Education - Michigan State University

Jessica L. Knott, Ph.D.
| Curriculum Vitae
601 North Francis Avenue, Lansing, MI 48912, 517-449-7556,
Doctor of Philosophy, Higher Adult and Lifelong Education — Michigan State
University, East Lansing, Michigan
Master of Arts, Education — Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
Bachelor of Arts, Journalism - Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
Related Professional and Service Experience
Blended Learning Conference and Workshop — Online Learning Consortium, Denver, CO
Steering committee member, 2013-2015
Chair, Deep Dives, 2015
Technology Test Kitchen Master Chef, 2014
Emerging Technologies for Online Learning – Online Learning Consortium, Dallas, TX
Steering committee member, 2013-2015
Co-Chair, Technology Test Kitchen, 2015
International Conference for Online Learning – Online Learning Consortium, Orlando,
Technology Test Kitchen Master Chef, 2014
Applied Researcher – Michigan State University IT Services Teaching and Learning
Collect and analyze data that can be used in decision-making regarding support, technology
provisions, and development.
Instructional Designer – Michigan State University IT Services Teaching and Learning
Worked with faculty to help them learn to create quality, learning-rich online courses. Designed
and taught faculty development workshops, and supported campus technology initiatives in
varying roles.
Instructional Designer – TechSmith Corporation
Worked with a cross-departmental team of designers, programmers, and user experience
professionals to create accessible, clear learning materials for the TechSmith product portfolio,
including Camtasia Studio, Camtasia Relay, and SnagIt. Helped to plan and execute three internal
professional development workshops, and traveled to academic conferences to demonstrate
effective use of TechSmith products in teaching.
Instructional Designer – Michigan State University IT Services Teaching and Learning
Worked with faculty to help them learn to create quality, learning-rich online courses. Designed
and taught faculty development workshops, and supported campus technology initiatives in
varying roles.
Programmer Analyst – Michigan State University IT Services
Helped to run, and provided third-level support for several key campus academic systems,
including ANGEL and Adobe Connect. Created documentation for system use, and engaged with
the larger technical community of practice to provide innovation and creative learning
experiences for the MSU campus community.
Programmer Analyst – Michigan State University IT Services
Assistant helpdesk manager, supervising students and providing second level support to ACNS
Helpdesk customers.
Research Experience
Dissertation: Faculty Learning: The Role of Hypermedia in Online Course Design
Using semi-structured interviews, this study explored how faculty experiences in reading,
teaching, and technology inform their use of hyperlinks and hypermedia in online teaching,
learning, and course design. Further, an exploration of how faculty learn new technologies as they
develop their online courses serves as a lens through which to view course design and its
evolution. Study findings reveal that the use of hypermedia in online course design reflects the
reading preferences and practices of the faculty developing the course. Further, findings indicate
that, even when formal faculty development programs are offered, faculty learning is extremely
fluid, with heavy reliance upon the resources they can find easily and immediately as a means of
learning new things. New teaching philosophies were rarely adopted, but new course structure
elements and technologies were adopted if the faculty felt they would assist in the content delivery
process. As a result, recommendations include the development of just-in-time resources for
faculty, and the development of faculty development programs that allow for individualized
assistance and transfer.
Social Media in Education (in progress)
The purpose of this work is to investigate the empirical research on post-secondary education
social media teaching and learning. A systematic and iterative analysis of the literature will
contribute to a greater understanding of the scholarly literature and its structure. In conducting a
citation analysis, we would like to identify further information for who is creating the research,
where it is originating from, and how data collection and analysis of social media for teaching and
learning is being conducted in post-secondary education.
MTH 103 eCoaching Pilot – MSU IT Services Teaching and Learning Technology
Worked with a team to develop, deploy, and measure the learning effectiveness of a math
eCoaching system. This project investigates eCoach impacts on student success in first year math
at MSU.
REAL Classrooms at MSU – MSU IT Services Teaching and Learning Technology
This research is ongoing, and seeks to discover how faculty understand and interact with the
Rooms for Engaged and Active Learning at MSU. The goals of this work are two-fold: to help IT
Services understand space and investment needs for active learning classrooms on campus, and
to ensure that the appropriate workshops and help resources are being provided for MSU faculty
wishing to use these spaces in their courses. Current work revolves around faculty motivations to
apply to teach in the real classrooms, their experiences in the REAL Academy faculty
development initiatives, and a comprehensive literature review and citation analysis of existing
work in the field of teaching and learning in next generation classrooms.
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Turnitin Use at MSU — MSU IT Services Teaching and Learning Technology
Analyzed the use of Turnitin at Michigan State University, including overall utilization and most
commonly used features.
ECAR Faculty Survey — Educause Center for Analysis and Research (ECAR)
Deployed the ECAR 2014 and 2015 survey instrument to over 3,000 Michigan State University
faculty. Prepared a report comparing national results to the MSU community.
Eli Review — MSU IT Services Teaching and Learning Technology
This research employs a mixed methods approach to explore student perceptions about the use of
an Internet-based peer review facilitation system (Eli Review) in their first year writing courses.
Student responses and system data indicate that faculty largely focus on the writing and revision
stages of the peer review cycle, and less on the revision cycle, where not only writing revisions
should be made, but also revisions to thoughts and perspectives (Sommers, 1980). Further,
without explicit instruction about how to use the system, students are likely to struggle with peer
review assignments. Finally, while faculty find the system analytics and reporting indispensable,
students are unlikely to separate the teaching of peer review and the act of peer review itself from
the system used to facilitate the process, and struggle with questions of perceived redundancy and
workload in assignments, as well as questions surrounding what value the technology adds to
their learning.
Teaching Experience
Fundamentals of Online Instruction — MSU IT Services Teaching and Learning Technology
Faculty development workshop at Michigan State University that teaches faculty members the
technical and pedagogical basics of online instruction. I teach this course once per semester.
Fundamentals of Blended Instruction — MSU IT Services Teaching and Learning
Technical pedagogy workshop for faculty at Michigan State University that teaches faculty
members how to effectively blend online and face-to-face instruction in course development. I
teach this course once per semester.
Custom faculty development workshops — MSU IT Services Teaching and Learning
Approximately 5-10 times per semester, departments request customized pedagogical,
technological, or creative workshops for their faculty. I create and teach these workshops based
upon their stated goals and desired outcomes.
EAD 315 – Student Leadership Training
2010, 2011
This fully online undergraduate course focused on “student leadership roles, skills, and technique,
consistent with the principles and demands of a democratic, multicultural society.”
Publications and Selected Presentations
ETC Journal
2008 - present
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I am an associate editor for the Educational Technology and Change journal. I edit and curate
content, and work with authors to provide posts regarding the way technology is changing the
landscape of education globally.
Seitzinger, J. & Knott, J.L. "8 ways UX design will improve your course design in the LMS."
#iMoot15. Virtual. 25 May 2015. Keynote Address.
Thomas, S., Knott, J.L., Libarkin, J. (2015). The Foundations of Science MOOC: One Institution’s
Approach to Building Community and Free-Choice Learning Resources. In B. H. Corbeil,
J.H., Corbeil, M.E., Khan (Ed.), The MOOC Case Book: Case Studies in MOOC Design,
Development and Implementation. New York: Linus Books.
Banyas, P. L., Gustafson, T. M., & Knott, J. L. (2011). Graduate Student Motivations to Learn
Online. In The International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace (pp. 1–8). New
York, New York, USA. Retrieved from 2011
Knott, J.L. (2010). Book Review: Assessing the Online Learner: Resources and
Strategies for Faculty. International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning
Environments (IJVPLE), 1(1), 76-78.
Little, J., Page, C., Betts, K., Boone, S., Faverty, P., Joosten, T., … Knott, J.L. (2009). Charting the
Course and Tapping the Community: The EDUCAUSE Top Teaching and Learning
Challenges 2009. Educause Review.
Nelson, O., Waldron, C., Marsh, T. L., Knott, J. L., Quick, J. M., Lounds, N. T., ... & Garrity, G. M.
(2009, March). An Online, Open Access, Student-Authored and Peer-Reviewed eJournal in
Biotechnology. In International PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference 2009.
AT&T Awards in Instructional Technology, UP 488, Michigan State University
Casmer F. Heilman Endowed Scholarship, Michigan State University
AT&T Awards in Instructional Technology, ZOL/PLB 355, Michigan State University
AT&T Awards in Instructional Technology, ISS 318 (blended), Michigan State
AT&T Awards in Instructional Technology, ISS 318 (fully online), Michigan State
Ten Over the Next Ten award, Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce
AT&T Awards in Instructional Technology, ISB 202, Michigan State University
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