Lesson learn Curriculum Development Visit in UK

Please identify any of the following:
New courses offered (with title, number of students taking the course, number of times offered so far)
Courses revised (with title, number of students taking the course)
Research publications (even if they have only been submitted for publication) with title and authors
Collaborative research projects with a brief explanation
New outreach activities (with a brief explanation)
Outreach activites which have been revised (with a brief explanation)
Laboratory improvements (protocol, design, etc.)
By Didik Suprayogo
Faculty of Agriculture Brawijaya University
A. Background
1. Since 2005, University of Kentucky (UKy), through USAID grant, have been
collaborated with
Universitas Brawijaya, (UB), Universitas Lampung and
Universitas Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh, to strengthened higher education in Indonesia,
especially technical assistances on agriculture, business, education and engineering.
This valuable work is intended to extend until 2010. Three main purposes for
extended collaboration are: (1) The strengthened learning program, especially on
agriculture, business, education, engineering, and public administration to help more
relevant with global need, (2) to support technical assistances and monitoring for
Indonesian lecturer in order to changes their learning process, research and
community development to achieve more relevant with stakeholders need (3) to help
the development of University / faculty management systems that will make
possibility to increase the diversity of income sources and support from broader
stakeholders to realize our vision, mission of University and Faculty.
2. Meanwhile, The Faculty of agriculture, Brawijaya University have been restructured
the study program (SP) from 7 SP which put emphasis on more specialist for
agronomic, Horticulture, Plant Breeding, Soil Science, Plant Protection, Social
Economic of agriculture, and extension and communication of agriculture to
become two SP which more generalist namely Agroecotechnology and Agribusiness.
On this process The Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University need benchmarking
process. For that purposes, we make benchmarking in two US Universities namely:
University of Kentucky as a Research University dan Murray State University as a
Teaching University.
B. Aims of visit
Therefore the main purpose of curriculum development visit to UKy from Faculty of
Agriculture, Brawijaya University are: (1) to learn the approach and process of curriculum
development for Agriculture Science, in UKy (especially for undergraduate students); (2) To
observe the implementation of agriculture science curriculum in UKy; (3) To learn the
management process on the implementation of agriculture science curriculum in UK; (4).To
learn the monitoring and evaluation systems to assure the quality of agriculture education in
UKy, (5) To explore the possibility of double degree education and research collaboration on
agricultural sciences.
C. Visit process
In this visit, there were four integrative approached to proceed during my visit namely: (1)
mentoring, (2) individual discussion with relevant and competences resources persons, (3)
facility Observation, and (4) presentation and groups discussion. My visit was within three
weeks with the activities as below:
Approached Resources person(s)
-11 Travel from Indonesia to USA transit in
12 Oct
Preparation to stay in UKy
13 Oct
UKy Campus orientation
14 Oct
Visit program Plan discussion with 1, 2
Prof Mark Coyne
15 Oct
Sit in on lecture process using Problem 3
Base Learning process (Research for
teaching) and Small group discussion
Prof Mark Coyne
16 Oct
Pre research proposal development on 2
“Biodiversity and Production of New
Library work
1, 2, 3
Prof Mark Coyne
Botanicals From ‘Gadung’ (Dioscorea
Exploitation of an Indonesian Herbal
17 Oct
1. Collaboration development on 4
curriculum development, extended
UK-UB collaboration plan for 2010,
home-stay arrangement for coming
participants, discussion on the
selection process for doctoral
students from UB to study in UKy
2. Observation on
green house 3
management for learning process.
Week end
Prof. Michel Reed
20 Oct
on: 4
“Biodiversity and Production of New
Botanicals From ‘Gadung’ (Dioscorea
Exploitation of an Indonesian Herbal
Plant” untuk di submit ke International
Cooperative Biodiversity Groups (ICBG)
Prof Mark Coyne
21 Oct
Discussion for curriculum development 2
process for Sustainable Agriculture
Study Programs
Dr. Mark A. Williams
22 Oct
Laboratorial and
observation in UKy
Independent work
18-19 Oct
facilities 2
Prof Mark Coyne
Benchmarking on Precision Agriculture
23 Oct
Team Meeting: Visit Review
Prof Machel Reed
Traveling to Murray State University
24 Oct
Visit in Murray State University:
25-26 Oct
Meeting with The Rector
Discussion and field visit with
Dean and Vice Dean of
Academic affair the Faculty of
 Meeting with Vice Rector of
student affair
 Double degree process and
arrangement for undergraduate
Week End
Prof. Gary Brockway
Prof. Tony Brannon
Prof Dwayne Driskill
Dr. Don Robertson
Dr. Basile and Ms
Katherine Kerr
27 Oct
28 Oct
Visit to Toyota-Camry automobile 3, 4
management and production : to learn
professional management system with
focusing safety and quality of work
29 Oct
30 Oct
Presentation and observation on 4
Management Information System
observation on Unit Teaching and
Academic Support Center (TASC).
Presentation and discussion on
quality assurances
Presentation and discussion on
improving English capability for
undergraduate students from
sustainable 3
agriculture teahing process in field
farm UKy
Evaluation on Agribusiness study
program, Faculty of Agriculture,
UB by UKy team
Discussion on
preparation on bio-energy and biofuel
Library Management in UKy
Teaching design and teaching
method development in UKy
Prof Machel Reed and
Mr. Agus Handoyo
Mark A. Williams
3 Professor from
Agriculture Economy
Team bio-energy
Library Team UKy
Tracy Kitchel, Ph.D.
(Director, Center for
31 Oct
1 -3 Nov
Last evaluation visit in UKy
Discussion on workshop preparation
Travel from USA to Indonesia transit in
D. Visit Result and Lesson Learn
Prof Machel Reed
The main results of my visit are:
1. UKy has new study program namely Sustainable Agriculture that equivalent with
“Agroekoteknologi” study program in UB. UKy is on going to develop
Agribusiness study program. Both study program is constructed base on the
competency integration accompany departments with focusing on
implementation of knowledge rather than previous approached with direction on
knowledge development.
However, Agriculture Faculty, Uky while
implementing Sustainable-Agriculture and Agribusiness Study Programs, is not
mean to close the knowledge development study programs. The study program
that still running in UK that categorized as knowledge development are: (1)
Agriculture Sciences, (2) Agriculture Biotechnology, (3) Agriculture Economy,
(4) Animal husbandry Science, (5) Agriculture technician and carrier science, (6)
Leadership Development dan Community Communication Science, (7) Food
Science; (8) Forestry Science, (9) Horticulture, Crop and Soil Science (10)
Landscape Architecture Science, (11) Natural Resources Management and
Conservation Science. Agriculture Science Study program in Murray State
University are: (1) Agro-technology with emphasis on (a) Integrated Technology,
(b) Communication / Community Relation, (c) Community Services on
agriculture field / Leaderships, (d) Environment / Health, (e) Agriculture
Technology, (2) Agriculture Education, (3) Agribusiness with emphasis on (a)
Economy / Finance, and (b) Marketing / Management, (4) Technology on
Agriculture System, (5) Agronomy with emphasis on (a) Marketing / Production,
and (b) Research, (6) Horticulture, (7) Livestock Science / Equine with emphasis
on (a) Fodder Science and (b) Equine Science, (8) Livestock health technology
with emphasis on (a) Livestock health technology, and (b) Zoological-Livestock
Health Technology and (8) Livestock Medic. This result gives inspiration to
reformulate the restructured study program in Agriculture Faculty, UB.
Action Learn: After benchmarking in University of Kentucky and in
Murray State University, we concluded that restructuring process of
undergraduate study program in Faculty of Agriculture, UB is the right tract
to accommodate agriculture education relevant for the global need and to
anticipate decreasing incoming student to study on agriculture. We establish
agro-eco-technology and agribusiness study programs. We construct the
curriculum base on the competency integration four existing departments
(Agronomy, Soil, Pest Management and Agriculture Social Economic
Department) with focusing on implementation of knowledge. We design the
curriculum with vision as institution for higher education on agriculture
internationally standard that actively develop science and technology on
sustainable agriculture and natural resources management. We use the scope
of sustainable agriculture in our curriculum similar with “sustainable
agriculture” study program in UKy. Our motto are “Linking Knowledge to
Action for healthy food producer”.
2. Sustainable Agriculture curriculum in UK, that equivalent “Agroekoteknologi”
curriculum in UB, their structure was developed base on block system that consist
7 blocks namely: (1) University compulsory courses, (2) Faculty compulsory
courses (3) Pre-major compulsory courses (4) Major compulsory courses that
divided into cluster (a) Environment awareness, (b) Economic Value, and (c)
Social responsibility, (5) Sustainable Agriculture compulsory courses, (6)
Specialist supporting courses, and (7) Free optional courses.
Action Learn: After benchmarking in University of Kentucky, we improve
our curriculum structure .
3. The critics from UKy staff on Agribusiness study program, the UB Curriculum
still too much emphasis on management courses. There is need other
consideration on accounting science, scientific writing in English and Information
Action Learn: Base on this input, we include Agribusiness accountancies (3
credit), Agriculture Technology Communications courses in UB curriculum.
4. In UB, there is 9 steps to develop curriculum, namely: (1) SWOT analysis for
study program capacity (scientific vision), and tracer study for stakeholders need
assessment (market signal) (2) defining graduate profile, (3) defining graduate
competence, (4) defining courses content, (5) widening and deepening course
content, (6) The distribution of courses content into courses subject, (7)
Curriculum structure development, (8) Learning design development, and (9)
Learning methods development. In UKy, the learning design and the learning
method development is the most priority attention of lecturer staffs and therefore,
the management also support with sufficient budget allocation. Each lecturer
staff is compulsory to report their semester work activities that reflected as
Curriculum Vitae. The content of curriculum vitae consist (1) research activities
and their use for teaching process, (2) the activity on teaching and counseling, (3)
The activity on extension and community development, (4) Supporting data that
related with (a) the result of research work, paten, computer program, paten,
program computer, video, slide, e-learning etc. (5) supporting activity that consist
scientific meeting, presentation and consultancy activities, (6) self
professionalism development, and (7) Service and recognition award. In learning
process, each lecturer constructs the teaching portfolio. The content of portfolio
consist (1) Reflective declaration that consist (a) philosophy and effort on
learning process, (b) description on each task for learning process of students,
how the learning process, why the learning methods chosed by the lecturer, (2)
the existing learning instruction that consist (a) learning description, (b) learning
activity in semester, (c) system and norm on learning evaluation, (d) the example
of learning material; (3) Courses Syllabus; (4) activity documentation related with
learning process, (5) Recognition and award evidence from peer, (6) task on
counseling and student task, (7) Participation on post graduate programs.
Action Learn: After benchmarking in University of Kentucky and in
Murray State University, we concluded that restructuring process of
undergraduate study program in Faculty of Agriculture, UB is the right tract
to accommodate agriculture education relevant for the global need and to
anticipate decreasing incoming student to study on agriculture.
5. Initiation to open international class for Agoekoteknologi and Agribisnis study
program in UB, have been discussed to explore the possibility and concept
double degree scheme where 2 years study in UB and 2 years study in UKy
(2+2 double degree) for undergraduate program. To implement this concept,
UKy and UB can set up exchange student and lecturer. However, Faculty of
Agriculture, UB need prior preparation on standardized internal management
system to manage exchange student and staff (included supporting document),
finished the curriculum, and make scenario on draft agreement for credit our for
certain courses that can take the student on both sides.
Action Learn: After benchmarking in University of Kentucky and in
Murray State University, we concluded that restructuring process of
undergraduate study program in Faculty of Agriculture, UB is the right tract
to accommodate agriculture education relevant for the global need and to
anticipate decreasing incoming student to study on agriculture.
6. UKy have supporting unit to support learning process, namely : (A) Unit
Teaching and Academic Support Center (TASC). This unit give support on (1)
learning process development, (2) Intrsuctional Technology and Graphics &
Multimedia Development, (3) Audio Visual & Cable / Satellite Services dan (4)
Distance Learning Programs. (B) Functional Laboratories, Green House and farm
field work. The farm field work is supporting facility to integrate the teaching
method for good practicing soil fertility management, tillage technology, crop
maintenance management, crop production technology, irrigation technology,
harvesting technology, and agriculture marketing product management.
7. During my visit, there is agreement that UKy will support on the strengthened
learning process for Agroekoteknologi study program in Faculty of Agriculture,
UB by UKy during implementing Sustainable Agriculture education. In sort
term, expert technical support from UKy will give training and workshop for UB
staff. Therefore, the faculty of agriculture, UB soon as possible to make term of
reference (TOR) before July 2009. The conjunction with other faculty, there is
also training possibility for bio-energy – bio-fuel (lead by Food Technology
Faculty), and Integrated Watershed Management (lead by Engineering Faculty,
Action Learn: After benchmarking in University of Kentucky and in
Murray State University, we concluded that restructuring process of
undergraduate study program in Faculty of Agriculture, UB is the right tract
to accommodate agriculture education relevant for the global need and to
anticipate decreasing incoming student to study on agriculture.
8. In UKy, evaluation system of Lecturer performance achievement base on merit
system. Each lecturer is obligatory to make lecturer performance report that
consist lecture, research, community development and supporting activities
(include administrative work) base on the established university standard. This
merit review report that made by each lecturer every semester is summated to the
head of department and data entry done by administrative staff in each department
through information technology systems. The head of department give report to
the faculty reviewer aboard that coordinated by the dean. The dean will make
review report to the university reviewer aboard. The result of the review at
university level will use Provost and President to take consideration of the
lecturer performance achievement. This evaluation system give good condition of
academic atmosphere, which each lecturer have good motivation and spirit do
work and collaboration among lecturer for the institution advancement. As one of
the output during this year, UKy is one 10th the best agriculture research
development in United State. The agriculture research development is one of core
business UKy as research University.
Action Learn: After benchmarking in University of Kentucky and in
Murray State University, we concluded that restructuring process of
undergraduate study program in Faculty of Agriculture, UB is the right tract
to accommodate agriculture education relevant for the global need and to
anticipate decreasing incoming student to study on agriculture.
9. During my visit, I have been observing Management Information System (MIS)
that operated by UKy. MIS development process in UKy is contracted with
consultant in certain period that worked out related with integration of academic,
financial and students activities data bases.
Action Learn: After benchmarking in University of Kentucky and in
Murray State University, we concluded that restructuring process of
undergraduate study program in Faculty of Agriculture, UB is the right tract
to accommodate agriculture education relevant for the global need and to
anticipate decreasing incoming student to study on agriculture.
10. During my visit, I have been got information for monitoring and evaluation
system for learning process with different kind of methods. I have been learn how
UKy to develop and implement strategic plan and how the method of institution
to evaluate performance indicator.
Action Learn: After benchmarking in University of Kentucky and in
Murray State University, we8 concluded that restructuring process of
undergraduate study program in Faculty of Agriculture, UB is the right tract
to accommodate agriculture education relevant for the global need and to
anticipate decreasing incoming student to study on agriculture.
11. We have discussion to facilitate the 3 months home-stay realization for Dr. Nurul
Aini, Dr. Sri Karindah, and Ir. Sri Winarsih (post graduate student, Faculty of
agriculture, UB) for increasing skill of writing dan presentation of scientific
work for international journal publication, research technique and methods; and
research proposal development.
Action Learn: After benchmarking in University of Kentucky and in
Murray State University, we concluded that restructuring process of
undergraduate study program in Faculty of Agriculture, UB is the right tract
to accommodate agriculture education relevant for the global need and to
anticipate decreasing incoming student to study on agriculture.
12. We have discussion to facilitate the selection process UB PhD candidate for Ir.
Sujarwo, MS and Ir. Edy Dwi Cahyono, MSc study in UKy
Action Learn: After benchmarking in University of Kentucky and in
Murray State University, we concluded that restructuring process of
undergraduate study program in Faculty of Agriculture, UB is the right tract
to accommodate agriculture education relevant for the global need and to
anticipate decreasing incoming student to study on agriculture.
13. We have been written the research pre-proposal that submitted to International
Cooperative Biodiversity Groups (ICBG) with research topic on : Biodiversity
and Production of New Botanicals From ‘Gadung’ (Dioscorea daemona Roxb.):
Sustainable Exploitation of an Indonesian Herbal Plant. However due to high
competition in this scheme, this proposal was fail during the selection.
Action Learn: After benchmarking in University of Kentucky and in
Murray State University, we concluded that restructuring process of
undergraduate study program in Faculty of Agriculture, UB is the right tract
to accommodate agriculture education relevant for the global need and to
anticipate decreasing incoming student to study on agriculture.