Welcome New Families! 5 Important Things to Make a Smooth Transition to Roosevelt School 1. Bookmark the PTO website: www.rooseveltpto.org and PTO Revtrak: www.theoroosevelt.revtrak.net (site for signing up for PTO events/committees etc.) for important information and updates. 2. Join PTO! Roosevelt's PTO is organized for the purpose of supporting the education of the children at Roosevelt School by fostering relationships among the school, parents and teachers. Your membership dollars help assistance to teachers in classroom settings, holds fund-raisers for supplemental educational materials and experiences, supports school and family social interaction, and provides a non-biased forum for sharing information on issues that impact our children. Dues are just $20 per family, per year. You can join and pay online by clicking on the Revtrak link on the side of the Roosevelt PTO website Last year, the PTO spent $123 on every child at Roosevelt. Our goal is to complement the school curriculum with additional opportunities for parents, teachers and students to learn, socialize, communicate and grow. It is our belief that the team effort of a parent teacher organization offers the best possible learning environment for our children. Benefits of PTO Membership PTO membership includes access to our members-only PTO directory PTO general meetings are open to everyone and are an excellent way to stay informed, however only paid PTO members may vote at meetings 3. Stay in the Know! There are several different ways the PTO communicates with Roosevelt families: Follow us on Facebook-search and like “Roosevelt PTO on Facebook or following the links on the PTO homepage Weekly PTO e blasts— PTO sends out weekly e blast on Monday morning informing you of important information you need to know. Sign up by sending an email to the Roosevelt PTO gmail account: rooseveltpto1001@gmail.com. Send your name, email address and grades of children to this account. Monthly Calendars—PTO puts together monthly calendars listing important functions/events and hot lunch information. Your child will bring this home. Check the PTO calendar located on the home page. Here you will find important dates, times and details of PTO sponsored events 4. Get Involved – Join a Committee! Jump in, meet some folks, impact your child’s education and have some fun! The committee list is on the PTO Revtrak site located on the left hand side. Many still need of volunteers. If you see one you’d like to join, please go ahead and sign up for a committee(s) and you will be contacted by the committee chair or one of the co-presidents. 5. Come to PTO meetings and make your voice heard! There are four general meetings a year and they are generally are in September, January, April and May at 7pm in the LRC. Hear first-hand what the PTO and school staff are up to, join the discussion and vote on how PTO funds are spent. Please feel free to contact any members of the PTO for more information or for any questions. We volunteer our time to help our children have the best school experiences here at Roosevelt Elementary. Thank you for your time and consideration in joining/participating in the Roosevelt School PTO! Roosevelt PTO Co-president: Kim Biederman: kim.biederman31@gmail.com Chandra Kearney: chandra.kearney@comcast.net