MARDEN NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN – OPEN DAY 21ST JUNE 2014 The purpose of this Open Day is for you to read the Neighbourhood Plan and its Policies. The Policies have been written by the Marden Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. The Polices have been written in response to what residents have already told us and what is possible in terms of national and local planning policy. Please look at each topic to find out the background. We hope you will agree that the proposed polies will be useful in shaping the future of Marden. However if you do not agree with any policy please tell us why. You will also find a large map of the Parish in the hall. This is the basis of Marden’s Masterplan. Please write on any comments or highlight areas that you feel need to be added to the Masterplan. LB1: All development located on the edge of the village settlement shall be designed to integrate into the existing landscape. This must include boundary planting of dense native species hedging to a minimum width of 2m. External lighting shall be limited to the minimum necessary to ensure adequate safety and security. LB2: All development which is located on land which has a hedge alignment as shown on the parish Tithe map (1817/18) shall be deemed to be “important” hedgerows under the Hedgerow Regulations 1997. New planting will be provided along tithe map field boundaries to re-create hedges where necessary or to strengthen the existing planting. The recommendations for the specific MBC Landscape Character Areas should be adopted where appropriate. LB3: All existing ecological site designations such as Local Wildlife Sites and Sites of Special Scientific Interest are inviolate. Development is expected to support actively the aims of the MBC Local Biodiversity Action Plan, contribute to the Biodiversity Opportunity Areas, protect Priority Habitats, and consult the appropriate Catchment Improvement Group. LB4: All development shall minimise the need for the import and/or export of topsoil For development on previously agricultural land the import and/or export of topsoil will not be permitted unless exceptional circumstances can be demonstrated. LB5: All new landscape plantings are to be traditional, native species only, and those suitable for clay soils. W1: All new development, including housing, commercial and industrial development must include appropriately designed SuDS proposals. The schemes must be accompanied by adequate funding to ensure the permanent management and maintenance of schemes to ensure efficient, clean water handling and wildlife and amenity benefits. Such schemes must be agreed prior to development. AG1: Agricultural and horticultural buildings should be designed and site to minimise their impact on the wider countryside and be sympathetic to local surroundings. New structures shall encompass sustainable construction materials and methods and include small scale on site renewable energy schemes. AG2: The need to accommodate seasonal agricultural workers for temporary periods in the countryside is acknowledged. However such provision should be sited and designed to minimise any visual impact on the character of the wider countryside and only be permitted on a temporary basis. MARDEN NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN – OPEN DAY 21ST JUNE 2014 T1: Developments should be designed to maximise travel on foot and by cycle. Where possible, direct links should be provided to village facilities and public transport services via off-road and lightly trafficked routes. Developments should not be located where they would hinder existing walking and cycling routes, and larger sites should be designed to be ‘permeable’ where this would help improve non-vehicular access from adjacent housing or business premises and to link with any nearby public rights of way. T2: Developments generating additional traffic should only be located where direct access to suitable roads is either already available or will be provided. T3: In the interests of all road users, but especially vulnerable groups, adequate off-road parking should be provided for all developments. Where necessary, this should be supported by parking restrictions on adjacent roads enforced through Traffic Regulation Orders and/or removal of permitted development rights in order to ensure that off-road parking provision is not lost without specific approval. P1: Proposals to convert existing garages must ensure that any external alterations respect the character of the existing dwelling and suitable on-site replacement vehicle parking must be demonstrated to ensure no adverse no adverse impact on highway safety. Resulting from additional on street vehicle parking. B1: To promote innovative commercial development and encourage businesses to locate within the Parish providing the use is appropriately sited in terms traffic movement, make no adverse impact on nearby residential amenity or the character of the surrounding area and wider countryside. Policy HE1: A Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan should be carried out for Marden as a matter of urgency and a time scale for regular review agreed. A review of all Listed Buildings in Marden should be carried out and a time scale for regular review agreed. HE2: All new housing must be designed to reflect the existing vernacular style – a mix of weatherboarding, peg tiles, hipped and half-hipped roofs with clay tiles - and include specific architectural features to create a variety and sense of place. HE3: All new housing must be designed to integrate into the existing community both visually and functionally and shall not be gated either physically or psychologically. HE4: All new development shall incorporate adequate off-road vehicle parking and garden space. H1: To encourage on-site provision of affordable and local needs housing units within any new residential development. Where off-site provision (or a contribution thereto) is proposed as an alternative, this shall be located within the Parish of Marden. Eligibility for occupation must include a proven link to Marden even if applicants have been forced to temporarily relocate outside the Borough. MARDEN NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN – OPEN DAY 21ST JUNE 2014 H2: To encourage the provision of housing suitable for older residents within any new development. Such housing may include the provision of smaller bungalow units which must be sited to provide occupants with a vibrant and interesting view. H3: To consider planning applications for gypsy and traveller sites in such a manner as to balance the needs of the applicants with the potential impact of the development giving consideration to any personal links the applicants may have with the Parish. H4: To ensure the improvement and ongoing maintenance of the Stilebridge site to provide a pleasant and safe environment for residents. This policy does not support the expansion of the existing site. CRB 1: Schemes for the conversion of rural buildings shall be designed to respect the character of the existing building and its wider setting. The conversion must not overwhelm or destroying the original form of the building which means that extensive extensions are unlikely to be acceptable. SS1: Schemes for new or renovated shop frontages should be designed to reflect the original proportions of the building and mirror the original architectural style and materials to contribute to the character of the building and the wider area. SS2: Where they remain the original shop fronts must be retained. SS3: The scale, position, materials and colour of shop signs should be designed to minimise any detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the building and the surrounding area. Illuminated signs will only be permitted if deemed to be essential to the operation of the business and levels must be kept to the necessary minimum. SC1: The principles of sustainable construction must form the basis for the design of all new development particularly the design and siting of the SuDS and methods of waste minimisation and on site renewable energy generation. This scheme must be assessed using current adopted design standards such as CSH and BREEM or their successors. OS1: All new housing schemes must provide areas of open space within the site. These areas must be designed to maximise the benefits for play, wildlife habitat, sustainable urban drainage systems and new native species planting. The areas must be sited and designed to link with existing areas of open space to provide green corridors. Where on site provision is inappropriate financial contributions shall be made to ensure the upgrading and improvement of existing areas of public open space. OS2: To encourage the creation of areas of natural open space and to ensure links between the new and existing areas of natural open space within the Parish through the support of high quality, non-traffic, shared walking and cycling routes including paths along riverbanks. MARDEN NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN – OPEN DAY 21ST JUNE 2014 ED1: To ensure the primary school has sufficient resources to provide all Marden children with a good standard of education. Marden children must not be forced to attend school outside the Parish due to insufficient capacity. ED2: To provide a solution to the existing congestion problems at school times to prevent any adverse impact on highway safety. Such measures to include adequate supervision at the main road crossing point on the Goudhurst Road. ED3: To lobby KCC to amend its existing ‘nearest appropriate’ school policy for Marden to ensure Marden children are given a real choice in secondary schools. IN1: To utilise any planning gain to the best advantage of the Parish. On what would you spend any developer contribution funds? What about the future? Further comments Your email contact: