supervision and training of technical staff and
subcontractors in field methods and operations. Mr. Barminski also has served as a municipal
planning commissioner and has co-authored several scientific articles and presented papers at
professional conferences.
M.S., Marine Geology, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories,
San Jose State University, 1993
B.S., Geology, Sul Ross State University, 1983
A.S., Geoscience Technology, Santa Barbara City College, 1981
Hazardous Materials Management Certificate,
University of California at Santa Cruz, 1996
Certified Engineering Geologist, State of California No.1983
Registered Hydrogeologist, State of California No. 424
Registered Geologist, California (#5232), Idaho (#710)
Registered Environmental Assessor, State of California No. 02858
Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Supervisor
National Groundwater Association of Groundwater Scientists and Engineers
Association of Engineering Geologists
Geological Society of America
American Water Resources Association
Monterey Bay Geological Society, Secretary
Adjunct Faculty, Hartnell College, Salinas
Former City of San Juan Bautista Planning Commissioner
Recent Projects: Currently operating soil vapor extraction and air sparging system for
underground storage tank site and nearby hydrocarbon impacted domestic water supply wells.
Test and evaluation of pump and treatment system at a former gasoline station. Evaluation
indicated inappropriate design and location of well. Testing confirmed migration of
hydrocarbons off site despite the pumping well. System removed during soil remediation. Active
groundwater remediation discontinued after completion of soil remediation.
Managed numerous soil and groundwater investigations with metals, hydrocarbon, solvents, and
pesticide contamination.
Managed simultaneous hydrocarbon and chlorinated solvent soil remediation and multi-phase
construction project for a regional bank that allowed the clients building to be constructed and
operate while offsite remediation was successfully completed.
Provided expert witness services to local municipality for soil, groundwater, and surface water
contamination from a former commercial fuel distributor.
Conducted numerous Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments for agricultural and
industrial sites.
Managed and performed closure of underground storage tanks for public and private sector
Managed and conducted aquifer test to determine groundwater supply for proposed residential
subdivision. Interpreted and presented results to regulatory agency at public meeting.
Prior Experience:
CENTURY WEST ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. As Vice President and Principal Geologist,
responsible for business operations and management of geological and environmental projects in
Northern California and Nevada. Performed geologic and hydrogeologic studies related to
environmental investigations, and directed many tank removal/ soil and water remediation
projects. Investigations included conducting soil borings, installing monitoring wells, aquifer
analysis, geologic interpretation of subsurface materials, supervision of geologic and technical
staff, review of field work and production of geologic reports. Prepared numerous geologic and
hydrogeologic reports and Phase I Environmental Site Assessements.
LEE & PIERCE INC. As Vice President of Geological Services, responsible for management of
numerous environmental projects for private and public sector clients. These projects ranged in
complexity from Phase I environmental assessments for agricultural sites to complex site
characterization/remediation and expert witness services. Successfully negotiated closure with
regulators for underground storage tank facilities.
M. JACOBS & ASSOCIATES INC. As Principal Geologist and Technical Director, developed
geological and environmental activities, supervised technical staff, served as project manager for
a variety of geologic, geotechnical, and environmental projects including the successful
remediation and closure of hydrocarbon-impacted sites.
GRICE ENGINEERING, INC. As Staff Geologist, completed numerous geologic, geotechnical,
and environmental projects.
CAPITOL CITY EXPLORATION. As Petroleum Geologist, evaluated oil and gas properties
throughout Texas, becoming familiar with petroleum industry waste disposal methods during
drilling operations; participated in prospect generation and acquisitions.
Principal Geologist/Project Manager
Expertise: Mr. Barminski has over twelve years experience in managing and supervising field
investigations, site remediation, and hazardous materials management. He has a broad
background in site assessment and characterization, site audits, facility and site
cleanup/remediation and site health and safety.
Experience: Management and technical experience include agency coordination and negotiation
related to federal, state and local environmental regulations and site cleanup/closures. Mr.
Barminski has extensive experience in site investigation and remedial design including strong
background in risk assessment as a mechanism for site closure. His broad knowledge of technical
and regulatory issues has allowed him to serve scores of large and small clients in achieving
economic approaches toward environmental risk management.
M.B.A., in progress
B.S., Earth Science, University of California at Santa Cruz, 1983
A.S., Geology, Santa Barbara City College, 1981
Hazardous Materials Management Certificate,
University of California at Santa Cruz, 1990
Registered Geologist, State of California No. 6499
Registered Geologist, Idaho No. 830
Registered Environmental Assessor, State of California No. 05365
Certified Hazardous Materials Manager,
University of California at Santa Cruz
Certificate of Training, OSHA Standard, 29 CFR 1910.210
Geotechnology Certificate, Santa Barbara City College
Geophysics Certificate, Santa Barbara City College
Instructor, Hazardous Materials Program,
University of California at Santa Cruz
National Groundwater Association Pacific Section and Division of Environmental Geosciences
(DEG) of American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Coast Geological Society
Recent Projects: Conducted numerous environmental assessments which included review of
geologic and hydrogeologic literature, historical literature, aerial photographs, topographic maps,
agency records and permits, and interviews with individuals and agency personnel, and site and
area reconnaissance.
Directed underground tank removal projects including soil sampling, agency communications,
reporting and State Cleanup Fund application.
Managed groundwater monitoring programs and negotiated remedial options with regulating
Prior Experience:
CENTURY WEST ENVIRONMENTAL. As Principal Geologist, performed geologic and
hydrogeologic studies related to environmental investigations at various sites, directed soil and
water remediation projects, and numerous tank removal projects. Investigations included
conducting soil borings, installing monitoring wells, aquifer analysis, and geologic interpretation
of subsurface materials, supervision of geologic and technical staff, review field work and
monitoring work standards, and review of geologic reports. Prepared numerous geologic and
hydrogeologic reports and Phase I investigations. Responsible for business operations and
management of geologic and environmental projects in Southern California.
numerous hydrogeologic and environmental projects. Completed Installation, design and
operation of remediation systems for vapor extraction and bioremediation of volatile soil
M. JACOBS AND ASSOCIATES. Performed drilling, trenching, and subsurface soil
investigations for geotechnical and environmental projects. Directed groundwater sampling and
investigations projects and developed and implemented monitoring well installations and aquifer
analysis projects.
APPLIED GEOSYSTEMS. As Staff Geologist, performed geologic and hydrogeologic studies
related to environmental investigations. Work included drilling and installing monitoring wells,
well tests related to aquifer analysis, and geologic interpretation of subsurface materials.
GASCH AND ASSOCIATES. As Crew Chief, performed geophysical exploration work for oil
and gas and mineral exploration, including borates and gold. Mining assessment work. Geologic
and geotechnical studies including geologic reconnaissance, fault, and landslide potential
Principal Geologist
Expertise: Dr. Greene has extensive experience in marine and coastal geology and geophysics,
mapping, geohazards and environmental geological evaluation, groundwater delineation
(including detecting entrance sites for salt water intrusion and fluid induced mass wasting),
hydrocarbon and mineral resources assessment and extraction impacts, and fisheries habitat
characterization in California, Alaska, and internationally, including such countries as Spain,
Turkey, Japan, Mexico, Latin America and South Pacific island countries.
Considerable experience in geohazards consulting on San Onofre nuclear power plant, Diablo
Canyon and Davenport, central California and Skagway submarine landslide. Involved in coastal
and marine geohazards impacts, including coastal and nearshore liquefaction and gas expulsion
events, that occurred during the 1969 San Fernando and 1989 Loma Prieta earthquakes. Expert
witness on geohazards litigation including faulting, mass wasting and tsunamis.
Experienced in submarine telecommunications cable route geological planning, assessment and
monitoring. Consulted on MCI WorldCom cable (Southern Cross) landfalls (continental margin)
evaluation in central California and other cable installations.
Experienced in evaluation for harbor dredge spoils deposition. Many hours logged submersibles
including Alvin, Nautile, Mirs, Turtle, Shinkai 2000, Nekton Beta and Delta. Experienced in the
use of ROVs (remotely operated vehicles) and SCUBA. Chief Scientist or Co-Chief Scientist on
over 70 oceanographic cruises. Experienced in drilling; participated as onboard geophysicist on
Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 55 and Co-Chief Scientist on Ocean Drilling Program Leg 134.
Registered Geologist, State of California No. 2669
Ph.D., Marine Geology, Stanford University , 1977
M.Sc., Geophysics, California State University, San Jose , 1969
B.Sc., Paleontology, California State University, Long Beach, 1966
Professional Experience:
1998-present Professor/Researcher, Marine Geology, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories.
1994-1998 Director, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Moss Landing, CA.
1966-1994 Marine Geologist, Program Manager, Project Chief and International Education
Coordinator, US Geological Survey (USGS), CA.
1979-1992 Adjunct Professor, Geological Oceanography, Moss Landing Marine Laboratory.
1976-1978 Adjunct Professor, Marine Geology, Monterey Peninsula and Cabrillo Colleges, CA
1965-1966 Geophysicist, Richfield Oil Company, Long Beach, CA.
1963-1965 Geophysicist, Texaco, Inc., Long Beach, CA.
1962-1963 Party Chief, Rayflex Exploration Company, Richardson, TX.
1961-1962 Observer, Alpine Marine Geophysical Services, Houston, TX.
1960-1964 Skipper, Fisherman, Skippered private yachts and commercial sport-fishing vessels.
1957-1960 Radarman/Navigator, Motor Boat Operator, Search-and-Rescue Vessels, U. S. C.
Affiliations: American Geophysical Union (AGU)
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Circum-Pacific Council for Energy & Mineral Resources, Vice President.
Sigma Xi
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
East-West Center Alumni Assoc., Past Fellow, Environment and Policy Institute
Monterey Bay Geological Society, Founder
Western Association of Marine Laboratories (WAML), President
National Association of Marine Laboratories (NAML), Director
1999 Sanctuary Currents Award í99 for Science and Research, NOAA, Monterey Bay
National Marine Sanctuary and the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments
1998 Nominated for a Pew Fellowship in Conservation and the Environment
1986 Meritorious Service Award, United States Department of Interior, USGS.
1985 Special Achievement Award, USGS.
1982 Geologic Div. Special Achievement Award, Career Patterns of Women Scientists, USGS.
1981 Outstanding Planning Program Award, American Planning Association.
1969 Best Paper Award, American Association of Petroleum Geologists.
1968 Superior Performance Award, USGS.
H. Gary Greene (continued)
Publications: Authored or Co-authored over 200 reports, papers, abstracts, and maps. Co-edited
four books, senior editor of two.
Selected Publications:
Greene, H.G., 1970, Geology of southern Monterey Bay and its relationship to the groundwater
basin and sea water intrusion: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report, 50 p.
Greene, H.G., Lee, W.H.K., McCulloch, D.S. and Brabb, E.E., 1973, Faults and earthquakes in
the Monterey Bay region, California: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Investigation
Map, MF-515.
Clark, J.C., Dibblee, T.W., Greene, H.G., and Bowen, O.E., Jr., 1974, Preliminary geologic map
of the Monterey and Seaside 7.5 minute quadrangles, Monterey County, California: U.S.
Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Investigation Map MF-577.
Greene, H.G., Clarke, S.H., Jr., Field, M.E., Linker, F.I., and Wagner, H.C., 1975, Preliminary
report on the environmental geology of selected areas of the Southern California Borderland:
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 75-596, 70 p., 16 pl.
Clarke, S.H., Greene, H.G., and Kennedy, M.P., 1985, Identifying potentially active faults and
unstable slopes offshore,in Ziony, J.I. (ed.), Evaluating Earthquake Hazards in the Los Angeles
Region -- An Earth-Science Perspective: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1360,
Greene, H.G. and Kennedy, M.P. (eds.), 1986, 1987, 1989, Geologic Map Series of the
California Continental Margin: California Division of Mines and Geology, Area 1 through 7,
Maps 1A through 7D (28 maps), Scale 1:250,000.
Greene, H.G. and Exon, N., 1988, Acoustic stratigraphy and hydrothermal activity within Epi
submarine caldera, Vanuatu, New Hebrides Arc: Geo-Marine Letters, v. 8, p. 121-129.
Greene, H.G., 1989, Submarine canyons: McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology,
1990, New York, McGraw-Hill Book, Co., p. 315-318.
Greene, H.G., Gardner-Taggart, J., Ledbetter, M.T., Barminski, R., Chase, T.E., Hicks, K.R., and
Baxter, C., 1991, Onshore and offshore liquefaction at Moss Landing spit, central California -result of the October 17, 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake: Geology, v. 19, p. 945-949.
Robison, B.H. and Greene, H.G., 1992, Geology and biology of north Pacific cold seep
communities:Geophysics News, 1992, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., p. 3435.
Gardner-Taggart, J.M., Greene, H.G., and Ledbetter, M.T., 1993, Neogene folding and faulting
in southern Monterey Bay, central California, USA: Marine Geology, 113, p. 163-177.
Greene, H.G., and Sullivan, D., 1993. Applications of side scan sonar and other Geophysical
methods for fish habitat assessment [abs.]: in Amer. Fish. Soc. 123rd Annual Meeting, Abstracts
Volume, Portland Oregon, p. 40-41.
Greene, H.G., Collot, J.-Y., and Fisher, M.A., 1994, Tectonic formation of the central New
Hebrides Island Arc: inGreene, H.G., Collot, J.-Y., Stokking, L.B., et al., Proceedings of the
Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v. 134, P.
Greene, H.G., Yoklavich, M.M., Barry, J.P., Orange, D.L., Sullivan, D.E., and Cailliet, G.M.,
994. Geology and related benthic habitats of Monterey Canyon, central California [abs.]: in EOS,
Transactions, Amer. Geophys. Union Supplement v. 75, n. 3, San Diego, California, p. 203.
Greene, H.G., Yoklavich, M.M., Sullivan, D., and Cailliet, G.M., 1995. A geophysical approach
to classifying marine benthic habitats: Monterey Bay as a model: in O'Connell, T. and
Wakefield, W., eds. Applications of side-scan sonar and laser-line systems in Fisheries Research:
Alaska Dept. Fish and Game Special Publication No. 9, p.15-30.
H. Gary Greene (continued)
OíConnell, V.M., Carlile, D.C., Wakefield, W.W. and Greene, H.G., 1997. Habitat-based
assessment of a long-lived species in the Gulf of Alaska: implications for commercial fisheries
management [abs.]. Marine Benthic Habitats Conference, Noumea - New Caledonia - November
10-16, 1997, p. 86.
Greene, H.G., Starr, R. and Yoklavich, M, 1997. A Classification Scheme for Marine Benthic
Habitats [abs.]. Marine Benthic Habitats Conference, Noumea - New Caledonia - November 1016, 1997, Program and Abstracts, p. 54.
Barry, J.P., Kochevar, R.E., Hasimoto, J., Fujiwura, K., and Greene, H.G., 1997. Studies of the
physiology of chemosynthetic fauna at cold seeps in Sagami Bay, Japan: JAMSTEC J. Deep Sea
Res., 13, p. 417-423.
Greene, H.G., Yoklavich, M.M., Starr, R., OíConnell, V.M., Wakefield, W.W., Sullivan,
D.L.and Cailliet, G.M., in press. A classification scheme for deep seafloor
habitats: Oceanographica ACTA, 1999.
Greene, H.G.,, Maher, N., Naehr, T.H., and Orange, D.L., 1999. Fluid flow in the offshore
Monterey Bay region. InGarrison, R.E., Aiello, I.W. and Moore, J.C. (eds.) Late Cenozoic Fluid
Seeps and Tectonics Along the San Gregorio Fault Zone in the Monterey Bay region,
California: Pacific Section Amer. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Volume and Guidebook, GB-76,
p. 1-19.
Greene, H.G., 1977, Monterey Submarine Canyon: California Geology, P. 112-113.
Greene, H.G., 1977, Geology of the Monterey Bay region: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File
Report 77-718, 347 p., 9 plates.
McCrory, P.A., Greene, H.G., and Lajoie, K.R., 1977, Map showing earthquake intensity
zonation and distribution of Quaternary deposits, San Mateo, Santa Cruz, and Monterey
Counties, California: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-903, scale
Greene, H.G., Wolf, S.C., and Blom, K.G., 1978, The marine geology of the eastern Santa
Barbara Channel with particular emphasis on the ground-water basins offshore from the Oxnard
Plain, southern California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 78-305, 104 p., 13 plates.
Greene, H.G., 1978, Geology of the Monterey Bay region: in Geological Survey Research 1978,
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1100, p. 151.
Dillon, W.P., Robb, J.M., Greene, H.G., and Lucena, J.C., 1980, Evolution of the continental
margin of southern Spain and Alboran Sea: Marine Geology, P. 205-226.
Yerkes, R.F., Greene, H.G., Tinsley, J.C., and Lajoie, K.R., 1980, Seismotectonic setting of
Santa Barbara Channel area, southern California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 80299, 41 p.
Greene, H.G., Kennedy, M.P., and McCarthy, R., 1982, New marine geology map series, a tool
for California coastal planners, in Edge, B.H. (ed.), Coastal Zone 80 Symposium Conference, v.
4, p. 2792-2796.
Greene, H.G., Moore, J.E., and Galt, J.A., 1983, The physical environment and its effect on
offshore oil and gas development, in Gilbert, J.T.E. (ed.), Technical Environmental Guidelines
for Offshore Oil and Gas Development: Tulsa, PennWell, p. 15-48.
Senior GIS Specialist
Expertise: Mr. Maher has nine years of experience using GIS as a tool for geologic mapping and
research. He is highly experienced with a wide range of data types that includes satellite
imagery, aerial photos, radar imagery, multibeam and sidescan sonar, DLG's, DEM's, DRG's,
and TIGER data. His expertise lies in his ability to bring together data layers from multiple
sources and co-register to a common projection and reference system. He is skilled at
interpreting geologic features from remotely sensed data and performing quantitative analysis
with extensive use of ArcView, Arc/Info, ERDAS Imagine and Virtual GIS, and Adobe
Photoshop and Illustrator.
Education: B.A. Geology, Humboldt State University, 1986
Engineering design and drafting, Cabrillo Community College, 1982.
Affiliations: American Geophysical Union
Society for Luminescent Microscopy and Spectroscopy
Prior Experience:
RESEARCH TECHNICIAN. Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, Moss Landing, CA
Responsible for successful collection of geologic and remotely sensed data, maintenance of GIS
database, and production of working and production quality maps. Morphometric analysis of
geologic features including submarine landslides, fault systems, and lava flows.
INDEPENDENT CONSULTATION. Built GIS database from a wide variety of data sources
and derived spatial and volumetric measurements of a series of submarine landslides. Produced
maps and graphics for use in a legal case.
RESEARCH ASSISTANT. United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California
Analyzed physical properties of continental shelf and slope sediments. Processed sonar and
multibeam data. Produced maps for publication and use by other federal agencies.
NORMAN MAHER (continued)
Selected Publications:
Hatcher, G., Maher, N. M., (1999) Real-time GIS for Marine Applications, in
Wright, D. J. and Bartlett, D.J., 1999, Marine and Coastal Geographical
Information Systems, London: Taylor & Francis, p. 137-147.
Greene, H. G., Maher, N. M., and Naehr, T. H. (1999) Fluid Flow in the Offshore
Monterey Bay Region, Late Cenozoic Fluid Seeps and Tectonics Along the San
Gregorio Fault Zone in the Monterey Bay Region, California, Volume and
Guidebook,American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Pacific Section, p. 119.
Maher, N., Greene G. H., Hatcher, G., (1998) High-resolution Simrad EM300
Multibeam Surveys Offshore Central California: Pock marks and Channel
Pits, EOS (Transactions, American Geophysical Union), v. 79, p. F825
Stakes, D. S., Chadwick, W. W., Maher, N., Scheirer, D., (1998) Results of
Nested High-Resolution Mapping of the Southern Cleft Segment, Juan de Fuca
Ridge, EOS (Transactions, American Geophysical Union), v. 79, p. F810
Orange, D.L., Greene, H.G., Maher, N., and Connor, J., (1995) Ground-truthing
multi-beam bathymetry and side-scan sonar with ROV studies, and creating
geologic maps in Monterey Bay, California, in Geologic Mapping in the 21st
Century, TERRA (Abstracts, European Union of Geosciences), v. 7, p. 28.
Maher, N.M., Karl, H.A., Chin, J.L., and Schwab, W.C., (1991) Station locations
and grain-size analysis of surficial sediment samples collected on the continental
shelf, Gulf of the Farallones during cruise F2-89-NC, January 1989; U.S.
Geological Survey Open-File Report 91-375-A and 91-375-B.
Hall, R.K., Ota, A.Y., Maher, N.M., Gabel, G.L., (1993) Use of geographical
information systems (GIS) to facilitate ocean site designation for disposal of
harbor dredged materials, in Lockwood M., ed., Proceedings of the 1991
exclusive economic Zone (EEZ) symposium on mapping and research; U.S
Geological Circular.
Senior Marine Geologist
Expertise: Experienced project leader, research group leader, and research geologist.
Education: B.S., Geology, Iowa State University, 1962
Ph.D., Geology and Oceanography, Oregon State University, 1967
Affiliations:Geological Society of America (Fellow)
American Geophysical Union
Lewis-Clark State College, Lewiston, Indiana.
PROFESSOR OF GEOLOGY, Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA
Unites States Geological Survey (U.S.G.S.), Menlo Park, CA
RESEARCH GEOLOGIST, Deep Sea Drilling Project,
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, San Diego, CA.
RESEARCH GEOLOGIST, Branch of Pacific Marine Geology, U.S.G.S.
Haute, ID
Major U.S.G.S. Experience:
Management Project Chief, Bering Sea Environmental Studies, 1975-79
Research Group Leader, Alaska and Arctic, 1980-82
Project Chief, Aleutian Island Arc, 1985-89
Project Chief, Pacific Ocean Island Arcs and Back-Arc Basins, 1989-94
Associate Research Geologist, 1995-97
Oceanographic Research Experience
Chief Scientist on 10 marine geological and geophysical research cruises in the Pacific and
Indian Oceans, including the deep sea drilling vessel, DV GLOMAR CHALLENGER, Leg 62.
Marine Geologist and Geophysicist on nine other cruises.
Geologic Field Research Experience
Hells Canyon and Blue Mountains Region, 1963-Present
Aleutian, Marianas, and Tonga Islands, 1977-1994
Technical Editor
Education: Masters Certificate in Science Communication (Writing Program), University of
California at Santa Cruz, 1995
M. S., Earth Science, University of California at Santa Cruz, 1992
Thesis title: Structural Evolution of the Mesozoic Section of the Mt. Morrison Roof Pendant,
Sierra Nevada, California
Bachelor of Science in Geology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1984
Academic Awards: University of California Regents Fellowship, 1984-85
University of Illinois Dean's List, 1982-83 and 1983-84
Prior Experience:
SCIENCE CURRICULUM WRITER, SETI Institute. Developed the conceptual framework and
wrote lesson materials for a year-long high school science curriculum about the origin and
evolution of the universe, our solar system, and life, from the Big Bang to the present day.
SCIENCE WRITER, New Scientist Magazine, London, England. Focusing on physical sciences,
biology and technology topics, both news and feature articles. Wrote for ScienceNOW, the daily
on-line news service of Science magazine, mainly physical sciences and technology articles.
Wrote for two private conservation projects working to preserve African wildlife. Worked for the
UC Santa Cruz Public Information Office writing releases for National Ocean Conference.
Wrote the geology chapter for the book: "A Natural History of the Monterey Bay National
Marine Sanctuary", published by the Monterey Bay Aquarium in cooperation with the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Sanctuaries and Reserves Division.
ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST. Worked as subconsultant for geologic firms in the San
Francisco and Monterey Bay areas on projects studying and assessing earthquake hazards, fault
activity, landslide potential, coastal erosion, building in areas of karst topography, and
groundwater contamination. Field work included trenching, drilling, and mapping.
STAFF GEOLOGIST, Foxx, Nielsen & Associates. Managed and assisted geologic
investigations pertaining to active faulting, slope stability, coastal erosion and groundwater
quality. Projects required field mapping and cross section preparation from both surface and
subsurface data, air photo analysis and interpretation, trench logging, borehole logging, and
interpretation of geologic structures. Wrote reports and drafted maps and figures.
Environmental Specialist
Expertise: Ms. Welch has over a decade of experience working for public agencies enforcing
environmental regulations. She has worked from both ends of the spectrum, enforcement and
compliance, following regulations set forth by the Regional Water Quality Control Board for
underground storage tanks and storm water run-off management, as well as industrial waste
discharge regulations. She provides technical guidance, oversight in the field, analytical analysis
evaluation, and assists with report preparation for hazardous materials projects.
Experience: Project experience includes facilitating soils evaluations, septic system design, well
drilling, and underground storage tank removal. As project manager, Ms. Welch is responsible
for satisfying the requirements of public agencies to ensure approval for site closure is obtained.
Education: B.S., Biology, College of William and Mary in Virginia, 1985
J.D., Monterey College of Law, 1996
Registration: Registered Environmental Health Specialist, State of California, 1991
Prior Experience:
CARMEL AREA WASTEWATER DISTRICT. As Safety Officer and Source Control Inspector,
responsible for enforcing the districtís sewer use ordinance, and ensuring compliance by the
District with environmental and Cal-OSHA regulations. Conducted enforcement of numerous
and diverse statutes, including state restaurant law, county septic ordinance, state and county
water well laws, state small drinking water system laws, and housing codes. Assisted the public
in obtaining permits, and investigated any public complaints.
MONTEREY COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. As Environmental Health Specialist,
responsible for enforcing regulations pertaining to septic systems, water wells, small water
systems, and working with project developers who which to have projects approved.
Civil Engineer
Expertise: Mr. Lindee has over 25 years of technical and professional work experience in heavy
construction, 15 years in public works, and 10 years in private industry.
Experience: Project experience includes highway and bridge construction , commercial and
residential buildings, and general site development (land surveying, soil investigations, lay-out
and construction staking). Acted as Resident Engineer on Federally-funded (FHA) highway and
bridge projects, drainage and flood control projects, assessment districts (street construction,
storm and sanitary sewer projects), solid waste landfill closures, and construction of a ìstate of
the artî solid waste transfer station.
Education: B. S., Civil/Industrial Engineering, San Jose State University, June 1971
Certification: Registered Civil Engineer (#C33800), State of California, July 1981
Affiliation: American Society of Civil Engineers
American Public Works Association (Monterey Bay Chapter)
California Council of Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors
Prior Experience:
CIVIL ENGINEER for Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services, County of Santa Cruz, Santa
Cruz, California. Functioned as in-house Civil Engineer. Prepared plans and specifications for
county park improvements, underground utilities, street lighting, and drainage improvements.
CIVIL ENGINEER for Santa Cruz County (Parks, General Services, and Public Works).
Functioned as ADA compliance consultant, performed wheelchair access surveys for all county
facilities, and prepared cost estimates and transition plans for implementation of remodeling
work required for compliance.
KIPLING LINDEE (continued)
GRADING & PAVING ESTIMATOR for Betz Paving Company, Watsonville, California.
Prepared estimates and submitted bid proposals for grading, paving and sealing contracts.
LAND SURVEYOR for Cary Edmundson and Associates, Watsonville, California. Performed
land surveying, specifically boundary and topographic surveys, constructions staking, and subdivision layouts (using a Topcon Total Station 7 with data collector and Autocad plotter).
CIVIL ENGINEER for Myron Jacobs and Associates, Watsonville, California. Supervised test
drilling, soil testing, prepared geo-technical reports, site inspections, foundation and retaining
wall design, slope stabilization, percolation tests, and reports, supervised pile driving, directed
field technicians, and solved engineering problems.
ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER for Public Works Department, City of Watsonville.
Responsible for design and preparation of plans and specifications for Capital Improvement
Projects. Types of projects included new street construction, street reconstructions, airport taxiways, drainage facilities, underground utilities (water, sanitary, storm), traffic signal systems,
retaining walls, recreation parks, and city parking lots.
ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER for Public Works Department, County of San Mateo,
Redwood City, California. Responsibilities included project design, administration of contracts,
and inspection of work for county roads, sub-divisions, industrial parks, sanitary districts, flood
control, and county parks. Types of projects included bridge construction, box culverts, storm
sewers, sanitary sewers, water mains, underground utilities, reconstruction of streets, pavement
overlays, and excavating and fill operations.
GRADING & PAVING ESTIMATOR for M.C. Slack Paving Company, San Jose, California.
Prepared estimates and submitted bid proposals for grading and paving contracts.
SOILS ENGINEER for H.M. OíNeil Company, Oakland, California. Performed soil
investigations (made soil borings, retrieved and wrote soil reports), foundation inspections and
reports, compaction tests, heavy pavement design, and monitored pile driving operations.
Project Professional
Expertise: Mr. Spencer has over 12 years of experience in the field of industrial
hygiene/occupational health. He performs all phases of asbestos assessments in accordance with
AHERA guidelines including asbestos building inspections, asbestos abatement site supervision,
and air monitoring services. He has oversight responsibilities for asbestos abatement removal
projects to ensure environmental regulations are strictly adhered to throughout remediation
activities. He prepares asbestos survey reports, management plans, and operations and
maintenance manuals.
Experience: Mr. Spencer has a broad background in the management of asbestos related projects
including inspecting 2.5 million square feet at the Port of Long Beach and conducting a
comprehensive asbestos building survey for the Port of Los Angeles. He has conducted asbestos
inspections for the Centinella and Monrovia School Districts and has supervised asbestos
abatement removal projects at Norco State Prison, Folsom State Prison, and Marina Medical
Center, were he prepared and reviewed asbestos abatement specifications, evaluated reinsulation
materials, monitored abatement activities, enforced specifications, preformed clearance
monitoring, monitored removal activities, and enforced removal completion requirements.
Education: B.S., Aviation Management, Southern Illinois University
Registration: Certified Asbestos Consultant, California
Building Inspector
Project Designer
Management Planner
Contractor/Supervisor/Competent Person,
Hazardous Waste Operations (40 hours)
JAMES A. SPENCER (continued)
Prior Experience:
DYNAMAC CORPORATION. As a senior environmental technician, conducted asbestos
inspection for the Centinella and Monrovia School District in accordance with AHERA
guidelines. Inspected 2.5 million square feet at the Port of Long Beach and conducted
comprehensive asbestos building surveys for the Port of Los Angeles. Served as project
environmental technician for asbestos abatement removal projects at Norco State Prison, Folsum
State Prison and Marina Medical Center. This included preparation or review of asbestos
abatement specifications, evaluation of reinsulation materials, monitoring of abatement activities,
enforcement of specifications, and clearance monitoring or reinsulation materials, monitoring or
removal activities, and enforcement of removal completion.
COAST TO COAST ENVIRONMENTAL TECH. As senior environmental technician,
organized, planned, and structured the implementation of asbestos projects. Responsible for
conducting onsite abatement monitoring services to ensure environmental regulations were
strictly adhered to throughout remediation activities.
DIAGNOSTIC ENGINEERS. Responsible for environmental assessments relating to asbestos
contamination. Conducted building inspections, bulk sampling, and air sampling; and prepared
recommendations and reports for each building surveyed.
ENVIRONMENTAL ASBESTOS CONSULTANTS. As an asbestos field technician, conducted
site characterizations and field investigations, provided industrial hygiene services and oversight
for asbestos abatement projects, performed final air clearances of abated areas.
Senior Technician
Expertise: Mr. McGovern has over a decade of experience in hazardous material/hazardous
waste management; conducting site investigations, environmental assessments; and researching
and preparing environmental documentation and field reports in support of regulatory
compliance reporting. He is knowledgeable of federal and state environmental regulations and
provides support in areas of hazardous waste disposal, permitting, and field sampling techniques.
His supervisorial experience includes drilling chief on a three-person drilling crew and
environmental technician training and supervision. He performs all phases of waste inspection
and disposal.
Certification: Compliance Certificate, OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120
Hazardous Waste & Emergency Response Training
Nuclear Gauge Operator Certificate
Education:A.A., Architectural and Construction Technology,
Harper Junior College, Palatine, IL, 1974
Audited Hazardous Materials Management courses at UC Santa Cruz Extension and Hartnell
College, Salinas, CA
Attended HAZMACON (1989 to present)
Prior Environmental Experience:
SENIOR TECHNICIAN, Century West Environmental Inc. Participated in soil and ground water
investigations and remediation activities. Performed soil and ground water sampling, coordinate
and supervise subcontractor's field activities. Performed sampling for hazardous waste
classification, arranged laboratory analysis, and coordinated disposal activities. Additional field
assignments included; oversight of UST removals, oversight of remedial soil excavations,
collection, logging, and field analysis of soil samples collected by drilling rig, inventory of
potentially hazardous materials for environmental assessments. Prepared field reports and trained
technicians in company procedures and protocol. Equipment operated includes: photoionization
detector and immunoassay field instrument.
ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNICIAN, Lee & Pierce Inc. Participated in soil and ground water
investigations and remediation activities. Performed soil and ground water sampling, coordinate
subcontractor's activities under direction of engineer.
SOILS TECHNICIAN, CHIEF DRILLER, M. Jacobs & Associates. Monitored construction fill
for geotechnical projects. Operated nuclear soils gauge and prepared field reports. Performed
percolation studies. Coordinated activities of grading contractors under the supervision of a
geotechnical engineer. Operated auger drill rig to collect soil samples.
FIELD TECHNICIAN, Gasch & Associates. Performed soil and ground water sampling for
geotechnical and environmental projects. Worked as crew member on geophysical surveys.