Section 5.16.1

El Dorado Union High School District
Beginning school year 2012/13, the Independent Learning Center (ILC) ceased to exist
as School 96 in Aeries and its County District School code has been terminated. The
2011/12 students that are still active at the end of the school year at the ILC were
integrated into the long-term independent study program at each of the comprehensive
Note: This procedure is NOT intended for short term independent study or for students
who do NOT utilize the “program school” for independent study purposes.
The State of California requires that the reporting for independent study attendance be
separate from regular attendance. Certain procedures must be setup within Aeries in
order to accomplish this requirement.
An “independent study program” or ISP database will be maintained concurrently with
the regular school databases for three comprehensive sites; School 97 ORHS
Independent Study Program, School 98 EHS Independent Study Program and School
99 PHS Independent Study Program.
Two absence codes have been setup in the Absence Code Table, which are not regular
absence codes. Absence Code “N” will indicate that the Independent Study Work
Assignments are incomplete and Absence Code “G” will indicate that the Work
Assignments have been completed. These new codes should not be confused with
excused and unexcused absences. ADA credit earned at the ISP is based on the
amount of work turned in not on attending school.
Students will be enrolled in two databases:
The Registrar at the comprehensive site will be responsible for maintaining the
enrollment of the long term independent study students in the comprehensive site
database. Students who are *Non-Super Students will be enrolled into the “I” program
for independent study and will also be tagged with a sub-program “D” “Do not count
ADA”. A separate monthly attendance report will print for sub-program “D” and will be
excluded from the State report.
Students who are *Super Students will be enrolled into the “I” program and will also be
tagged with a sub-program “C” “Count ADA”. Testing will also be handled by the
comprehensive sites.
The Program Operation Technician (POT) will work directly with the Supervising
Teachers and will be responsible for the enrollment of the long term independent study
students in the ISP databases. The POT will post attendance in the ISP database,
report enrollment and course enrollments to CALPADS and send a list of the continuing
and new students at the end of the school year to the comprehensive site Registrars.
The students in the ISP data base who are Non-Super Students will be tagged to the
regular program and will also be tagged with a sub-program “C” “Count ADA”.
Students who are Super Students will be tagged to the regular program and will also be
tagged with a sub-program “D” “Do Not Count ADA”. Monthly attendance reports will be
Created 4/15/2012, Revised 4/29/2014, 6/2/2015
El Dorado Union High School District
printed by the POT and will be sent to the Administrator at the comprehensive site for
date and signature.
Supervising Teachers are credentialed teachers hired specifically to work with the long
term independent study students.
*We have what we call Non-Super Students and Super Students. Non-Super Students
take all or most of their courses through the ISP. Super Students attend the
comprehensive site for a minimum of 240 minutes/day but also take courses through
independent study. Currently only one of our schools has Super Students.
The Director of Guidance (DOG) at the comprehensive site receives a completed
registration form.
The DOG will inform the Registrar at the comprehensive site and the POT when
a student is accepted into the lSP.
The POT informs the Supervising Teacher of the potential enrollment.
The Supervising Teacher will meet with the student and parents to fill out and
sign the master agreement and work record.
The Supervising Teacher sends a copy of the master agreement and work record
to the POT. Originals are kept at the school sites.
The POT works with the Registrar of the comprehensive site. The student is
enrolled when the contract is signed, into the ISP and comprehensive site
databases. The agreement cannot be back-dated, have dates altered or be
Please see the section above, “Students will be enrolled in two databases” for
information on how to code the STU.SP and the STU.AP1 for each database.
During the enrollment process, the POT will input attendance for the life of the
contract by using absence code “N” in the “All Day Code” field.
Non-Super Students and Super Students.
o Non-Super Students will be enrolled by the Registrar at the
comprehensive site, in the “I” program and also tagged with a subprogram of “D” Do Not Count ADA”.
o Non-Super Students will be enrolled by the POT at the ISP, in the regular
program and tagged with a “C” “Count ADA”.
o Super Students will be enrolled by the Registrar at the comprehensive
site, in the “I” program and also tagged with a sub program “C” “Count
o Super Students will be enrolled by the POT at the ISP, in generic courses
in the regular program and tagged with a “D” “Do Not Count ADA” in the
sub program.
Master Schedule:
Once the student is enrolled the DOG will build sections for independent study in the
comprehensive site database using 0011CE courses that do not report to CALPADS.
Input a a “Z” (Do not show on either GRD or ATT) on all placeholder sections in the Tag
field (MST.ST) of the MST. This section will not affect the GRD or ATT tables in Aeries.
Created 4/15/2012, Revised 4/29/2014, 6/2/2015
El Dorado Union High School District
If a student has a combination of comprehensive site courses and independent study
program courses then the DOG must use regular courses for the section(s) that is
taught at the comprehensive site. Make sure to analyze which code will be used for the
Exclude (MST.ST) field.
Note: Comprehensive site courses will be reported to CALPADS through the
comprehensive site database and independent study courses will be reported through
the independent study program database. You would, of course, populate all
CALPADS required codes on the MST screen, such as the EL (MST.ESR, MST.LI,
MST.INS) and the Independent Study field (MST.ISI).
The POT will build sections for independent study courses in the ISP database using
actual courses. These sections will report to CALPADS and must have the CALPADS
required fields on the MST screen, such as the EL (MST.ESR, MST.LI, MST.INS) and
the Independent Study field (MST.ISI).
The POT will use section numbers for the comprehensive site courses that end with
“DR” Do Not Report and must be tagged with an “X” Do Not Show on Grade Reporting.
The “DR” sections will not report to CALPADS but will be reported via the
comprehensive site. Therefore it is not necessary to input the CALPADS required fields
on the MST screen for “DR” courses.
Attendance and Grades:
The Supervising Teacher will meet with the student on a weekly basis, will evaluate and
keep a sample of the student’s work on file. *Attendance credit given by the Supervising
Teacher is based on the amount of work the student turns in for the week as set up in
the master agreement and work record. The Supervising Teacher will input the
attendance credit into Aeries through the Teacher Portal, print their weekly attendance
report, sign it, date it and forward it to the POT.
*Attendance will be updated with absence code “G” as the student turns in assignments
and attendance credit is awarded.
The POT will coordinate attendance with the Attendance Clerk at the comprehensive
site to meet the needs for Monthly Attendance Summary.
The POT will submit the signed and dated Monthly Attendance Summary’s to the
Assistant Principal at each comprehensive site for date and signature and then forward
the originals to the District Office.
The POT will send grades to the parents and a transcript to the comprehensive site
after each semester grading period. However, grades may also be reported via the
comprehensive site IF the student has a combination of comprehensive site courses
and independent study courses.
Created 4/15/2012, Revised 4/29/2014, 6/2/2015
El Dorado Union High School District
The POT will review students to exit or rollover at the end of the school year and will
send a list of new, exited and students to roll over to the Registrar at the comprehensive
Comprehensive site:
Take attendance in Aeries for comprehensive site courses. Attendance for students
that are coded in the program field with an “I” for independent study AND with a “C” for
Count ADA in the Att Prg 1 field will be reported to the State through the comprehensive
site. Students that are coded with an “I” in the program field and a “D” for Do Not Count
ADA will NOT be reported to the State through the comprehensive site, but will be
counted through the “independent study program” database.
The “I” will drive Aeries to print separate attendance reports. Aeries may print out two
separate attendance reports for program “I” depending on whether your school uses
both Att Prg 1 codes. If both codes are used, one report will be “Program I Independent
Study C” and the other will be “Program I Independent Study D”.
The Assistant Principal will need to sign and date all the Monthly Attendance
Summary’s submitted by the comprehensive site Attendance Clerk and the POT.
Submit all attendance summaries, including the ISP attendance summaries to the
District Office.
The POT will coordinate with the Counselor or Registrar at the comprehensive site
regarding the students’ exit or graduation date.
For example, if the student has completed all the credits at the ISP at the end of April
but the student still needs to finish credits at the comprehensive site in order to
graduate, then the Counselor or Registrar would probably want the student exited from
the ISP program, but not from the comprehensive site.
In this case:
 The POT would exit the student through attendance using a STU.TG of 1 and an
ATT.RS of 160.
 The Registrar would exit that student from the “I” program and whatever subprogram by updating attendance with an ATT.RS of 160 and re-entering the
student into the regular program.
But if the student earned all the credits required to graduate from both schools at or
near the same time or on the last day of school then the student would graduate from
the ISP.
In this case:
 The POT would exit the student via the STU.HSG and STU.DG using whatever
graduation code is appropriate on the last day of school.
Created 4/15/2012, Revised 4/29/2014, 6/2/2015
El Dorado Union High School District
The Registrar would exit this student via the STU.EOY field with a code 160 on
the last day of school. Make sure that the next grade is 13 so that the student
will not roll into the new school year.
The comprehensive site would need to input “GRADUATED” in the narrative of
the transcript.
The Procedure for Long Term Independent Study Program will be similar to the
Procedure for Concurrently Enrolled Students. (Note: the difference is that
concurrently enrolled students reside in two separate schools with two distinct CDS
codes. The long term independent study program students reside in two separate
databases, but under the same CDS code.)
The Registrar at the comprehensive site will (assuming the student was already in
your database as a regular program student):
1) Mark the program field (STU.SP) in Aeries with an “I” to signify independent study.
2) Depending on the type of student, Super or Non-Super, mark the Att Prg 1 field on
the STU screen with a “C” for Count ADA or “D” Do Not Count ADA. *See the end of
this procedure for more detail regarding the type of student, Super and Non-Super,
and the Att Prg 1 field codes “C” and “D”.
The “I” will drive Aeries to print separate attendance reports. The Att Prg 1 field will
drive Aeries to further separate the “I” program into two “I” program reports. One
report with a “C” and one with a “D”.
Note: The independent study program student will appear on the attendance roster.
3) Click the Update Attendance button on the bottom of the STU screen.
Note: This will update the “I” program and the Att Prg 1 fields on the ATT screen.
4) Enter the “Change From” date.
5) Exit student from the original program using Exit Withdrawal Code 160.
6) Input the “Update To” date, click OK.
7) Make sure that the STU. ED has been updated to the new date. Note: anytime you
use an exit code of 160, but re-enter the student into your database the STU.ED
must change.
Created 4/15/2012, Revised 4/29/2014, 6/2/2015
El Dorado Union High School District
8) The Assistant Principal will sign and date the Monthly Attendance Summary reports
for the “I” program, as well as the other programs and send the reports to the District
9) Transcript: Send out grades and transcripts to parents for regular courses taken at
the comprehensive site IF the student has a combination of comprehensive site
courses and “independent study program” courses.
For Graduates – The comprehensive site will need to input “GRADUATED” in the
narrative of the transcript.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Comprehensive site students may return to the regular program
The Registrar at the comprehensive site will:
1) Remove the STU.SP and change the program (STU.SP) field to the new program.
2) Remove the Att Prg 1 on the STU screen.
3) Click the “Update Attendance” button.
4) Input the “Change From” date.
5) Exit student from the original program using Exit Withdrawal Code 160.
6) Input the “Update To” date, click OK.
7) Make sure that the STU. ED has been updated to the new date. Note: anytime you
use an exit code of 160, but re-enter the student into your database the STU.ED
must change.
The POT at the ISP will:
1) Exit the student using the Exit Withdrawal Code 160.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Att Prg 1, Super and Non-Super Students
Super Students are independent study program students who attend the
comprehensive site for a minimum of 240 minutes/day. Attendance will print out on a
separate attendance report and will be counted at the comprehensive site.
The comprehensive site will:
1) Code the STU.SP with “I” for independent study program.
2) Code the Att Prg 1 field with “C” Count ADA.
Created 4/15/2012, Revised 4/29/2014, 6/2/2015
El Dorado Union High School District
The ISP will:
1) Code the STU.SP with “ “ for regular program.
2) Code the Att Prg 1 field with “D” Do Not Count ADA.
Non-Super Students are independent study program students who take most of
their courses through the ISP. Attendance will print out on separate attendance
report and will be counted at the ISP.
The comprehensive site will:
1) Code the STU.SP with “I” for independent study program.
2) Code the Att Prg 1 field with “D” Do Not Count ADA.
The ISP will:
1) Code the STU.SP with “ “ for regular program.
2) Code the Att Prg 1 field with “C” Count ADA.
Created 4/15/2012, Revised 4/29/2014, 6/2/2015