
Appendix S1 Detailed data methods
Sources and detailed descriptions for the Hare and Mantua (2000) biology time series are given
in Table S1. Five time series from our study region that appeared in the original paper (Eastern
Bering Sea, Central Pacific and East Pacific zooplankton biomass; Gulf of Alaska shortspine
thornyhead recruitment; Bering Sea Pacific Ocean Perch recruitment) have, to the best of our
knowledge, not been updated since 1998, and were not included in our study.
The salmon catch data used in Hare and Mantua (2000) were combined estimates of
commercial domestic, high-seas foreign, recreational and subsistence catches. However, these
combined catch time series have not been maintained beyond the ocean entry year of 2000 (S.
Hare, pers. comm.), so we used only commercial catch time series, for which more recent data
were available. This choice is justified by the observation that adding recreational and
subsistence catches has little influence on results obtained from commercial catches alone (Hare
et al., 1999), and by the generally high correlations between our updated salmon catch time
series and the original time series (mean r = 0.95). Lagging catches to year of ocean entry allows
us to capture the strong effect of early marine survival on salmon populations (Hare et al., 1999;
Mueter et al., 2002). While catch data can produce biased estimates of population trends
(Branch et al., 2011), no fisheries-independent estimates of salmon population size are available
at the spatial and temporal scales of interest to our study (Hare et al., 1999). However, there are
several reasons to expect that commercial catches of salmon in our study are reasonable proxies
for abundance. Spawning habitat for salmon in Alaska is relatively pristine (Nehlsen, 1997), and
salmon runs in our study area have been fully exploited and intensely managed throughout the
time period of our study (Hare et al., 1999), so that catches are expected to primarily covary with
abundance. A large number of studies have demonstrated coherent basin-scale variability in
salmon runs that does not correlate with changes in management or market demand (reviewed in
Hare et al., 1999). Finally, basin-scale patterns of variability demonstrated by catch data are
confirmed by analysis of a subsample of runs for which fisheries-independent survival data are
available (Mueter et al., 2002).
Occasionally, the current versions of time series did not extend as far back as the original
time series in Hare and Mantua (2000). In seven instances, we were able to use linear regression
between the original and updated time series to estimate missing values for early years of the
updated versions (mean R2 = 0.92). Eighteen time series in our study are recruitment estimates
from age-structured assessment models of commercially exploited fish stocks (Table S1). The
most recent estimates from these time series are often poorly supported by empirical data, and
may represent either median values or estimates from poorly resolved stock-recruit relationships.
Such estimates tend to assume a continuation of recent environmental conditions, and result in
dampened sensitivity of these time series to recent ecological change. We therefore excluded
such estimates from our analysis, identifying them either from personal communication with
assessment authors, caveats within assessment reports, or the appearance of inflated variance
estimates around recruitment in the final years of a time series.
Our set of internal climate modes included the first two modes of winter Northern
Hemisphere SLP, the Arctic Oscillation (AO) and Pacific-North American Pattern (PNA)
(Wallace & Gutzler, 1981; Thompson & Wallace, 1998; Wallace, 2000; Thompson & Wallace,
2001); the first and second modes of detrended North Pacific SST and sea surface height fields,
the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and North Pacific Gyre Oscillation (NPGO) (Mantua et
al., 1997; Bond et al., 2003; Di Lorenzo et al., 2008); and El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO),
as measured by the Multivariate ENSO Index (MEI) (Walker & Bliss, 1932; Wolter & Timlin,
2011). We used SLP EOF2 for the PNA, rather than the original grid-point definition of Wallace
and Gutlzer (1981). We also included the North Pacific Index (NPI), the mean SLP over a large
area of the North Pacific, which measures the intensity of the Aleutian Low (Trenberth, 1990;
Trenberth & Hurrell, 1994). During our study period the NPI is largely redundant with the PDO
and PNA (Table S2), and it also apparently conflates natural and anthropogenic climate change,
as it covers an area of SLP declines attributed to anthropogenic forcing in GCM experiments
(Gillett et al., 2003). However, we included the NPI in analysis because of its importance in the
North Pacific climate literature. The NPI is very similar to another measure of Aleutian Low
variability, the Aleutian Low Pressure Index (ALPI); these two indices are correlated at r = -0.87
during 1965-2008, so we did not include the ALPI in analysis. Finally, Bering Sea ice cover
values for 1965-1978 were acquired from Mueter and Litzow (2008), those for 1979-2008 from
www.beringclimate.noaa.gov, with the two time series combined through linear regression.
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