LLL providers interview template- FLLLEX project Interview code: IELLLP01 Interviewer: Institutional Person responsible for FLLLEX: FLLLEX Institution: Duration of the interview: Date of the interview: Place of the interview: Language of the interview: Any other comments to the interview: Instructions for the interviews 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Please record the interview. It is important to have it for the later control to check whether all important issues have been mentioned in the transcribed/written form of the interview. In case you won’t be doing the interview in English, we recommend making for yourself a national language version of the interview template prior to the interview. After the interview please transcribe in ENGLISH the information into the corresponding tables/cells with as much detail as possible. Further above, you will find a template of the interview topics. Please note that this is an extensive list of suggestions, therefore an ideal overview of information interesting for us. However during the real interview you won’t be probably able to gather all of the information due to the various constrains (time, privacy, etc.). In order to facilitate the collection of relevant information, the 19 topics have been distributed into 6 thematic groups (Part A - Part F) being strongly intertwined amongst each other. In practice, your respondent can answer all of topics in e.g. Part A, by simply describing his organisation. (However, we will ask you to put after the interview the relevant information into the relevant tabs – making part of the analysis yourself and thus avoiding transcribing the entire interview) Consequently, try to follow the interview template as possible bearing in mind that you should cover each thematic group (priorities), even though you don’t necessarily cover every single question or topic. The general topics of the question should help for your inspiration. LLL providers interview template- FLLLEX project Page 1 Interview codes: Each country institutional partner is asked to create its own interview codes, one per interview. The format of the interview code should be as following IELLLP01; IELLLP02 etc. (IE for Ireland, LLLP for Lifelong learning provider, 01, 02 is number of the interview). By the end of the INTERVIEW EXERCISE you are asked to provide us with the list of the LLL Providers and their assigned interview codes. See example: Country Ireland LLL provider Letterkenny Institute of Technology Interview code IELLLP01 INTERVIEW TOPIC OVERVIEW Part A. General Information I. II. III. IV. IDENTIFICATION GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE ORGANISATION RELATION TO THE AUTHORITIES RELATION TO THE OTHER ACTORS IN THE FIELD Part B. Policy V. VI. POLICY CONTEXT LLL DEFINITION Part C. Provision and management VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. EDUCATION&TRAINING PROVISIONS CURRICULUM FLEXIBILITY OF FORMS OF LEARNING/DELIVERY QUALIFICATIONS RECOGNITION OF PRIOR (EXPERIENTIAL) LEARNING FUNDING Part D. Other aspects XIII. XIV. MOBILITY/INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMMES QUALITY ASSURANCE Part E. Human Resources XV. XVI. STUDENTS’ PROFILE PROFILE OF THE TEACHERS/TRAINERS Part F. Competitive advantage XVII. XVIII. XIX. MARKETING APPROACH RELATION TO THE LABOUR MARKET/EMPLOYERS PARTNERSHIPS LLL providers interview template- FLLLEX project Page 2 I. IDENTIFICATION Country Region/community Organisation, association department, institution Name of the respondent Function E-mail Please identify your interviewee Tell to the respondent: “The organisers of this analysis will contact some of the respondents for further information especially concerning examples of good practice.” Person to be contacted for further questions: Telephone: e-mail: II. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE ORGANISATION Ask the respondent to describe his organization: General topics of the question: Is the institution public or private? What is its history and development into a LLL provider? What is the origin of the organization? What is its mission/objective? Please type the answers: III. RELATION TO THE AUTHORITIES Ask the respondent to describe his organization’s relations to the authorities: General topics of the question: What are the legal bases of your organization? Officially recognized by authorities? Relation to the authorities (Accreditation agencies etc.) Please type the answers: LLL providers interview template- FLLLEX project Page 3 IV. RELATION TO THE OTHER ACTORS IN THE FIELD Ask the respondent to describe his organization’s relations to the actors in the field: General topics of the question: Who are the other actors in field? How would see your organization compared to the others? Do you have any cooperation with the other actors in the field? Please type the answers: V. POLICY CONTEXT Ask the respondent to state which policies influence his field: General topics of the question: What policies do influence your field (national + EU context)? What policies are missing or are not well established in your field (national + EU context)? Any recommendations? Please type the answers: VI. LLL DEFINITION Ask the respondent to state his LLL definition: General topics of the question: How would you define LLL? (in the country context) How do you see the LLL market? (in the country context) What is your role on the LLL market? Please type the answers: LLL providers interview template- FLLLEX project Page 4 VII. EDUCATION&TRAINING PROVISIONS Ask the respondent what kind of E&T his/her institution is providing: General topics of the question: Tell us about the education and training you are providing? What type of provisions? Part/full time Day or evening classes? Courses or study programmes? The length of the education and training? How many? Please type the answers: VIII. CURRICULUM Ask the respondent about curriculum at his/her institution: General topics of the question: How is the curriculum offered? (The curriculum is mainly practice –based, The curriculum mainly consists of theory, The curriculum consists of a combination of practice and theory, The curriculum consists of a combination of theory and work placement, The curriculum consists of a combination of theory, practice and work placement, The curriculum is entirely based on learning by doing etc;) In class learning/on site learning (apprentiship/internship) What disciplines are covered? How are the curricula developed? Relevance of the modules to official structures (job categories, different measures, ad hoc) Please type the answers: IX. FLEXIBILITY OF FORMS OF LEARNING/DELIVERY Ask the respondent what kind of forms of learning are available at his/her institution: LLL providers interview template- FLLLEX project Page 5 General topics of the question: Time-tabled courses to meet the needs of learners E-classes Blended learning (A method of educating that uses e-learning techniques, such as online delivery through the web, discussion boards and e-mail, combined with traditional face to face lectures, seminars, and tutorials. (definition HEFCE) Open and Distance Learning programmes offered using information and communication technology Courses offered off-campus in places of work Please type the answers: X. QUALIFICATIONS Ask the respondent about qualifications: General topics of the question: What kind of qualification do you offer? Who is the awarding authority for your qualifications? Relations/links to the EQF or NQF? What level? Partial qualifications? Certification of studies (Diploma/certificate)? What is their recognition by authorities/employers? Flexible learning pathways? „access or bridging“ courses? transition to degree programmes? ETCS credits, other initiatives for Transparency and readability of qualifications? Please type the answers: XI. RECOGNITION OF PRIOR (EXPERIENTIAL) LEARNING Ask the respondent about RPL: General topics of the question: Mechanisms of RPL established? What? Minimum entrance requirements for students? Please type the answers: LLL providers interview template- FLLLEX project Page 6 XII. FUNDING Ask the respondent about funding: General topics of the question: Funding of the programme? Who pays the course fee? Stakeholders involvement in the funding? Private funding? State/regional funding? Tuition fees? Grants availability? Student loans? Please type the answers: XIII. MOBILITY/INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMMES Ask the respondent about learning mobility within his/her institution: General topics of the question: Students or staff participating in the international learning mobility/international programmes? What programmes? What is the nature of participation? Reasons for the actions or non actions? Promotion of multilingualism? Please type the answers: XIV. QUALITY ASSURANCE Ask the respondent about quality assurance provisions/proceedings within his/her institution: General topics of the question: How does your institution ensure quality? Relevant Performance indicators? Feedback? Any quality certificates? Which ones? Self-evaluation? Obligatory? External mechanisms (external to the institution) for monitoring quality assurance? Who grants the accreditation? QA procedures? Regulation + control mechanism? Students’ involvement? LLL providers interview template- FLLLEX project Page 7 Please type the answers: XV. STUDENTS’ PROFILE Ask the respondent about students within his/her institution: General topics of the question: What kind of learners? % of different groups? How many students (per year, since the beginning), developments in trends? Any support/service for students? Students’ feedback? Satisfaction surveys? Communication with students? Students’ motivations (What is the reason for students to enroll in these types of classes?job prospect, to specialize in a new field, career benefit) Employment of students? Where? Please type the answers: XVI. PROFILE OF THE TEACHERS/TRAINERS Ask the respondent about the profile of the institutional staff: General topics of the question: Qualifications held by the majority of teachers/trainers? Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, Ph. D, other qualification (non-academic) The profile of the majority of the teachers/trainers? (professional profile with experience in a professional context, academic profile, mixture of teachers with a an academic and a professional profile) Obligation for teachers/trainers of having professional experience Full time/part time teachers(combined with work in industry or in professional body or at another teaching institution on a different level of education) Other relevant staff policy? Advantages of having professional profiles of teachers? Please type the answers: LLL providers interview template- FLLLEX project Page 8 XVII. MARKETING APPROACH Ask the respondent about the marketing: General topics of the question: Based on what do you formulate your offer? (Market study, current students, employer request, authority request, professional body request) Needs definitions? Needs analysis? Different methods and strategies to attract this category of learners and provide them with appropriate study programmes (How do they do it? – HERE PLEASE COLLECT AS MANY EXAMPLES OF GOOD PRACTICES AS POSSIBLE) Relation to the Employability? Approach to learners? Organisation of the Promotion events? Other marketing activities? What are you current success factors? Please type the answers: XVIII. RELATION TO THE LABOUR MARKET/EMPLOYERS Ask the respondent about the relation to the employers: General topics of the question: Cooperation with labour market? What is the role of the employers? (sponsoring of the students, pay tuition fees, cooperation in the development of the curricula) Relation with potential clients (employee, employers)? Role of the professional bodies? Umbrella organisation/associations? Employment agencies? Trade Unions? Chambers of Commerce? Please type the answers: XIX. PARTNERSHIPS Ask the respondent about existing and possible partnerships: General topics of the question: Any existing partnerships? What is the objective of such partnership? With who? Any partnership with other official providers of HE? Do you see any possibility of partnership? Why? In which domain? In what way? What would be the benefits for both sides? What are the main differences between both types? Do you see any other potential cooperation with other stakeholders? Recommendation for such cooperation? Please type the answers: LLL providers interview template- FLLLEX project Page 9 THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR COOPERATION. PLEASE SEND THE FILLED QUESTIONNAIRE TO flllexsurvey@3s.co.at by 14th June 2010. Please name you files by the interview codes (such as IELLLP01). For any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at flllexsurvey@3s.co.at LLL providers interview template- FLLLEX project Page 10