Burghill Community Academy School Development Plan 2015 - 2016 Our School Commitments To be the best teachers and professionals that we can be (Learning & Teaching) To realise the potential in every member of our school community (Achievement) To be passionate and innovative leaders & educators (Leadership) To provide opportunities which enrich our pupils’ lives now and into the future (Community/SMSC) To use outstanding business skills to underpin and enable the school to work effectively (Resources) “Learning for Life” Priority 1: To develop our approach to mastery in the mathematics curriculum Lead Responsibility : ME/AM Governors: Curriculum Sub Committee/ Full Governing Body Priority Vision: Burghill Academy pupils can confidently and successfully apply their knowledge and skills base to solve a range of problems in different contexts and across different areas of the curriculum. Success Criteria : Year 2 and Year 6 children achieve above national averages in new end of key stage assessments Less confident mathematicians make accelerated progress to be in line with or above national expectations at the end of KS1 and 2 (linked to the old three levels progress measure) Children who qualify for pupil premium funding achieve as well or better than the rest of the cohort Children who receive pupil premium funding do as well if not better than the rest of the cohort Monitoring (lesson observations, drop ins, work trawls) shows that children are given the opportunity to practise and develop application of skills alongside securing key number and calculation skills – 3:2 ratio is in place Pupil discussions and work monitoring demonstrate increasing levels of mastery activities Actions through the year: ME CPD visit to outstanding school – observations and discussion with maths coordinator. Mastery INSET – 29.9.15 (resources), 3.12.15 (input) Mastery resources purchased and shared. Assertive mentoring in place – weekly in KS2 and fortnightly in KS1. More able coordinator appointed to monitor provision in maths to focus particularly on girls’ achievement across the school. 1x afternoon mastery session – Year 6 with ME Maths mastery booster sessions with AM (Y6) Mastery and timestables parent workshop – spring term 2016 Progress Maths work trawl shows End of term data shows Pupil discussions show Priority 2: To implement the Whole School Approaches to Reading and Writing in order to raise standards in writing at the end of Key Stage 1 and accelerate progress in reading at the end of Key Stage 2. Lead Responsibility : EC/AM Governors: Curriculum Sub Committee/ Full Governing Body Priority Vision: Burghill Academy children can communicate confidently and effectively through speech and through their writing across a range of text types and the wider curriculum. Our children can use grammar and punctuation effectively to give their writing meaning and clarity. Children’s reading skills and progress are accelerated so that a significant number make better than expected progress by the end of KS2. Success Criteria : Year 2 and Year 6 children achieve above national averages in new end of key stage assessments Children supported by pupil premium funding achieve as well if not better than their peers More able children show mastery of their age expected skills in reading and writing At least two extended pieces of unaided writing to be completed each half term Monitoring (lesson observations, drop ins, work trawls) shows that children’s writing across all age groups is at least of age appropriate length and has age appropriate skills content Marking of writing identifies strengths and next steps and provides opportunities for children to edit and improve their work Through pupil discussions, children can discuss and evaluate the content of their writing and the skills that they use in their day to day work. At least 35% of children make accelerated progress from KS1 in reading (linked to the old three levels progress measure) Actions through the year – Reading comprehension assessments purchased, reading age assessments purchased. Reading assessment INSET Guided reading INSET – all staff (spring 2016) New books purchased to supplement library stock Accelerated Reader put in place Guided reading support – 2 x guided sessions per week across the school 2x extra reading booster groups with AM – Year 6 Progress – English work trawl shows End of term data shows Pupil discussions show Priority 3: To establish secure and robust assessment and tracking systems in line with the new national curriculum Lead Responsibility : AM Governors: Curriculum Sub Committee/ Full Governing Body Priority Vision: Burghill Academy staff are able to accurately assess and track the learning of our children against the standards set out in the new national curriculum for mathematics and English. Staff use the assessment and tracking systems to identify under achievers. Success Criteria: Assessments are in place for end of term assessments for reading, GAPS, writing and mathematics Pupils falling behind are tracked and identified and actions put in place to ensure that they have the opportunity to accelerate progress. Tracking system is in place, staff are trained to use the new system and upload termly assessment data Standardisation and moderation of work takes place termly to ensure accurate assessment across the school Assessments and tracking system is used to identify under-achievers for PPM and to provide termly progress data for governors Staff develop their understanding of the new national curriculum and its increased demands Actions through the year – AM/JS meeting with MF INSET to establish tracker procedures (2.11.15) Assessment procedures defined – maths – assertive mentoring EoT assessments + TA, reading – NFER comprehension and reading age assessments + TA, writing – 3 x QA records per year group to support TA judgment. Assessment deadlines in place – Autumn - 14th December. Data staff meetings allocated per term Progress – Pupils and baseline data are on the new tracker Data deadline set – Autumn term 2015 Priority 4: To ensure that teaching and learning is at least good across the school Lead Responsibility: AM supported by JS, EC and ME Governors: Curriculum Sub Committee/ Full Governing Body Priority Vision: The quality of teaching across Burghill Academy ensures that all our children have the opportunity to reach their full potential and are well prepared for the next steps in their educational journeys. Success Criteria : Monitoring evidence (lesson observations, drop ins, work trawls) shows that teaching is good across all classes and for all groups of children Children supported by pupil premium funding achieve at least as well as or better than the rest of the cohort. Through pupil discussions, children are able to discuss how the adults in school have supported them to improve and make progress. Termly data shows that all groups of children are making at least expected progress and a significant number are making accelerated progress PPM are linked to assessment data and children identified are supported to make progress Actions through the year – Headteacher drop ins and learning walks Core leader learning walks and work trawls Governor learning walks Pupil discussions Performance management mid-term reviews – February 2016 SMT data reviews and Progress – Data shows that – Monitoring shows that – Pupil Discussions show that – Parent questionnaires show that - Priority 5: To ensure that the school’s physical environment matches the quality of teaching in the classrooms Lead Responsibility: AM supported by the Governing Body Governors: Resources Sub Committee/ Full Governing Body Priority Vision: The quality of the school buildings enable all staff and pupils to achieve their potential and progress to meet the highest expectations. The buildings enable us to continue to safeguard the school community at the highest level possible. Success Criteria : The mobile classroom is replaced with a permanent building with appropriate facilities which meet health and safety regulations and guidelines, ensuring that Year 3 and 4 children do not need to use the main secure doorway to access the main body of the school and its facilities. A secure entranceway and lobby is constructed with a visitor lobby and appropriate office/reception area. A secure fence and gateway is put in place to secure the driveway and top playground. Maintenance and decoration of Wye Classroom and Teme Classroom enhances the learning environment for all. Actions through the year – Two bids for capital funding in place by 20th December. Evidence gathered and views of the wider community sought Plans for the new classroom and security work in place. Quotes sought for maintenance and decoration work. Governors approve bids and plans (3.12.15) Progress –