Introduction to MATLAB Programming Techniques Course notes for the course organized by KEDIMA UCY in October 2012 Copyright 2010-2012 Timos Papadopoulos Contents Introductory Notes PART 1. MATLAB bacics PART 2. Introduction to Programming in MATLAB PART 3. Programming for Efficiency and Speed PART 4. Interfacing with external data containers - Using the Appropriate Data Type PART 5. Data Visualisation - Advanced plotting Wrap Up Notes Introductory Notes The course addresses students with different levels of experience in MATLAB and programming. The priority is to not leave anybody behind, the pace is suited to the least experienced among those attending. Not all parts of the course are for everybody attending. Easier parts for beginners and optional parts for advanced. MATLAB offers a very kind learning curve but certainly not a flat one; it is not a fool's ticket to a Nobel Prize! Its main strength is the very high level programming language environment it offers. We aim to cover the programming essentials quite thoroughly and only give pointers to some more advanced topics. My main concern is user-friendliness, not rigour; in some points we are cutting corners. These notes are not a textbook; they are not 100% sequential and they work best with explanations during the lecture. The main objective of the course is to get our hands dirty. Feel free to interrupt at any point! PART 1. MATLAB bacics In this part we will briefly go over the basics of MATLAB's working environment including the MATLAB desktop, variables, the workspace, .mat files and the basic MATLAB data types. Section 1.1 - Variables, Vectors and Matrices, Computations in the Command Window Let's start by spending a bit of time to familiarize ourselves with the MATLAB environment and to make sure we are confident with: The MATLAB desktop layout The Command Window The Workspace The Folder Browser The Command History Make sure you are familiar with docking and undocking the different windows of the MATLAB Desktop. This can be quite confusing for MATLAB beginners and instances have been reported of hair pulling desperation in front of windows that simply do not go where they are told to. If you find yourselves in such a situation keep in mind that you can always go back to the factory default by Desktop -> Desktop Layout -> Default. The simplest thing to start with if you are first using MATLAB would be to use it as a calculator. Try the following in the Command Window: 1 + 1 ans = 2 2 * 2 ans = 4 3^3 ans = 27 sqrt(2) ans = 1.4142 What is the difference between the examples above and the ones below? a = 3 + 5 a = 8 b = 2 * 4; c = a + b c = 16 d = sqrt(c); d == c ans = 0 e = d ~= a e = 1 10^(d==b) ans = 1 We have assigned values to the variables a, b, c and d. These now appear in the Workspace and are available for further computations. Can you figure out what the 'ans' workspace variable corresponds to? Observe the difference in the Class of these variables. Observe also their dimensions. They are scalars. In the very core of MATLAB's design is the notion of the Numeric Array or Matrix (MATLAB was coined as short for MATrix LABoratory). clear a = [1 2 3] a = 1 b = [3:5].' b = 3 4 5 2 3 c = a*b c = 26 d = b*a d = 3 4 5 6 8 10 9 12 15 randn(3) ans = -1.4132 -1.1923 0.5190 0.8488 -0.4851 -1.6008 1.5191 -2.3766 0.9954 0.4553 -0.2978 0.7505 0.1634 0.3359 -0.5959 randn(3) ans = 0.7829 -1.4753 -0.0175 a = magic(6) a = 35 3 31 8 30 4 1 32 9 28 5 36 6 7 2 33 34 29 26 21 22 17 12 13 19 23 27 10 14 18 24 25 20 15 16 11 111 111 111 111 111 sum(a,1) ans = 111 sum(a,2) ans = 111 111 111 111 111 111 From the superclass of 'numerics' we will only be concerned with the class of 'doubles'. These are double-precision 64bit floating point representations of the real numbers and they are the default number representation in MATLAB. Note that the number precision displayed in the prompt is not the actual precision of MATLAB's internal number representation. sqrt(3) ans = 1.7321 format long sqrt(3) ans = 1.732050807568877 format sqrt(3) ans = 1.7321 We will also go over the most important of the other classes, i.e. 'chars', 'cells', 'logicals' and 'structs' A few moments ago we used the command 'clear' to empty the workspace from all the variables it contained. The same happens when we exit MATLAB, all variables in the workspace (and hence all the data they contain) are cleared. What if we want to keep some of those variables for future use? Right-click on a selection of variables from the Workspace and choose 'Save as...' to save them in a .mat file (you can use any valid filename and the default is 'matlab.mat'). The same can be done from the prompt using the command 'save'. save('my_variables','a','b','c','d') Use the 'help' command to check its syntax and use. Execute help save in the Command Window or look it up in the help browser (menu 'Help -> Product Help' in version R2011b or similar in other versions). Usually a Google search of the notion in question preceded by the word 'matlab' will directly land upon the relevant MathWorks website documentation page. In this case Googling 'matlab save' should return this as the first hit. Now after exiting and reopening MATLAB one can start working on the data contained in the saved variables. Make sure you can do this by using the 'File -> Open ... ' menu or the 'load' command (again, use the various options for getting help on how to use these commands). PART 2. Introduction to Programming in MATLAB We now move on to the MATLAB's main intended mode of use, i.e. the use of Scripts and Functions . Section 2.1 - A slightly more interesting problem Consider, as an example, the (still quite rudimentary) technical computation corresponding to numerically solving the equation in the interval [-10 10] for and two given parameters. Before solving the equation, it may be worth giving a simple depiction of how the function behaves for different values of the parameter . We create the plot using the function ExpFuncPlot (we will go over functions and graphics later on in the course). ExpFuncPlot Clearly, for given values of the parameters and , the equation can have 0, 1, or 2 roots. We can use the fzero function to check that. You can type help fzero in the prompt to check how fzero is used. For instance, in the case the quantity a unique solution for every A = 0; B = 0.1; fzero(@(x)x*exp(-A*x)-B,0) ans = 0.1000 A = 0; B = 0.1; fzero(@(x)x*exp(-A*x)-B,-5) becomes linear and the equation has ans = 0.1000 A = 0; B = 0.1; fzero(@(x)x*exp(-A*x)-B,10) ans = 0.1000 Whereas for positive values of the equation can have 0, 1, or 2 roots. You can play around choosing values of the parameters and check for yourselves. A few examples are: A = 2; B = 0.1; fzero(@(x)x*exp(-A*x)-B,0) ans = 0.1296 A = 2; B = 0.1; fzero(@(x)x*exp(-A*x)-B,1) ans = 1.2713 A = 2; B = 1; fzero(@(x)x*exp(-A*x)-B,0) Exiting fzero: aborting search for an interval containing a sign change because NaN or Inf function value encountered during search. (Function value at -463.41 is -Inf.) Check function or try again with a different starting value. ans = NaN A = 2; B = -10; fzero(@(x)x*exp(-A*x)-B,0) ans = -1.1025 A = 2; B = 0.1; fzero(@(x)x*exp(-A*x)-B,-20) Exiting fzero: aborting search for an interval containing a sign change because NaN or Inf function value encountered during search. (Function value at -429.6 is -Inf.) Check function or try again with a different starting value. ans = NaN Section 2.2 - MATLAB Scripts What we have just done is a typical example of a first look into a (very simplistic) problem. We devised a rough solution and we started checking it out by playing around with different values of the parameters involved in order to get a feeling of whether the solution is satisfactory. With any luck some of the cases we have checked are of interest and we would like to put them together as a first answer to the problem at hand. For instance, we migh want to present those selected cases to a colleague or our supervisor as a solution to the problem. How would we do that? Would we need to keep retyping the same commands every time? That wouldn't be very practical really... This is where scripts come into play. A MATLAB script is a essentially a text file but one that rather than having a .txt extension has by a .m extension. Lines in that file are MATLAB commands as we would type them in MATLAB's command window (and it can also have comment lines). We can create a new script file by File -> New (this can vary slightly across different versions of MATLAB but is always self evident). Let's try and create such a file that will contain the equation solution cases we checked just above. (If you run into difficulties open IntroScript.m in the CourseData material. That file does exactly that. To open a file use File -> Open (again this can vary slightly across different versions of MATLAB). To execute a script we just type the name of the script (i.e. the filename withouth the .m extension) on the prompt of the Command Window and press Enter. Important Note: The script has to reside either in the Current Folder or in the Matlab Path otherwise it will not run. Experiment a bit on creating, opening, editing, saving and executing scripts as described above. Make sure you are confident in managing the cases described above. Section 2.3 - For Loop We saw above that the solution returned by our algorithm depends not only on the parameter values but also on the value of ot the initial point we choose. So say that our job is to compute the root computed for a list of parameter pairs and for given initial values and keep the computed values as indicated in the table below A B x0 = 0 x0 = 1 x0 = 10 x0 = 20 0 -0.2 0 +0.1 0 +0.2 1 -0.2 1 +0.1 1 +0.2 2 2 2 5 5 5 -0.2 +0.1 +0.2 -0.2 +0.1 +0.2 How would we do that? One (rather stupid) way would be to go over each one of the 15 rows of this table separately, execute the corresponding command in the Command Window and populate the corresponding table entry. Another (only slightly) more convenient way would be to edit a script like the one we saw above with the required computation lines and then execute the script. The appropriate way would be to use the workhorse of technical computation, namely a 'for loop'. (Type help for in the Command Window for a brief explanation). Depending on your level of experience in programming and in MATLAB this task can range from 'A walk in the park' to 'Climbing Mount Everest'. We will go over this until all of us have somehow managed to make it work (or are adequately close to that...). For your reference, a fairly optimised solution is given the ForLoopScript.m in the CourseData material. Reverse engineering that solution with the 'help' options of MATLAB should do the trick if you are stuck in any point. When you get it right your code should return this result... clear ForLoopScript 0 -0.2000 0 0.1000 0 0.2000 1.0000 -0.2000 1.0000 0.1000 1.0000 0.2000 2.0000 -0.2000 2.0000 0.1000 2.0000 0.2000 5.0000 -0.2000 5.0000 0.1000 5.0000 0.2000 -0.2000 0.1000 0.2000 -0.1689 0.1118 0.2592 -0.1486 0.1296 NaN -0.1134 NaN NaN -0.2000 0.1000 0.2000 -0.1689 0.1118 0.2592 -0.1486 1.2713 NaN -0.1134 NaN NaN -0.2000 0.1000 0.2000 -0.1689 3.5772 2.5426 -0.1486 1.2713 NaN -0.1134 NaN NaN -0.2000 0.1000 0.2000 -0.1689 3.5772 2.5426 -0.1486 NaN NaN -0.1134 NaN NaN ... which as you can see is the table defined above populated with the equation solutions (not all of which are correct) In order to run the ForLoopscript.m file you have to make sure it is either in the current directory or in a directory of the MATLAB path (you can check that in File -> Set Path...). This can be verified by running which ForLoopScript at the prompt. This is also a good point to spend a bit of time to familiarize yourselves with MATLAB's Function Precedence Order Section 2.4 - Basic Programming - MATLAB Functions To conclude this part of the course we go over the fundamental notion of the 'function'. Simply speaking, a MATLAB function is quite similar to a MATLAB script with the very important difference that it accepts input and output arguments and it has its own Workspace. To create a function we go about in pretty much the same way as above with scripts but we include a first line that starts with the reserved word function followed by the list of output arguments, the function name and the list of input arguments. For instance, to convert the ForLoopScript.m to a function we include the first line function eq_sol_results = ForLoopFunction(As,Bs,x0) in the .m file and save it (preferably) as ForLoopFunction.m. Spend a bit of time to: 1. Work out any other changes needed to create the function corresponding to the previous script 2. Run the function in the prompt and make sure you become familiar with the fact that is has its own workspace 3. Check the basic functionality of MATLAB's debugger 4. Check the provided ForLoopFunction.m file in the CourseNotes folders 5. See what the help preamble amounts to 6. See what the validateattributes functionality amounts to PART 3. Programming for Efficiency and Speed The programming language offered by the MATLAB environment is what we call an 'Interpreted Language' unlike the more typical 'Compiled Languages' such as C/C++, JAVA etc. In conjunction with other features and characteristics of MATLAB, this has as a consequence that MATLAB code is much easier to start writing and faster to develop in a prototyping application stage, but slower in running/executing, especially when it comes to computations involving for-loops. As this speed disadvantage can prove very problematic in computationally demanding cases, we list below possible ways to mitigate it and we present the details for the easier ones (those that you should be following pretty much always). Section 3.1 - Vectorization In the MATLAB world (practically) everything revolves around the notion of matrices. All elementary operations (in fact nearly every operation, elementary or not) can be written in what is called a 'vectorized form', i.e. as a sequence of linear algebraic operations involving whole matrices and vectors rather than loops over their individual elements. Such vectorized form computations can be very much faster than the corresponding ones using loops. See for example the four ways to do the same thing (assign a sinusoid sequence to a vector in the variable name x) that are listed in the script CheckSpeed1.m CheckSpeed1 Non-vectorized (for loop) assignment: Vectorized assignment: 0.49348[s] 0.039664[s] Non-vectorized (for loop) preallocated assignment: 0.16933[s] (Repeated) non-vectorized (for loop) assignment: 0.48736[s] Evidently the vectorized assignment (second case) is about 25 time faster than the non-vectorized equivalent. Notice how the preallocation of an appropriately sized vector to the variable x also has a dramatic effect in the efficiency of the assingment (comparison of third and fourth cases). We will return to the technique of preallocation in a bit. The efficiency associated with vectorization becomes even more striking when an actual computation is used an an example, i.e. the inner product of two vectors Examine the three ways to implement that inner product computation listed in the script CheckSpeed2.m CheckSpeed2 Non-vectorized (2 for loops) inner product: Non-vectorized (for loop) inner product: Vectorized inner product: 0.47596[s] 0.021636[s] 0.0026821[s] Notice how the computation of unnecessary quantities (first case) can make the computation tens of times slower than a non-vectorized implementation (second case) and hundreds of time slower than the proper vectorized computation (these ratios can change in implementations in different computers). You have probably noticed the orange underlinings in the CheckSpeed1.m and CheckSpeed2.m files and you wonder what they are. This is a feature of MATLAB's Code Analyzer. Hover over the underlined variables to read the issue identified by the analyzer. In the next example we discuss the technique of 'preallocation' and that should help you understand what's going on and how you can address this issue. Section 3.2 - Preallocation When using MATLAB extensively vectorization becomes second nature and it turns out it is possible to vectorize most computations (even more so with the use of tools such as arrayfun, cellfun, structfun etc. which are not covered in this course) . Nevertheless, there are cases where the use of one or more loops is dictated either by necessity or convenience. In newer versions of MATLAB this turns out to not be completely detrimental as long as the arrays are properly preallocated, i.e. they are not allowed to change dimensionality inside the loop. Such an example was very briefly given in the CheckSpeed1.m example and it is further elaborated in CheckSpeed3.m which computes the external product of two vectors. CheckSpeed3 Non-vectorized (for loop) non-preallocated outer product: 1.7519[s] Non-vectorized (for loop) preallocated outer product: 0.032799[s] Vectorized outer product: 0.010563[s] Evidently, when preallocation is used the many tens of times speed ratio between the vectorized computation and the for loop (third v. first cases) reduces to a just a few times speed ratio (again these ratios can change in implementations in different computers). Section 3.3 - Use of the Profiler to identify Bottlenecks MATLAB offers a powerful tool to check the execution time used by the code we write in the form of the Command Window function profile and it Graphical User Interface counterpart Profiler. To give an example of this tool we go to Desktop -> Profiler, we type CheckSpeed3 in the Run this code: box and we hit Start Profiling. We should then get something like this. Spend a bit of time in exploring that report you just generated and making sense of the information it provides. Section 3.4 - Simple parallelization using parfor Another option offered by recent versions of MATLAB (so long as the installation includes the Parallel Computing Toolbox) is that of parallizing the code over multiple CPU cores on a single computer. This is done by converting the for in for-loops to parfor and it can achieve a maximum execution speed up ratio equal to the number of cores present in the CPU. Note that parfor loops come with certain restrictions and that not every for loop can be directly converted to a parfor loop (far from it actually). An example of a parfor implementation compared to a standard for that does the same thing sequentially is given in the ParForExample.m file. Note that these timing are specific to the 4core CPU where the notes where created and will vary considerably in other computers. [time_seq, time_par] = ParForExample Starting matlabpool using the 'local' configuration ... connected to 2 labs. Sending a stop signal to all the labs ... stopped. time_seq = 3.0867 time_par = 2.2337 Moving slightly off topic, we note that the last example silently introduced two new concepts namely those of: Multidimensional Arrays. Varying number of outputs, a point that leads to the varargin and varargout constructs which in turn make use of the cell data type (discussed in more detail in the next section). We conclude this part of the course by just mentioning the MATLAB offers many more (more complicated) options for parallelizing the execution of code including accessing dedicated MATLAB clusters, deploying in UNIX clusters and targeting GPUs. Further to that, probably the most efficient way to speed up a piece of mature code after the prototyping stage has concluded in MATLAB is to rewrite it as a C (or Fortran) source file and interface to it using MATLAB's mex functionality PART 4. Interfacing with external data containers Using the Appropriate Data Type It is often the case that in order to do a computation one has to first obtain data that may exist in a different format. A typical example would be the case where the data are in an Excel datasheet. Furthermore, in such a case the data we encounter are very often heterogenous, e.g. there are numerical data together with text. In order to successfully work with such type of data we will need to extend our command on Data Types offered by MATLAB's to more than the numeric arrays seen so far. In this part of the course we go over such a typical (albeit grossly oversimplified) work scenario whereby we import data from an .xlsx file, do a bit of processing and then create a plot reporting on some property of the data that we have identified. In particular, in this part of the course we will go over: Cell arrays Interfacing with Excel Spreadsheets Structure arrays Multidimensional arrays Section 4.1 - Cell Arrays MATLAB allows the use of string variables: my_name = 'Timos'; my_surname = 'Papadopoulos'; What type of variables are my_name and my_surname? What are their dimensions? Can you manipulate the letters in the strings? What if we want to keep both variables in single matrix? Why do you get an error if you type my_full_name = [my_name;my_surname]; ? You could overcome that by: my_full_name = strvcat(my_name,my_surname); Again what type of variable is my_full_name? What are its dimensions? Can you manipulate the letters in it? What is the main disadvantage of using this method to keep string in an array? Another way would be to use a cell array, as will be shown in the following. Cell arrays are similar to standard matrices in the sense that they have dimensions in the same way as arrays, but they are more versatile containers as they can contain anything as elements: numbers, matrices strings, others cells, cells of other cells, structures, etc. How to create an empty 2x2 cell: simple_cell = cell(2,2); Now let's assign values to the each of the four elements. Remember, these can be anything. Notice that we are using curly brackets {}. This is how we index into cell contents and we will get to that in a few minutes. simple_cell{1,1} simple_cell{1,2} simple_cell{2,1} simple_cell{2,2} = = = = 5; 'Matlab'; [1 2 4]; {7;8;9}; Check whether the contents of the cell array that we have created are as expected. simple_cell simple_cell = [ 5] [1x3 double] 'Matlab' {3x1 cell} Because a cell array can contain different types of data stored in various array sizes, cell array indexing is a little more complex than indexing into a numeric or character array. There are two methods of accessing data in a cell: cell indexing and content indexing. The first returns a cell with the contents of the indexed range as elements. It is chosen with the parentheses operator (). The second returns the contents themselves (rather than the contents in a cell). It is chosen with the curly brackets operator {}. In the previous example of the simple_cell cell array: What do you get with the following expression? simple_cell(1,1) ans = [5] What do you get with the folloing expression? simple_cell{1,1} ans = 5 Can you explain the difference? Furthermore, how can we obtain: The letter 't' from the {1,2} element of the cell_array? The numerical matrix contained in the {2,1} element of the cell_array? Finally, how can we concatenate The contents of the {1,1} and {1,2} elements in a 2x1 cell array? The contents of the {1,1} and {2,1} elements in a 1x4 numerical array? The contents of the {2,1} and {2,2} elements in a 2x3 numerical array? Returning to the name/surname examples above, we can now see that the cell containing the name and surname strings will be created by: my_full_name = {my_name;my_surname} my_full_name = 'Timos' 'Papadopoulos' Section 4.2 - Interfacing with Excel Spreadsheets To give a practical example of the use of cells, we can import the list of attendants of last year's course from the course_list.xlsx MS Excel file. We can do that using the xlsread command. Try: [num1] = xlsread('course_list.xlsx','A5:I58'); [num2 txt2] = xlsread('course_list.xlsx','A5:I58'); [num3 txt3 course_cell_raw] = xlsread('course_list.xlsx','A5:I58'); All three of the above lines use xlsread. What is the difference between them? You can verify that the first output argument of xlsread returns only the numeric values in a numeric array, the (optional) second argument returnds only the string values in a cell array and the (optional) third argument returns all values in a cell array. We will work with the course_cell_raw output, so you can clear the others from the workspace. clear num* txt* Notice that xlsread also returns the contents of hidden excel cells and replaces them with NaN elements in the cell array output. Other formatted cells are also interpreted as NaN elements. Verify that this is indeed the case by comparing the cell array elements with the corresponding cells in the excel file. We would like to discard the rows of the cell array that have a NaN entry or a string element in their first column. But we would like to keep the first row of header strings as the first row of our cell. course_cell(1,:) = course_cell_raw(1,:); k = 2; for n = 2:size(course_cell_raw,1) if isnumeric (course_cell_raw{n,1}) if ~isnan(course_cell_raw{n,1}) course_cell(k,:) = course_cell_raw(n,:); k = k+1; end end end Alternatively you can use the short-circuit properties of the logical operator && to write course_cell2(1,:) = course_cell_raw(1,:); k = 2; for n = 2:size(course_cell_raw,1) if isnumeric (course_cell_raw{n,1}) && ~isnan(course_cell_raw{n,1}) course_cell2(k,:) = course_cell_raw(n,:); k = k+1; end end Now that we have successfully imported the data in an appropriate data container we can exemplify the plot of results. For instance, we can identify the groups of different entries in the 7th column of the cell array (corresponding to different Study Levels) and draw a pie-chart. [unique_strings, scrap1, scrap2] = unique(course_cell(2:end,7)); for n = 1:length(unique_strings) pie_data(n) = sum(strcmp(unique_strings{n},course_cell(2:end,7))); end % h = figure; pie(pie_data,unique_strings); Similarly for the 4th column of the cell array (corresponding to different departments). clear pie_data [unique_strings, scrap1, scrap2] = unique(course_cell(2:end,4)); for n = 1:length(unique_strings) pie_data(n) = sum(strcmp(unique_strings{n},course_cell(2:end,4))); end % h2 = figure; pie(pie_data,unique_strings); And a difficult one!!! (Vectorisation using cellfun). Try to create a bar plot of the YearOfStudy of those attendants for which such information is available and applies (i.e. not NaN and not string) temp_cell = course_cell(:,5); check_numerics = cellfun(@isnumeric,temp_cell); temp_index = find(check_numerics); temp_cell = temp_cell(temp_index); check_finites = cellfun(@isfinite,temp_cell); temp_index = find(check_finites); temp_cell = temp_cell(temp_index); bar([temp_cell{1:end}]) Section 4.3 - Stucture Arrays The course_cell example is a good point to introduce the structure array data type (and to practice in indexing and data arrangement in structure arrays) What is the main shortcoming in having the course list data in a cell array? ANSWER: We have limited ability of labelling and structuring the data (put simply, we would have to check the header cells everytime to verify which column of the cell holds which type of data). We can address this with the structure array data construct. Structures are MATLAB data constructs with named "data containers" called fields. The fields of a structure can contain any kind of data (much the same as was the case with cells). As with cells, structure arrays also have a specific syntax for indexing and organising data. The syntax for accessing an element is of the form struct(n,m,...).fieldname where the subscripts n, m, etc. determine the element of the array and fieldname the field. In the specific example considered here, the array is of dimensionality 45x1 so only one index is needed. In our case, the natural choice would be to have a structure with 9 fields having the (self-explanatory) fieldnames: ID Name Surname Department YearOfStudy Email StudiesLevel Phone Answer The structure should have a dimensionality of 45x1 to include all 45 persons in the list. We can do that in a number of ways: 1st Method - Using loops for n = 2:size(course_cell,1) CourseStruct(n-1).ID = course_cell{n,1}; CourseStruct(n-1).Name = course_cell{n,2}; CourseStruct(n-1).Surname = course_cell{n,3}; CourseStruct(n-1).Department = course_cell{n,4}; CourseStruct(n-1).YearOfStudy = course_cell{n,5}; CourseStruct(n-1).Email = course_cell{n,6}; CourseStruct(n-1).StudiesLevel = course_cell{n,7}; CourseStruct(n-1).Phone = course_cell{n,8}; CourseStruct(n-1).Answer = course_cell{n,9}; end 2nd Method - Using cell2struct CourseStruct2 = cell2struct(course_cell(2:end,:),course_cell(1,:),2)'; Again, picking subjects of the dataset and concatenating to appropriate simpler containers is possible. clear pie_data temp_cell = {CourseStruct(1:end).Department}; [unique_strings, scrap1, scrap2] = unique(temp_cell); for n = 1:length(unique_strings) pie_data(n) = sum(strcmp(unique_strings{n},course_cell(:,4))); end pie(pie_data,unique_strings); Section 4.4 - Multidimensional Arrays All the concepts described above for numerical arrays, cell arrays and structure arrays can be expanded to arrays of dimension higher than 2D. In such cases we use a number of indices equal to the dimensionality: That is, we would have num_array_3D(n,m,k), array_4D(n,m,k,l), etc. Similarly we would have cell_array(n,m,k) or cell_array{n,m,k} and struct_array(n,m,k).fieldnames. For example we could have a 2x2 array fashion. A(1,1,:) A(1,2,:) A(2,1,:) A(2,2,:) = = = = sin(linspace(0,10*pi,1000)); cos(linspace(0,10*pi,1000)); 2*sin(linspace(0,8*pi,1000)); 0.1*sin(linspace(0,4*pi,1000)); and a second 2x2 array B(1,1,:) B(1,2,:) B(2,1,:) B(2,2,:) = = = = which varies with time in a harmonic which varies with time as a decaying exponential. exp(-.05*[0:999]); zeros(1,1000); ones(1,1000); 2*exp(-.5*[0:999]); Many operations that work for 2D arrays work in the same manner for higherdimensional arrays. Such a case is the element-by-element dot-product C(t) = A(t).*B(t) C1 = A.*B; However, if we need to compute the algebraic matrix product cannot write C2 = A*B; (try it for yourselves). we Instead, we would have to either compute C2 in a slow for-loop for n = 1:size(A,3) C2(:,:,n) = squeeze(A(:,:,n))*squeeze(B(:,:,n)); end or we could try and vectorize for speed improvement C2(1,1,:) = squeeze(A(1,1,:)).*squeeze(B(1,1,:))+... squeeze(A(1,2,:)).*squeeze(B(2,1,:)); C2(1,2,:) = squeeze(A(1,1,:)).*squeeze(B(1,2,:))+... squeeze(A(1,2,:)).*squeeze(B(2,2,:)); C2(2,1,:) = squeeze(A(2,1,:)).*squeeze(B(1,1,:))+... squeeze(A(2,2,:)).*squeeze(B(2,1,:)); C2(2,2,:) = squeeze(A(2,1,:)).*squeeze(B(1,2,:))+... squeeze(A(2,2,:)).*squeeze(B(2,2,:)); (notice the need of reducing the dimensionality with squeeze) Having concluded the presentation of this material we can now go back to what was mentioned at the end of PART 3 about a variable number of input and output arguments in a function. Check the VarIOExample.m function file and see if you can make out what it does and how it does it. PART 5. Data Visualisation - Advanced plotting In this part of the course we start from the most basic form of a plotting a 2D graph and build on the concept of Graphic Object Handles to show (or rather just hint to) Data Visualisation capabilities of MATLAB. In the restricted time we have we try to introduce and explain as simply as possible: The hierarchy of graphics object The concept of "handles" to graphics objects The get and set methods The uicontrol interaction capabilities Section 5.1 - Graphic objects handles We have already come across 2D plots of a function using plot. In those cases we have overlaid more plots on the same figure, we added labels, legends, etc. Let's briefly go over these functionalities: x = [-2:0.1:2]; plot(x,x.^2) hold on; plot(x,x.^3,'r') xlabel('x') ylabel('f(x)') legend({'f1(x) = x^2','f2(x) = x^3'}) grid on What if want to create another plot on a separate figure? figure; x = linspace(-pi,pi,1000); plot(x,sin(x)) Now, if we want to change the color of the lines, or the position of the legend, or take the grid off etc, in the first figure? Since using commands like the ones above will affect the newly created figure, the only way to make changes on the first figure would be to that graphically. This can indeed be easy and convenient (make sure you have played a bit with the available options). But does this option cover all possible scenarios or does it come with limitations? What if I create a figure like that, edit it graphically to my liking by following a sequence of actions and then I want apply the same 'cosmetics' to another figure. I would have to repeat the same sequence again. Quite often there are cases where we need to process tens of figures in which case such an approac could be severely problematic, or even cases where a figure was created some time ago and now it has to be recreated, modified etc. A way to address these problems is to modify the figures programmatically in code. In such cases the code can be reexecuted, modified, copied etc. very conveniently in a scalable way. To achieve that we need a way to refer to specif figures and graphical obejcts in figures. This is achieved by using handles. Let's close the figures created previously (xan you spot the danger in this command?) close all ... and recreate the figures assigning handles x = (-2:0.1:2); hfig1 = figure; haxes1 = axes; hline1 = plot(x,x.^2); hold on; hline2 = plot(x,x.^3,'r'); xlabel('x') ylabel('f(x)') hleg1 = legend({'f_1(x) = x^2','f_2(x) = x^3'}); grid on hfig2 = figure; haxes2 = axes; x = linspace(-pi,pi,1000); hline3 = plot(x,sin(x)); get and set are commands that allow us to, respectively, inspect and change the Properties of a certain objects. The syntax is of the type set(obj_handle,'prop_name1',prop_value1,,'prop_name2',prop_value2,... ) and get(obj_handle,'prop_name') or get(obj_handle) for all properties of the specified object. Now to change the line color of the x.^2 plot in the first figure we need: set(hline1,'color','y') Observe that the legend changed accordingly Or we can do the same by: set(hline1,'color',[0 0 0]) To move the location of the legend we can do: set(hleg1,'location','North') To remove the grid from figure1 we can do: set(haxes1,'xgrid','on','ygrid','off') And to add x-axis grid and y-axis minor grid to figure2 set(haxes2,'xgrid','on','yminorgrid','on') Referring to the issue spotted above with clear all, we can now close each figure we choose separately close(hfig1) ... thus keeping the most recent 2nd figure before we close it at some later stage close(hfig2) If you have finished ahead the rest of the class and feel adventurous, lookup the help files and experiment with gca (get current axes) and gcf (get current figure). Check the Graphics Windows — the Figure section in MATLAB's documentation and see if you can familiarize yourself with the result you get from quering the 'children' property of the graphics objects you have created so far. Section 5.2 - Adding interaction to the figure In this section we add to the same figure as above a push button that changes the color of the lines in the figure. First we create the figure: x = [-2:0.1:2]; hfig1 = figure; haxes1 = axes; hline1 = plot(x,x.^2); hold on; hline2 = plot(x,x.^3,'r'); xlabel('x') ylabel('f(x)') hleg1 = legend({'f_1(x) = x^2','f_2(x) = x^3'}); Then we add the push button using the uicontrol command. The syntax of this command is similar to the set/get philosophy described above. That is, it takes as arguments pairs of properties and values. Observe that the interaction is effected by use of the 'callback' property which assigns the action taken when the button is pressed to the function change_color_button defined in the change_color_button.m file. As always, we want to keep a handle to the button in the hbutton output. hbutton = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','Units','Normalized',... 'Position',[0.6 0.2 0.2 0.1],'string','change color',... 'callback','change_color_button'); Check for yourselves what this does before closing it close(hfig1) What we did in this section is the basic building block of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). By building upon that one can quite easily and efficiently create such MATLAB GUIs for all kinds of experimental ... or demonstration purposes. Wrap Up Notes MATLAB is a working environment that presents a very gentle learning curve compared to other programming tools Its real power as a working environment lies in its very high level programming language To use it effectively it is very important to understand how functions work (workspace, path, scope precedence, debugger) It is very well documented, both in the help material maintained by MathWorks and in resources from the research community Vectorized code is a plus and preallocation in loops a must to avoid very slow execution (and other options exist sto speed it up) MATLAB comes with all kinds of possibilities for interfacing with other tools and programming platforms It offers easy and hustle-free access to data types capable to describe pretty much everything you would need (with a premium on resources requirements) One of its most strong point is the Interactive Data Visualisation options it offers which keeps expanding in every new release At least until the latest release (R2012b) it does not offer the option of completing your PhD Thesis on its own! (but it can help quite a bit...) Published with MATLAB® 7.13