Reports - Missouri Association of Osteopathic Physicians and

Executive Committee
November 10, 2014
Executive Director’s Report
Agenda Items
AOA CME/Specialty CME Issue and Status
 The specialty CME issue has reared its ugly head again. AOSED has written a letter to the
Bureau of Osteopathic Specialists requesting immediate rescinding of the current rule that
allows only 25 hours of specialty CME credit to be earned outside an AOA accredited
specialty sponsor program. This means even if speakers meet AOA requirements for
specialty credit, members cannot get specialty credit for them at our state (or any other)
conference if they already have received 25 credits from a non-specialty CME provider.
Should this rule stand, it will have a devastating effect on all state conferences. We continue
to work on this and hope to have it resolved soon. The ACOFP has agreed to provide
accreditation for the Winter Scientific Seminar since it is one of their affiliates. We have also
applied for accreditation for the Society and if it is granted will be able to use it at any
conference MAOPS sponsors so family medicine specialty credit can be awarded.
The big issue here is that the AOA changed the rules and has not done its job in informing
members. Therefore come the end of the cycle (2015) many physicians will lack the CME
they need for Board certification unless this rule is rescinded. In discussions on this it has
been stated that family medicine specialists will not be held accountable for the 50 credits
necessary this cycle if they have attempted to earn it in good faith.
 Not much news here since we last met. We hope to sell the building, valued at about $4
million in the next 9-12 months. We hope to divest ourselves from the rest of Primaris by
December 2015.
Resident Visit Schedule
 This is attached to the agenda. I am looking for hosts in the different areas of the state. I
tried to schedule earlier than in the past. Two programs not visited in the past are on the
schedule: Ozark Center and Capital Region Medical Center. We set a record of 170 residents
last year. We hope to surpass that again this year.
District Visit Schedule
 I tried reverting back to the previous way of setting up these visits-asking the districts to
invite us. We started in June, had personal phone calls with each President in August, and in
October still had not heard from anyone. So I took the Liberty of scheduling them myself
and notifying the districts. We still do not have all confirmed, but we are getting closer. Most
of these I will attend by myself. I am also trying to pop in on district’s regular meetings to
help out the district Presidents.
 South Central Ozark, Boone County, and North Central Districts are all struggling to survive.
I have offered to sponsor a meeting with the specific charge of determining is docs in the
district are interested enough to keep the district going. We will promote these heavily, see
what attendance we get, and what opinions are for maintaining the district, then move
forward as needed.
District Assistance Update
 I feel our districts are vital to a strong association. Staff is trying to provide more support to
the leadership to make their jobs as easy as possible. This includes:
o A comprehensive newsletter and informational packet each month with agenda
items and handouts for attendees
o Offer to handle district finances
o Personal calls to leaders last summer to determine needs
 Our hope is that potential leaders will get the message that they are not in this alone and
will step up. We also hope to try and encourage leaders to hold more frequent meetings
and/or use the technology we have available to get the information out to members.
 We have also finalized procedures to allow districts to transfer management of financials to
MAOPS OR file their own tax return. This was sent to all districts with the November
newsletter. The Board will need to formally approve the policies in January.
New Business
2015-2016 MAOPS Calendar
 Please review the 2015-2016 MAOPS calendar for any conflicts. The calendar has a couple
of nuances we need to consider.
o Due to Labor Day falling on the weekend we usually schedule our fall Board meeting
(September 7), I am proposing we hold the Board meeting the last weekend of
August. The other possibility is to hold it September 13, but that has the potential of
conflicting with some COM homecomings which have not been scheduled yet.
o The January Board meeting is scheduled to be held a week earlier than usual due to
Winter Scientific Seminar occurring a week earlier. We could hold the Board
meeting the weekend before WSS, but then staff has to leave two days later for KC.
This happened to us last year and was very difficult to get everything in order and
tough on staff.
2015 MAOPS AOA Delegates Meeting
 Typically this first meeting is held on Sunday at MOAC. Due to how the selections are made
now it may be better to hold a conference call shortly after the conference for all AOA
Delegates. We need to determine exactly how we want to do this during this Executive
Committee meeting. A concern is that some selected delegates will not be present at the
conference, therefore not at the meeting. Rather than “repeating” the meeting to those not
there, it may make better sense to pre-schedule a conference call for May or early June to go
over the basics as we typically do at the convention. This also further reduced the meeting
burden on leaders and staff at MOAC. It is no big deal either way, but it most likely will save
time to have a conference call after MOAC that we can publicize early so all delegate know
the date well in advance.
MOAC 2016-Update on CV Medicine: Decision to Make Now
 Dr. Martin Schwarze has offered to set up a cardiovascular medicine session for MOAC 2016
in St. Charles. He would like to begin planning it now to get the best speakers available. He
estimates that the costs would be around $12,000. Chris would like a decision from the
Executive Committee now so she can tell Dr. Schwarze to proceed or not. This does align
with our strategic plan which has a goal of adding two specialty tracks to the conference by
2018. This would be the second addition (IM added in 2015).
Boone County District Issues
 Dr. Randoll is very frustrated with the district in Boone County. He is the only person doing
anything and the people who started the district are nowhere to be found. I know from
working with him that he is doing his best and doing it alone. This was discussed at the last
meeting several members felt adamant that the district needed to stay active to avoid
sending a message that organized didn’t matter. Dr. Randoll has asked that members step
up and take on some leadership responsibility. The district has until January 31 to submit
district credentials or it automatically goes inactive.
Strategic Plan Progress and Suggested Additions
 The staff had a retreat on October 10 to discuss the strategic plan and everyone’s role in its
implementation. Everyone is excited to be focused on a clear goal.
 In reviewing the plan, a few additions were suggested as they are vital to MAOPS, but were
not inherent in the plan. Those are included on the agenda and the Board will be asked to
approve those additions in January.
 We plan to have a “kickoff” party at the January Board meeting, then will start promoting
the plan to members. Logos and promotional materials are now being developed.
2015 Sunsetting MAOPS Policies
 Now that the House of Delegates is gone, it is up to the Board to review sun setting policies
and make determinations. This year we have only four sunsetting so I felt the Executive
Committee could expedite the process by reviewing them and making recommendations to
the Board in January. Those resolutions are included on the agenda. Please remember that
only the Resolved statements are included in official policy so don’t worry about the
Whereas statements when reviewing. The policy should make since with the resolveds
alone. If not, it needs some work.
 Next year we have significantly more resolutions to review. This will be an excellent
opportunity to develop a few fast action teams to review them and make recommendations
to the Board.
Unfinished Business
Bylaws and Strategic Planning Committee Recommendations
 The Bylaws and Strategic Planning Committee has met and made recommendations to
dissolve many of our standing committees. Please review them using the link on the agenda.
If any comments please bring them up at the meeting. If not, we will not spend a lot of time
on this, and refer it to the Board for final approval in April..
MAOPS Salary, Benefits, and Positions Analysis
 We have hired the Hay Group to do this upon recommendation of the Budget and Finance
Committee and approval by the Board. All staff was interviewed in October and all job
descriptions were updated. We hope to have a full report by the end of November, but
definitely should have something for the Board by January.
MAOPS Future Leaders Discussion
We discussed this briefly in September. I think it is time to ask the Leadership Development
Committee to meet and discuss some people to begin training, and to nominate a Program
Chair for 2015-16. Dr. Petry, as Immediate Past President will be chairing that committee
and we are working on setting a date for that meeting.
Annual Membership Meeting Format and Schedule-Update
 In September we discussed a potential Membership Meeting schedule and format. We
wanted to have the meeting on Thursday evening. However, Chris reminded me that this is
the exhibit hall opening session and that has already been promoted to exhibitors. So we
need to rethink.
 Wednesday evening as originally planned will still work. Attendance may not be as high as
on Thursday, but the people who truly want a voice will be in attendance. We can hold a
reception following or possibly even a dinner. We are encouraging all District Presidents to
attend and provide a district report and we will continue to encourage all members to
attend to have a voice. Ultimately it is up to them to attend or not. This would also be the
best time for invited guests to come and speak. Also, as originally discussed, we can hold
some spokesperson training in the late afternoon on Wednesday for those Board members
and district leaders interested in it. We can also invite some of our emerging leaders and
Wetzel Scholars.
 Friday evening could be a possibility, but I don’t see that being any better of an option than
Wednesday evening when everyone is fresh and has not been sitting through CME all day.
 The only other time we could conceive having the meeting would be on Sunday AFTER the
education program ended. I do not see this as being well attended.
MAOPS Membership in the Association of Governing Boards-Update
 Dr. Jones suggested looking into this. It is primarily for higher education institutes. In
reviewing the list of members, which was substantial, I saw no institutions other than
colleges. Dues are based on enrollment and started at $2,825 annually. While I am sure they
have great information, I don’t think that at this time it is a good fit for us. I think that
resources are available from other more relevant organizations should we need them.