"The Isaiah Effect" by Gregg Braden

The Isaiah Effect by Gregg Braden. Written 9 years ago.
A groundbreaking interpretation of prayer, quantum science, and prophecy.
With the reference to the terrifying forecasts we may say: Our future has not happened yet. It is still
forming and we are still choosing the outcome.
Ancient prophets foresaw equally viable futures of peace, cooperation, and great healing for the
peoples of the earth. In rare manuscripts over two millennia old, they left the secrets of a lost science
that allows us to transcend catastrophic prophecies and predictions and the great challenges of life with
Recent developments in quantum physics support precisely such principles, bringing new credibility to
the role of mass prayer and ancient prophecy.
The visions of the prophet Isaiah were recorded over five hundred years before the time of Christ. The
only manuscript discovered intact among the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1946, the entire Isaiah scroll is unrolled
and mounted upon a vertical cylinder displayed at the Shrine of the Book Museum in Jerusalem.
In each glimpse into our future, the prophecies follow a clear pattern: descriptions of catastrophe are
immediately followed by a vision of life, joy and possibility, and the same is with the Isaiah’s description
of devastation followed by the theme of peace and healing.
The prophet’s visions merely portrayed possibilities for a given moment in time, rather than events that
would occur with certainty, and each possibility was based upon conditions at the time of prophecy. As
conditions changed, the outcome of each prophesy would reflect that change.
We are witnesses to the cyclic birth of a new world. “There will be famines and earthquakes from place
to place. All these things are the beginnings of the labor pains,” (Gospel of Matthew)
From page 14-19 many of those documented changes from the past are being listed. We can review
them if we want.
The Essenes invite us to view ourselves as one with the earth, rather than separate from it. From such
an ancient worldview, we are offered two key precepts to guide us through the greatest challenges of
our modern time. First, we are reminded that imbalances imposed upon the earth are mirrored as
conditions within our bodies. Second, this line of thinking invites us to consider earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions, and weather patterns as mirrors of great change occurring within human consciousness.
Neither ancient nor current prophecies can predict our future; we are refining our choices every
Prayer is the union of thought, feeling, and emotion and represents our opportunity to speak the
language of change in our world as well as in our bodies. (25)
From the quantum physics experiment:
Under the right conditions, the two atoms were occupying exactly the same place at precisely the same
time. If two of the basic building blocks of our world may coexist at the same instant, then the doorway
has been opened for many atoms, resulting in many outcomes, to do the same. Researchers call such
possibilities “overlays.” Outcome of peace and outcome of crime has to exist in the same moment
within the same situation.
Rather than creating or imposing change upon our world, perhaps it is our ability to change our focus
to the desired outcome. Discuss that with the group.
The Prophecies (53).
The key to understanding prophesy is that the future being observed is the logical outcome of the
circumstances at the time of the prophecy. (104)
Mayan cycle
The Great Cycle of the previous 5200 years was measured as one hundred of the fifty two year cycles.
Their records begin on the biblical time of Moses, 3114 B.C. and end in our time in 2012. The twentyyear sub-cycle which began in 1992 marks “the emergence of non-materialistic, ecologically harmonic
technologies…to complement the new decentralized mediarchy information society…” …with the
convergence of the Mayan cycles our purpose to “gather whole the mind of earth… and seal it with the
star-seed harmony” is fulfilled.
The Aztec calendar
The Aztec calendar indicates that today we live in the last days of Fifth Sun. The close to the fifth world
is predicted to occur in our lifetime, coinciding with the last Mayan cycle and making way for the next
great cycle, the birth of the Sixth Sun. During this time we are invited to consider the rare, and in some
instances, destructive displays of nature as an opportunity to strengthen and prepare us for even
greater changes yet to come in our world.
Remote viewing (57), Bible Code (75), other prophesies. What do you think?
To change the outcome of any prophecy for the future, we must change the expression of our lives in
the present. (106)
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
It is impossible to know the “when” of something and the “where” of the same thing at the same time.
(If you measure where something is, you lose information about how fast it is moving.)
The possibilities portrait in the Bible Code, in Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce’s prophecies, and in other
sources may be just this: the possibilities. With the formulation of new physics we know that predictions
offer isolated possibilities only. If we choose the particular cause of events, then we may expect to see
such-and-such an outcome. (78)
“Will you change it?” Apparently our role is so important that we may actually change the course of
events!” (79)
Feeling and living from the knowledge that there are many outcomes from a given condition, all real and
present, we tune to the outcome of our new choice.
“Time is not at all what it seems. It does not flow in only one direction, and the future exists
simultaneously with the past.” – Albert Einstein
Time and Group Will: “shrinking of time”
“In our innocence of anticipating the experiences within the pyramids and speaking of the experiences
as we were already there inside of the ancient chambers, our awareness had shifted from how long the
trip was taking to what it felt like to be there.” (89)
Medicineless Miracle – effect of an ancient healing art based on technique of movement, breath,
thought and feeling
We were seeing the tumor captured by the ultrasound wand. Three men repeated: “already gone,
already accomplished.” The tumor shrunk and disappeared. (91)
Discuss the shared experience of the group, not a single individual.
There is an ancient school of thoughts, a belief that has persisted for at least five thousand years,
suggesting that time and events of our future are not only inextricably related, but are consistent and
knowable as well. To understand prophesy as events happen in time, we must first understand the
nature of time itself. (94)
Gottfried Leibniz: “Everything witnessed or experienced in our world, regardless of its random
appearance, happens because of the events that preceded it.”
A New Physics – Quantum Physics
Quantum physics is the study of the minute units of radiating waves, nonphysical forces whose
movements create our physical world.
Our world occurs in very short and rapid bursts of light, but our minds do not discern individual bursts.
There is the existence of many outcomes for a given event what implies that each possibility is already
created and present in our world. Each outcome awaits to be called into the focus of our awareness. As
one outcome gives way to another, for a brief moment the two must occupy the same space at the
same time. This is our window of opportunity to put the outcome on a different path.
See the Reiki healing from this perspective of quantum physics. (page 100!) By changing the belief
system you go beyond any attempt the heal the physical expression of an event that had already
occurred. You address the nonphysical origin of the sickness and assume the thought, feeling, and
emotion from a place where it never existed or will not exist.
In the Essene Gospel we read that “in the moment betwixt the breathing in and the breathing out is
hidden all the mistery.
Only 10% of our human brain is utilized, and only 10% of the mass of the universe can be accounted for.
Where is the remaining 90 %? Now research suggests that our world does not end with the vibrations
noted on the conventional charts of cosmic waves. Cosmologists now suspect that shortly after the
moment of creation, the universe was expanding so rapidly that its vibration could no longer express
within the law of three-dimensional experience. According to this theory 90 % of the universe literally
vibrated itself into higher state of expression! It is this 90 % that may represent the place where the
parallel universes of quantum theory live.
“And one day the eyes of your spirit shall open and you shall know all things. “ – The Essene Gospel of
This is the Isaiah Effect – the expression of an ancient science stating that we may change the
outcome of our future through the choices that we make at each moment of the present.
How do we implement this quantum principle I our daily lives as a global family?
The author was interested what is involved during a prayer and how each prayer is accomplished.
The actual elements of prayer: thought, feeling and body . The object of each prayer is to achieve
feeling. (132)
The Language of God: the Lost Science of Prayer and Prophecy. (145)
The effect of prayer comes from something different that the words of the prayer themselves. The
power of the prayer is found in a force that cannot be spoken or transmitted as the written word – the
feeling that the prayer’s words evoke within us.
Feeling is the prayer! (146)
Though we may speak a prescribed sequence of words handed down for generations, they must
generate a quality of feelings within us in order to touch the world around us.
What is the difference between emotion and feeling? The ancients recognized a distinction between
them. Though closely related, thought and feeling are identified as discrete elements, keys, which may
be focused to effect change in the conditions or our bodies, our world, and beyond. (147)
Emotion is the source of power that drives us forward toward our goals in life. Emotion is
closely aligned with desire.
Thought is the guidance system that directs our emotion.
Feeling may exist only in the presence of thought and emotion, for it represents the union of the
The greatest power of creation is the joy that comes from remembering our power to bring wellness,
abundance, health, security, and joy to our lives, and have fun doing it!
How do we pray? Do you want to discuss that?
The secret of our lost mode of prayer is to shift our perspective of life by feeling that the “miracle” has
already happened and our prayers have been answered. To create in our world we must first have the
feeling of our creation already fulfilled.
Gratitude: Breathing Life into Our Prayers (166)
The moment we ask, the creation is complete and awaiting to be chosen. Our prayer becomes a prayer
of thanks for the opportunity to choose which creation we experience.
Review the lost mode of prayer, page 168.
The original, re-translated Aramaic version of “Ask and you shall receive”:
“All things that you ask straightly, directly…from inside my name, you will be given. So far you have
not done this. Ask without hidden motive and be surrounded by your answer. Be enveloped by what
you desire, that your gladness be full…”
Faith becomes the acceptance of our power as a directive force in creation.
The Science of Man. Secrets of Prayer and Healing (177)
The very act of observing, places us in the role of participant.
Specific feelings produce a predictable chemistry in our bodies that correspond to that particular feeling.
As we change our feelings, we change our chemistry. (178)
Why prayer? What good does it do, really? Prayer is to us as water to the seed of a plant. Only in the
presence of water will the seed realize the greatest expression of its life. It is in the presence of prayer
that we blossom to fulfill our potential.
Choosing an outcome through prayer does not guarantee that it will come to pass; our prayer opens the
door to the possibility of that outcome. (185)
The key to effective prayer is the union of thought, feeling and emotion. (191)
Our prayers come to life as we focus upon the feeling of our heart’s desire, rather than the thought of
knowing world. (192)
“Seek the Angel of peace in all that lives, in all you do, in every word you speak. For peace is the key to
all knowledge, to all mystery, to all life.” (195) angels=powers=forces
“First shall the Son of Man seek peace within his own body; for his body is as a mountain pond that reflex
the sun when it is still and clear. When it is full of mud and stones it reflects nothing.
Then shall the Son of Man seek peace within his own thoughts…. There is no greater power in heaven
and earth than the thought of the Son of Man. Though unseen by the eyes of the body, yet each thought
has mighty strength, even such strength can shake the heavens.
Then shall the Son of Man seek peace in his own feelings. We can call on the Angel of Love to enter our
feelings, that they may be purified. And all that was before impatience and discord will turn into
harmony and peace.”
How are we to love with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength? It is through our body, heart, and
mind that we experience our thought, feelings, and emotions. Know this peace with thy mind, desire
this peace with thy heart, and fulfill this peace with thy body. (200)
We are invited to allow for the possibility that there are many outcomes for a given condition. This
includes another outcome in which the ill health, disease is not present.
In each moment, we make choices that affirm or deny life in our bodies. We choose the quality of six
parameters: thought, feeling, emotion, breath, nutrient, and movement.
Our prayer becomes a clarification of the condition(s) that we choose to portray to the world, rather
than a plea for a change in our present condition.
Each person is unique, individualized expression of a single, unified awareness. Within this oneness, the
choices and actions of each person affect all others to some degree.
In such a world of unified awareness are the consequences of our actions. We are compassionately
invited to bless the action as a possibility and move forward with our choice of a new way.
The power of our oneness allows for a relatively few individuals to affect the quality of life for the entire
We are part of all that we perceive. Through unseen threads and immeasurable cords, we are part of
every expression of life.
We are shown empowering possibilities for creating changes in our lives.
To heal our world, we begin by becoming the conditions of healing ourselves.
Prayer is the sophisticated technology that allows us to recognize the possibilities of future outcomes
and choose which outcome we experience. As we become the very conditions that we choose to
experience in our world, we attract the outcome that mirrors our choice. At the same time, we are
offered the power to choose again.
Thought and emotion produce feeling, and that feeling produces the vibratory patterns that affect our
world. (208)