PERBANAS ABFI INSTITUTE JAKARTA SYLLABUS OF ENGLISH FOR ACCOUNTING STRATA ONE ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT ACADEMIC YEAR 2010 – 2011 PROGRAMS / MAJOR STRATA ONE (S1) ACCOUNTING SUBJECT ENGLISH FOR ACCOUNTING CODE / CREDITS SA 30 - 022 / 2 CREDITS (100 MINUTES) PREREQUISITE ENGLISH FOR ECONOMICS SUBJECT DESCRIPTION The course is taken after the students have passed English I LEARNING OBJECTIVE Students are able to comprehend the four English skills consisting of receptive skills (reading and listening) and productive skills (speaking and writing). The main focus skills are reading and grammar. 2 LEARNING METHODS REFERENCES Main References: SA2 – English for Accounting – Jakarta: STIE Perbanas. Yates, C. St. J. (2000) Economics: English for Specific Purposes. Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara. Problem-based learning Task-based learning Lecturing Group Discussion Presentation Additional References: Azar, Betty S. (1989).Understanding and Using English Grammar. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Azar, Betty S. (1992).Fundamental of English Grammar. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Hornby, A.S. (2000). Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Longman. (1993). Language Activator: The World First Production Dictionary. Essex: Longman Group UK Limited. Sinclair, John (ed.). (1988).Collins COBUILD English language Dictionary. London: William Collins Sons and Co., Ltd.. Soukhanov, Anne H., et al. (1988). Roget II: The New Thesaurus. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. SCORING SYSTEM CONVERTED SCORE Attendance at least 80% (prerequisite to join the Final test) Individual and Group Work (quizzes, homework) 25% Mid-term Test 30% Final Test 45% 80 68 56 45 0 - 100 79,99 67,99 55,99 44,99 = = = = = A B C D E 3 MEET -ING TOPICS SUB-TOPICS INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOMES I Introduction 1. Introduction 2. Learning Contract 3. Pre-test 1. Familiarizing the syllabus to the students. 2. Measuring the students’ proficiency in basic English grammar. II Unit 1: Business Transaction and Financial Statements 1. Reading Comprehension Pre-reading Skimming and Scanning Text Organization Comprehension Questions Word Study Synonyms Definitions Word-references Grammar Focus: Linking ideas within a sentence: Coordinating Conjunctions Subordinating Conjunctions Using Dictionary 1. 1. Reading Comprehension 1.1 Pre-reading 1.2 Skimming and Scanning 1.3 Comprehension Questions 1.4 Text Organization 2. Word Study 2.1 Synonyms 2.2 Definitions 2.3 Word-references 3. Grammar Focus: Linking ideas between sentences using Connective words. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. III IV Unit 1: Business Transaction and Financial Statements Unit 1: 1. Reading Comprehension 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. 3. 4. 1. EVALUATION Pre-test GUIDED BOOKS ULBI Assessment Test Students can activate their background knowledge to understand the text. Students can comprehend the text. Students can identify the synonyms of the words and the economic terms. Students know how to use conjunctions in complex sentences. Students are able to identify information they can get from dictionary 1. Students are able to find the main ideas and to locate specific information on the text. 2. Students are able to find the synonyms and to give the definition of the words given. 3. Students are able to identify the words/phrases to which the pronoun/deictic words refer. 4. Students are able to use conjunctions to combine two independent sentences. 5. Students are able to use conjunctions to combine an independent sentence and a dependent sentence. 6. Students are able to use a dictionary to help them learn English. 1. SA 2 - English for Accounting Students can activate their background knowledge to understand the text. Students can comprehend the text. Students can identify the synonyms of the words and the economic terms. Students know how to use conjunctions in complex sentences. 1. Students are able to find the main ideas and to locate specific information on the text. 2. Students are able to find the synonyms and to give the definition of the words given. 3. Students are able to identify the words/phrases to which the pronoun/deictic words refer. 4. Students are able to use appropriate connective words to link ideas between sentences. Idem Students 1. Students are able to find the main ideas and can activate their 2. Azar, Betty S. (1989). Understanding and Using English Grammar. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 3. Hornby, A.S. (2000). Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Progress Test Idem 4 Business Transaction and Financial Statements 1.1 Pre-reading 1.2 Skimming and Scanning 1.3 Vocabulary 1.4 Comprehension questions 1.5 Text Organization 2. Word Study: 2.1 Synonyms 2.2 Definitions 3. Grammar Focus: 4. Conditional Sentences 2. 3. 4. background knowledge to understand the text. Students can comprehend the text. Students can identify the synonyms of the words and the economic terms. Students know how to use different types of English grammar in complex sentences. to locate specific information on the text. 2. Students are able to understand the implicit meaning of the text. 3. Students are able to find the synonyms and to give the definition of the words given. 4. Students are able to make different types of conditional sentences. Students can activate their background knowledge to understand the text. Students can comprehend the text. Students can identify the synonyms of the words and the economic terms. 1. Students are able to find the main ideas and to locate specific information on the text. 2. Students are able to find the synonyms and to give the definition of the words given. 3. Students are able to identify the words/phrases to which the pronoun/deictic words refer. V Unit 2: Budgeting VI Unit 2: Budgeting 1. Reading Comprehension 1.1 Pre-reading 1.2 Skimming and Scanning 1.3 Comprehension Questions 1.4 Text Organization 2. Word Study: 2.1 Synonyms 2.2 Word -references 1. 2. 3. 4. Reading Comprehension 1.1 Pre-reading 1.2 Vocabulary 1.3 Comprehension Questions Word Study Grammar Focus Adjective Clauses 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. VII VIII Students can activate their 1. background knowledge to understand the text. 2. Students can comprehend the text. Students can identify the 3. synonyms of the words and the economic terms. 4. Students know how to combine sentences. MID-TEST Idem Students are able to find the main ideas and to locate specific information on the text. Students are able to identify the sequential events in the text. Students are able to find the synonyms and to give the definition of the words given. Students are able to combine sentences using: who, whom, which, that, whose ,etc Idem Students are able to find the main ideas and to locate specific information on the text. Students are able to identify the sequential events in the text. Idem REMEDIAL PRACTICE IX Unit 3: Accounting 1. Reading Comprehension 1.1 Pre-reading 1.2 Skimming and Scanning 1.3 Comprehension Questions 1. 2. Students can activate their background knowledge to understand the text. Students can comprehend the text. 1. 2. 5 2. Word Study: 2.1 Definitions 2.2 Synonyms 3. Grammar Focus: 3.1 Review of Tenses 3.2 Review of Passives X Unit 3: Accounting 1. Reading Comprehension 1.1 Pre-reading 1.2 Skimming and Scanning 1.3 Comprehension Questions 2. Word Study: 2.1 Definition 2.2 Word-references 3. Grammar Focus: The Participles 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. XI Unit 4: Auditing 1. 2. 3. 4. XII Unit 4: Auditing 1. Reading Comprehension Pre-reading Skimming and Scanning Comprehension Questions Text Organization Word Study: Synonyms Co-location Grammar Focus: Reduction of Adverb clauses to Modifying Phrases Reading Comprehension 1.1 Pre-reading 1.2 Skimming and Scanning 1.3 Comprehension Questions 1.4 Text Organization 1.5 Post Reading 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. Students can give their own evaluation about the text. Students can identify the synonyms of the words and the economic terms. Students know how to use different types of English grammar. 3. Students can activate their background knowledge to understand the text. Students can comprehend the text. Students can identify the synonyms of the words and the economic terms. Students know how to use different types of English grammar. 1. Students can activate their background knowledge to understand the text. Students can comprehend the text. Students can give their own evaluation about the text. Students can identify the synonyms of the word and the economic terms. Students know how to use different types of English grammar. 1. Students can activate their background knowledge to understand the text. Students can comprehend the text. Students can give their own evaluation about the text. 1. 4. 5. 6. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. 3. Students are able to find the synonyms and to give the definition of the words given. Students are able to use the correct words/part of speech in the sentences. Students are able to use different tenses in the sentences. Students are able to make passive voice. Students are able to find the main ideas and to locate specific information on the text. Students can restate or paraphrase a paragraph in the text. Students are able to find the synonyms and to give the definition of the words given. Students are able to identify the words/phrases to which the pronoun/deictic words refer. Students are able to use participle and gerund in the sentences. Students are able to find the main ideas and to locate specific information on the text. Students are able to give their opinion about the text. Students are able to find the synonyms and to give the definition of the words given. Students are able to match the verbs always followed by certain nouns. Students are able to change the adverbial clause to modifying phrases. Students are able to find the main ideas and to locate specific information on the text. Students are able to apply the situation in the text to the new situation. Students can restate or paraphrase a paragraph in the text. Idem Progress Test Idem Idem 6 2. 3. XIII Unit 4: Auditing 1. 2. 3. XIV XV Reading Other Text FINAL TEST 1.6 Extensive Reading Word Study: 2.1 Economic Terms 2.2 Understanding Expression Grammar Focus: 3.1 Review of Coordinating Conjunctions 3.2 Review of Subordinating Conjunctions 4. Reading Comprehension 1.1 Pre-reading 1.2 Skimming and Scanning 1.3 Vocabulary 1.4 Comprehension Questions 1.5 Word-References 1.6 Preposition 1.7 Text Organization Word Study: 2.1 Synonyms 2.2 Definitions/ Economic Terms 2.3 Word-derivations Grammar Focus: 3.1 Review of Conditional Sentences 3.2 Review of Adjective Clauses 1. Reading Comprehension 1. Pre-reading 2. Skimming and Scanning 3. Comprehension Questions 4. Text Organization - 5. 2. 3. 4. 5. Students can identify the synonyms of the words and the economic terms. Students know how to use different types of English grammar. 4. Students can activate their background knowledge to understand the text. Students can comprehend the text. Students can give their own evaluation about the text. Students can identify the synonyms of the words and the economic terms. Students know how to use different types of English grammar. 1. 5. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Students are able to find the synonyms and to give the definition of the words given. Students are able to link ideas within a sentence or between sentences using certain conjunctions. Students are able to find the main ideas and to locate specific information on the text Students are able to apply the situation in the text to the new situation. Students are able to find the synonyms and to give the definition of the words given. Students are able to identify the words/phrases to which the pronoun/deictic words refer. Students are able to identify the appropriate preposition following certain nouns. Students are able to combine simple sentences. 1. Students can activate their background knowledge to understand the text. 2. Students can comprehend the text. 1. Lecturing 2. Group discussion - - Idem Text from other source White board + marker FINAL TEST FINAL TEST