Guidance for Completion of the Accompanying Listeria Data

Guidance for Completion of the Accompanying Listeria Data Worksheets
o Please complete one set of the accompanying worksheets (one Excel workbook) for each
establishment and send the completed worksheets to and by September 1, 2011.
o All establishment data will be kept confidential and used only for the purpose of producing
an aggregate industry report. The data in the final report will not be traceable to any
individual establishment.
o The objectives of this exercise are:
 To document the magnitude of the efforts being made by the ready-to-eat (RTE)
meat industry to control Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) and the results being
 To provide individual RTE meat establishments with the means to compare their
testing and control efforts with the RTE meat industry as a whole; and
 Over time, to measure the progress being made in the control of Lm.
o Sharing complete and accurate data is essential to fulfill the above objectives and will serve
the best interests of the contributing establishments.
o Managers can view this as an opportunity to assess their level of investment and the results
being achieved in comparison with the industry as a whole.
o The worksheets are designed to capture data from calendar years 2009 and 2010, by month
(i.e. the month in which the samples were collected, regardless of when the results were
received). Establishments that are unable to provide data by month can enter the total
numbers for each year in the appropriate rows.
o If any problems arise that may impede completion of the worksheets as requested within
the prescribed period or if there are any questions about how to complete the worksheets,
please outline the difficulty or pose the questions in an e-mail addressed to
Worksheet #1 – Tombstone Information
o Enter all of the tombstone information requested.
o Row 16 – Enter the number of production lines in operation during 2009 and 2010. If lines
were added or removed during either year, enter the range (e.g. 6-8) representing the
fewest and the most that existed during the year.
o Rows 17 and 18 - Indicate whether environmental (Row 17) and finished product (Row 18)
samples were routinely tested for Listeria species (Lspp) or for Lm.
o Row 19 – Record the number of sponges or swabs typically included in a composite food
contact surface or other environmental sample during routine sampling and testing.
o Rows 20 to 23 – List the anti-Listeria interventions that have been implemented or
enhanced since 2008, such as specific antimicrobial additives, high pressure processing, etc.
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Worksheet #2 – Mandatory Environmental Testing by the Operator
o This worksheet is designed to capture data from the testing of food contact surfaces (FCS)
carried out by the operator in order to comply with Section of the 2009 CFIA
Listeria Policy.
o Column B - Record the total number of FCS samples collected and tested during each month
of 2009 and 2010 (based on the month in which the samples were collected, regardless of
when the results were received).
 A composite sample would count as one sample. When individual sample units
(sub-samples) were collected and tested separately, each of them would count as
one sample. That is, if five sponge samples were tested together as a composite,
producing one test result, that would be counted as one sample. If, on the other
hand, each of the sponges was tested individually, producing five test results, they
would be counted as five samples.
o Columns C and D – Record the corresponding numbers of samples that tested positive for
each month. The numbers of samples testing positive for Lspp should be recorded in
Column C and the numbers of samples testing positive for Lm should appear in Column D.
 Note: Lspp-positive samples that were subjected to confirmatory testing for Lm and
found positive for Lm should be recorded only in Column D with the Lm-positive
samples to avoid double counting of positives. (The Lspp result becomes immaterial
when the presence of Lm is confirmed.)
Worksheet #3 – Planned Voluntary Environmental Testing by the Operator
o This worksheet is designed to capture the sample numbers and positive results from the
implementation of the establishment’s routine sampling plan for the testing of
environmental surfaces. Such testing is carried out to verify the effectiveness of the
establishment’s sanitation program and good manufacturing practices in preventing Listeria
contamination (or conversely, to detect and enable the elimination of any Listeria
contamination that may be present ).
o The worksheet provides for the recording of data by zones, which identify the approximate
locations of sampling sites. (Note: If the establishment’s sampling plan is not based on
zones, please skip down to the alternative instructions provided below.)
o For sampling plans based on zones, record the total numbers of samples collected and the
corresponding numbers of samples that tested positive in the columns of the appropriate
 Zone 1 (Columns B to D) includes all FCS, which are defined as, “any surface or
object that comes into direct contact with the RTE [ready-to-eat] meat product,
including both routine FCS (i.e. belts, conveyors, slicing blades, etc.) and incidental
FCS (i.e. employee gloves, aprons, etc.)”.
 Zone 2 (Columns E to G) includes non-food contact surfaces (NFCS) adjacent to FCS,
such as exterior surfaces of equipment, control panels, switches,
framework/housings, guides, shields, guards, rollers, etc., and NFCS that could
spread bacteria to FCS (e.g. refrigeration units, blowers, etc.).
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Zone 3 (Columns H to J) includes more distant NFCS within the RTE processing room
between the point of thermal processing (or other lethality processing) and the
packaging area, such as phones, jiggers, forklifts, drains, floors, drains, walls,
overheads (lights, ceiling, drip pans, piping), etc.
 Zone 4 (Columns K to M) includes NFCS outside the RTE processing room(s), such as
the cafeteria, employee change rooms, hallways, drains, etc.
For sampling plans not based on zones:
 Record the total numbers of samples collected from FCS and the corresponding
numbers of samples that tested positive in Columns B to D, under the heading,
“Zone 1”.
 Record the total numbers of samples collected from all NFCS, regardless of zone,
and the corresponding numbers of samples that tested positive in Columns N to P,
under the heading, “Totals for Zones 2, 3 and 4”.
Note: Lspp-positive samples that were subjected to confirmatory testing for Lm and found
positive for Lm should be recorded only in Column D with the Lm-positive samples to avoid
double counting of positives. (The Lspp result becomes immaterial when the presence of
Lm is confirmed.)
Worksheet #4 – Follow-Up or Investigative Environmental Testing by the Operator
o This worksheet is intended to capture data from any follow-up or investigative testing of
environmental samples carried out by the operator following the detection, by the operator
or by CFIA, of either Lspp or Lm somewhere in the RTE processing environment or in a
finished product. The purpose of this type of testing is usually to find and eliminate the
source of the contamination and subsequently to verify its elimination.
o Data from other non-routine testing not covered by the establishment’s sampling plan
should be captured on this worksheet as well, e.g. extra sampling carried out during or
following a renovation or construction project to verify that contamination has not
occurred as a result.
o Refer to the guidance provided above for Worksheet #3 to guide completion of Worksheet
#4, with respect to sampling based on zones and sampling not based on zones.
Worksheet #5 - Mandatory Testing of Finished Products by the Operator
o This worksheet is designed to capture data from the risk-based sampling required by CFIA
during 2009 and 2010, as prescribed in Annex I of the 2009 CFIA Listeria Policy.
o Record the total numbers of samples collected and the corresponding numbers of positive
samples in the columns of the appropriate product type.
o Alternative 3 products (Columns B and C) were produced with sanitation as the only Lm
control measure.
 Record the total numbers of Alternative 3 product samples tested for Lm in
Column B and the corresponding numbers of samples that tested positive for Lm in
Column C.
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Alternative 2B products (Columns D to G) employed an antimicrobial agent or process for
control of Lm that allowed no more than a 2-log increase throughout the stated shelf life.
 Record the total numbers of Alternative 2B product samples tested for Lm in
Column D.
 Record the corresponding numbers of samples that tested positive for Lm by a
qualitative method (presence/absence) in Column E.
 For samples that tested positive for Lm with a quantitative method, the numbers of
positive samples with less than or equal to 100 cfu/g should be recorded in Column
F, and the numbers of samples containing more than 100 cfu/g should be recorded
in Column G.
 Note: Samples that initially tested positive for Lm by a qualitative method
and were subsequently enumerated with a quantitative method should be
counted only in Column F or G, under the heading “Lm (quantitative)”, in
order to avoid double counting of Lm positives.
Alternative 2A products (Columns H-I) employed a post-lethality treatment that achieved at
least 1-log Lm lethality.
 Record the total numbers of Alternative 2A product samples tested for Lm in
Column H and the corresponding numbers of samples that tested positive for Lm in
Column I.
Worksheet #6 - Voluntary Testing of Finished Products by the Operator
o This worksheet is designed to capture data from the voluntary finished product testing
carried out by the operator, whether for HACCP verification purposes or to meet customer
o Record the total numbers of samples collected and the corresponding numbers of positive
samples in the columns of the appropriate product type.
o Alternative 3 products (Columns B to D) were produced with sanitation as the only Lm
control measure.
 Record the total numbers of Alternative 3 product samples tested for either Lspp or
Lm in Column B.
 Record the corresponding numbers of samples that tested positive for Lspp in
Column C and the numbers that tested positive for Lm in Column D. Lspp positive
samples that were subjected to confirmatory testing for Lm and found positive for
Lm should be recorded only in Column D with the Lm-positive samples. (The Lspp
result becomes immaterial when the presence of Lm is confirmed.)
o Alternative 2B products (Columns E to I) employed an antimicrobial agent or process for
control of Lm that allowed no more than a 2-log increase throughout the stated shelf life.
 Record the total numbers of Alternative 2B product samples tested for either Lspp
or Lm in Column E.
 Record the corresponding numbers of samples that tested positive for Lspp in
Column F and the number of samples that tested positive for Lm by a qualitative
method (presence/absence) in Column G.
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Note: Lspp-positive samples that were subjected to confirmatory testing
for Lm and found positive for Lm by a qualitative method
(presence/absence) should be recorded only in Column G with the other
Lm-positive samples to avoid double counting of positives. (The Lspp result
becomes immaterial when the presence of Lm is confirmed.)
 For samples that tested positive for Lm with a quantitative method, the numbers of
positive samples with less than or equal to 100 cfu/g should be recorded in Column
H, and the numbers of samples containing more than 100 cfu/g should be recorded
in Column I.
 Note: Samples that initially tested positive by a qualitative method and
were subsequently enumerated with a quantitative method should be
counted only in Column H or I, under the heading “Lm (quantitative)”, in
order to avoid double counting of Lm positives.
Alternative 2A products (Columns J-L) employed a post-lethality treatment that achieved at
least 1-log Lm lethality.
 Record the total numbers of Alternative 2A product samples tested for either Lspp
or Lm in Column J.
 Record the corresponding numbers of samples that tested positive for Lspp in
Column K and the numbers that tested positive for Lm in Column L. Lspp positive
samples that were subjected to confirmatory testing for Lm and found positive for
Lm should be recorded only in Column L with the Lm-positive samples. (The Lspp
result becomes immaterial when the presence of Lm is confirmed.)
Worksheet #7 - Follow-Up or Investigative Testing of Finished Products by the Operator
o This worksheet is intended to capture data from any follow-up or investigative testing of
finished products carried out by the operator following the detection, by the operator or by
CFIA, of either Lspp or Lm on a FCS or in finished product.
o Record the total numbers of samples collected and the corresponding numbers of positive
samples in the columns of the appropriate product type, as described in the guidance
provided for Worksheet #6, above.
Worksheet #8 - Testing of Raw Materials by the Operator
o This worksheet is designed to capture data from any testing that the operator carried out on
raw materials or ingredients.
o Record the total numbers of samples tested for Lspp or Lm in Column B and the
corresponding numbers of samples that tested positive in Columns C to E.
o The numbers of samples that tested positive for Lspp should be recorded in Column C.
o The numbers of samples that tested positive for Lm by a qualitative method
(presence/absence) should be recorded in Column D.
 Note: Lspp-positive samples that were subjected to confirmatory testing for Lm
and found positive for Lm by a qualitative method (presence/absence) should be
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recorded only in Column D or E with the other Lm-positive samples to avoid double
counting of positives. (The Lspp result becomes immaterial when the presence of
Lm is confirmed.)
The total numbers of samples that tested positive for Lm by a quantitative method (numeric
result) should be recorded in Column E.
 Note: Samples that initially tested positive by a qualitative method and were
subsequently enumerated with a quantitative method should be counted only in the
“quantitative result” column, Column E.
In Column F, record the average number of Lm cfu/g found in the samples and the range of
cfu/g found (lowest to highest).
Worksheet #9 – Testing of Environmental (FCS) Samples and Finished Products by CFIA
o This worksheet is designed to capture data from any testing carried out by CFIA on food
contact surfaces (FCS) or finished products.
o Record the total numbers of FCS samples that CFIA tested for Lspp or Lm in Column B and
the corresponding numbers of samples that tested positive for Lspp or Lm in Column C or D,
o Record the total numbers of finished product samples that CFIA tested for Lm in Column E
and the corresponding numbers of positive samples in Columns F to H.
o Numbers of sample that were reported as positive with no enumeration should be recorded
in Column F.
o Numbers of samples that were reported as positive with a quantitative result should be
recorded in the either Column G or H, depending on the numeric values reported.
Worksheet #10 - Locations of Positive Environmental Samples
o This worksheet is designed to capture information on the locations of sampling sites that
tested positive for either Lspp or Lm during 2009 and 2010, regardless of the reason for
testing and whether done by the operator or by CFIA.
o For establishments that carried out sampling based on zones:
 Zone 1 (FCS within the RTE processing room(s) – In Column C, record the numbers
of positive samples taken from FCS in the specific locations listed in Column B. If
positive samples were found in locations not appearing on the list, additional sites
can be added to the bottom of the list.
 Zones 2 and 3 (NFCS within the RTE processing room(s) – In Column E, record the
numbers of positive samples taken from NFCS in the locations listed in Column D. If
positive samples were found in locations not appearing on the list, additional sites
can be added to the bottom of the list.
 Zone 4 (NFCS outside the RTE processing room(s) – In Column G, record the
numbers of positive samples taken from NFCS in the locations listed in Column F. If
positive samples were found in locations not appearing in the list, additional sites
can be added to the bottom of the list.
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Worksheet #11 – Types of Products Found Positive for Lm by the Operator or by CFIA
o This worksheet is designed to capture information on the types of RTE meat products that
tested positive for Lm during 2009 and 2010, regardless of the reason for testing and
whether done by the operator or by CFIA.
o Record the types of products that tested positive in the appropriate column using common
terminology (e.g. hot dogs, sliced cooked ham, sliced smoked turkey, dry cured or dryfermented sausage, etc.).
 List the types of products that tested positive only by a qualitative method
(presence/absence) in Column B.
 List the types of products that tested positive by a quantitative method in either
Column C or D, depending on the numeric results.
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