Lecture 7 - Comparing Two Groups Howell Chapters 13,14,19,20 Categorizing Research Involving Two Conditions 1) the Extent of Pairing of participants in the two conditions. 2) the nature of the dependent variable, and the type of performance comparisons which it permits. 3) the shape of the distribution of dependent variable scores within groups. 1) Extent of Pairing A) The Independent Groups Design. No pairing of participants in the two conditions has been made. Sample sizes may be different. Different people are in the two conditions. Participants may or may not have been randomly assigned. Problems: 1. Pre-existing differences between the groups 2. Lack of power B) The Matched Participants Design. Different people are in the two groups, but they have been matched with respect to a variable that is correlated with the dependent variable. 98 96 Sample sizes must be equal. 96 A correlation must be computable. 95 Requires a pretest 90 87 Problems: 1. Time & effort required to match C) The Participants as their Own Controls Design. The same people are in the two groups – the matched participants design carried to the extreme. Sample sizes must be equal. A correlation must be computable. Order of exposure to treatment conditions may be an issue. Problems: 1. Carry-over effects from one condition to the next. D) Clones in the two conditions Not a possibility in human research, although it’s feasible in research involving nonhumans. Problems: 1. Cloning of humans is prohibited. Lecture 7 – Comparing Two Groups - 1 2/8/2016 2) The nature of the dependent variable. A) Quantitative Interval/Ratio Dependent Variable. Interval / Ratio aka quantitative data.. The numbers represent quantitative levels performance. The mean and standard deviation are appropriate summaries of central tendency and variability. B) Ordinal Dependent Variable. Order only. The numbers represent rank ordering of performance only. We could substitute ranks for the actual observed values without loss of information. Median is natural measure of central tendency. C) Categorical Dependent Variable. (Avoid these like the plague.) Gross performance comparisons only – Typically Good vs. Bad or Success vs Failure The numbers (if we have actually recorded numbers) represent only a categorical performance distinction. 3) The shape of the distribution of scores within Groups. This factor is only important for Quantitative Interval / Ratio scaled dependent variables. There are two possibilities. . . A) The distributions within groups are US without outliers. B.) The distributions within groups are skewed or have outliers. Lecture 7 – Comparing Two Groups - 2 2/8/2016 The Various Tests Comparing Two Research Conditions by Design and Dependent Variable Characteristics Memorize this table Nature of Dependent Variable Quantitative (Interval/Ratio) US Distribution: Independent Groups t-test Skewed Distribution: Mann Whitney U-test Independent Groups Type of Design Matched Participants Or Participants as Own Controls Dependent t-test Ordinal Categorical Mann-Whitney Utest Crosstabs with Chisquare test Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test McNemar Test (2 categories only) We’ll cover all of the above cells. For each, 1) The situation to which the test is applicable will be described. 2) The null hypothesis and alternative hypotheses tested will be presented. 3) Solving an example problem with SPSS will be shown. Lecture 7 – Comparing Two Groups - 3 2/8/2016 Independent Groups t Test Situation: Research Design is an independent groups design The dependent variable is interval / ratio, aka quantitative variable. Key assumption: The distribution of scores within groups is unimodal and symmetric with no outliers. The interest is on comparing the means of the two conditions. Hypotheses H0: Population condition means are equal H1: Population condition means are not equal. Test Statistic assuming equal variances in the two populations represented by the two conditions. Distribution of the equal variances test statistic when the null is true The T distribution with N1-1 + N2-1 degrees of freedom. Test Statistic assuming unequal variances in the two populations represented by the two conditions X1 – X2 t = ------------------S12 S22 -- + --n1 n2 Distribution of the unequal variances test statistic when the null is true The T distribution with ((S12/n1 + S22/n2)2 / ( (S12/n1)2/(n1-1) + (S22/n2)2/(n2-1)) degrees of freedom. See Howell, D. (2002). Statistical Methods for Psychology. 5th Ed. Duxbury. P.215. Lecture 7 – Comparing Two Groups - 4 2/8/2016 Independent Groups t-test example Two ways of training clerical workers in how to use the Management Information System in an organization are being compared. Trainees are randomly assigned to either a Lecture Training Course or a Computer Aided Training Course. After the end of training, a comprehensive exam covering the MIS is given. Examination score is the dependent variable. Entering the Data EXAM CONDIT 79 2 79 1 80 2 71 1 81 2 73 1 76 2 72 1 79 2 78 1 73 2 74 1 75 2 75 1 79 2 72 1 81 2 73 1 74 2 71 1 80 2 70 1 81 2 69 1 84 2 68 1 74 2 73 1 72 2 74 2 Specifying the Analysis:: Analyze -> Compare Means -> Independent Samples t-test Put the name of the dependent variable into the “Test Variable(s)” field. Put the name of the variable whose values define the groups into the “Grouping Variable:” field. Then click on the [Define Groups] button and enter the two values representing the groups. After that, click on the [OK] button. Lecture 7 – Comparing Two Groups - 5 2/8/2016 t-test Results Group Statistics condit N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean 1 14 72.71 3.099 .828 2 15 78.00 3.381 .873 exam Independent Sam ples Test Levene' s Te st for Eq uality of Va riance s F EX AM Eq ual variance s 1.9 43 assumed t-te st for Equa lity o f Me ans Sig . t .17 4 -3.9 78 28 .00 0 -4.9 1 1.2 3 -7.4 4 -2.3 8 -4.0 19 27. 997 .00 0 -4.9 1 1.2 2 -7.4 1 -2.4 1 Eq ual variance s not assumed df 95% Co nfide nce Inte rval of the Me an Sig . Me an Std . Erro r (2-t ailed ) Dif feren ce Dif feren ce Lower Up per Conclusion Step 1: "Precomparison" of Population Variances F = 1.943, p = .174. Tests the null hypothesis that the population variances are equal. If you retain, use the “Equal variances” t that follows. If you reject, use the “Unequal variances” t that follows. In this case, p=.174 so retain null that population variances are equal. Use Equal variances t to compare the means. Step 2. Comparing Means Use the "Equal Variances Assumed" t since we’ve retained the hypothesis of equal variances. t = -3.978, p = .000. Interpretation: If the population means were equal, the probability of a t as extreme as 3.978 would be .000. So reject the hypothesis of equal population means. Mean performance was significantly better in Computer Condition. Lecture 7 – Comparing Two Groups - 6 2/8/2016 Graphical Representation of the Results Graphs -> Scatterplot -> Simple 90 80 EXAM 70 60 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 Training Condition This graphical representation shows the difference in central tendency between the two groups. It may also show differences in variability, if there are any. If sample size is too large, the following display could also be useful. 1 You should develop the habit of creating one of these two graphs whenever you conduct the independent groups t-test. condit Look for asymmetry, outliers, unequal variance. 2 65 70 75 80 85 exam Lecture 7 – Comparing Two Groups - 7 2/8/2016 The Mann-Whitney U-test (Also called the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test) Situation: A. B. The research design employs two independent conditions (no pairing.) The dependent variable is interval / ratio. The distribution of scores within groups is skewed.: Time, Income, Charges or The research design employs two independent conditions (no pairing.) The dependent variable is ordinal, i.e., the scores represent only order. The interest is on comparing the "average value" of the scores in the two conditions. In fact, however, the Mann-Whitney tests the null hypothesis that the distributions are identical. If you are willing to assume that they are equally variable, then rejection of the null implies a difference in central tendency of the two distributions. Hypotheses H0: Population distributions are identical H1: Population distributions are not identical These hypotheses are not hypotheses of equal “average value”. But they’re typically treated as if they were. Test Statistic Mann-Whitney U Statistic or Z-statistic computed from U if sample sizes are large (> 20 or so). This test is also called the Wilcoxon Rank Sum test, not to be confused with the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test. Distribution of the test statistic when the null hypothesis is true The U distribution for small sample sizes The Standard Normal Distribution for large sample sizes. Lecture 7 – Comparing Two Groups - 8 2/8/2016 Mann-Whitney U-Test Example Two methods of filing completed insurance forms in an insurance company are being compared. In one method, a pre-filing stage is completed prior to actually placing the forms in the appropriate cabinet. In the other method, each individual form is taken directly to its cabinet. Time to complete the filing of 100 forms is used the dependent variable. 30 groups of 100 forms each were filed. (Recall that times are notorious for being positively skewed.) Entering the data TIME METHOD 130 1 150 1 190 1 130 1 135 1 140 1 90 1 110 1 120 1 105 1 115 1 120 1 115 1 120 1 125 1 150 2 140 2 130 2 135 2 220 2 300 2 150 2 130 2 145 2 160 2 140 2 120 2 180 2 155 2 165 2 Specifying the Analysis Analyze -> Nonparametric tests -> Legacy Dialogs -> 2 Independent Samples . . . Lecture 7 – Comparing Two Groups - 9 2/8/2016 NPar Tests Descriptive Statistics N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum time 30 143.8333 39.55972 90.00 300.00 method 31 1.4516 .56796 .00 2.00 Mann-Whitney Test Ranks method time N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks 1.00 15 10.40 156.00 2.00 15 20.60 309.00 Total 30 Ranking is such that smallest score gets rank of 1. So it appears that the times are generally larger in the Direct condition. Test Statisticsa time Mann-Whitney U Wilcoxon W Z Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailed Sig.)] 36.000 156.000 -3.184 .001 .001b The program prints p-values for two test statistics . . . 1) A Z-statistic (Asymp. Sig.) 2) An exact test statistic (Exact Sig) a. Grouping Variable: method b. Not corrected for ties. Conclusion If the null hypothesis of equal distribution locations were true, the probability of a U as extreme as 36 or a Z as extreme as 3.184 would be .001. So reject the hypothesis of equal locations. Time to file took longer using the Direct Method, #2. Lecture 7 – Comparing Two Groups - 10 2/8/2016 Graphical Presentation of Results 400 Long positive tail 300 200 TIME 100 0 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 Filing Method As was the case with the independent groups t-test, it may help you communicate your findings by creating a scatterplot of scores vs. group. Note the positive skew of the scores within each group, especially the group on the right – the Direct group. EXPLORE’s box-and-whisker plots could also be used here. Lecture 7 – Comparing Two Groups - 11 2/8/2016 CROSSTABS - Two way Chi-square Test Situation: The research design employs two independent conditions (no pairing.) The dependent variable is categorical. The interest is on comparing proportions within each category of the dependent variable across groups. Examples here will use a dichotomous dependent variable. Hypotheses H0: Population Proportions are Equal H1: Population Proportions are Not Equal. Test Statistic Two-way Chi-square Statistic X2 = (O-E)2/E Distribution of the test statistic if the null hypothesis is true The Chi-square distribution with degrees of freedom = (No. of DV categories - 1) * (No. of Groups - 1) Relationship to other presentations of Chi-square This presentation is not the traditional presentation of Chi-square. Traditionally, chi-square analysis is presented to either 1) compare observed with expected frequencies in categories of a single variable – a test called the one-way chi-square, or 2) to test the independence of two variables – the two-way chi-square. The presentation here is a variation on 2 above. It turns out that the test comparing equality of proportions across two groups is equivalent to the test of independence of two variables in which those variables are the classification variable and the grouping variable. I prefer the emphasis on comparing proportions across groups presented here because that’s how we use the two-way chi-square in actual practice. Lecture 7 – Comparing Two Groups - 12 2/8/2016 Two-way Chi-square Example Two methods of presenting information to juries are being compared. In the first, character assassination of the defendant plays a major role in the prosecution. In the second, the prosecution focuses on the facts of the case without attempting to malign the defendant. Thirty different simulated cases are presented to college 30 different simulated juries made up of college students over the course of an academic year. The simulated juries met and reached a unanimous decision concerning guilt or innocence. The dependent variable is jury verdict. For the data here. VERDICT=1 means guilty; VERDICT=0 mean innocent. PROSMETH=1 means character assassination; PROSMETH=2 means facts only. VERDICT PROSMETH 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 The data VERDICT PROSMETH 0 2 0 2 0 2 1 2 0 2 1 2 1 2 0 2 1 2 1 2 0 2 1 2 1 2 0 2 1 2 Specifying the Analysis: Analyze -> Descriptive Statistics -> Crosstabs Dependent variable defines the Rows. Independent variable defines the columns. Click here and request the chisquare statistic. Click here and request Column percentages Lecture 7 – Comparing Two Groups - 13 2/8/2016 Results Ca se Pr oces sing Summ ary Ca ses Va lid N VE RDICT Ju ry verdict * PRO SME TH P rosecution Met hod 30 Missing Pe rcent 100 .0% N 0 To tal Pe rcent .0% N 30 Pe rcent 100 .0% VE RDICT Jury v e rdict * PRO SME TH P rose cution Me thod Cros stabulation PROSM ETH Pro secu tion M etho d VE RDICT 0 Not Co unt Jury verd ict Gu ilty % within PRO SME TH P rose cution Met hod 1 Co unt Gu ilty % within PRO SME TH P rose cution Met hod To tal Co unt % within PRO SME TH P rose cution Met hod 1 M alig n def enda nt 3 2 Facts onl y 7 To tal 10 20. 0% 46. 7% 33. 3% 12 8 20 80. 0% 53. 3% 66. 7% 15 15 30 100 .0% 100 .0% 100 .0% Chi-Square Tests Pe arson Chi-Squa re Asy mp. Ex act Ex act Sig . Sig . Sig . Va lue df (2-sided ) (2-sided ) (1-sided ) 2.4 00 b 1 .12 1 Co ntinu ity Co rrect ion a 1.3 50 1 .24 5 Likeliho od Ra tio 2.4 51 1 .11 7 2.3 20 1 .12 8 Fisher's Exac t Test Lin ear-b y-Lin ear A ssoci ation .24 5 N o f Val id Ca ses The chi-square statistic tests the significance of the difference between these percentages. .12 3 30 a. Co mput ed on ly fo r a 2x 2 tab le b. 0 c ells (.0%) have expe cted coun t less than 5. Th e mi nimu m exp ecte d cou nt is 5.00. Conclusion Whew! This procedure prints a plethora of chi-square values. Conventional wisdom is to use the Pearson continuity correction chi-square for tables bigger than 2 x 2 and to use the Fisher’s Exact test for 2 x 2 tables. If you have a 2x2 table, refer to the Fisher’s Exact test p-value, .245 here. Here, referring to the Fisher’s exact test, if the null hypothesis of equal population proportions were equal, the probability of a difference in proportions as large as the obtained difference would be .245. Do not reject the null hypothesis of equal population proportions. The evidence we have does not suggest that prosecution method makes a difference in % of guilty verdicts. Lecture 7 – Comparing Two Groups - 14 2/8/2016 Tests for Correlated Groups Designs Correlated Groups t-Test Situation: The research design employs two conditions in which participants are paired – either the matched participants design or the participants as their own controls design. The dependent variable is quantitative (interval / ratio). The distribution of scores within groups is unimodal and symmetric. The interest is on comparing the means of the two conditions. Hypotheses H0: Population Means are Equal H1: Population Means are Not Equal. Test Statistic Correlated Groups t-test aka dependent samples t-test D is the mean of difference scores. SD is the standard deviation of difference scores. In the above, r is the Pearson correlation between the paired scores. Distribution of t when null hypothesis is true. The T distribution with N-1 degrees of freedom. Relationship to independent groups t-test. When r=0, this test is essentially equivalent to the independent groups t-test. Since the factor involving r is subtracted in the denominator, the more positive the value of r, the smaller the denominator, and thus the larger the value of t. This means that all other things being equal, the dependent t will be larger than the independent samples t. Thus, for example, for equivalent sample sizes, using participants as their own controls creates a more powerful test of differences between means than using an independent subjects design. Lecture 7 – Comparing Two Groups - 15 2/8/2016 Correlated t-test Example Two product package designs are being compared. Participants are shown two packages, one after the other. They rate each package on a scale of 1 to 11, with 11 representing most favorable. Half the participants are shown A first then B. The other half are shown B first, then A. The dependent variable is product rating. Entering the data. Note that each set of ratings is put in a different column. Pairing is maintained across columns – 6 is paired with 3, 7 with 5, etc. ARATING BRATING 6 7 5 8 4 7 6 8 7 8 9 5 6 7 6 3 5 4 8 1 3 4 7 7 7 8 2 5 6 3 Specifying the Analysis: Analyze -> Compare means -> Paired samples t Test question: Describe how data are entered for the independent groups t. Lecture 7 – Comparing Two Groups - 16 2/8/2016 Describe how data are entered for the correlated groups t. Lecture 7 – Comparing Two Groups - 17 2/8/2016 Results Pa ired Samples S tatis tics Pa ir ARATING Rating of P ackag e A 1 BRATING Rating of P ackag e B Std . Std . Error De viatio n Me an 1.3 5 .35 Me an N 6.6 0 15 4.8 7 15 2.2 3 .58 Pa ired S amples Correl ations Pa ir 1 N ARATING Ra ting of Pa ckage A & 15 BRATING Ra ting of Pa ckage B Co rrelat ion .88 0 Sig . .00 0 SPSS prints the Pearson r between the paired scores. We’re not really interested in it, except to make sure that it’s positive. But it’s there if you need it. Pa ired S amples Test Pa ired Differences 95 % Co nfide nce Std . Int erval of th e Std . Error Dif feren ce Me an De viatio n Me an Lo wer Up per Pa ir 1 ARATING Rating of Pa ckag e A - B RATI NG Ratin g of P acka ge B 1.7 3 1.2 2 .32 1.0 6 2.4 1 t df 5.4 90 14 Sig . (2-tailed ) .00 0 Conclusion If the null were true, the probability of a t as extreme as 5.490 would be .000. So reject the null. The data suggest that in the population, people would favor the A package. Lecture 7 – Comparing Two Groups - 18 2/8/2016 The Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test Situation: The research design employs two conditions in which participants are paired – either the matched participants design or the participants as their own controls design. The dependent variable is ordinal, such as ranks. The interest is on comparing the central tendency of the two conditions, specifically the distribution of differences between paired values. Hypotheses H0: Equal central tendency of the two populations. H1: Unequal central tendency. Test Statistic Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Compute the absolute value of the difference between each pair of scores. Assign ranks to the absolute values of the differences. Put a negative sign in front of the rank of each negative difference. Sum the positively signed ranks and sum the negatively signed ranks. The test statistic is the smaller of the absolute values of the two sums. Lecture 7 – Comparing Two Groups - 19 2/8/2016 Wilcoxon Signed Ranks example From Howell, David. (2002). Statistical Methods for Psychology. 5th Ed. Duxbury. P. 714. The data are from a study of the effects of running on systolic blood pressure. The blood pressure of 8 persons is measured. Then each is put on a 6-month running program. After 6 months, blood pressure is measured again. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 The data Step 4 ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 BEFORE 130 170 125 170 130 130 145 160 Number of cases read: AFTER DIFF ABSDIFF 120 163 120 135 143 136 144 120 8 -10 -7 -5 -35 13 6 -1 -40 10 7 5 35 13 6 1 40 Rank RABSDIFF 5 4 2 7 6 3 1 8 Number of cases listed: -5 -4 -2 -7 6 3 -1 -8 Sum of positive ranks = 9 Sum of negative ranks = 27 8 Specifying the Analysis Analyze -> Nonparametric tests -> Legacy Dialogs -> 2 Related Samples Click on the names of the two columns to be compared. Lecture 7 – Comparing Two Groups - 20 2/8/2016 NPar Tests: Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test Ra nks N AFTER BE FORE Me an Rank Su m of Ranks Ne gative Ra nks 6 4.5 0 27 .00 Po sitive Ranks 2b 4.5 0 9.0 0 Tie s 0c To tal 8 a a. AFTER < BE FORE b. AFTER > BE FORE c. BE FORE = A FTER Test Statisticsa after - before Z -1.260b Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .208 Exact Sig. (2-tailed) .250 Exact Sig. (1-tailed) .125 Point Probability .027 a. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test b. Based on positive ranks. Do not reject the null. The difference in BPs is not statistically significant. Lecture 7 – Comparing Two Groups - 21 2/8/2016 McNemar Test for change in dichotomous variables Situation: Participants as their own controls design was employed – typically in a before-after design. Data are categorical The interest is on comparing the proportions before and after. Hypotheses H0: Proportions changing from one category to the other are equal.. H1: Unequal proportions. Test Statistic McNemar test. Test Statistic A chi-square from the following 2x2 table Before 0 1 1 A C After 0 B D In the table, A is the count of the number of persons who changed from 0 to 1. D is the count of the number of persons who changed from 1 to 0. The statistic is X2 = (A-D)2 / (A+D). Distribution when null is true. The Chi-square distribution with 1 degree of freedom Lecture 7 – Comparing Two Groups - 22 2/8/2016 McNemar test Example The example is from Siegel, S. & Castellan, N. John, Jr. (1988). Nonparametric Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. 2nd Ed. McGraw-Hill. p. 75. Preference for Ronald Reagan vs. Jimmy Carter was measured just prior to their 1980 debate and just after the debate. Participants were asked to indicate which of the two they preferred. The data. For both variables, 0=Reagan preferred; 1=Carter preferred. BEFORE AFTER 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Specifying the Analysis Analyze -> Nonparametric tests -> Legacy Dialogs -> 2 Related Samples Uncheck the default Wilcoxon signed ranks test. Check the McNemar Test. The Results NPar Tests McNemar Test Crosstabs Tes t Sta tistic s b BE FORE & A FTER 75 N BE FORE & AFTER BE FOR E 0 1 Exact S ig. (2-tailed ) AFTER 0 1 27 7 13 28 a .26 3 a. Bin omia l dist ribut ion u sed. b. McNem ar Te st Seven persons switched from Reagan before to Carter after while 13 switched from Carter before to Reagan after. But the p value is > .05, so the difference in no. of persons switching was not significant. Lecture 7 – Comparing Two Groups - 23 2/8/2016 Examples. 1. Are Males or Females better able to fake when so instructed? in 2014 Nguyen (2001) gave participantsSkipped a Big Five Questionnaire twice – once under instructions to respond honestly, again under instructions to fake good. Who was better able to fake good – men or women? Examining the data . . . The Male data are on the top. The Male distribution looks slightly positively skewed, suggesting that both the t-test (on the assumption that the male data are not TOO skewed) and the Mann-Whitney test (on the assumption that they male data may too skewed) should be conducted. Lecture 7 – Comparing Two Groups - 24 2/8/2016 First the t-test. Next the Mann-Whitney U-test Lecture 7 – Comparing Two Groups - 25 2/8/2016 Finally, a second graphical comparison of the two distributions So both tests suggest that male and female fake about the same amount when so instructed. Lecture 7 – Comparing Two Groups - 26 2/8/2016 2. Are males or females more likely to fake when not instructed. Biderman and Nguyen (2008) gave participants a Big Five questionnaire twice with instructions to respond honestly in both administrations. On the second administration, participants were told that the best scores would win a small prize. Did males or females fake more? Examining the data and comparing the distributions in one step The top distribution is of female scores. Both distributions are positively skewed. So the Mann-Whitney U-test should be conducted. So, males and females fake about equally as much when given an incentive to fake. Lecture 7 – Comparing Two Groups - 27 2/8/2016 A final note on stating the results of comparisons of two groups Compare the following two descriptions of the same result . .. Study evaluates blood transfusion rates for hip, knee surgeries Overweight and obese patients were significantly less likely to receive blood transfusions during hip and knee replacement procedures, researchers with Henry Ford Hospital found in an analysis of data on 2,399 surgeries performed from 2011 to 2013. Patients in the obese body-mass index cohort received blood transfusions in 21.9% of hip replacements and 8.3% of knee replacements, while patients in the normal BMI cohort received transfusions in 34.8% of hip procedures and 17.3% of knee procedures. The study was presented at a meeting of the International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty. BeckersASC.com (10/5) vs Heavier hip, knee replacement patients have lower blood transfusion rates: 4 insights Written by Anuja Vaidya | October 05, 2015 0 inShare A new study, by researchers at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, found that overweight or obese patients were less likely to require blood transfusions when undergoing hip and knee replacement surgery. Researchers evaluated 2,399 patients, of which 1,503 underwent knee replacement and 896 Lecture 7 – Comparing Two Groups - 28 2/8/2016