Astley Primary School Raising Standards Action Plan 2015-2016 Success Criteria To raise and track standards for all pupils in all areas of their curriculum development At least 90% of year 1 achieve phonic screening test All children make at least expected progress in reading, writing and maths (6 steps from their starting point in September) Termly Bench Marking is in place for all year groups ---- See attached specifically for Year 2 Cohort 2016 and Year 6 Cohort 2016 Actions Focus on raising standards in writing NB – see Maths, English and Inclusion Action Plans for more details. Impact Provide opportunities for extended writing across the curriculum. Develop EYFS/KS1 links to ensure expectations are accurate. Evidence Cost All children make at least expected progress in writing (6 steps from their starting point) SPAG skills transfer into writing. Half Termly Target Tracker Pupil progress half termly Children’s work Planning Supply x2 days each half term Children have writing stamina for longer writing tasks. Books – writing assessment/topic/tests. SLT time Accurate assessments. Books/Planning Data This is a working document and will therefore be subject to change. Supply when necessary Completed Who? When? Deepening children’s understanding of mathematical concepts through the delivery of the 3 aims – Problem solving, Reasoning and Fluency. Children become confident problem solvers and thinkers. All children make at least expected progress (6 steps in the year from their starting point) Planning Children’s work Staff training Target Tracker Pupil Progress Observations X1 SDD X1 twilight Buy in County Advisor throughout the year for quality assurance Quality assurance of SLT to secure judgements Note Visit Data Lesson observations Head teacher performance management 3 ½ days Embed English and mathematics skills throughout the curriculum. All children make at least expected progress (6 steps in the year from their starting point) Planning Observations Book scrutiny Displays Embed the new assessment procedures. Children’s learning needs are met and standards are raised. Target Tracker Moderation Supply x2 days per term. Children and parents know and understand their learning targets for English and Maths. Targets School reports Children’s books Parent Questionnaires Pupil Perception SLT time Children are focused and clear on their learning needs and next steps. Parents are clear about their children’s targets in order to support learning at home. CPD for leadership courses for 3 members of staff. NPQML status achieved for 2 teachers. OTP qualification gained. Qualification Supply Cost of course. This is a working document and will therefore be subject to change. SLT time NB – see Maths, English and Inclusion Action Plans for more details. This is a working document and will therefore be subject to change.