In this unit the students will…

Spanish IVH: Nine Week Plans
Quarter 1:
Global Theme: Contemporary Life
Subtheme: Leisure and Sports, Housing and Shelter, Travel
In this unit the students will…
• …explain and discuss camping and ecotourism practices.
 …demonstrate comprehension of authentic audio visual and written texts relating to camping and ecotourism.
 …produce oral and written reports on safe camping and ecotourism practices and attitudes.
• …demonstrate the process of preparing a successful and safe camp site, respecting and protecting the environment, using
the preterit and the imperfect tenses.
 …express opinions, compare, and offer suggestions for safe camping and ecotourism practices using the present
subjunctive with verbs of influence.
Global Theme: Global Challenges
Subtheme: Environmental Issues
In this unit the students will…
• …discuss and debate important environmental issues.
• …express opinions and react to the role of the individual citizen in the conservation of the environment using the present
perfect, and the subjunctive with verbs of emotion and doubt.
• …produce oral and written reports on the conservation of the environment using commands and the subjunctive.
Quarter 2:
Global Theme: Contemporary Life
Subtheme: Leisure and Sports, Ideals of Beauty, & Music
In this unit the students will…
• …maintain a discussion related to different styles of art, dance, and/or theater.
• …discuss and/or debate personal preference with regard to styles of art and music.
• …express and explain how history has affected art, music, theater and/or dance.
• …express opinions and reactions (both oral and written) to a work of art (song, painting, sculpture, etc.)
Global Theme: Global Challenges and Contemporary Life
Subtheme: Health Issues, Nutrition and Food Safety, Leisure and Sports
In this unit the students will…
• …discuss and/or debate the benefits/challenges of living a healthy lifestyle.
• …express and explain how to lead a healthy lifestyle and the changes one may have to make with regard to
• …express opinions and react to global health issues, exercise, and the different diets available.
• …produce oral and written reports on healthy diets or exercise plans.
• …produce an activity showing an exercise routine using formal commands.
Quarter 3:
Global Theme: Family and Communities
Subtheme: Family Structures, Friendship and Love
In this unit the students will…
• …express opinions and react to how people have dealt with conflicts in their personal lives using the preterit,
imperfect, and pluscuamperfecto.
• …produce oral and written reports on suggestions for conflict resolution using commands and the subjunctive.
• …produce an activity showing conflict resolution between friends or family members.
• …produce an oral or written presentation discussing the qualities one may desire in a friend and those which one
should avoid.
• …discuss and/or debate the benefits/challenges of types of family structures.
Global Theme: Contemporary Life
Subtheme: Professions/Education
In this unit the students will…
• …maintain a discussion related to the type of job you would like in the future using future and conditional
• …discuss and/or debate the benefits/challenges of different types of jobs.
• …express and explain how to apply for a job using commands and/or the subjunctive.
• …express opinions and react to what it would be like to work different jobs.
Quarter 4:
Global Theme: Personal and Public Identities
Subtheme: Beliefs and Values, Multiculturalism
In this unit the students will…
• …discuss and/or debate the rights/responsibilities of students in a high school.
• …express and explain how students can make changes through student government.
• …express opinions and react to the role of student government in a high school.
Global Theme: Science and Technology
Subtheme: Discoveries and Inventions, Future Technologies, The New Media, Social Impact of
In this unit the students will…
• …maintain a discussion related to the future (including discussion on technology, mankind, the environment, etc.)
• …discuss and/or debate orally or in written form new inventions/technological advances.
• …express and explain views on technology use in schools.