GERRC Paragraph Rubric: Composition Evaluation

Mr. Go - Composition
GERRC Paragraph Rubric
Date: _____________________ Name (First and Last): _______________________________
Topic: _________________________________
Total _______ out of 26
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
In-depth, complex
arguments are clearly
established at start; strong
thematic connections of
subject or literary work are
accurate & thorough; theme
connection is made
throughout. (8-7)
Arguments are clearly
established at start; could
use more depth. Treatment
of subject or literary work
is accurate and somewhat
probing; more theme
connection is needed
throughout. (6-5)
Arguments need
clarification at start; skim
surface of analysis.
Treatment of subject or
literary work has some
depth. More higher order
critical thinking is
required. Lack of theme
connection throughout.
A variety of rich examples
and quotations with page
references made throughout
strongly support analysis on
many (literal and figurative)
levels. (4)
Quotations with page
references made
throughout accurately
support analysis. (3)
Level 1
Content /16
Depth of
(varied, relevant)
of Ideas
Arguments are unclear and
difficult to follow; skim
surface of analysis.
Treatment of subject or
literary work is inaccurate
and requires much more
higher order critical
thinking; little to no theme
connection throughout. (21)
More relevant, quotations
Quotations support
required or selections do not
analysis on a literal level. effectively support ideas.
Select evidence that is
Take more time to find the
more rich in literary
richest, most revealing
depth (2)
quotations to support your
arguments (1)
Lacks a strong topic
Lacks a strong topic
GERRC ¶ structure is used
GERRC ¶ structure is
sentence with three key
sentence with three key
to show progression of
mostly used to show
ideas. Arguments and
ideas. Arguments do not
arguments clearly and
progression of arguments
evidence do not follow
follow logical or clear
highlight connections. GE: clearly; at times connects
logical or clear order.
order. Analysis is
topic is stated with 3 distinct ideas. GE: topic is stated
Analysis is formulaic, tends
formulaic, tends to merely
arguments. Concluding
with 2 distinct arguments.
to merely report facts
report facts without
sentence recaps main points Concluding sentence needs
without making
making connections.
and explores new insight. (4)
work. (3)
connections. Missing
Weak or missing
concluding sentences. (1)
concluding sentences. (2)
Style /6
Language (/4)
and Fluidity
( /2)
Format and
Process ( /4)
3 rules of formal writing Generally, 3 rules of formal
3 rules of formal writing
broken periodically. Some
writing not followed.
mostly applied. Diction
colloquialism and
Diction and phrasing are too
and phrasing are mostly
contractions shift level of
informal. Slang,
appropriate for academic
language from academic contractions, first person
to informal.
Piece is littered with
Occasional mechanical
spelling and grammar
Incorrect spelling and
Flawless spelling, grammar,
errors do not interfere with errors – begins to interfere grammar interferes with
punctuation. Quotations are
meaning. Quotations are
with meaning.
understanding. Quotations
integrated seamlessly. (/2)
generally integrated. (/1.5) Quotations “dropped”
“dropped”. (/0.5)
3 rules of formal writing
applied. Diction and
phrasing are richly
appropriate for academic
MLA template used (font,
Glaring errors in MLA
page numbering etc..) match
format. Too few stages of
Minor errors in MLA
format provided. All stages
writing process
MLA format not used. Most
format. Most stages of
of writing process employed:
employed. This piece
stages of writing process
writing process employed.
Brainstorm, outlined, written
would benefit greatly
employed. More thorough
More thorough peer- and
1st draft, typed 2nd draft
from more thorough peeredition required. (/1)
self-edition required. (/3)
peer and self-edited
and self-edition required.
thoroughly. (/4)