Animal Science 1 Semester Test Review Text Units—1,3,4,13,15,16,17,19,31,33,39,43 Breeds to Know Dairy Cattle -Ayrshire -Brown Swiss -Guernsey -Holstein-Friesian -Jersey Horses -Thoroghbred -Standardbred -Quarter Horse -Pinto -Palamino -Morgan -Arabian -Appaloosa -American Saddlebred Beef Cattle -Red Poll -Santa Gertrudis -Brangus -Brahman -Barzona -Simmental -Shorthorn -Polled Hereford -Hereford -Chianina -Charolais -Red Angus -Angus Diseases/Parasites to Know Grass tetany Enterotoxaemia Bloat Stomach worms Lice Cattle grubs Horseflies Stable fly Horn fly Vaneral form of campylobacterosis Shipping fever Pink eye Blackleg Brucellosis Anthrax Terms to Know Rotation grazing Artificial Insemination Filly Jack Shrinkage Packers & Stockyards Act Direct Selling Auction Market Terminal Markets Demand Supply What manufactures the milk in the cows udder? How long does the effect of the milk let-down hormone oxytocin last? How is milk let down stimulated? What percent of milk is removed from the udder at milking? How much of an increase in milk production is necessary to make 3 time a day milking profitable? Why is it important to keep bacteria counts in milk low? What is milkstone? How can milkstone be removed ? What should be used to wash metal milker parts? How is milkfat removed from rubber parts and inflations ? Why is regular cleaning of the vacuum lines important? How often are pipeline milkers cleaned? What temperature should a bulk tank must be capabable of cooling milk to within 20 minutes of removal from the cow? 90 minutes? What is the most common off flavor in milk caused by? What type of gait is the gallop? What is founder? How often should a horses hooves be trimmed? What are the two most important body parts of the horse? What are draft horse breeds developed and used for? What are the two color patterns of the American Paint breed? When cattle are sold on the yield and grade basis how should they be handled before shipping? How can cattle be conditioned before shipping? How does most graded slaughter beef in the U.S. grade? What are quality grades in slaughter beef based on? How is slaughter beef described? What types of cattle are the grades prime, choice, select, standard, commercial, utility, cutter and canner applied to? What are beef animals younger than 1 year of age called? What criteria should a producer use to select a market? What is the most economical way to control external parasites of beef cattle? What is a cow/calf feeding program primarily based upon? How should dry, pregnant cows be fed? How should dry, pregnant mature cows be fed? When should calves be creep fed? What percent of heifers should be kept each year to replace cows that leave the herd? What criteria should be used to choose replacement heifers? At what age may well grown bulls be used for breeding? How should yearling bulls be cared for? How much should yearling bulls gain? How long should bulls be run with cows? What does spring calving require? Why should bull calves that are not being kept for breeding be casterated? When should dehorning be done? Branding cattle— Ear tattooing cattle— How may weaned calves be cared for? What does preconditioning calves do for the producer? For the calf? What is backgrounding calves? Why is it used? How far away from surface water and well should livestock manure not be applied ? Under EPA regulations animal waste must be incorporated into the land when it slopes more than ________ percent. Contamination of water by ____________ is undesirable because of the danger of diseases being transmitted to humans. If the ________________ level is too high in a river, stream , lake or pond there may not be emough oxygen left in the water to support life. Who is responsible for animals when they get loose? How deep should animal carcasses be buried? What should be done when animals die on the farm? Should animals be skinned before disposal? Why? How should the odor and gases from livestock manure be handled? What is the maximum depth that manure is allowed to collect to in debris basins? Why are diversion terraces built around feedlots? Animal manure fertilizer value Waste management systems Unconfined livestock systems What must a producer consider when deciding how to handle manure? How many tons of manure are produced on livestock farms each year in the United States? A beef feedlot of 1,200 head or a hog feed operation of 10,500 head may produce as much waste as a city with a population of how many? Feeding a great number of animal in a large feedlots causes What can personal protective equipment do for you? How should a worker behave when handling a horse? How should a horse be approached safely? Pen and chute lighting should be diffusesed and even and should be at least how many foot-candles? What types of pens, gates and chutes be used to handle livestock? What is the trend in the number of sheep raised in the US expected to do? What is the per capita consumption of poultry expected to do? By what percent does production of dairy products exceed demand? What is the trend in the size of beef feedlots? What is the trend in the number of farms raising swine expected to do? Consumer concern over ___________ levels in food has redcued the demand for red meat. Where is most of the poultry in the US raised? Where were horses most likely first domesticated? The horse evolved from a tiny four toed animal that was native to what country? Early goat were imported from what country? Wool has been used for clothing since what time period? When were swine first brought to the U.S.? Where did the major growth of large cattle herds take place? Who were cattle, swine, sheep and goats tamed by?