日本語 I, 2015 秋学期 Japanese I / Fall 2015 Grand Canyon College Preparatory Academy Mission Statement Through community, parent, teacher, and student partnership, it is the mission of Grand Canyon Prep to empower students to fulfill their promise by promoting lifelong learning and career potential through academic scholarship, character development, and active citizenship. 日本語1 Japanese I 8:00- 9:30 Tuesdays and Thursdays Classroom: # 3 Instructor: David Grago Email: dgrago@cox.net Office hours: 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM Tuesday and Thursday I will begin my 12th year teaching Japanese at Grand Canyon Prep. I also teach Japanese at the Nissan Technical Center in Maricopa and have three years experience teaching at Arizona State University. In addition, I spent five years with Continental Airlines as a Japanese Interpreter. I have lived in many countries (6 years in Japan), and have traveled and surfed the globe extensively. I have a Bachelor in Japanese from the University of Hawaii and a Masters from National University. I lead our tours to Japan and Grand Canyon. I also spend much of my time hiking and backpacking Grand Canyon and completing marathon hikes of 20 to 50 miles both day and night. Course Objectives: To create a strong foundation of the Japanese language through the development of the four language skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. To strengthen, in particular, students’ conversational skills. To deepen students’ understanding of the Japanese people and culture through the study of the language and the many aspects of Japanese culture. To encourage a rediscovery of the students’ own language and culture through the study of Japanese language and culture. To encourage the growth of culturally sensitive, globally aware, responsible world citizens. Course Topics, Scope & Sequence: Unit Theme How do you do! はじめまして。 Daily Greetings & Expressions Japanese pronunciation and orthography (Hiragana) Unit Durati on 6 Days 10 days Students will be able to communicate the following information in the following given situations: 1. Greet and introduce yourself. 2. It’s hot and you greet your teacher. 3. You report a student tardy and absent. 1. 2. 日本語の発音とひらが なの書く順 Japanese Classroom 日本語の教室 Conduct in the typical JPN classroom. Unit Focus Description 3. 6 Days 1. 2. 3. 4. Communication: Culture: Connections & Comparesons: 5FL-R2 5FL-P1 5FL-P3 6FL-F1 6FL-P1 6FL-P2 Communitie s: 1FL-R1 1FL-R2 1FL-F2 2FL-R1 2FL-R2 2FL-E3 3FL-E2 IFL-P1 2FL-P2 4FL-R1 4FL-P1 4FL-P2 7FL-R2 7FL-F4 Students will possess the ability to both recognize and produce Japanese vowels. Learn to Romanize Japanese from a syllabic perspective. Master the first Japanese alphabet – Hiragana and its 71 letters/sounds. 1FL-R2 2FL-R1 3FL-R2 4FL-F3 4FL-P1 4FL-P2 5FL-R1 5FL-R2 6FL-R2 6FL-F2 6FL-F3 7FL-R2 7FL-F4 Ask the teacher for another worksheet. He/she tells you where it is and you thank him/her. You lost your bag and you tell the person in charge which one is yours. The teacher points to a small character on the board and asks if you can see it. You express you can/can’t see it. Express the same for being able to hear/not hear. You want to know the JPN words for things around you. 1FL-R1 1FL-R2 1FL-F2 2FL-R1 2FL-R2 2FL-E3 2FL-R4 IFL-P1 2FL-P2 4FL-R1 4FL-F1 4FL-P1 4FL-P2 5FL-R2 5FL-P1 5FL-P3 6FL-F1 6FL-F4 6FL-P1 6FL-P2 7FL-R2 7FL-F4 The Japanese Family 日本の家族 Discuss details about your family. 6 days Everyday まいにち 6 days 1. Number of people, how they are related, their jobs, grades, ages, names etc. Ask someone the names, ages, grades, jobs of their family. 1FL-R1 1FL-R2 2FL-R1 2FL-R2 2FL-E3 3FL-E2 IFL-P1 4FL-R1 4FL-F1 4FL-P1 5FL-R2 5FL-P1 5FL-P3 6FL-F1 6FL-P1 6FL-P2 7FL-R2 7FL-F4 Ask someone what he/she languages they speak and at home. Ask what your friend ate and drank last night. Ask what the typical meals are in JPN for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Describe the typical US meals. 1FL-R1 1FL-R2 1FL-F2 2FL-R1 2FL-E3 2FL-R4 IFL-P1 2FL-P2 4FL-F1 4FL-P1 5FL-R2 5FL-P1 5FL-P3 6FL-F1 6FL-F4 6FL-P1 7FL-R2 7FL-F4 Talk about each family member’s hobby. Ask and answer if someone in your family speaks Japanese. Ask what someone likes and dislikes. Ask if he/she is skillful/unskillful at something. Ask someone what his/her favorite color is. 1FL-R2 1FL-F2 2FL-R1 2FL-R2 2FL-E3 2FL-R4 3FL-E2 2FL-P2 4FL-R1 4FL-P1 4FL-P2 5FL-R2 5FL-P1 5FL-P3 6FL-F1 6FL-F4 6FL-E3 7FL-R2 7FL-F4 Ask a Japanese home stay student about his/her parents and sibling’s characteristics. 1. Whether they are strict or not. 2. Their height. 3. Whether they are smart or not. 4. Noisy or quiet. 5. Likes and dislikes. 6. Age and nationality. 7. Eye and Hair color. 1FL-R1 1FL-R2 2FL-R1 2FL-R2 2FL-R4 3FL-E2 2FL-P2 4FL-R1 4FL-F1 4FL-P2 5FL-P1 5FL-P3 6FL-F1 6FL-F4 6FL-E3 6FL-P1 6FL-P2 7FL-R2 7FL-F4 Invite someone to a party/event. Express when, what time, and where it will be held. Express your typical family’s schedule – when they get up, what time they eat breakfast, go to work/school, time of return, what time they eat, and go to sleep. 1FL-R1 1FL-R2 1FL-F2 2FL-R2 2FL-E3 2FL-R4 3FL-E2 IFL-P1 4FL-R1 4FL-F1 4FL-P2 5FL-R2 5FL-P3 6FL-F1 6FL-F4 6FL-E3 6FL-P1 6FL-P2 7FL-R2 7FL-F4 Ask a friend to describe a teacher from last semester (前の学期). Was he/she good, strict, interesting, fun, and if your friend liked or disliked him/her. The friend responds. Ask a friend if he/she saw a movie last week. You ask if the movie was good, long, what time he/she saw it, and if he/she liked it. The friend responds. Your Japanese guest in on campus. He/she want to see the library, cafeteria, Japanese classroom and the office, and asks you where they all are. You take your guest to each place and your guest gives his/her impressions of each place. You then hose your guest and describe in detail your home – big or small, old or new, number of rooms, size of yard, number of cars etc. 1FL-R2 1FL-F2 2FL-R1 2FL-R2 2FL-R4 3FL-E2 IFL-P1 2FL-P2 4FL-R1 4FL-F1 4FL-P1 5FL-R2 5FL-P3 6FL-F1 6FL-F4 6FL-E3 6FL-P1 7FL-R2 7FL-F4 1FL-R1 1FL-F2 2FL-R1 2FL-E3 2FL-R4 3FL-E2 IFL-P1 2FL-P2 4FL-R1 4FL-P1 4FL-P2 5FL-R2 5FL-P1 5FL-P3 6FL-F1 6FL-F4 6FL-E3 6FL-P1 6FL-P2 7FL-R2 7FL-F4 2. 1. 2. Eating, drinking, reading, etc. 3. 4. Hobbies しゅみ Likes/dislikes 好きー嫌い Colors 何色が好きー嫌い 6 days 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Characteristics とくちょう Height-tall/short 背が高いー低い 若いー年をとっていま す 厳しいー頭がいい うるさいー静か 6 days Saturday 土曜日 Time schedule 日常生活 何時に 何時から何時まで Invitation 招待―招く 6 days Yesterday 昨日 形容詞を使ってものを 表現すること。 Describe people and things using adjectives. 6 days School 学校 Location of objects. How many and size. 6 days 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Course Textbook: Adventures in Japanese: Hiromi Peterson & Naomi Omizo Course Requirements Lesson Quizzes (Oral and Vocabulary) Lesson Tests Family Project / かけいず Notebook – includes daily classwork and homework Attendance and preparation Final Exam Grading policy: 20% 20% 30% 20% 10% daily participation & classwork quizzes (kanji recognition & vocabulary) tests (grammar, sentence structure, translation, & reading tests) homework final exam Grading scale: 90 – 100% A 80 – 89% B 70 – 79% C 50 – 69% F Policies and Procedures Daily Materials: a. One 3-ring binder [1-11/2 inch] with dividers. b. Filler paper. c. Pencil Pouch with: pencils, eraser, highlighters. NOTEBOOK SECTIONS/DIVIDERS REFERENCE: [Binder section 1] Each student is responsible to create and keep his/her own reference section, ex: songs, verb conjugation lists, special vocabulary, adjectives, etc. TEXT: [Binder section 2] Each student will receive a packet for each unit of the text as we progress through the year. This section will consist of text packets. HOMEWORK: [Binder section 3] Japanese Homework: Your completed homework will be filed here. This will allow you a perfect reference and study guide for all quizzes and tests. Note: Please be sure to notify the teacher if there is a problem with obtaining these materials. Parents/guardians will be contacted if students are not on task due to lack of materials and frequently begging classmates for supplies. Policies: 1. 2. 3. WORK MISSED DUE TO ABENCE/S: All class-work, HW, quizzes and tests must be made up equal to that of the number of days absent due to illness. Cell Phones & Mobile Devices: All students will be required to place their mobile devices in a hutch designated for each student upon entering the classroom and can retrieve the device upon exiting at the end of class. Each student will receive a new tablet designated for their use only. Both the student and his/her parent/s or guardian understands that the tablets are to be used for CLASS-RLATED WORK ONLY. Any usage of the tablet for any other reason, without the expressed permission from the teacher will result in usage privileges. Parent Notification of My Expectations Finally, this syllabus, and all the information contained in it, must be read and signed by both you and your parents below and should be returned to me by August 18th, 2015. I hope that this will better create a mutual understanding regarding my procedures and expectations in the hope that we may work together as a team throughout the semester. If there are any questions or concerns you may have relating to this class, I encourage you to contact me anytime. I look forward to meeting you all very soon! Student’s signature ___________________________________ Date ______________ Parent/s signature ____________________________________ Date______________