german honours pre-advising for 2015-17

For German, ALL students proceeding into junior or senior honours must see Dr White
(B206, mjw8) for pre-advising in April (weeks 10 and 11) and again for advising in
September. For pre-advising, fill in the form at the end of this document and sign up for
meetings on the board outside my office. Students abroad: e-mail me the form! That
counts as your pre-advising.
These are summary notes for pre-advising in German. For general guidelines on pre-advising and programme
requirements, see the general information for SOML students and the course catalogue. If you have any questions,
ask during the pre-advising meeting; that is what it is for.
Some points to remember:
You need 90 credits at 4000 level across junior and senior honours across the whole
degree. If you did study abroad, do not worry about that.
 Remember that not all content modules are always available, or they may fill up.
There is no formal cap in German, but 18 is usually the limit for practical reasons
and we try to balance out the modules.
 GM3005–GM3006 and GM4105–GM4106 are compulsory language modules.
If you are study abroad, you only do these during your semesters here.
 GM4007 (Translation Methodology) is compulsory for Single Honours students,
optional for everyone else. It is only available once every two years, so planning
ahead and keeping options open is important.
 If you are thinking about a dissertation, you must contact the Head of
German in advance of or during pre-advising, as well as a member of staff
who would be able to help you come up with a workable idea (see staff
specialisms below). Dissertations are only available in senior honours. You
need to obtain approval from the Head of German before the end of
semester even if you are abroad. GM4098 (15 credits) involves a semester-long
dissertation of 5,000-6,000 words; GM4099 (30 credits) involves a year-long
dissertation of up to 10,000 words.
 You may not ‘dip down’ (you must take honours modules).
 The year abroad module codes are: GM3101 Integrated Year Abroad (60
credits not counted for degree classification) (WIYA year); GM3103 Residential
Project in German-speaking country; GMSAUY (full year away doing German
modules for credit, not necessarily in Germany); GMSAU1 (first semester away)
GMSAU2 (second semester).
Staff areas of interest:
Dr Beedham: German linguistics; strong verbs; the passive; the method of lexical exceptions
and their correlations; language and politics; German history 1949 to the Present Day.
Dr Bildhauer: medieval German literature; medievalism; gender studies; film.
Dr Cusack: Nineteenth-century German literature, cultural memory, travel literature, popular
literature, fin-de-siècle Austrian writing, history of ideas, historiography.
Dr Lawson: 20th and 21st century German literature and film; East German film; Cultural
memory of the Nazi past; W.G. Sebald; psychoanalysis; comparative literature.
Dr White: Nineteenth-century German literature, especially Realism and its 20th century
influence; literary space; literary reception and translation.
Miss Stewart: Twentieth-century German literature, theatre, post-migrant literature.
Module/Semester Timetable for Honours German
NB: Staff in the German Dept continually apply for external research grants, and when they are successful it
sometimes impacts upon the running and timing of Honours options. In such cases, students will be informed of
any changes that have to be made, as well as of changes which may arise for other reasons.
Semester 1
GM3005 Ger Lang I
(compulsory in Junior
GM4105 Ger Lang II
(compulsory in Senior
Semester 2
GM3006 Ger Lang II
(compulsory in Junior
GM 4106 Ger Lang
IV(compulsory in
Senior Hons)
Semester 1
Semester 2
GM3081 Words and their Functions in Modern German
GM3089 The German Gothic, 1800-2000
GM3075 Thomas Mann, Doktor Faustus
GM40X1 Module to be confirmed.
GM4098/GM4099 Short/Long Dissertation
GM4070 Environmental Thought in German Literature,
GM40X2 Turkish-German Literature, Theatre and Film
GM4069 German History 1949 to the Present Day
GM4098/99 Short/Long Dissertation
GM3005 Ger Lang I
GM3091 The Nazi Past in German and Austrian
(compulsory in Junior Hons)
GM3047 The Literature of Friedrich Nietzsche
GM4105 Ger Lang III
GM3088 Travel Writing in German Since 1990
(compulsory in Senior Hons)
GM3073 The Mediaeval Short Story
GM4098 Short Dissertation
GM4099 Long Dissertation
GM3006 Ger Lang II
(compulsory in Junior Hons)
GM 4106 Ger Lang IV
(compulsory in Senior Hons)
GM4007 German Translation
GM3080 Grammatical Rules and Lexical
Exceptions in Modern German
GM4094 The German Long Story 1881-1941.
GM4095 Rethinking German Realism 1845-1898
GM4046 Mediaeval Things
GM4098 Short Dissertation
GM4099 Long Dissertation
German Honours Set Texts
These reading lists are just to give you a better idea of what you would be doing in the modules and as such are
subject to change!
GM3080 Grammatical Rules and Lexical Exceptions in Modern German
Dr Beedham
Initial Bibliography
Beedham, Christopher. 1995. German linguistics: An introduction. Munich: Iudicium [especially
chapters 1, 3, 5, and 8].
-- 2005. Language and Meaning: The Structural Creation of Reality. Amsterdam: Benjamins
[especially chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7, German sections only].
Bünting, Karl-Dieter. 1996. Einführung in die Linguistik. 15. Aufl. Weinheim: Belz/Athenäum.
Fox, Anthony. 2005. The structure of German. 2nd ed.. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Helbig, Gerhard. 1983. Geschichte der neueren Sprachwissenschaft. Unter dem besonderen Aspekt der
Grammatik-Theorie. 6. Aufl. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag.
de Saussure, Ferdinand. 1983. Course in General Linguistics. London: Duckworth.
GM3081 Words and their Functions in Modern German
Dr Beedham
Initial Bibliography
Beedham, Christopher. 1995. German linguistics: An Introduction. Munich: Iudicium [especially
chapters 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7].
Bünting, Karl-Dieter. 1996. Einführung in die Linguistik. 15. Aufl. Weinheim: Beltz Athenäum.
Fox, Anthony. 2005. The Structure of German. 2nd ed.. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
-- 1974. Funktionen der Sprache. Hrsg. von Otto Schober. Stuttgart: Reclam.
Helbig, Gerhard (Hrsg.). 1977. Beiträge zur Klassifizierung der Wortarten. Leipzig: Enzyklopädie.
Naumann, Bernd. 1986. Einführung in die Wortbildungslehre des Deutschen. 2. Aufl. Tübingen:
Pusch, Luise F. 1984. Das Deutsche als Männersprache. Aufsätze und Glossen zur feministischen
Linguistik. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
GM3088 Travel Writing in German since 1990
Dr Cusack
Set texts:
Daniel Kehlmann, Die Vermessung der Welt (rororo 2008)
W.G. Sebald, Die Ringe des Saturn: Eine englische Wallfahrt (Fischer 2002)
Thomas Rosenlöcher, Die Wiederentdeckung des Gehens beim Wandern: Harzreise (Frankfurt am Main:
Suhrkamp, 1991)
Wolfgang Büscher, Deutschland, Eine Reise (rororo 2008)
Christian Kracht, Faserland (dtv 2002)
GM3089 The German Gothic, 1800-2000
Set Texts
Hoffmann, E.T.A. Die Elixiere des Teufels (Reclam 1986) ISBN: 978-3150001929.
Hoffmann, E.T.A. Nachtstücke (Reclam 1990) ISBN: 978-3150001547.
Liebmann, Irina. In Berlin (Berliner Taschenbuch 2002) ISBN: 978-3442760596.
Meyrink, Gustav. Der Golem (dtv 2009) ISBN: 978-3423137379.
Murnau, F.W. Noseferatu: Eine Symphonie des Grauens. DVD. Available in Library
Schiller, Friedrich Der Geisterseher (Reclam 1995) ISBN: 978-3150074350..
Tieck, Ludwig. William Lovell (Reclam 1986) ISBN 978-3150083284.
Dr Cusack
GM3075 Thomas Mann – Doktor Faustus
Dr White
Set Texts
Thomas Mann, Doktor Faustus. Das Leben des deutschen Tonsetzers Adrian Leverkühn erzählt von einem
Freunde. Roman, (Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, 2008)
Thomas Mann, Die Entstehung des Doktor Faustus: Roman eines Romans. In der Fassung der Großen
kommentierten Frankfurter Ausgabe, (Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, 2012)
GM3091 The Nazi Past in German and Austrian Culture
Set Texts
Heinrich Böll, Wo warst du Adam (Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag)
Peter Weiss, Die Ermittlung: Oratorium in 11 Gesängen (Suhrkamp)
Nackt unter Wölfen (dir. Frank Beyer 1963)
Hans-Ulrich Treichel, Der Verlorene (Suhrkamp)
Günter Grass, Im Krebsgang (Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag)
Der Untergang (dir. Oliver Hirschbiegel, 2004)
GM3047 The Literature of Friedrich Nietzsche
Set Texts
Friedrich Nietzsche, Also Sprach Zarathustra (Stuttgart: Reclam, 2006)
Friedrich Nietzsche, Jenseits von Gut und Böse (Stuttgart: Reclam, 1988)
Friedrich Nietzsche, Menschliches, Allzumenschliches (Munich: dtv, 1999)
Friedrich Nietzsche, Die fröhliche Wissenschaft (Stuttgart: Reclam, 2000)
Dr Lawson
Dr White
GM3073 The Medieval Short Story
Dr Bildhauer
Set Text
Kleinere mittelhochdeutsche Verserzählungen: Mittelhochdeutsch/Neuhochdeutsch, ed. and trans. Jürgen
Schulze-Grobert (Stuttgart: Reclam, 2006)
GM4007 Translation Methodology
Dr White
Set Text
Sandor Hervey, Michael Loughridge and Ian Higgins, Thinking German Translation, Second
Edition (London: Routledge, 2006)
GM4046 Mediaeval Things
Dr Bildhauer
Set texts:
Set texts - medieval (to buy)
Herzog Ernst, ed. Bernhard Sowinski (Stuttgart: Reclam, 1998) (6000 verses, bilingual edition
medieval/modern German) (to buy)
Koenig Rother, ed. Peter K. Stein (Stuttgart: Reclam, 2000) (5,300 verses, bilingual edition
medieval/modern German) PT1551.K6S8 (to buy)
Wirnt von Grafenberg, Wigalois, ed. Sabine and Ulrich Seelbach (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2005)
(12,000 verses, bilingual edition medieval/modern German) PT1679.W8A4G05 (to buy)
Konrad von Megenberg, Das "Buch der Natur": Bd 2, Kritischer Text nach den Handschriften
(Tübingen : M. Niemeyer, 2003), chapter on jewels (pp. 463-509) provided on
MMS QH41.K76;2
GM4094 The German Long Story, 1880-1941
Dr Cusack
Set Texts
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, Lotti die Uhrmacherin [1880] (Reclam, 1999)
Theodor Fontane, Unterm Birnbaum [1885] (Reclam, 1998)
Theodor Storm, Der Schimmelreiter [1888] (Reclam, 2005)
Arthur Schnitzler, Lieutenant Gustl [1901] (dtv, 2004)
Thomas Mann, Mario und der Zauberer: Ein tragisches Reiseerlebnis [1930] (Fischer, 2001)
Stefan Zweig, Schachnovelle [1941] (Fischer, 1977)
GM4095 Rethinking German Realism, 1845-1898
Set Texts
Fontane, Theodor, Der Stechlin (Munich: dtv, 1998)
Fontane, Theodor, Irrungen Wirrungen (Munich: dtv, 1994)
Stifter, Adalbert, Bergkristall, (Stuttgart: Reclam, 1994)
Stifter, Adalbert, Der Hagestolz, (Stuttgart: Reclam, 2006)
Storm, Theodor, Aquis Submersus (Stuttgart: Reclam, 2008)
Storm, Theodor, Carsten Curator, (Stuttgart: Reclam, 2006)
Dr White
GM4070 Writing Nature: German Environmental Thought, 1800-2000 Dr Cusack
Set Texts
Frisch, Max. Homo faber (Suhrkamp) ISBN: 978-3518368541. 208pp.
Gotthelf, Jeremias. Die Wassernot im Emmental. [A copy will be provided.]
Grass, Günter, Die Rättin (DTV) ISBN: 978-3423125284. 496pp.
von Haller, Albrecht. Die Alpen (Reclam) ISBN: 978-3150096550
Der deutsche Idealismus: Eine Einführung in die Philosophie von Fichte, Hegel und Schelling, ed. by Gerhard
Gamm (Reclam) ISBN: 978-3150089637
Stifter, Adalbert. Bunte Steine (Reclam) ISBN: 978-3150041956
Wolf, Christa. Störfall: Nachrichten eines Tages ISBN: 978-3518460795. 129pp.
GM4069 German History 1949 to the Present Day
Dr Beedham
Initial Bibliography
Günther Benser. 2000. DDR – gedenkt ihrer mit Nachsicht. Berlin: Karl Dietz.
Daniela Dahn. 1998. „Im Gespräch“ mit Daniela Dahn am 6. Mai 1997. In: Fragen zur deutsche
Einheit, hg. von der Staatskanzlei des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt. Halle: Mitteldeutscher
Verlag, 9-39.
Andreas Hillgruber. 1987. Deutsche Geschichte 1945-1986: Die “deutsche Frage” in der Weltpolitik.
Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
Kurt Sontheimer. 2007. Grundzüge des politischen Systems Deutschlands. München: Piper.
From Guestworkers to Postmigrants: Turkish-German Literature, Theatre and Film
Miss Stewart
Set Texts
Emine Sevgi Özdamar, Die Brücke vom Goldenen Horn (Cologne: Kiepenheuer & Witsch,
Gegen die Wand (dir. by Fatih Akin, 2004).
Feridun Zaimoglu, Schwarze Jungfrauen [2006] (Reinbek: Rowohlt E-Book Theater, 2013).
Verrücktes Blut (dir. by Nurkan Erpulat and Jens Hillje, [2011] 2012).
Almanya – Willkommen in Deutschland (dir. by Yasemin Şamdereli, 2011).
Emine Sevgi Özdamar, ‘Bitteres Wasser’, in Odessa Transfer: Nachrichten vom Schwarzen
Meer, ed. by Katharina Raabe and Monika Sznajderman (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp,
2009), pp. 40-49 [will be provided].
German Department Honours Enrolment Form
Print, complete, and bring this form with you.
Personal Details:
Full name:
E-mail address:
Degree Details:
Full Degree Title: (e.g.: MA (Hons) German and French WIYA)
Proceeding into: WIYA/Study Abroad/Junior Honours/Senior Honours
Enter your indicative choices in the table, for discussion.
J/H Semester 1
S/H Semester 1
J/H Semester 2
S/H Semester 2
For dissertations: Supervisor…………………………………………………..
Head of German seen?...............................