Endangered Animal List by Continent


Endangered Animal List by Continent

Endangered Species in Africa

The following endangered wild animals in Africa are showing an alarming rate of decrease in their numbers each year. If conservation steps are not prepped up, the Dark Continent will soon lose much of its biodiversity and wild beauty!

Cheetah Cuvier's Gazelle African Elephant

Chimpanzee Leopard Ostrich

White Rhinoceros

Striped Hyena


African Wild Dog

Ethiopian Wolf

Geometric Tortoise

Gorilla Slender-snouted Crocodile African Wild Ass

Endangered Species in Antarctica

The ice-covered continent, already sparse on flora and fauna, is facing a serious threat of losing some of the most fantastic life forms that are unique to this snowy landmass. A lot of endangered sea creatures have the cold Antarctic waters as their natural habitat, making global warming a direct threat to their existence. Following are some of the most endangered animals that are found on the Antarctic landmass and the surrounding seas:-

Gray Whale Humpback Whale Beluga Whale

Sperm Whale

Blue Whale

Killer Whale

Polar Bear

Bowhead Whale

Amsterdam Albatross

Endangered Species in Asia

The following Asiatic animals are faced with rapidly dwindling numbers and extinction may not be far away for them!

Giant Panda

Bengal Tiger

Indian Rhinoceros

Komodo Dragon

Asiatic Lion

Monkey Eating Eagle

Asian Elephant Orangutan White Handed Gibbon

Endangered Species in Australia

The Island Continent is at a risk of losing the following species that are part of its unique geographical biodiversity.



Australian Sea Lion


Tree Kangaroo

Banded Hare-wallaby

Leadbeater's Possum


Central Rock Rat

Endangered Species in Europe

It's sad that the following amazing European species of animals have come under the purview of endangered species.

Iberian Lynx

Azorean Bat

Sandy Mole Rat

Mouse Tailed dormouse

Iberian Lynx

Mediterranean Monk Seal Saiga

European Mink

Canary Shrew

North Atlantic Right Whale

Madeira Pipistrelle

Long Eared Bat

Monk Seal

Wisent (European bison)

European Bison

Endangered Species in North America

The following animal species of the North American continent may not make it into the next decade unless we get actively involved in the cause of their conservation.

Red Wolf

Amargosa Vole

Mexican Hualapai Vole

Black Footed Ferret

Wood Bison

Woodland Caribou

Mexican Bobcat

Indiana Bat

Kangaroo Rat


California Tiger Salamander

American Crocodile

Blunt-nosed Leopard Lizard

California Big Horn Sheep

Alameda Whip Snake

Island Fox

Gray Bat

North American Cougar

Rice Rat

Gopher Tortoise

Delmarva Peninsula Fox West Indian Manatee

Cedros Island Mule Deer Houston Toad

Endangered Species in South America

The following threatened species include many. These endangered rainforest animal species of the great Amazon constitute of the unique biosphere of this region.

Amazonian Manatee

Giant Armadillo

Bald Uakari

Cotton Top Marmoset

Yellow Tailed Wooly Monkey

Brazilian Three-toed Sloth

Little Spotted Cat

Maned Wolf

Marsh Deer

Pampas Deer

Giant Otter


Central American Tapir


Bespectacled Bear
