GRADING A QUIZ ... This handout explains the options available when marking Quizzes on QMPlus An Overview A Quiz is an assessment tool in QMPlus. Like any other activity of the course, these assessments/quizzes can have marks assigned to them. For instance, if the full marks of a course is 100, a single assessment/quiz in that course can carry a mark of 20 that counts towards the full marks for the course. Another Quiz can have 10 marks assigned to them, etc. The questions within these Quizzes are then given their own grading. The 20 marks quiz can have 5 questions in it, each carrying a mark of 4. (5 x 4 = 20 ) And finally, when the questions themselves are constructed, we have to specify the weights of the answers in the questions. If a question has 2 answers for example, the correct answer is assigned a weight of 100%, and the wrong answer is assigned a weight of 0%. So there are 3 place where you have to set your grading - Quiz Questions Grading of the Quiz 1. 2. 3. 4. Turn Editing On Select the Quiz that you made from the course page. Click on Edit Quiz Specify the full marks (Maximum grade) of the quiz. Grading of Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. Turn Editing On Select the Quiz that you made from the course page Click on Edit Quiz Specify the marks (Grade) to the individual questions Grading of answers 1. 2. 3. 4. Turn Editing On Select the Quiz that you made from the course page Click on Edit Quiz Select an existing question to modify the grading for its answers or Add a new Question 5. Specify your weights (Grade). Answers