ILLINOIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD FY 2015 Programs of Study Local Implementation Grant GRANT GUIDELINES The purpose of this grant is to assist community colleges in reviewing processes that contribute to the success of CTE Programs of Study utilizing the Pathways to Results (PTR) process. PTR is a five phase, continuous improvement process focused on outcomes and equity. Additional information related to the Pathways to Results continuous improvement process is available at: OBJECTIVES Colleges are required to select one of the following focus areas: 1. Perkins Deficient Performance Measure 2. Special Populations Performance 3. Evaluation of an existing (fully developed) Program of Study (with a focus on transition, retention or completion) 4. Development of a new Program of Study 5. Program Review PROGRAMS OF STUDY Programs of study are secondary-to-postsecondary sequences of academic and career and technical (CTE) coursework that helps students attain a postsecondary degree or industryrecognized certificate or credential. Elements of a program of study are outlined in Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV) and include: 1. Incorporation of secondary to postsecondary educational elements; 2. Alignment between academic and CTE content in a coordinated, non-duplicative sequence; 3. Opportunity for dual or concurrent enrollment; and 4. Attainment of an industry recognized credential, certificate, or degree DELIVERABLES Colleges are required to: 1. Participate in up to 3 statewide Pathways to Results cross site meetings/trainings. Each college is required to send a team of 3-5 secondary and postsecondary representatives. 2. Participate with OCCRL through designated facilitators/coaches. 3. Provide midterm and final programmatic reports. 4. Submit a final expenditure report. 1 ILLINOIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD FY 2015 Programs of Study Local Implementation Grant TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Technical assistance during the grant period will be provided by ICCB staff. Whitney Hagy Mackenzie Montgomery Associate Director for CTE Associate Director for CTE 217.558.0318 217.558.4635 FUNDING SOURCE & PERIOD This grant is provided through Illinois Community College Board Perkins Leadership funds. A maximum of $5,000 will be available per recipient. Grant Period: August 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 Grant funds must be obligated by June 30, 2015. Good/products must be ordered by June 30 / received by August 31. Services must be rendered by June 30, 2015. Grant funds must be requested by August 1, 2015. Grant funds must be expended by August 31, 2015. GRANT REPORTING All applications and required reports should be submitted to Ian Kelley at Applications are due by 4:30 p.m. on September 2, 2014. 2 ILLINOIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD FY 2015 Programs of Study Local Implementation Grant BUDGET GUIDELINES ALLOWABLE Grant funds may be used to support the following expenses: SALARIES BENEFITS STIPENDS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES CAPITAL OUTLAY TRAVEL AND MEETING Salaries and wages paid to an employee for personal services rendered to the community college district, prior to any deductions. Administrative staff Professional/technical staff Academic support staff/Clerical staff The cost of all employee benefits, including the portion of insurance paid for by the college (not including the portion withheld from the employee's wages when both the employee and the college contribute toward the benefit). Stipends paid to an employee of the college, or the high school for participation in specific activities or series of activities. Stipends may be used for high school teachers, counselors, college faculty and advisors. Charges for services rendered by firms or persons not employed by the local board of trustees. Services/contractors may include, but are not limited to: School Districts (e.g. substitute teachers, etc.) Meeting Facilitators Curriculum Development Staff Development Instructional Service Contracts Other Contractual Services Office, Instructional, or Library Supplies and Materials Printing Audio/Visual Materials Computer Software Postage Books & Binding Costs Capital outlay includes all expenditures for fixed and moveable equipment. May include costs for office and instructional equipment Conference/Meeting Expense Travel--In State. Out of State travel requires prior approval of the ICCB. Meeting costs must adhere to Federal regulations. For more information see: GENERAL Not to exceed 5%. ADMINISTRATION If approved in writing by the appropriate ICCB staff. Please include a short OTHER description of any costs listed under this Budget Category EXPENDITURES NOT ALLOWABLE Grant funds may not be used to support the following expenses: Tuition for teachers/faculty Tuition/fees for students Stipends for students 3 ILLINOIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD FY 2015 Programs of Study Local Implementation Grant GRANT PROPOSAL COLLEGE: AMOUNT REQUESTED MAXIMUM AMOUNT: $5,000 PRIMARY CONTACT Name/Title Telephone/Email FISCAL CONTACT Name/Title Telephone/Email FOCUS Please select your focus for the grant period and complete the corresponding section that follows. You must choose only one focus area. ☐ 1. Perkins Deficient Performance Measure ☐ 2. Special Populations Performance ☐ 3. Evaluation of an existing Program of Study (with a focus on transition, retention, or completion) ☐ 4. Development of a new Program of Study ☐ 5. Program Review See page 1 for the definition of a program of study. 4 ILLINOIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD FY 2015 Programs of Study Local Implementation Grant NARRATIVE Only complete the section that correlates with the selected focus. FOCUS 1—PERKINS DEFICIENT PERFORMANCE MEASURE Indicate which deficient performance measure you have selected as your focus. ☐1P1 Technical Skill Attainment ☐2P1 Credential, Certificate, or Degree Completion ☐3P1 Retention or Transfer ☐4P1 Student Placement ☐5P1 Nontraditional Participation ☐5P2 Nontraditional Completion PROGRAMS OF STUDY List any program(s) of study that may be impacted. RATIONALE 1. Explain why you chose to focus on the Perkins deficient performance measure as indicated above. 2. Identify the areas in which there is a problem or an opportunity for improvement. FOCUS 2—SPECIAL POPULATIONS To allow for increased focus, select no more than 1-2 special populations based on any PODS or institution specific data. ☐Displaced homemakers ☐Individuals with limited English proficiency ☐Individuals with disabilities ☐Individuals from economically disadvantaged families ☐Females preparing for nontraditional fields ☐Males preparing for nontraditional fields ☐Single parents PROGRAMS OF STUDY List any program(s) of study that may be impacted. RATIONALE 1. Explain why you chose to focus on the performance of special populations as indicated above. 2. Identify the areas in which there is a problem or an opportunity for improvement. 5 ILLINOIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD FY 2015 Programs of Study Local Implementation Grant FOCUS 3—EVALUATION OF AN EXISTING PROGRAM OF STUDY PROGRAMS OF STUDY List the program of study that will be evaluated. Indicate which area you have selected as your focus. ☐Transition ☐Retention ☐Completion RATIONALE 1. Explain why you chose to this Program of Study and focus area as indicated above. 2. Identify the areas in which there is a problem or an opportunity for improvement. FOCUS 4—DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW PROGRAM OF STUDY See page 1 for the definition of a program of study. PROGRAMS OF STUDY List the program of study that will be developed. This must be an existing, program that has already been approved by the ICCB. RATIONALE 1. Explain why you chose to develop this Program of Study. 2. Identify the areas in which there is a problem or an opportunity for improvement. FOCUS 5—PROGRAM REVIEW PROGRAMS OF STUDY List the CTE program of study that will be examined. RATIONALE 1. Explain why you chose to focus on program review. 2. Discuss how you envision the PTR process will be incorporated into and compliment your existing program review process. 6 ILLINOIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD FY 2015 Programs of Study Local Implementation Grant BUDGET COMMUNITY COLLEGE PRIMARY GRANT CONTACT NAME/TITLE TELEPHONE/EMAIL BUDGET CATEGORY $ AMOUNT DESCRIPTION SALARIES BENEFITS STIPENDS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES CAPITAL OUTLAY TRAVEL & MEETING GENERAL ADMIN (MAY NOT EXCEED 5%) OTHER EXPENDITURES* TOTAL *Requires written approval from the ICCB. Attach a description as necessary. BUDGET MODIFICATIONS: Grantees are allowed a 10% modification prior to seeking approval except in cases in which the scope is significantly altered. Any changes beyond 10% of the total grant allocation require approval from the ICCB. All requests regarding budget modifications should be submitted to: Ian Kelley at 7 ILLINOIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD FY 2015 Programs of Study Local Implementation Grant BUDGET MODIFICATION COMMUNITY COLLEGE PRIMARY GRANT CONTACT BUDGET CATEGORY TELEPHONE/EMAIL ORIGINAL AMOUNT REVISED AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF THE CHANGE SALARIES BENEFITS STIPENDS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES CAPITAL OUTLAY TRAVEL & MEETING GENERAL ADMIN (MAY NOT EXCEED 5%) OTHER EXPENDITURES* TOTAL 8