Chapters 26-31 Guided Reading Handout

Chapter 26
#1. What could be Harper Lee’s purpose for re-introducing Boo Radley in this chapter?
#2. Who does Cecil Jacobs talk about for his current event? What does he say is wrong about what this
person is doing?
#3. Explain why Scout is bothered concerning Miss Gates response to Hitler’s treatment of the Jews.
#4. Why do you believe Jem reacted so angrily when Scout mentioned the trial?
Chapter 27
#1. Use the wonderful world of the internet and find out what the WPA and Ladies’ Law are. What
purpose would Harper Lee possibly have for alluding to them?
#2. Describe the events that happen to Judge Taylor and Helen Robinson courtesy of Bob Ewell.
#3. What is Scout’s role in the pageant?
Chapter 28
#1. Explain the significance of the following quote “High above us in the darkness a solitary mocker
poured out his repertoire in blissful unawareness of whose tree he sat in…”
#2. How does Harper Lee create suspense as Jem and Scout walk home from the pageant?
#3. Explain how Scout’s role as the narrator impacts her description of the attack. W
#4. How does Atticus show his own innocence when talking to Heck Tate?
#5. What clue(s) does Harper Lee give the reader about Mr. Ewell’s death? What conclusions can we
draw from these clue(s)?
Chapter 29
#1.What does Heck Tate say Scout’s costume is responsible for?
#2. What clue(s) does Scout use to figure out who the countryman really is?
#3. What is the symbolism of Scout’s reference to Arthur Radley’s feathery hair?
#4. Who saves Scout and Jem?
Chapter 30
#1. Who does Atticus believe is responsible for Bob Ewell’s death? What story does Heck Tate want to
tell everyone instead?
#2. What does Atticus’ refusal to avoid a trial for Jem show about his character?
#3. Why does Heck Tate not want to let everyone know that Boo Radley killed Bob Ewell? What does he
mean by “Let the dead bury the dead?”
#4. What does Scout compare Heck Tate’s reasons for protecting Boo Radley to? Why is this significant?
#5. Explain why you believe Heck Tate is so adamant about keeping Boo Radley’s involvement in Bob
Ewell’s death a secret.
Chapter 31
#1. What does Boo Radley want to do with Jem? What is ironic about this?
#2. Explain the significance of Scout’s guiding Boo Radley through the house and then to his home.
#3. Explain why Scout has Boo Radley change the way they walk back to his house.
#4. What is the importance of having Scout stand on the Radley porch and look at the neighborhood
from this perspective?
#5. What is the symbolism of having Atticus read The Gray Ghost in Jem’s bedroom as Scout returns?