Parental / Guardian Information

YMCA of Greater Saint John
2014 Camp Glenburn Summer Registration Application
Part 1 - Camper Information
Street Address
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy)
Age as of July 1st 2014
Program Name
Week Number
Cabin Mate request #1
Postal Code
How did you hear about us?
_ Cabin Mate request #2
Parental / Guardian Information
Parent 1 / Guardian 1 Name
Home Telephone
Work/Mobile Telephone
*The majority of correspondence throughout the year, including confirmation of registrations, is through e mail.
Please be sure to use an address you use often.
Parent 2 / Guardian 2 Name
Home Telephone
Alternative Emergency Contact Name
Home Telephone
Work/Mobile Telephone
Work/Mobile Telephone
Medical Information
Health Card Number:
Expiry Date:
Does your child require special medical attention (i.e. medication)?
Dietary Information
Lactose Intolerant
Specific food allergies (please explain)
Have you attended a residential camp before? Yes:
If yes, please indicate the camp
Gluten free
130 Broadview Ave, Saint John, New Brunswick E2L 5C5
T: (506) 646-2104 F: (506) 634-0783
On site office: (506) 832-5632 (June - September)
YMCA of Greater Saint John
2014 Camp Glenburn Summer Registration Application
Camper’s Name
Alternative Emergency Contacts
Home Telephone
Relationship to Camper
Work Phone
Social Habits
Your child makes friends:
 Easily
Your child is:
 Eager to attend camp.
 With some work
 With difficulty
 Urged to attend by parents.
Eating habits
 Fussy
 Average
 Hearty
Sleeping habits
 Frequent bedwetter
 Occasional bedwetter
 Walks in sleep
 Nightmares
In the past year have there been any changes in family relationships?
 Death
 Marriage
 Divorce
 Separation
If parents are divorced or separated, who has legal custody?
Other Information
Please include any information that you feel is important to help your camper make the most out of their camp experience.
Medical Information
Medicare #
Physician’s Name
Expiry Date
If camper has, or has had any of the following, please circle
Chicken Pox
German Measles
Hay Fever
Red Measles
Frequent Colds
Hospital Ins. # (ie: Blue Cross)
Tonsillitis Sinus
Trouble Stomach
Aches Rheumatic
Fever Ear
Date on which the following immunizations and toxins were last given:
Please indicate any allergic reactions, specify what causes the reaction and describe its nature and severity:
Please describe any injections or treatments required
Please note all medications that the camper is taking, or has taken in the past six months (include any behaviour modification
medications, ex: Ritalin):
130 Broadview Ave, Saint John, New Brunswick E2L 5C5
T: (506) 646-2104 F: (506) 634-0783
On site office: (506) 832-5632 (June - September)
YMCA of Greater Saint John
2014 Camp Glenburn Summer Registration Application
Part 2 – Payment
A $100.00 deposit is required for each Camp Glenburn program for each camper that is
registering. Deposits are non-refundable. The remaining balance of fees are refundable if a
medical note is provided by a physician or if a cancellation is made 21 days prior to the first day
of the program. Refunds are not provided for homesickness or inappropriate behaviour. All
payments must be finalized one full week before the requested camp session begins. If
registration occurs within the week before the session begins, payments must be received in
Transportation Information
Travel arrangements for each camper are the responsibility of the parent and/or guardian.
Camps requiring bus transportation from the YMCA of Greater Saint John, the Saint John airport
or the Saint John bus terminal must make arrangements with the Camp Glenburn office at least
10 days prior to the beginning of the camp session. The fee for this service is $20 per child each
Yes, I Will Support The YMCA Strong Kids Campaign And Help Send A Kid To Camp
YMCA Strong Kids is an annual fund-raising campaign focused on raising much needed
resources to support Y program participation. The YMCA provides kids the opportunities they
need to live healthier, happier lives now, and to grow into productive adults. A charitable tax
receipt is available for all amounts over $10.
Enclosed is my donation of
 $500
 $100
 $50
 Other $_
Method of Payment:
 Cheque
 I have registered online by credit card
Payment Grid
Please refer to program fee schedule on our website at
Camp Fee
Down Payment
Balance Due
130 Broadview Ave, Saint John, New Brunswick E2L 5C5
T: (506) 646-2104 F: (506) 634-0783
On site office: (506) 832-5632 (June - September)
YMCA of Greater Saint John
2014 Camp Glenburn Summer Registration Application
Payment Options
Option 1
 Full Payment by cheque, cash
 Online registration by credit card
Option 2
 Deposit and post-dated payments
Please attach all cheques and indicate all process dates equal to full payment, e.g.
one cheque with current date along with a series of post-dated payments for the
balance in increments of your choice. All payments must be finalized one week
before camp session begins. Please send all cheques at time of registration.
Part 4 – Checklist
I have completed all preceding sections of the application
I have attached a completed National YMCA Photo Waiver
I have completed the legal waiver and attached it as part of the application
If needed, I have completed and attached a Y Strong Kids Opportunity Fund Application
(Signature of Parent/Guardian)
130 Broadview Ave, Saint John, New Brunswick E2L 5C5
T: (506) 646-2104 F: (506) 634-0783
On site office: (506) 832-5632 (June - September)
YMCA of Greater Saint John
2014 Camp Glenburn Summer Registration Application
The following is a legal document.
Please read it carefully and acknowledge that by signing you are giving up the right to sue the Greater Saint John
YMCA Inc., its officers, agents, employees, board of directors, volunteers, participants, and all other persons or
entities acting on their behalf (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Camp”).
In permitting my child
(print camper’s name) to attend Camp, operated by the
Greater Saint John YMCA Inc., I, the undersigned, permit my child to participate in the full range of camp activities
which include but are not limited to canoeing, kayaking, swimming, windsurfing, high and low ropes course, active
games, overnight camping, outdoor living skills, hiking, drama and outdoor climbing wall. I give permission to take
my child on outings, excursions and activities away from the facility, either on foot, or in a vehicle providing the
driver of said vehicle are properly insured for the carrying of passengers. I authorize the “Camp” in the event of an
accident or illness affecting the above named camper to authorize on my behalf all procedures necessary therein,
as he/she may deem essential for the care and well being of said camper. Such action is to be undertaken only
when immediate contact with the undersigned cannot be made.
Parent or Guardian (print name):
In consideration of
(print camper’s name) (hereinafter referred to as “Camper”)
being permitted by the “Camp” to participate in its activities and to use its equipment and facilities, I agree to
indemnify and hold harmless the “Camp” from any and all claims, causes of action, actions or demands whatsoever
which are in any way connected with such use or participation by the “Camper”.
Parent or Guardian (print name):
In case of a medical emergency, I understand that every effort will be made to contact parents or guardians. In the
event I cannot be reached, I hereby give permission to the physician selected by the “Camp” to hospitalize, secure
proper treatment, provide over the counter medication, order injections, anesthesia or surgery for my child as
named above. To the best of my knowledge, the information on this form is accurate.
Parent or Guardian (print name):
Publication & Privacy Act
I understand that the pictures taken at Camp may be used for promotional purposes. We collect, use and disclose
personal data only in order to better meet your service needs, to ensure the safety of children in our care, for
statistical purposes, to inform you about the YMCA program or service in which you are registered, and to satisfy
government and regulatory obligations. You may also hear from us periodically about other YMCA programs,
services and opportunities that may interest you. We do not share this information with any other party.
Parent or Guardian (print name):
130 Broadview Ave, Saint John, New Brunswick E2L 5C5
T: (506) 646-2104 F: (506) 634-0783
On site office: (506) 832-5632 (June - September)