Publications H, Kostyra E. Hydrolysates of glycated and heat treated peanut 7S globulin (Ara h 1) modulate human gut microbiota proliferation, survival and adhesion. JAM 2013 in press Teodorowicz M, Świątecka D, Savelkoul HFJ, Wichers Teodorowicz M, Fiedorowicz E, Kostyra H, Wichers H, Kostyra E. Effect of Maillard reaction on biochemical properties of peanut 7S globulin (Ara h 1) and its interaction with a human colon cancer cell line (Caco-2). Eur J Nutr. 2013 in press Jarmołowska B, Teodorowicz M, Fiedorowicz E, Sienkiewicz-Szłapka E, Matysiewicz M, Kostyra E. Glucose and calcium ions may modulate the efficiency of bovine β-casomorphin-7 permeability through a monolayer of Caco-2 cells. Peptides. 2013; 49:59-67. Bielikowicza K, Kostyra E, Kostyra H, Teodorowicz M, Rigby N, Wojtacha P. The influence of non-enzymatic glycosylation on physicochemical and biological properties of pea globulin 7S. Food Research International. 2012;48( 2): 831–838. Vissers YM., Iwan M., Adel-Patient K., Stahl Skov P., Rigby NM., Johnson PE., Mandrup Müller P., PrzybylskiNicaise L, Schaap M., Ruinemans-Koerts J., Jansen APH., Mills ENC., Savelkoul HFJ, Wichers HJ. Effect of roasting on the allergenicity of major peanut allergens Ara h 1 and Ara h 2/6: the necessity of degranulation assays. Clin Exp. Allergy. 2011;41(11):1631-42. Iwan M, Vissers YM., Fiedorowicz E., Kostyra H., Kostyra E., Savelkoul HFJ., Wichers HJ. The Impact of Maillard Reaction on Immunoreactivity and Allergenicity of the Hazelnut Allergen Cor a 11. J. Agric. Food Chem.2011; 59(13):7163-7171. Fiedorowicz E, Jarmołowska B, Iwan M, Kostyra E, Obuchowicz R, Obuchowicz M. The influence of μ-opioid receptor agonist and antagonist peptides on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Peptides 2011; 32(4):707-12. Wasilewska J, Kaczmarski M, Kostyra E, Iwan M. Cow’s Milk-Induced Infant Apnoea with Increased Serum Content of Bovine ß Casomorphin-5. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2011; 2011; 52(6):772-5. Świątecka D, Iwan M, Świątecki A, Kostyra H, Kostyra E. The impact of glycated pea proteins on bacterial adhesion. Food Research International 2010; 43(6): 1566-1576. Bielikowicz K, Wojtacha P, Kostyra E, Iwan M, Jarmołowska B, Kostyra H. Influence of glycation of wheat albumins and globulins on their immunorectivity and physicohemical properties. Polish Journal of Food Nutrition Science 2010; 60(4): 335-340. Sienkiewicz-Szłapka E, Jarmołowska B, Krawczuk S, Kostyra E, Kostyra H, Iwan M. Contents of agonistic and antagonistic opioid peptides in different cheese varieties. International Dairy Journal 2009;1:9 258-263. Iwan M, Jarmołowska B, Bielikowicz K, Kostyra E, Kostyra H, Kaczmarski M. Transport of u-Opioid Agonists and Antagonist Peptides Cross Caco-2 Monolayer. Peptides. 2008; 29:1042-1047. Wociór A, Iwan M, Kostyra H, Kostyra E. Opioid activity of high protein supplement for sportsmen. Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Science. 2008, Vol. 58, No. 2, pp 247-250. Sidor K, Jarmołowska B, Kaczmarski M, Kostyra E, Iwan M, Kostyra H. Content of beta-casomorphins in milk of women with a history of allergy. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 2008:19: 587-591. Jarmołowska B, Bielikowicz K, Iwan M, Sidor K, Kostyra E, Kaczmarski M. „Serum activity of dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV; EC in breast-fed infants with symptoms of allergy”. Peptides 2007; 28: 678682. Jarmołowska B, Sidor K, Iwan M, Bielikowicz K, Kaczmarski M, Kostyra E, Kostyra H. Changes of βcasomorphin content in human milk during lactation. Peptides. Vol: 28, Issue: 10, October, 2007.